Commonwealth Business Bank Reports Fourth Quarter & Full Year 2015 Earnings


Commonwealth Business Bank ("CBB" or "Bank") CWBB today announced net income of $2.5 million for the fourth quarter of 2015, compared with $2.9 million for the third quarter of 2015 and $2.4 million for the fourth quarter of 2014. Diluted earnings per share were $0.30 for the fourth quarter of 2015, compared with $0.35 for the third quarter of 2015 and $0.29 for the fourth quarter of 2014. During the fourth quarter, the Bank incurred $864,000 of pre-tax core system conversion costs, or $0.06 per diluted common share on an after tax basis, compared to $29,000 in the third quarter and no expense in the year ago quarter.

The Bank announced net income of $11.3 million or $1.35 per diluted common share for the year ended December 31, 2015, compared with $11.2 million or $1.36 per diluted common share for the same period of 2014. For the year, CBB incurred $944,000 of pre-tax core system conversion costs, or $0.07 per diluted common share on an after tax basis.

"During the fourth quarter we made a significant investment in our core information system to better serve our customers. The majority of the implementation costs of the new system were expensed during the quarter, however we still achieved strong financial results," said Joanne Kim, President and CEO.

"In 2015 we also strengthened our executive management team to enable us to meet our strategic objectives of profitable growth and delivering maximum value to our customers, employees and shareholders," said Ms. Kim.



Quarterly Results Summary (Unaudited)

Three Months Ended Twelve Months Ended
December 31,

September 30,

% December 31, % December 31, December 31, %
  2015     2015   Change   2014   Change   2015     2014   Change
(Dollars in thousands, except per share information)
Net income $ 2,546 $ 2,933 -13.2 % $ 2,372 7.3 % $ 11,275 $ 11,174 0.9 %
Net income per diluted common share $ 0.30 $ 0.35 -14.3 % $ 0.29 3.4 % $ 1.35 $ 1.36 -0.7 %
Return on average assets 1.31 % 1.52 % -13.8 % 1.46 % -10.0 % 1.55 % 1.84 % -15.6 %
Return on average equity 11.31 % 13.58 % -16.7 % 12.56 % -9.9 % 13.44 % 15.96 % -15.8 %
Noninterest income/average assets 1.60 % 1.28 % ¹ 25.3 % 1.80 % ¹ -10.9 % 1.53 % 1.96 % ¹ -21.7 %
Pre-tax, pre-provision earnings/average assets 2.40 % 2.68 % -10.4 % 3.03 % -20.8 % 2.72 % 3.08 % -11.7 %
Noninterest expense/average assets 3.11 % 2.37 % ¹ 31.2 % 2.66 % ¹ 16.9 % 2.74 % 2.63 % ¹ 4.2 %
Efficiency ratio 56.44 % 46.95 % ¹ 20.2 % 46.69 % ¹ 20.9 % 50.23 % 46.09 % ¹ 9.0 %
Net interest margin 4.00 % 3.86 % 3.5 % 3.98 % 0.5 % 4.02 % 3.84 % 4.8 %

1. Restated due to the reclassification of certain SBA fees

Net income for the fourth quarter of 2015 decreased $387,000 compared to the prior quarter, and increased $174,000 over the fourth quarter of 2014. The quarter-over-quarter decrease was primarily driven by a $200,000 increase in the provision for loan losses and an $835,000 increase in core system conversion costs. Offsetting these items were a $296,000 increase in net interest income, a $532,000 increase in gains on sales of SBA loans and a $327,000 decrease in the provision for income taxes.

Net income for the twelve months ended December 31, 2015 increased $101,000, or 0.9%, to $11.3 million, compared with $11.2 million for the prior year. The increase was primarily due to a $5.7 million, or 24.7%, increase in net interest income, which was partially offset by an $878,000 increase in the provision for loan losses, an $867,000 decline in gains on sales of SBA loans and a $3.9 million increase in noninterest expenses. Included in the increase in noninterest expenses were $944,000 of non-recurring pre-tax core system conversion costs.

Net Interest Income and Net Interest Margin

Net interest income before provision for loan losses was $7.6 million for the fourth quarter of 2015, an increase of $296,000, or 4.1%, compared to $7.3 million for the prior quarter and an increase of $1.2 million, or 19.6%, compared to $6.3 million for the year ago quarter. These increases were primarily due to $19.1 million and $108.4 million increases, respectively, in average loan balances and 4 and 6 basis point increases, respectively, in loan yields. Net interest income before the provision for loan losses was $28.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2015, an increase of $5.7 million, or 24.7%, compared to $22.9 million for the same period in 2014. The annual year-over-year increase was primarily attributable to a $115.2 million increase in average loan balances and a 5 basis point increase in loan yields.

