CAMAC Energy Announces Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2014 Results


CAMAC Energy Inc. ("CAMAC" or the "Company") (NYSE MKT: CAK) announced today financial and operational results for the year ended December 31, 2014.

2014 Highlights:


The Oyo field averaged 1,300 barrels of oil per day (bbls/d). Oyo-8 was successfully drilled to a total depth of 6,059 feet, and encountered four new oil and gas reservoirs with a total gross hydrocarbon thickness of 112 feet, based on results from the logging-while-drilling data, reservoir pressure measurement, and reservoir fluid sampling. The Company commenced and is near completion of the Oyo field facilities expansion, which will allow for increased production from the Oyo development program. Flowlines and other subsea equipment from Oyo-5 and Oyo-6 were installed and tested on the Oyo-7 and Oyo-8 wells to facilitate the tie-in of production from the two wells.

CAMAC high-graded four of the prospects in OMLs 120 and 121 to drill-ready status, which target a combined 2,377 million barrels of oil, P50 recoverable resources. Three of these prospects will target the highly-prolific Miocene formation confirmed in the exploration portion of the previously drilled Oyo-7 development well. The Company plans to drill the first of these Miocene prospects in 2015 and is in active discussions with potential farm-in partners.

In December 2014, the Company entered into a contract with a unit of Transocean Ltd. for the drilling rig Sedco Express and is currently using this rig to horizontally complete the Oyo-8 well. The rig will then move to the Oyo-7 location to commence completion operations on the Oyo-7 well.


In April 2014, the Company signed a Petroleum Agreement relating to the Expanded Shallow Water Tano block located in the Tano Basin offshore Ghana. CAMAC signed the Joint Operating Agreement with its joint venture partners in January 2015. The Company has been named operator, holds a 30% interest, and has commenced work towards determining commerciality of the three previously-discovered fields. Additionally, in light of recent nearby discoveries and related regional play concepts, CAMAC is studying possible exploration targets in the block.


The Company made good progress in Kenya during 2014. An Environmental and Social Impact Study was initiated and completed in March 2014. Subsequently, 2-D seismic was acquired on offshore blocks L27 and L28 and on the onshore blocks L1B and L16. The Company has thus completed 2-D seismic acquisitions covering both offshore blocks, and both onshore blocks. These four blocks cover a total of nine million acres.

A regional geological and geophysical study on the L27 and L28 offshore blocks by Robertson Research is also ongoing and expected to be completed in mid-2015. The Company is currently making plans to acquire 2-D seismic on the offshore portion of block L-16, but has essentially satisfied the work obligations of the initial exploration period required by the licence agreement.


In April 2014, the Company completed a regional geology and geophysical study of offshore blocks A2 and A5. CAMAC's next step is to acquire 3-D seismic over the most promising areas and has contracted with Polarcus for the 3-D seismic acquisition. CAMAC is engaged in active discussions with the government of The Gambia to extend the exploration period of the licenses, which it believes will be successful, and is also in discussions with a potential partner to farm-out a portion of its rights under the licenses.

Results of Operations

For 2014, CAMAC reported a net loss of $96 million, or $0.08 per basic and diluted share. Revenues were $53.8 million, or $106.41 per barrel, on average production of 1,300 barrels of oil per day, net of royalties. There was no production in the fourth quarter 2014 due to the shut-in of Oyo-5 and Oyo-6 wells in preparation of tying-in Oyo-7 and Oyo-8 wells. Cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2014 was $25.1 million.

Year-End Reserves

The Company's total net proved oil reserves as of December 31, 2014 increased 6% to 9.1 million barrels (MMbbls), versus 8.5 MMbbls for the year-end 2013. The PV-10 of the net proved reserves increased 134% to $237.1 million compared to $101.30 at year-end 2013.

