Mohit Manghnani

Mohit Manghnani

Benzinga Editor

Mohit is the Managing Editor for the Benzinga Breaking News Briefs team. He holds a degree in Accounting and Finance, and held roles in financial news and analysis for more than 13 years. Born in the U.A.E, he spent most of his early years in Dubai. ...
Last Week's Worst-Performing Stocks: Are These 11 Large-Cap Stocks In Your Portfolio?
Goldman Sachs Downgrades ZipRecruiter, Cites Limited Visibility Into Overall Hiring Environment
Bitcoin Is Spiking - Bitcoin ETF In Focus Again
Microsoft's Dual Focus: AI Chip Innovation and Expanding Gaming Presence with Activision Blizzard Acquisition
ExxonMobil Faces Political Headwinds: UK's Controversial Oil Field Approval and Iraq's Emphasis on Integrated Oil Development
Visa In the Digital Age: Regulatory Adaptations, Fintech Collaborations, and Staying Ahead of Digital Payment Rivals
Microsoft's AI Push: Cloudflare Collaboration, Bing's AI Chatbot, and Amadeus Partnership for Corporate Travel
Tesla's Bold Moves: Expanding in Thailand, Pioneering Manufacturing Techniques, and Advancing Humanoid Robotics
Apple's New Challenges: USB-C Adoption, Samsung Tie in Customer Satisfaction, and Honor CEO's Criticism
Walmart's Mixed News: Reduced Hours in Atlanta, Canadian Food Price Initiative, and Patent Infringement Case
Halliburton Under Scrutiny for $7.1M Equipment Trade With Russia, Eyebrows Raised
Disney's Mixed Bag: Economic Upside in Inflation, Declining TV Viewership, and Marvel VFX Workers Unionize
Microsoft's Challenging Week: Legal Scrutiny in EU, Teams Outages, and Security Enhancements for Windows 11
Walmart's Mixed Bag: Delivery Expansion, Legal Woes, and a Cautious Economic Outlook
Unanswered Questions In Microsoft's Cybersecurity, Elon Musk's OpenAI Concerns, And New AI Partnership
America Left In The Dust? Global Crypto Adoption Skyrockets In Lower Income Nations!
Ford Navigates National Security Concerns, Labor Talks, and Electric Truck Rivalry
Apple Faces Multiple Fronts: China Market Threats, iMessage Exclusivity, and iPhone 15 Leaks
Netflix in Hot Water: Content Shortages, DVD Giveaway Confusion, and Residuals Controversy
Meta's Global Challenges: India Compliance, EU Subscription Plans, and News Tab Termination