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Dick Grasso Says Investors Shouldn't Panic

Dick Grasso Says Investors Shouldn't Panic

Former NYSE Chairman Dick Grasso spoke to FOX Business’ Neil Cavuto about yesterday’s Dow plummet and moving forward in the market, saying panicking is “the absolute worst thing investors can do.”

On the Dow dropping today due to panic and error:

“That (panicking) is the absolute worst thing investors can do.”

“We have to look at the market as a series of collateral events. The riots in the streets in Athens and unrest in EU community put a very sharp on valuations. You had several large errors occur in the systems. Since the market is so interconnected from an analytical point of view it triggers all the bells and whistles.”

“Individual investors need to take a deep breath, step back, ask yourself, Why are you in the market? It’s important to assess in periods like this and not react in knee jerk fashion.
There is always an opportunity to buy quality in periods like this.”

“People who thought they were buying the stock down at $25 in a quick gold rush will not get their goals completed.”


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