John Bolton Warns Of Potential Dangers In Trump's Second Term, Says Richard Nixon A 'Choir Boy' In Comparision

What Happened: On a Wednesday afternoon, John Bolton, the former National Security Advisor, voiced his concerns about a potential second term for former President Donald Trump. He expressed his worries during a conversation with former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. Bolton alluded to the possible irreparable harm that could befall the country, both domestically and internationally, if Trump were to regain power.

Bolton also expressed fears of potential misuse of power, particularly regarding the military and Justice Department along with other agencies, as Trump strives to maintain his hold.

Talking to Psaki, Bolton said Richard Nixon looks like a “choir boy” compared with Trump. He said, “People should wake up to the reality.”

Comparing Trump with other presidents, Bolton said, “Trump doesn’t have a policy agenda. He doesn’t have a philosophy other than the greater glorification of Donald Trump.”

Bolton also warned that a second Trump term could usher in a flurry of resignations due to conflicts with the administration and result in a “constitutional crisis.”

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Why It Matters: Bolton’s statement comes in the wake of heated discussions concerning Trump’s hypothetical second term. Recently, at a town hall event organized by Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Trump dismissed allegations about his potential second term resembling a dictatorship.

Ironically, President Joe Biden mocked Trump’s claims about transforming into a dictator during a fundraising trip in California, a part of his broader campaign effort for the upcoming elections.

Similarly, former Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, criticized Trump’s authoritarian tendencies, likening his actions to those of a dictator and dismissing his potential candidacy for the 2024 presidential race.

Photo via Shutterstock

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