PharmaCyte Biotech Exploits Potential Of Its Cell-in-a-Box(R) Technology; Targets Billion Dollar Cancer, Diabetes, and Medicinal Cannabinoid Markets

Soulstring Media Group covers how this emerging biotech can become a potential leader in treating pancreatic cancer and diabetes with its Cell-in-a-Box(R) technology

Miami Beach, Florida--(Newsfile Corp. - February 6, 2020) - For investors interested in finding undervalued opportunity, PharmaCyte Biotech may be a stock to watch as the company positions itself to potentially create enormous shareholder from its ongoing development of cellular therapies targeting cancer and diabetes. Just last week, PharmaCyte PMCB announced that its pancreatic cancer therapy utilizing proprietary live-cell technology passed critical FDA-required "release testing" as a prerequisite for a planned Investigational New Drug (IND) filing. It was a significant development in the progress of the company's proof of concept studies.

Importantly, these "release tests" demonstrate that the technology and product are safe, functional, and well-tolerated by trial participants, a trifecta of events that pushes PharmaCyte closer to requesting a Phase2b clinical trial targeting inoperable pancreatic cancer (LAPC) in trial sites throughout North America. And, while that news is positive and worthy of increased investor attention for the LAPC application alone, the important takeaway is that the same live-cell encapsulation technology can be genetically engineered to treat additional high-value market opportunities, including diabetes and other cancers.

The developing pipeline and already proven safety and functionality profile of the exclusively licensed Cell-in-a-Box® technology is bringing attention to the company. And, with a market cap of roughly $73 million, the expected value from expanding its clinical trial and from an anticipated IND filing can provide near-term catalysts that could drive higher market valuation. Moreover, those gains would be earned on merit, instead of hype.

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New Live-Cell Technology Activates A More Effective Chemotherapy

PharmaCyte is taking an innovative approach in the fight against cancer and diabetes. The methodology behind the company's cellulose-based live-cell encapsulation technology, referred to as Cell-in-a-Box®, is more than impressive. In fact, it is paving the way for this California based biotechnological company to demonstrate its expertise by developing a multi-purpose platform of targeted therapies for multi-million dollar treatment markets.

Thus, looking solely at the recent news of its promising effectiveness against inoperable pancreatic cancer may be too one-dimensional. The long-term value from the technology can get generated by integrating live-cell encapsulation technology to treat multiple diseases, diabetes, and other illnesses arising from cell mutation. Thus, recognizing the broader applications of the value the Cell-in-a-Box® technology makes this prize asset more valuable.

Moreover, with PharmaCyte already well-entrenched into developing the technology for real-world applications that often meet an unmet medical need, the timeliness of the product is attracting the attention of both caregivers and hopeful patients. In fact, for many terminally ill patients, the encapsulating of genetically engineered human cells are showing a unique ability to convert inactive chemotherapy drugs into active "cancer-killing" engines.

An example of the power behind the technology again turns to pancreatic cancer, where PharmaCyte has shown that these implanted encapsulated cells can enter the blood supply and deliver a potent delivery of cancer fighting medications. Moreover, with the circulatory system of the patient providing delivery of treatment near the tumor site, the value of the drug may be strengthened. In a case study, PharmaCyte has shown that its technology can take a chemotherapy drug, like ifosfamide, allow it to flow through pores in the encapsulated cells and trigger the live-cells to act as a "bio-artificial liver" that can activate the chemotherapy drug at the site of the cancer. And, while the treatment sounds complex, targeted chemotherapy has been proven to be both safe and effective in past clinical trials which can help to eliminate FDA concerns moving into later company-sponsored clinical trials.

The Mechanism of Live-Cell Encapsulation

While the results are showing tremendous promise, the mechanism behind those results is also attracting caregiver attention for its potential universal disease treatment applications. In simplest terms, PharmaCyte develops live (genetically engineered) cells and encloses them in protective capsules no larger than the size of the head of a pin. After the encapsulation process, the live cells remain safe and well protected from attacking cancer cells, however, because the capsule allows for blood to penetrate its microscopic pores to nourish these live cells, the tablet establishes an immunity profile that is resistant to new diseased cell attacks.

From a design perspective, the PharmaCyte "capsule" was created in such a way that it can resist the intrusion of unwanted mutated cells, primarily from the patient's own cells being larger than the capsule. Also, any escape of the capsule's contents, which could also be a concern because of lost potency value, is limited due to the pronounced size of the live cells.