The net interest margin improved to 4.00% for the current quarter, from 3.86% in the prior quarter and 3.98% in the same quarter of 2014. The increase from the prior and year ago quarters was due to a 14 basis point increase in the yield on interest-earning assets to 4.72%, from 4.58% for the prior quarter and a 7 basis point increase in the yield on interest-earning assets from 4.65% for the year ago quarter. These increases were primarily driven by increases in the yield on loans. Our cost of funds remained unchanged at 0.80% quarter-over-quarter, but increased 5 basis points from 0.75% for the same period last year. The year-over-year increase in our cost of funds was due to a proportional increase in higher-cost time deposits. For the year ended December 31, 2015, our net interest margin increased 18 basis points to 4.02% from 3.84% in 2014. This increase was primarily driven by an 18 basis point increase in the yield on interest-earning assets. Our cost of funds for the current year was 0.79%, down 1 basis point from 0.80% in the prior year.

Noninterest Income

For the current quarter, noninterest income totaled $3.1 million, an increase of $643,000 and $178,000 from the prior and year ago quarters, respectively. The quarter-over-quarter increase was primarily due to a $532,000 increase in gains on sales of SBA loans and a $95,000 increase in SBA servicing income. The year-over-year quarterly increase was due to a $52,000 increase in gains on sales of SBA loans and a $73,000 increase in servicing income. For the year, noninterest income decreased $785,000 to $11.1 million from $11.9 million in 2014 primarily due to an $867,000 decrease in gains on sales of SBA loans. Annual average premiums on sales of SBA loans have declined to 10.58% in 2015 from 11.37% in the prior year.

During the fourth quarter of 2015, the Bank sold $33.8 million of SBA loans, compared with $24.6 million in the third quarter of 2015 and $26.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2014. For the full year 2015, the Bank sold $111.1 million of SBA loans, compared to $107.1 million in 2014. The amount of SBA loan sales varies based on the volume of loans we originate, our liquidity needs and market conditions.

Three Months Ended   Twelve Months Ended
December 31,   September 30,   %   December 31,   % December 31,   December 31,   %
  2015     2015   Change   2014   Change   2015     2014   Change
(Dollars in thousands) (Dollars in thousands)
SBA loans held-for-sale at beginning of the quarter $ 21,043 $ 25,286 -16.8 % $ 15,057 39.8 % $ 21,267 $ 18,524 14.8 %
SBA loans originated/transferred from held-for-investment during the quarter 30,676 20,534 49.4 % 33,214 -7.6 % 108,321 110,159 -1.7 %
SBA loans sold during the quarter (33,762 ) (24,594 ) 37.3 % (26,888 ) 25.6 % (111,134 ) (107,053 ) 3.8 %
SBA loans principal payment, net of advance   (148 )   (183 ) -19.1 %     (116 ) 27.6 %     (645 )   (363 ) 77.7 %
SBA loans held-for-sale at end of the quarter $ 17,809   $ 21,043   -15.4 % $ 21,267   -16.3 % $ 17,809   $ 21,267   -16.3 %
Gain on sale of SBA loans $ 2,333 $ 1,801 29.5 % $ 2,281 2.3 % $ 8,524 $ 9,391 -9.2 %
Premium on sale (weighted average) 9.47 % 10.40 % -9.0 % 10.89 % -13.0 % 10.58 % 11.37 % -7.0 %
SBA loan production $ 43,313 $ 28,213 53.5 % $ 45,306 -4.4 % $ 147,362 $ 157,662 -6.5 %

Noninterest Expense

Noninterest expense for the fourth quarter of 2015 was $6.0 million, an increase of $1.5 million, or 31.8%, from $4.6 million for the prior quarter and an increase of $1.7 million, or 39.4%, from $4.3 million in the same quarter last year. The quarter-over-quarter increase was primarily due to an $866,000 increase in data processing expense (of which $835,000 related to our core system conversion), a $141,000 increase in salaries and employee benefits and a $179,000 increase in marketing expenses. The year-over-year quarterly increase was primarily due to a $920,000 increase in data processing expense (of which $864,000 related to our core system conversion), a $676,000 increase in salaries and employee benefits and a $267,000 increase in marketing expenses. The increase in salaries and employee benefits was due to an increase in full time equivalent employees ("FTE") to 127 at the end of the current year compared to 103 at the end of 2014. The increases in staffing and core system conversion were needed to support business expansion and to strengthen our infrastructure. For the full year 2015, noninterest expense was $19.9 million, an increase of $3.9 million, or 24.2%, from $16.0 million for the prior year. The annual increase was primarily due to a $2.0 million increase in salaries and employee benefits, a $1.0 million increase in data processing expense (of which $944,000 related to our system conversion), a $305,000 increase in occupancy and equipment expense, and an increase of $275,000 in marketing expenses.

