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The EUR/USD Train Plows Onwards Through the Night

The EUR/USD Train Plows Onwards Through the Night

And there is no stopping it! Either the driver is highly experienced or already dead from an heart-attack and the vehicle is on automatic.

Everyone is partying, champion corks popping, smoking jackets on; everyone is having a good time.

Call me a big girl’s blouse but I got off a couple of stops ago.

Thought I would try and find a consumer who still had a living pulse.

What about tomorrow’s GBP releases at 4.30 am; EUR releases at 5.00am and the USD releases at 8.30am and 10.00am.

Does it matter? Everything is on the up and up.

Who mentioned lemmings? Not me squire.

Someone slap me across the face with a wet kipper.

I am beginning to sound like Nouriel Roubini.


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