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Rebuttal to the Global Warming Skeptics


With the appearance on our blogs of another “attack” on anyone and everyone who wants to attempt to minimize the consequences of climate change, it appears to be necessary to confront the misinformed and/or malicious voices which have once again surfaced with respect to this issue.

In the particular rant which I just read, it was notable more for what was missing that what it contained. To begin with, there was no attempt to provide any facts (or even any cogent arguments) to attempt to dis-prove “global warming” - merely one naked assertion after another that nothing had been “proved”, along with personal attacks on the motives of various parties.

The even more glaring deficiency in this diatribe was the failure to even mention the words “rising sea levels”. While disappointing, it's not surprising that this “skeptic” refused to mention this issue – since this one topic, alone, provides an abundance of the “proof” which the “skeptics” claim does not exist.

Even more importantly, the moment we look at this issue, we encounter countless groups and governments embracing the doctrine of climate change – in circumstances where there could be no possible ulterior motive for doing so.

The examples are too numerous to possibly discuss (even partially) without writing an entire book. I invite all those who are curious to simply “Google” the phrase “rising sea levels”. What you will find are dozens of news items from every continent on Earth discussing the urgent (and costly) planning being undertaken by countless, local and national governments to deal with the problem of rising sea levels.

Much of this planning involves the building of dikes and other barriers to (attempt to) hold back rising water levels. This is not theory. This is not hype. It is an undeniable fact that sea (and water) levels have risen between 10 – 25 centimeters over the last century (4 – 10 inches), depending on location. Estimates are that sea levels could rise by 50 (20 inches) centimeters over the next century.

Global spending on flood-prevention infrastructure will almost certainly run into the trillions. Are we now to assume that all these governments are also “co-conspirators” in the “global warming hoax” - because they have the overwhelming urge to divert a huge portion of their (already-strained) budgets into building unnecessary dikes and barriers? What is the motive here? Perhaps it's the construction companies who have invented this entire “hoax” - just so they could reap all these big, infrastructure projects?

The preceding article is from one of our external contributors. It does not represent the opinion of Benzinga and has not been edited.


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