At or for the Three Months Ended   At or for the Twelve Months Ended
December 31, September 30, % December 31, % December 31, December 31, %
  2015     2015   Change   2014   Change   2015     2014   Change
(Dollars in thousands)
Salaries and benefits $ 3,319 $ 3,178 4.4 % $ 2,643 25.6 % $ 12,501 $ 10,510 18.9 %
FTE at end of period 127 119 6.7 % 103 23.3 % 127 103 23.3 %
Average FTE during the period 123 120 2.8 % 103 19.5 % 116 97 20.1 %
Salaries and benefit/average FTE $ 107 ¹ $ 103 ¹ 3.8 % $ 103 ¹ 3.8 % $ 108 $ 109 -0.9 %
Salaries and benefit/average assets 1.71 % 1.65 % 3.6 % 1.62 % 5.6 % 1.72 % 1.73 % -0.6 %
Noninterest expense/average assets 3.11 % 2.35 % 32.3 % 2.66 % 16.9 % 2.74 % 2.63 % 4.2 %

1. Annualized

Provision for Income Taxes

The provision for income taxes was $1.8 million, or an effective tax rate of 40.76%, compared to $2.1 million, or an effective tax rate of 41.48%, for the prior quarter and $1.8 million, or an effective tax rate of 42.61%, for the year ago quarter. For the full year 2015, the provision for income taxes was $8.0 million, or an effective tax rate of 41.39%, compared to $8.0 million, or an effective tax rate of 41.59% in the prior year.

Pre-Tax, Pre-Provision Income

For the fourth quarter of 2015, our pre-tax, pre-provision ("PTPP") income was $4.6 million, a decrease of $514,000, or 10.0%, from $5.2 million for the prior quarter and a decrease of $285,000, or 5.8%, from $4.9 million for the same quarter of 2014. Annualized PTPP income to average assets income decreased to 2.40% for the current quarter, compared with 2.68% and 3.03% for the prior and year ago quarters, respectively. For the twelve months ended December 31, 2015, PTPP income was $19.7 million, an increase of $983,000, or 5.2%, from $18.8 million in the prior year. PTPP income to average assets for current year decreased to 2.72% from 3.08% last year.

Three Months Ended  

Twelve Months Ended

December 31, September 30, % December 31, % December 31, December 31, %
  2015     2015   Change   2014   Change   2015     2014   Change
(Dollars in thousands)
PTPP income $ 4,648 $ 5,162 -10.0 % $ 4,933 -5.8 % $ 19,736 $ 18,753 5.2 %
Annualized PTPP/average assets 2.40 % 2.68 % -10.4 % 3.03 % -20.8 % 2.72 % 3.08 % -11.7 %
PTPP, excluding gain on sale of SBA loans $ 2,315 $ 3,361 -31.1 % $ 2,652 -12.7 % $ 11,212 $ 9,362 19.8 %


At December 31, 2015, the Bank had total assets of $786.4 million, an increase of $7.6 million, or 1.0%, from $778.8 million at September 30, 2015, and an increase of $133.0 million, or 20.3%, from $653.5 million at December 31, 2014. Earning assets totaled $765.7 million at December 31, 2015, an increase of $127.5 million, or 20.0%, from $638.2 million at December 31, 2014. The year-over-year increase in earning assets was mainly from a $97.4 million growth in total loans.

December 31,   September 30,   June 30,   March 31,   December 31,
  2015     2015     2015     2015     2014  
(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)
Assets $ 786,423 $ 778,807 $ 744,028 $ 703,891 $ 653,450
Loans receivable, net 641,145 640,687 587,917 581,655 539,810
Deposits 680,512 675,225 644,646 608,893 572,812
Tangible common equity/total assets 11.44 % 11.20 % 11.30 % 11.46 % 11.61 %
Tangible common equity per common share $ 11.06 $ 10.78 $ 10.40 $ 10.03 $ 9.77
Nonperforming assets to assets 0.90 % 0.91 % 1.01 % 1.13 % 1.25 %
ALLL to nonperforming assets 120.30 % 130.04 % 119.74 % 112.76 % 109.50 %
Nonperforming assets to tangible common equity and ALLL 7.21 % 7.36 % 8.11 % 8.89 % 9.66 %

