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NASDAQ Changes Trading Halt Status of Corus Bankshares, Inc.


NEW YORK, Sept. 14, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The NASDAQ Stock Market(R) (Nasdaq:NDAQ) announced today that the trading halt status in Corus Bankshares, Inc. (Nasdaq:CORS) was changed to "additional information requested" from the company. Trading in the company's stock had been halted today at 7:00:11 a.m. Eastern Time for "news dissemination" at a last sale price of $0.26. Trading will remain halted until Corus Bankshares has fully satisfied NASDAQ's request for additional information.

For news and additional information about the company, please contact the company directly or check under the company's symbol using InfoQuotes(SM) on the NASDAQ Web site.

For more information about The NASDAQ Stock Market, visit the NASDAQ Web site at


Media Contact:
Wayne Lee

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