Sorry Joe, New Poll Finds 56% Of Democrats Want A Nominee Other Than Biden In 2024; Do Republicans Want Trump To Run?

Zinger Key Points
  • Biden’s overall approval rating was 39%, with 54% of those polled indicating their disapproval of his performance.
  • The numbers were more severe in evaluating his management of the economy, with 36% approving and 57% disapproving.

A new poll finds that a clear majority of Democrats would prefer another presidential nominee in 2024, other than President Joe Biden.

What Happened: The latest poll from ABC News/Washington Post finds that 56% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents would prefer another candidate other than Biden in 2024. Only 35% said they want to see the president run for re-election.

Biden’s overall approval rating was 39%, with 54% of those polled indicating their disapproval of his performance. The numbers were slightly more negative in evaluating his management of the economy, with 36% approving and 57% disapproving.

When it comes to the potential of Donald Trump running for president in 2024, the poll found that Republicans and GOP-leaning independents are evenly divided on having him as their nominee. The results found 47% supporting Trump as their candidate, while 46% said they would prefer another Republican representing the party in 2024.

ABC conducted additional polling on a Biden-Trump race in 2024, finding that 48% of respondents would vote for Biden and 46% would support Trump. Although, the results for registered voters found that 48% backed Trump, while 46% chose Biden, showing a virtual tie in a potential face-off.

Also Read: 'I Made Him': Trump Calls DeSantis 'Ungrateful,' Wonders 'Why He Doesn't Appreciate Me More' 

What About the Mid-Terms: Focusing on the November elections, the survey found that the outcome will likely reflect the typical midterm losses for the president’s party. Among registered voters, 47% of Republicans are supporting their local House district candidate, while 46% of Democrats back their local congressional candidate.

The survey sampled 1,006 U.S. adults, including 908 registered voters, between Sept. 18 and Sept. 21.

Photo: Courtesy of Gage Skidmore on flickr

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