Conference Call

CAMAC will host a conference call today, March 12, 2015 at 10 a.m. CT (11 a.m. ET) to discuss full year and fourth quarter results, current operations and the Company's outlook for 2015. The dial-in number is 1 877-317-6789 in the United States or +1 412-317-6789 internationally. To access the live audio webcast, please visit the "Investors" section of the Company's website at

About CAMAC Energy

CAMAC Energy is an independent oil and gas exploration and production company focused on energy resources in sub-Saharan Africa. Its asset portfolio consists of nine licenses across four countries covering an area of 43,000 square kilometers, including current production and other exploration projects offshore Nigeria, as well as exploration licenses offshore Ghana, Kenya, and Gambia, and onshore Kenya. CAMAC Energy is headquartered in Houston, Texas. For more information about CAMAC Energy, please visit

Resource Estimates

This press release refers to prospective resources, including recoverable resources and resources in place. The Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") permits oil and gas companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only "reserves," as that term is defined under SEC rules. Prospective resources are those quantities of petroleum estimated, as at a given date, to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations by application of future development projects. Prospective resources have both an associated chance of discovery and a chance of development. Investors should not assume there will be any discovery associated with prospective resources, or that any discovery will be economically drillable or ever be upgraded into reserves.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, concerning activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, they involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, and these expectations may prove to be incorrect. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated or implied in these forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors, including the Company's ability to successfully finance, drill and develop the wells and prospects identified in this release and risks and other risk factors discussed in the Company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their respective dates. The Company undertakes no duty to update these forward-looking statements.



(In thousands, except per share amounts)
Years Ended December 31,
(Unaudited) 2013 2012
Crude oil sales, net of royalties $ 53,844 $ 63,736 $ 74,667
Operating costs and expenses:
Production costs 94,808 70,427 41,555
Exploratory expenses 14,283 5,501 3,236
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 23,756 16,875 51,002
General and administrative expenses   14,322   14,460   10,998
Total operating costs and expenses   147,169   107,263   106,791
Operating loss (93,325 ) (43,527 ) (32,124 )
Other income (expense):
Currency transaction gain (loss) 1,758 224 (22 )
Interest expense (4,383 ) (99 ) (117 )
Other, net   (358 )   (87 )   (443 )
Total other income (expense) (2,983 ) 38 (582 )
Loss from continuing operations before income taxes (96,308 ) (43,489 ) (32,706 )
Income tax expense   -   -   -
Net loss from continuing operations (96,308 ) (43,489 ) (32,706 )
Discontinued operations
Net loss from discontinued operations, net of tax - (36 ) (991 )
Gain on divestiture, net   -   -   4,160
Net (loss) income from discontinued operations - (36 ) 3,169
Net loss before non-controlling interests (96,308 ) (43,525 ) (29,537 )
Non-controlling interests - discontinued operations   -   -   8
Net loss before non-controlling interest from continuing operations (96,308 ) (43,525 ) (29,529 )
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest   246   -   -

Net loss attributable to CAMAC Energy Inc.

$ (96,062 ) $ (43,525 ) $ (29,529 )
Net (loss) income per common share attributable to CAMAC Energy Inc. - basic:
Continuing operations $ (0.08 ) $ (0.05 ) $ (0.05 )
Discontinued operations $ - $ (0.00 ) $ 0.01
Total $ (0.08 ) $ (0.05 ) $ (0.05 )
Net (loss) income per common share attributable to CAMAC Energy Inc. - diluted:
Continuing operations $ (0.08 ) $ (0.05 ) $ (0.05 )
Discontinued operations $ - $ (0.00 ) $ 0.01
Total $ (0.08 ) $ (0.05 ) $ (0.05 )
Weighted-average common shares outstanding:
Basic 1,168,468 878,710 628,101
Diluted 1,168,468 878,710 628,101
(In thousands)
As of December 31,
(Unaudited) 2013
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 25,143 $ 163
Restricted cash 1,496 -
Accounts receivable - partners 496 -
Accounts receivable - related party 624 1,650
Accounts receivable - other 54 86
Crude oil inventory 1,089 16,254
Prepaids and other current assets   2,929   232
Total current assets   31,831   18,385
Property, plant and equipment:
Oil and gas properties (successful efforts method of accounting), net 595,269 435,035
Other property, plant and equipment, net   1,060   752
Total property, plant and equipment, net   596,329   435,787
Other non-current assets
Restricted cash 8,909 -
Debt issuance costs 1,307 -
Other non-current assets   67   52
Other assets, net 10,283 52
Total assets $ 638,443 $ 454,224
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 108,047 $ 12,886
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities - related party 9,391 26,228
Asset retirement obligations 12,703 12,479
Current portion of long-term debt 6,200 -
Short-term notes payable - related party   -   6,496
Total current liabilities   136,341   58,089
Term loan facility 93,000 -
Long-term notes payable - related party 61,185 -
Asset retirement obligations 13,830 8,122
Other long-term liabilities   82   67
Total liabilities   304,438   66,278
Commitments and contingencies