Loans Receivable

The following table lists gross loans by type at the dates indicated:

December 31,


September 30,


June 30,


  March 31,



December 31,

(Dollars in thousands)
Construction $ 10,577 $ 7,938 $ 7,460 $ 5,616 $ 4,088
Commercial real estate 502,679 498,659 453,915 444,878 418,071
Commercial and industrial 131,869 140,194 131,144 136,231 122,861
Consumer   3,153       1,872     3,236     2,879     2,667  
Gross loans 648,278 648,663 595,755 589,604 547,687
Net deferred loan costs   1,413     1,262     1,201     1,046     1,100  
Gross loans, net $ 649,691   $ 649,925   $ 596,956   $ 590,650   $ 548,787  
Loans held-for-sale $ 17,809 $ 21,043 $ 25,286 $ 16,543 $ 21,267
Gross loans, net, including loans held-for-sale $ 667,500 $ 670,968 $ 622,242 $ 607,193 $ 570,054
Loan-to-deposit (LTD) ratio: 95.5 % 96.3 % 92.6 % 97.0 % 95.8 %
LTD ratio including loans held-for-sale 98.1 % 99.4 % 96.5 % 99.7 % 99.5 %

At December 31, 2015, gross loans including loans held-for-sale were $667.5 million, a decrease of $3.5 million, or 0.5%, from $671.0 million at September 30, 2015 and an increase of $97.4 million, or 17.1%, from $570.1 million at the end of last year. During the fourth quarter of 2015, total new loan production, including revolving lines of credit, was $76.4 million, compared to $113.4 million for the prior quarter and $99.9 million for the same quarter last year. The decline in the current quarter loan production was due to seasonal trends and increased market competition. For the full year 2015, total new loan production, including revolving lines of credit, was $361.5 million, compared to $344.0 million in 2014. As discussed earlier, during the current year we sold $111.1 million of SBA loans, compared to $107.1 million in 2014.


The following table sets forth the amount of deposits by category at the dates indicated:

December 31, 2015   September 30, 2015   June 30, 2015   March 31, 2015   December 31, 2014
Balance   %   Balance   %   Balance   %   Balance   %   Balance   %  
(Dollars in thousands)
Noninterest-bearing demand $ 163,385 24.0 % $ 145,348 21.5 % $ 140,284 21.8 % $ 134,999 22.2 % $ 125,893 22.0 %
Money market & NOW 133,343 19.6 % 141,722 21.0 % 134,731 20.9 % 143,313 23.5 % 152,503 26.6 %
Savings 8,845 1.3 % 7,354 1.1 % 7,482 1.2 % 7,345 1.2 % 8,805 1.5 %
Time deposits 374,939 55.1 % 380,801 56.4 % 362,149 56.2 % 323,236 53.1 % 285,611 49.9 %
Total Deposits $ 680,512   100.0 % $ 675,225   100.0 % $ 644,646   100.0 % $ 608,893   100.0 % $ 572,812   100.0 %
Cost of deposits for the quarter 0.79 % 0.79 % 0.76 % 0.76 % 0.75 %

Total deposits were $680.5 million at quarter end, an increase of $5.3 million, or 0.8%, compared to $675.2 million at the end of the prior quarter and an increase of $107.7 million, or 18.8%, compared to at the end of last year. Noninterest-bearing deposits grew $18.0 million, or 12.4% to $163.4 million during the quarter and increased $37.5 million, or 29.8%, from December 31, 2014. Noninterest-bearing deposits to total deposits were 24.0%, 21.5% and 22.0% at December 31, 2015, September 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014, respectively. Despite the proportional increase in noninterest-bearing deposits, our cost of deposits remained constant at 0.79% quarter-over-quarter and increased 4 basis points from 0.75% for the same quarter last year due to a higher proportional increase in higher-cost time deposits.


  December 31,   September 30, June 30,   March 31,   December 31,
  2015     2015     2015     2015     2014  
(Dollars in thousands)

Delinquent Loans:

Loans 30-89 days past due $ 175 $ 1,369 $ 92 $ 18 $ 83
90 days or more past due and still accruing - - - - -
Nonaccrual   2,878     2,682     1,930     2,162     2,175  

Total delinquent loans

$ 3,053   $ 4,051   $ 2,022   $ 2,180   $ 2,258  

Nonperforming Assets:

