Russian President, Xi Jinping Pledge To 'Rejuvenate' China-Russia Ties Amid Ukraine Crisis: 'Not Directed Against Anyone'


Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have pledged to strengthen their countries’ relationship, with a focus on resolving the Ukraine crisis.

What Happened: The two leaders met in Beijing on Thursday to discuss a range of topics, including the Ukraine conflict, Asia, energy, and trade, reported Reuters. The meeting is part of Putin’s two-day state visit to China, where he has been welcomed by Xi, who has described China as a “good partner” of Russia.

“The China-Russia relationship today is hard-earned, and the two sides need to cherish and nurture it,” Xi said, adding that China is willing to “jointly achieve the development and rejuvenation of our respective countries, and work together to uphold fairness and justice in the world.”

The leaders signed a statement formalizing their strategic relationship, with both agreeing that a political resolution to the Ukraine crisis was the “right direction.”

“It is of crucial significance that relations between Russia and China are not opportunistic and are not directed against anyone,” said Putin according to Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency.

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Putin, who recently began his new six-year term, highlighted the importance of the Russia-China relationship as a stabilizing factor. He also emphasized that the partnership is not opportunistic or directed against any specific country.

Why It Matters: The meeting between Putin and Xi comes at a crucial time, as the Ukraine crisis continues to escalate. Just days before Putin’s visit to China in February 2022, he sent thousands of troops into Ukraine, sparking the deadliest land war in Europe since World War Two.

Despite Western sanctions on both Russia and China, the two countries have deepened their ties in recent years. This has been particularly evident in China’s support for Russia amid the Ukraine conflict, with Putin praising China’s approach to resolving the crisis.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has taken a firm stance against China, with President Joe Biden announcing significant tariffs on Chinese goods to protect American industries.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has also called for fair trade with China and urged other central banks to limit currency interventions.

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Posted In: NewsPoliticsGlobalChinaKaustubh BagalkoteRussiaVladimir PutinXi Jinping
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