Preferred stock $0.001 par value - 50,000,000 shares authorized; none issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively

- -

Common stock $0.001 par value - 2,500,000,000 shares authorized; 1,261,845,103 and 879,817,093 shares outstanding as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively

1,262 879
Additional paid-in capital 777,043 735,959
Accumulated deficit   (444,954 )   (348,892 )
Total equity - CAMAC Energy Inc. 333,351 387,946
Non-controlling interests   654   -
Total equity   334,005   387,946
Total liabilities and equity $ 638,443 $ 454,224
(In thousands)
Years Ended December 31,
(Unaudited) 2013 2012
Cash flows from operating activities
Net loss, including non-controlling interest $ (96,308 ) $ (43,525 ) $ (29,537 )
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to cash (used in) provided by operating activities:
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 21,590 14,640 49,963
Asset retirement obligation accretion 2,166 2,235 1,047
Amortization of debt issuance costs 147 - -
Related party liability offset (32,880 ) - -
Unrealized currency transaction (gain) loss (1,572 ) (224 ) 22
Share-based compensation 3,095 2,013 739
Dry hole costs - - (37 )
Gain on divestiture, net - - (4,160 )
Other (17 ) 16 55
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable 562 (3,046 ) 12,836
(Increase) decrease in inventories 14,512 (14,004 ) (1,483 )
(Increase) decrease in prepaids and other current assets (1,672 ) 156 649
(Increase) decrease in other non-current assets (15 ) - -
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued liabilities   56,845   5,114   (20,660 )
Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities   (33,547 )   (36,625 )   9,434
Cash flows from investing activities
Capital expenditures (128,510 ) (602 ) (3,576 )
Allied transaction (170,000 ) - -
Proceeds from divestiture, net - - 2,364
Decrease in other assets - - 465
Proceeds from the sale long-term investments   -   -   1,966
Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities   (298,510 )   (602 )   1,219
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from the issuance of common stock 270,000 - -
Proceeds from the exercise of stock options 415 - 3
Proceeds from term loan facility 100,000 - -
Debt issuance costs (2,082 ) - -
Proceeds (repayments) of note payable - related party, net 10,649 4,350 (5,128 )
Funds restricted for debt service (10,405 ) - -
Allied Transaction adjustments (12,440 ) 29,234 (15,331 )
Funding from non-controlling interest   900   -   -
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities   357,037   33,584   (20,456 )
Effect of exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents - - (17 )
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 24,980 (3,643 ) (9,820 )
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year   163   3,806   13,626
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year $ 25,143 $ 163 $ 3,806
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information
Cash paid for:
Interest, net $ 8 $ 99 $ 117
Contingent consideration stock $ - $ - $ 890
Supplemental disclosure of non-cash investing and financing activities:
Non-subsidiary common stock received as partial proceeds from divestiture, net $ - $ - $ 1,877
Related party accounts payable, net, settled with related party notes payable $ (32,880 ) $ 1,274 $ -
Non-cash gain from asset retirement obligation extinguishment $ - $ 5,833 $ -
Change in asset retirement obligation estimate $ 3,766 $ - $ -
Net assets contributed by parent $ - $ 61,205 $ 190,925

CAMAC Energy Inc.
Christopher D. Heath, 713-797-2945
Director, Corporate Finance and Investor Relations
Lionel C. McBee, 713-797-2960
Manager, Corporate Communications

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