The CBD Oral Care Market Appears Promising, But Lacks Conclusive Studies

The global oral care market is expected to reach $54.6 billion by 2023, according to Mordor Intelligence. A report issued by TechNavio in March predicts the global oral care market will register a CAGR of 3 percent by 2023.

At the same time, the CBD market is expected to boom across much of the globe. That includes the U.S., where New Frontier Data forecast that the hemp market will triple by 2022. Brightfield Group sees huge opportunities in Europe ,while individual market sectors are expected to boom.

CBD is now being integrated into the oral care market for humans and pets. Many believe it could serve as a viable option for gum and tooth issues. That said: is there really a need for CBD in oral care?

The Potential Benefits

Dr. George Anastassov is the founder of AXIM Biotech, a cannabis pharmaceuticals company. The company recently announced a new patent for CBD toothpaste.

CBD is an "excellent regulator" of immune response and is a strong antibacterial compound, Anastassov said in an email to Benzinga.

The belief that cannabis helps with immune response and serves as a strong antibacterial compound often stems from select studies. The most cited seems to be a 2008 analysis of five different cannabinoids in marijuana. The report stated, "these observations suggest that the prenyl moiety of cannabinoids serves mainly as a modulator of lipid affinity for the olivetol core, a per se poorly active antibacterial pharmacophore, while their high potency definitely suggests a specific, but yet elusive, mechanism of activity."

“CBD has anti-inflammatory properties which can be useful for oral pain relief in, for example, the case of gum infection," Anastassov said.

In other cases, CBD has been considered as an option to reduce anxiety. This method for easing patient stress appears more scientifically viable, as little research of cannabidiol and oral care presently exists.

One such person to research the subject is Dr. Chanda Macias. Macias is the CEO of the National Holistic Healing Center, which offers its own CBD line.

She wrote to Benzinga about her experience as a research scientist a Colgate-Palmolive Company CL.

"The most common oral diseases consist of gingivitis, tooth abscess and both canker and cold sores. The corresponding symptom of these ailments are pain and inflammation," Macias said.

"I have observed efficacy in patients with oral care diseases using CBD for pain relief and inflammation."

Do We Need CBD Oral Care Products?

With little official research, some may wonder if the market needs cannabis oral care products. With a slew of marijuana-centric products hitting shelves, are these items necessary?

The medical professionals who spoke to Benzinga all spoke to the merits of CBD in treating various patient ailments. They include Dr. Oludare Odumosu, the chief scientific officer and executive vice president of Ilera Healthcare's pharmaceutical division.

When discussing the potential efficacy CBD has in oral issues, Odumosu said CBD may enhance the body's capacity to protect itself against cavities and factors in decay while helping to repair damaged teeth and bone structures.

That said, he mentioned concerns of legitimacy in the nascent space.

"Please research the products you are investing in for your wellness and the companies behind the product. As with any fast-growing industry like the cannabis industry, there will be different players with all sorts of interests."

The National Holistic Healing Center's Macias said CBD products vary widely, and customer choices depend on their specific needs.

"Medicine is individualized, and the proper usage and dosage will vary from person to person."

What’s Next

The key to further validating CBD oral care products is testing.

"While there are still strong federal prohibitions around access, use and study of cannabis and cannabis-derived compounds, the hemp space is becoming less restrictive with the passage of the Farm Bill,” said Ilera Healthcare's Odumosu.

“The expectation is that the scientific community will move quickly and diligently with the permitted laws to provide clinically validated data that supports the clinical efficacy, safety and dosage for specific cannabinoid-based formulations and specific indications."

Related Links:

Cowen: CBD Market Could Reach $16B By 2025

The CBD Pet Edibles Market Shows Room For Growth, Improvement

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Posted In: CannabisHealth CareMarketsInterviewGeneralAXIM BiotechBrightfield GroupCBDIlera HealthcareMordor IntelligenceNew Frontier DataTechNavio
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