Over 90 days still accruing $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Nonaccrual loans ¹ 2,878 2,682 1,930 2,162 2,175
Performing TDR loans   4,341     4,422     5,619     5,815     6,023  
Total nonperforming loans   7,219     7,104     7,549     7,977     8,198  
Other real estate owned   -     -     -     -     -  
Total nonperforming assets $ 7,219   $ 7,104   $ 7,549   $ 7,977   $ 8,198  
Nonaccrual loans to gross loans 0.44 % 0.41 % 0.32 % 0.37 % 0.40 %
Nonperforming loans to gross loans (exc. LHFS) 1.11 % 1.09 % 1.26 % 1.35 % 1.49 %
Total nonperforming assets to total assets 0.92 % 0.91 % 1.01 % 1.13 % 1.25 %

Classified Loans: ¹

Substandard $ 7,056 $ 7,483 $ 6,471 $ 6,910 $ 7,110
Doubtful - - - - -
Loss   -     -     -     -     -  
Total classified assets $ 7,056   $ 7,483   $ 6,471   $ 6,910   $ 7,110  
Classified assets to total assets 0.90 % 0.96 % 0.87 % 0.98 % 1.09 %
Classified assets to Tier 1 and ALLL 7.16 % 7.75 % 6.95 % 7.70 % 8.38 %

1. Net of SBA guaranteed balance.

The increase in nonaccrual loans during the current quarter was primarily due to a single C&I loan with a net outstanding balance of $250,000 after a charge-off $1.2 million.

The allowance for loan losses at December 31, 2015 was $8.5 million, or 1.32% of gross loans excluding loans held-for-sale, compared to $9.2 million, or 1.42%, at September 30, 2015, and $9.0 million, or 1.64%, at December 31, 2014. The Bank recorded a $500,000 provision for loan losses in the current year, compared to a $378,000 negative provision for loan losses in 2014. The $500,000 provision for loan losses was primarily due to organic loan growth and an increase in the historical loss rate for C&I loans during the current quarter, which resulted from aforementioned charge-off.


Effective January 1, 2015, the federal banking regulators changed the ratios and ratio thresholds for capital evaluations to conform to the prompt corrective action and the Basel III capital rules. As of December 31, 2015, the impact of such changes on capital was minor and the Bank exceeded the regulatory capital requirements under the new Basel III capital rules to be classified as "well-capitalized."

Well-Capitalized       Well-Capitalized  


December 31,


September 30,



December 31,


Leverage ratio 5.00 % 11.68 % 11.40 % 5.00 % 11.75 %
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio 6.50 % 13.26 % 12.84 % N/A N/A
Tier 1 risk-based ratio 8.00 % 13.26 % 12.84 % 6.00 % 13.19 %
Total risk-based ratio 10.00 % 14.51 % 14.10 % 10.00 % 14.45 %


Commonwealth Business Bank is a full-service commercial bank also doing business as "CBB Bank," and specializes in small- to medium-sized businesses. CBB has five full service branches in Los Angeles and Orange Counties and four loan production offices in Texas, Georgia and Colorado.

For additional information, please visit CBB's website at


CBB may use certain non-GAAP financial measures to provide meaningful supplemental information regarding CBB's operational performance and to enhance investors' overall understanding of such financial performance. These non-GAAP measures have important limitations as analytical tools and should not be considered in isolation or as substitutes for an analysis of our results as reported under the GAAP.


This release may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not necessarily limited to, fluctuations in interest rates, inflation, government regulations and general economic conditions, and competition within the business areas in which Commonwealth Business Bank is conducting its operations, including the real estate market in California, and other factors beyond Commonwealth Business Bank's control. Such risks and uncertainties could cause results for subsequent interim periods or for the entire year to differ materially from those indicated. Readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, which reflect management's view only as of the date hereof. Commonwealth Business Bank undertakes no obligation to revise these forward-looking statements publicly to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.

(Dollars in thousands)
December 31, September 30, % December 31, %
  2015     2015   Change   2014   Change
Cash and due from banks $ 7,878 $ 7,118 10.7 % $ 5,874 34.1 %
Interest-earning due from FRB and other banks 88,951 80,077 11.1 % 56,901 56.3 %
Investment securities 4,363 4,485 -2.7 % 7,058 -38.2 %
Loans held-for-sale, at the lower of cost or fair value 17,809 21,043 -15.4 % 21,267 -16.3 %
Loans 649,691 649,925 0.0 % 548,787 18.4 %
Allowance for loan losses   (8,546 )   (9,238 ) -7.5 %   (8,977 ) -4.8 %
Loans receivable, net 641,145 640,687 0.1 % 539,810 18.8 %
FHLB & FRB stock 4,853 4,781 1.5 % 4,171 16.4 %
Other assets   21,424     20,616   3.9 %   18,369   16.6 %
TOTAL ASSETS $ 786,423   $ 778,807   1.0 % $ 653,450   20.3 %
Noninterest-bearing $ 163,385 $ 145,348 12.4 % $ 125,893 29.8 %
Interest-bearing   517,127     529,877   -2.4 %   446,919   15.7 %
Total deposits 680,512 675,225 0.8 % 572,812 18.8 %
FHLB advances 10,000 10,000 0.0 % - 100.0 %
Other liabilities   5,924     6,322   -6.3 %   4,772   24.1 %
Total liabilities   696,436     691,547   0.7 %   577,584   20.6 %
Stockholders' Equity   89,987     87,260   3.1 %   75,866   18.6 %
TOTAL LIABILITIES & STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY $ 786,423   $ 778,807   1.0 % $ 653,450   20.3 %
(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended Twelve Months Ended
December 31, September 30, % December 31, % December 31, December 31, %