Together, the design and functionality of the technology is demonstrating that targeted therapy, especially from a chemotherapy drug delivery perspective, is getting closer to bringing therapeutic hope to terminally ill patients. That ability to target and treat disease may put PharmaCyte at a competitive advantage over some of its clinical-stage rivals and potentially drive quicker review processes from regulatory drug approval agencies.

Promising Results In Pancreatic Cancer Study

Perhaps the most compelling case for the use of PharmaCyte's technology is that it can deliver a powerful cancer-fighting punch close to the source. While not widely known to those that are not health care professionals, a substantial part of the treatment fight is lost because the drug intended to treat specific cancer does not make it to the affected area before losing much of its therapeutic power. This is a typical result of many cancer-killing drugs having a relatively short biological half-life. PharmaCyte recognized this limitation and reacted.

PharmaCyte was able to turn a shortfall into a potential windfall by exclusively licensing its Cell-in-a-Box® technology. More directly, their studies have shown that its platform can convert an inactive chemotherapy drug into an active cancer-killing agent. For its case study, PharmaCyte chose pancreatic cancer as its target, where they encapsulated roughly 10,000 genetically engineered live cells that were pre-designed and programmed to convert chemotherapy prodrugs into cancer-killing form through tiny pinhead capsules.

In that study, the chemotherapy prodrug (ifosfamide) was administered intravenously and then activated by a "bio-artificial liver" that brought treatment at the site of the cancer. The controlled dosage of the ifosfamide allowed for more effective delivery of the drugs therapeutic intent by maintaining a higher level of potency compared to standard delivery methods. The PharmaCyte treatment also benefits from the patient's circulatory system, which facilitates the delivery of therapeutic agents to pass through the capsule's pores. And, as noted earlier, the practice of targeted chemotherapy has proven to be as effective as it is safe.

Notably, PharmaCyte is addressing a significant market. Accordingly, the company has methodically blended design, functionality, and manufacturing processes to prepare for new applications to the FDA as they plan for additional clinical trials. Sadly, estimates indicate that roughly 57,600 new diagnoses of pancreatic cancer will be found in 2020, and approximately 47,000 patients that have the disease are expected to die from its effects in the US alone. Thus, finding new ways to combat the disease is of critical importance, which may inherently allow for fast-track designations and expedited clinical trial application approvals. Either, or both, can facilitate value for PharmaCyte.

Diabetes Market Offers Powerful Potential

Beyond the powerful platform that PharmaCyte is developing to treat cancers, the company is also targeting treatment toward the diabetes market. The company's therapy to treat patients with Type 1 diabetes and insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetes again utilizes the encapsulation of a human cell line that gets genetically engineered to produce, release, and regulate insulin levels in a patient by reacting to the patient's levels of blood sugar.

The PharmaCyte approach to treatment utilizes a process that involves the use of genetically modified liver cells, stem cells, and beta islet cells to treat diabetes. Similar to its pancreatic cancer treatment platform, the therapy incorporates an encapsulation process that also uses the Cell-in-a-Box® technology. Again benefiting from pre-programmed and bio-engineered processes, the encapsulated cells that get implanted in a diabetic patient are designed to function as a "bio-artificial pancreas" for purposes of insulin production.

Providing a means to create insulin can positively impact the more than 100 million patients that are now living with diabetes. Compounding the complications for Type 1 patients is that the pancreas' islet cells are commonly destroyed, making it virtually incapable of insulin production. For Type 2 patients, the body has become somewhat immune to the effects of insulin.

And, although Type 1 diabetes can be artificially regulated with an insulin pump, and Type 2 can often be managed through diet and exercise in its early stages, a better treatment can be a financial windfall. To that end, PharmaCyte is studying how the implementation of genetically modified liver cells, stem cells, and beta islet cells can regulate the effects of diabetes. Also using its Cell-in-a-Box® technology, the encapsulated genetically engineered cells get implanted in the diabetic patient with a pre-designed function to serve as an artificial pancreas. This implanted capsule will be programmed with the capability to produce, store, regulate, and release insulin in the patient's body depending on his/her glucose levels. Considering the technology from a different angle, it's appropriate to conclude that PharmaCyte is on the verge of creating a pancreas in capsule form. Notably, an impressive accomplishment.

And, combining with the at least two well-rooted clinical programs developing for treatment for cancer and diabetes, there's more to the PharmaCyte story.

