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Exclusive Interview With Tim Sykes

Exclusive Interview With Tim Sykes

Former hedge fund manager and author, Timothy Sykes, was nice enough to grant an exclusive interview. Tim famously turned $12,415 in Bar Mitzvah gift money into a fully audited pre-tax sum of $1.65 million while studying Philosophy at Tulane University. He also ran the hedge fund Cilantro Fund Management LLC, which was ranked number one Short Bias Hedge Fund from 2003 to 2006 by Barclays.

In addition, Sykes has published a book titled "An American Hedge Fund," and appeared as one of the protagonists in the television show, Wall Street Warriors. He also was named to Trader Monthly's 2006 "Top 30 under 30" list which lists some of the top financial traders under 30 years old.

Currently, Tim runs, which offers subscribers stock picks, and, which offers "honest reviews of all things financial." Below is the transcript of our interview.

Q: What was the genesis of the idea behind Investimonials?

A: That the vast majority of those in the finance industry are liars, cheats and frauds and I want to expose them...that and yes, there are some quality and great products too so it'd be cool to help traders and investors identify the good vs. bad so they don't become bitter and angry and lose a lot of $.

Q: What’s your goal for Investimonials? What do you hope it will change?

A: To revolutionize the entire world of finance putting a dent in scams and thievery and making email blasts, sales sheets and fake testimonials obsolete. I understand it's good business in finance to prey on the weak, gullible and greedy, but I think that approach is holding this industry back from true greatness. If firms, newsletters, commentators and brokers truly understood there would be repercussions to their actions, they would focus more on delivering quality tools and information first and foremost.

Q: What’s the first thing you check online when you wake up in the morning?

A: My own website because my subscribers wake up each morning excited by new trades and we all share ideas openly. I know brutally honest sharing in the stock market is a difficult concept to grasp, but we're a small niche hoping to grow exponentially in the coming years as our approach is just too right to ignore.

Q: Which do you like better, hedge fund manager or Internet entrepreneur?

A: Titles are for old women, in this day and age you need to seize opportunities no matter where or how they come about...whether it be a hypothetical smallcap company whose stock price does not reflect its longer term value of winning a multi-year contract with a blue chip company (more important than just the dollars since its more a vote of confidence) or you're like me and you see people getting suckered time and again by stock promoters who have been paid to lie about penny stocks (while hiding behind conflict of interest disclaimers) and you realize there is money to be made, and it's socially responsible money, to teach others how to identify this kind of manipulation.

Q: What is one tip you could offer our readers?

A: Assume everyone who works in the finance industry--from CEOs, VPs, brokers, newsletter writers, websites to bloggers, salespeople, analysts, investment gurus, commentators and fund managers--is guilty before innocent. I know this goes against our American ideals, but it's the sad reality that judging someone as guilty and making them prove that they are innocent will save you huge amounts of money over the years.

Q: How many hours a night do you sleep?

A: 4-6 hours...sleep is for wimps, frauds and those without purpose. I'm on a mission to clean up this industry's information pollution and it's going to be a long hard battle so sleep is a luxury I cannot afford and probably will never afford.

Q: Anything else?

A: Nope, thanks!


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