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The Unrecovery Comes to Queens – A Fairy Tale


Here's a little fairy tale straight from the Unrecovery that most Americans are experiencing...

Like all good fairy tales, it's set in a land far, far away - in this case 36th Street in Sunnyside, Queens.

And of course, we'll need a Prince - how about 300 of them, unemployed men sleeping in tents on the street while lined up to fill out a union job application to fix elevators.

"But Josh," you may be saying, "what about magic?  It is a fairy tale, after all!"

Sure, here's some enchantment...750 guys will apply for this opportunity but only 100 of them will get the shot.  The other 650's hopes of employment will go Poof! right into thin air.  Magic!

If the above tale has transported you back to your childhood and you'd like to hear more, visit the New York Post at the link below...

Camp Desperation (NYP)

The preceding article is from one of our external contributors. It does not represent the opinion of Benzinga and has not been edited.


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