2015 Change 2014 Change 2015   2014   Change
Interest income $ 8,917 $ 8,617 3.5 % $ 7,388 20.7 % $ 33,523 $ 27,113 23.6 %
Interest expense   1,355   1,351 0.3 %   1,065 27.2 %   5,011   4,251   17.9 %
Net interest income 7,562 7,266 4.1 % 6,323 19.6 % 28,512 22,862 24.7 %
Provision for loan losses   350   150 133.3 %   800 -56.3 %   500   (378 ) -232.3 %
Net interest income after provision for loan losses 7,212 7,116 1.3 % 5,523 30.6 % 28,012 23,240


Gain on sale of loans 2,333 1,801 29.5 % 2,281 2.3 % 8,524 9,391 -9.2 %
Service charges and other income   775   664 ¹ 16.7 %   649 ¹ 19.4 %   2,616   2,534   ¹ 3.2 %
Noninterest income 3,108 2,465 26.1 % 2,930 6.1 % 11,140 11,925 -6.6 %
Salaries and employee benefits 3,319 3,178 4.4 % 2,643 25.6 % 12,501 10,510 18.9 %
Occupancy and equipment 503 489 2.9 % 513 -1.9 % 1,968 1,663 18.3 %
Other expenses   2,200   902 ¹ 143.9 %   1,164 ¹ 89.0 %   5,447   3,861   ¹ 41.1 %
Noninterest expense 6,022 4,569 31.8 % 4,320 39.4 % 19,916 16,034 24.2 %
Income before Income Taxes 4,298 5,012 -14.2 % 4,133 4.0 % 19,236 19,131 0.5 %
Income tax provision 1,752 2,079 -15.7 % 1,761 -0.5 % 7,961 7,957 0.1 %
Net income $ 2,546 $ 2,933 -13.2 % $ 2,372 7.3 % $ 11,275 $ 11,174   0.9 %
Weighted average shares for basic EPS 8,103,456 8,091,332 0.1 % 7,758,086 4.5 % 8,030,258 7,731,154 3.9 %
Weighted average shares for diluted EPS 8,364,379 8,360,698 0.0 % 8,258,676 1.3 % 8,339,577 8,226,152 1.4 %
Basic EPS $ 0.31 $ 0.36 -13.9 % $ 0.31 0.0 % $ 1.40 $ 1.45 -3.4 %
Diluted EPS $ 0.30 $ 0.35 -14.3 % $ 0.29 3.4 % $ 1.35 $ 1.36 -0.7 %
Note: All earnings per share data, including weighted average common shares outstanding has been retroactively adjusted to reflect the 2:1 stock split in March 2015.

1. Restated due to the reclassification of certain SBA fees

(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended Twelve Months Ended
December 31, September 30, % December 31, % December 31, December 31, %
  2015     2015   Change   2014   Change   2015     2014   Change

Performance Ratios:

Return on average assets 1.31 % 1.52 % -13.8 % 1.46 % -10.3 % 1.55 % 1.84 % -15.6 %
Return on average equity 11.31 % 13.58 % -16.7 % 12.56 % -10.0 % 13.44 % 15.96 % -15.8 %
Net interest margin 4.00 % 3.86 % 3.6 % 3.98 % 0.5 % 4.02 % 3.84 % 4.8 %
Cost of funds 0.80 % 0.80 % 0.0 % 0.75 % 6.7 % 0.79 % 0.80 % -1.6 %
Efficiency ratio 56.44 % 46.95 % ¹ 20.2 % 46.69 % ¹ 20.9 % 50.23 % 46.09 % ¹ 9.0 %

Capital Ratios:

