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Market Overview

And the winners in mobile are: Apple and Google


Robert Scoble of Scobleizer interviewed Michael Schneider, CEO of Mobile Roadie (watch video below) an “up and coming” app development platform. Schneider and Scoble discuss many mobile/smartphone trends and topics. Here’s a short excerpt;

Your mobile phone is really what your laptop was three or fours years ago … It’s really that powerful … As everyone says … geo-location … knowing where someone is, is so powerful … If you’re at a concert, you can send a promotion, a push notification (to those within rage of the event) … Authors, when they’re on a book tour, can choose a zip code or an address, and they can send a notification and say ‘I’m going to be at the Banes & Noble in Santa Monica’ and they can send it to people within a 5 mile radius.

I found Scoble’s conversation with Schneider quite interesting from a number of points of view:

  • Apple’s iPhone platform is the clear front-runner – far and above everyone else from a user experience
  • Google’s Android is coming on strong
  • Apple and Google will continue to grow their mobile share while other players remain mired in their own complexity
  • RIM and Nokia have a very long way to go from a developer’s perspective
  • What’s Nokia’s strategy besides suing Apple? Know one really knows
  • Native apps (on your phone) still offer critical user experience advantages versus HTML (cloud-based) apps

The preceding article is from one of our external contributors. It does not represent the opinion of Benzinga and has not been edited.


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