Trump Follows DeSantis To Release New Book Featuring Notes From Celebrities, 'Love Letters' From Kim Jong Un

Zinger Key Points
  • The book will include letters written to Trump by celebrities, politicians and royals.
  • "Letters to Trump" is set to be released on April 25 and will cost $99.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump is following Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis by releasing a new book in the lead-up to the Republican primaries, although the latter has yet to officially announce his candidacy.

In his book called “Letters to Trump,” 150 notes written to the former president by celebrities, politicians, royals and business tycoons will be shown alongside Trump’s comments on the written exchanges, according to Axios.

The book will include a selection of letters from the thousands Trump saved over the course of four decades, with many written prior to his entering politics, when the then-celebrity and property magnate was popular amongst elites in the blue state of California.

What’s In The Letters

The book will contain letters from celebrities, including Oprah, who in 2000 she wrote, “Too bad we're not running for office. What a team!" as well as from talk show hosts Jay Leno and Regis Philbin.

Royals and politicians, such as the late Princess Diana, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy will also have letters they wrote to Trump featured in the book, which is set to be released April 25.

Not surprisingly, the $99 book also contains self-described-by-Trump “love letters” written by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, which were made public after being confiscated from Trump’s Mar-A-Lago estate by the FBI last year, according to Forbes.

Why It Matters

The collection of letters will provide a glimpse into Trump’s popularity prior to his presidency, while providing proof of Trump’s numerous claims that he was once adored by those who during his term as commander-in-chief publicly attacked him. The book will also provide Trump with new talking points to boast about on his Truth Social platform, where he is likely to point out some of the various letter-writers as hypocrites.

Read Next: Trump Vs. DeSantis - Latest Poll Shows Biggest Lead So Far Among GOP Voters, With One Candidate Ahead By 25%

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