The Power of Cannabinoids

Although the word cannabis has been a buzzword used by companies to grab attention, only a small handful of companies are actually doing very much in the space to exploit its medicinal value. PharmaCyte is working hard to become included in the "active" group.

The past few years have helped to usher in a change in perception with even the staunchest opponents of legalization agreeing that the plant provides potent therapeutic benefits. The shifting attitudes and municipal tolerance of the drug are allowing cannabis to make considerable inroads toward becoming a mainstream product used to alleviate not only chronic pain but to also provide comfort to those with conditions like cerebral palsy and pain associated with certain cancers. Moreover, the drug has proven effective in curbing the severe effects of irritable bowel syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, and inflammatory bowel disease.

PharmaCyte believes that with its Cell-in-a-Box® targeting technology, it can trigger reactions that serve to activate cannabinoid molecules to aid in the development of treatments for a wide range of conditions and diseases. And, as space gets crowded by companies that claim to have engaged a strategy to incorporate cannabinoids into an effective treatment, the truth is is that very few companies have the technical expertise to deliver the active ingredients directly to the treatment area.

Some companies are studying the value of using a prodrug to direct the treatment, but, while they consider potential actions, PharmaCyte may already be in a position to exploit a competitive advantage against its peers through a combination of cannabinoids and live-cell encapsulation technology. The effort behind PharmaCyte's cannabinoid program is to develop and bring to market unique therapies that target recurring and difficult to treat cancers like that of the brain. If successful, the therapy could become a billion-dollar franchise.

Exclusive License From Austrianova

The cannabinoid program got its start after acquiring an exclusive license from Austrianova to utilize the power of the Cell-in-a-Box® technology in combination with genetically modified non-stem cell lines. These cell lines have been designed to activate cannabinoid molecules to development treatments for chronic diseases and their related symptoms. Unlike competitors trying to find a niche, PharmaCyte may already be two steps ahead of its peers with its plans to combine the Cell-in-a-Box® live-cell encapsulation technology with cannabinoids to develop a novel therapy targeting the treatment of difficult-to-treat and deadly forms of cancer. At the same time, PharmaCyte is using prodrug technology in ways that optimize their anticancer properties while minimizing or even eliminating adverse side effects that generally occur during chemotherapy treatment.

What is making itself known about potential treatment options is that cannabinoid-based chemotherapy utilizing the Cell-in-a-Box® technology brings to the patient a "green" approach to treating solid-tumor malignancies. In other words, the therapy becomes far less toxic, perhaps even entirely eliminating toxicity concerns and side-effects. Moreover, having the ability to place a capsule in proximity to the tumor so that a cancer prodrug can be activated already mimics the company's efforts with LAPC. Thus. the only difference is that instead of a patient ingesting traditional and mostly toxic agents, the cancer prodrug will be cannabinoid-derived.

Although the therapeutic cannabinoid industry is still in its infancy with a lot to absorb in terms of therapeutic value, PharmaCyte is actively pursuing the advantages of including a combined cannabinoid and live-cell technology program to its pipeline arsenal. That initiative may ultimately put PharmaCyte far closer to providing clinical benefit to patients than competitors who flaunt flashy headlines but lack a working platform from which to deliver the drug.

Finding Value In An Emerging Company

Although it often takes a deep dive into a company's infrastructure to determine hidden value, the PharmaCyte opportunity showed itself after uncovering a multi-faceted clinical study ambition that can deliver enormous financial rewards. Further, although assembling a team of research and development experts does not necessarily translate into tangible dollar valuations, it does eventually play a role in the ultimate success of a company. And, with PharmaCyte flush with experience and a commitment to bringing to market products that improve the quality of life in diverse markets, the company is aggregating the right pieces at the right time that can contribute mightily toward near-term growth.

Behind the brand, the PharmaCyte team has already earned recognition and certifications in the field of oncology, physiology, and anesthesiology. Moreover, with a Cell-in-a-Box® platform that has the potential for mass adoption and potentially lucrative licensing deals, the company may soon extend its reach to a global stage. Although growth won't happen overnight, for those willing to embrace a company that is laying the framework for long-term growth through innovative science and technology, PharmaCyte may represent a compelling investment opportunity at current levels.

And, with a diverse pipeline, investors may get three bites of three different billion-dollar market opportunities, where the Cell-in-a-Box® technology can prove it's worth many times over.

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Kenny Ellis
Soulstring Media Group

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