Core capital (leverage) ratio 11.68 % 11.40 % 2.5 % 11.75 % -0.6 % 11.68 % 11.75 % -0.6 %
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio 13.26 % 12.84 % 3.3 % 13.19 % 0.5 % 13.26 % 13.19 % 0.5 %
Total risk-based capital ratio 14.51 % 14.10 % 2.9 % 14.45 % 0.4 % 14.51 % 14.45 % 0.4 %
Tangible common equity / total assets 11.44 % 11.20 % 2.1 % 11.61 % -1.4 % 11.44 % 11.61 % -1.4 %
Tangible common equity per share $ 11.06 $ 10.78 2.6 % $ 10.03 10.3 % $ 11.06 $ 9.77 13.2 %

Selected Average Balances:

Gross loans, net ² $ 666,831 $ 647,725 2.9 % $ 558,405 19.4 % $ 624,870 $ 509,677 22.6 %
Total investment securities 4,448 7,331 -39.3 % 7,122 -37.5 % 5,945 7,298 -18.5 %
Interest-earning assets 749,850 745,895 0.5 % 630,793 18.9 % 708,506 596,080 18.9 %
Total assets 768,885 763,574 0.7 % 645,492 19.1 % 725,773 608,606 19.3 %
Noninterest-bearing deposits 140,452 131,954 6.4 % 126,204 11.3 % 126,424 106,166 19.1 %
Total deposits 662,374 661,463 0.1 % 565,690 17.1 % 626,666 534,247 17.3 %
Interest-bearing liabilities 531,922 539,509 -1.4 % 439,486 21.0 % 509,898 428,082 19.1 %
Stockholders' equity 89,271 85,667 4.2 % 74,899 19.2 % 83,894 69,992 19.9 %

1. Restated due to the reclassification of certain SBA fees
2. Includes loans held-for-sale.

(Dollars in thousands)
4th Qtr 3rd Qtr 2nd Qtr 1st Qtr 4th Qtr
  2015     2015     2015     2015     2014  

Allowance for Loan Losses:

Balance at beginning of period $ 9,238 $ 9,039 $ 8,995 $ 8,977 $ 8,860
Provision for loan losses 350 150 - - 540
Charge-offs 1,227 - 19 7 455
Recoveries   185     49     63     25     32  
Balance at the end of period $ 8,546   $ 9,238   $ 9,039   $ 8,995   $ 8,977  

Nonperforming Assets:

Over 90 days still accruing $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Nonaccrual loans ¹ 3,167 2,682 1,930 2,162 2,175
Performing TDR loans   4,341     4,422     5,619     5,815     6,023  
Total nonperforming loans   7,508     7,104     7,549     7,977     8,198  
Other real estate owned   -     -     -     -     -  
Total nonperforming assets $ 7,508   $ 7,104   $ 7,549   $ 7,977   $ 8,198  

Classified Loans:¹

Substandard $ 7,056 $ 7,483 $ 6,471 $ 6,910 $ 7,110
Doubtful - - - - -
Loss   -     -     -     -     -  
Total classified assets $ 7,056   $ 7,483   $ 6,471   $ 6,910   $ 7,110  

Delinquent Loans:

Loans 30-89 days past due $ 175 $ 1,369 $ 92 $ 18 $ 83
90 days or more past due and still accruing - - - - -
Nonaccrual   3,167     2,682     1,930     2,162     2,175  
Total delinquent loans $ 3,342   $ 4,051   $ 2,022   $ 2,180   $ 2,258  

Asset Quality Ratios:

Net charge-offs to average gross loans ² 0.62 % -0.03 % -0.03 % -0.01 % 0.30 %
Nonaccrual loans to gross loans 0.49 % 0.41 % 0.32 % 0.37 % 0.40 %
Total NPA to total assets 0.95 % 0.91 % 1.01 % 1.13 % 1.25 %
Classified assets to total assets 0.90 % 0.96 % 0.87 % 0.98 % 1.09 %
Classified assets to Tier 1 and ALLL 7.16 % 7.75 % 6.95 % 7.70 % 8.38 %
Nonperforming loans to gross loans (exc. LHFS) 1.16 % 1.09 % 1.26 % 1.35 % 1.49 %
ALLL to gross loans (exc. LHFS) 1.32 % 1.42 % 1.51 % 1.52 % 1.64 %
ALLL to nonaccrual loans 269.85 % 344.44 % 468.34 % 416.05 % 412.74 %
ALLL to nonperforming loans 113.83 % 130.04 % 119.74 % 112.76 % 109.50 %
Texas ratio ³ 7.62 % 7.36 % 8.11 % 8.89 % 9.66 %

(1) Net of SBA guaranteed balance.
(2) Includes loans held-for-sale.
(3) Nonperforming assets divided by tangible common equity and ALLL.

(Dollars in thousands)
Three Months Ended
December 31, 2015 September 30, 2015 December 31, 2014
Avg Balance Interest Yield Avg Balance Interest Yield Avg Balance Interest Yield
Loans ¹ $ 666,831 $ 8,746 5.20 % $ 647,725 $ 8,425 5.16 % $ 558,405 $ 7,229 5.14 %
Investment securities 4,448 22 1.96 % 7,331 37 2.00 % 7,122 40 2.23 %
Interest-earning due from FRB and other banks 73,735 59 0.32 % 86,058 60 0.28 % 61,095 51 0.33 %
Other earning assets   4,836     90 7.38 %   4,781     95 7.88 %   4,171     68 6.49 %
Total interest-earning assets 749,850 8,917 4.72 % 745,895 8,617 4.58 % 630,793 7,388 4.65 %
Cash and due from banks 7,274 7,324 6,680
Other noninterest-earning assets   20,535     19,411     16,889  
Total noninterest-earning assets 27,809 26,735 23,569
Less: Allowance for loan losses (8,774 ) (9,056 ) (8,870 )
TOTAL ASSETS $ 768,885   $ 763,574   $ 645,492  
Interest-bearing demand $ 1,026 $ - 0.15 % $ 1,271 $ - 0.15 % $ 621 $ - 0.15 %
Money market 135,415 306 0.90 % 138,731 318 0.91 % 153,864 361 0.93 %
Savings 8,071 37 1.82 % 7,408 35 1.87 % 9,224 50 2.15 %
Time deposits   377,410     970 1.02 %   382,099     957 0.99 %   275,777     654 0.94 %
Total interest-bearing deposits 521,922 1,313 1.00 % 529,509 1,310 0.98 % 439,486 1,065 0.96 %
Borrowings   10,000     42 1.65 %   10,000     41 1.65 %   -     - -  
Total interest-bearing liabilities 531,922 1,355 1.01 % 539,509 1,351 0.99 % 439,486 1,065 0.96 %
Noninterest-bearing deposits 140,452 131,954 126,204
Other liabilities 7,240 6,444 4,903
Stockholders' equity 89,271 85,667 74,899



$ 768,885   $ 763,574   $ 645,492  
Net interest income $ 7,562 $ 7,266 $ 6,323
Net interest spread 3.71 % 3.59 % 3.69 %
Net interest margin 4.00 % 3.86 % 3.98 %
Cost of funds 0.80 % 0.80 % 0.75 %

(1) Includes loans-held-for-sale.

MARGIN ANALYSIS (Twelve Months) (Unaudited)

(Dollars in thousands)



Twelve Months Ended

December 31, 2015

December 31, 2014

Avg Balance



Avg Balance





Loans ¹ $ 624,870 $ 32,765 5.24 % $ 509,677 $ 26,464 5.19 %
Investment securities 5,945 121 2.04 % 7,298 160 2.19 %
Interest-earning due from banks 73,083 222 0.30 % 75,041 227 0.30 %
Other earning assets   4,608     415 9.01 %   4,064     262 6.44 %
Total interest-earning assets 708,506 33,523 4.73 % 596,080 27,113 4.55 %
Cash and due from banks 6,992 6,356
Other noninterest-earning assets   19,232     15,121  
Total noninterest-earning assets 26,224 21,477
Less: Allowance for loan losses (8,957 ) (8,951 )
TOTAL ASSETS $ 725,773   $ 608,606  
Interest-bearing demand $ 1,027 $ 2 0.15 % $ 431 $ - 0.15 %
Money market 139,853 1,260 0.90 % 152,567 1,476 0.97 %
Savings 7,653 139 1.82 % 8,974 208 2.31 %
Time deposits   351,709     3,451 0.98 %   266,109     2,567 0.96 %
Total interest-bearing deposits 500,242 4,852 0.97 % 428,081 4,251 0.99 %
Short-term borrowings   9,656     159 1.65 %   1     - 0.39 %
Total interest-bearing liabilities 509,898 5,011 0.98 % 428,082 4,251 1.00 %
Noninterest-bearing deposits 126,424 106,166
Other Liabilities 5,557 4,366
Stockholders' equity 83,894 69,992
Net interest income $ 28,512 $ 22,862
Net interest spread 3.75 % 3.56 %
Net interest margin 4.02 % 3.84 %
Cost of funds 0.79 % 0.80 %

(1) Includes loans-held-for-sale.

Commonwealth Business Bank
Michael W. McCall
(323) 988-3144

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