Hecla Reports Drilling Successes at Casa Berardi, San Sebastian, Greens Creek and Nevada

Hecla Mining Company HL today provided an update on its drilling programs during the first quarter.


There were up to 20 drills operating at 5 mines, all in North America.

Casa Berardi:

  • High-grade extensions defined two zones in the upper East and West Mines for potential new underground mining areas.
  • The high-grade 113 Zone may link or intersect the western limit of the 118 Zone to define a significant resource area.

San Sebastian:

  • Potential increase of oxide mine life through upgraded resource in the Middle Vein.
  • Near-surface oxide mineralization defined at the new El Toro (South) over 5,000 feet along strike and from surface to 450 feet of depth.

Greens Creek:

  • Expanding high-grade, near-surface resources at the East Ore and Upper Plate zones and upgraded resources in the NWW and Southwest zones in the central part of the mine.
  • Drilling in the southern part of the mine on the 200 South Zone has upgraded resources and added to mineralized trends in that area.


  • Some high-grade intersections at Fire Creek along trend of primary veins and new vein extensions identified.
  • Underground drilling at Hollister has confirmed and expanded mineralization in the West Gloria and identified new mineralization to the north.

"We have been successful in discovering high-grade mineralization at Casa Berardi, San Sebastian, Greens Creek and in Nevada," said Mr. Phillips S. Baker, Jr., President and CEO. "Our focus at Casa Berardi is increasing underground reserves and as expected, we are seeing the underground resource continuing as the exploration moves east. In Mexico, the discovery of additional oxide resources at San Sebastian could extend the mine life. At Greens Creek we could see reserve increases again this year as the resources are upgraded. In Nevada, one of our main reasons for the acquisition is being proved with many high-grade intercepts."


Exploration (including corporate development) expenses were $4.4 million for the first quarter, a $3.0 million decrease over the first quarter of 2018. Exploration activities remained focused at Nevada Operations and at San Sebastian, Casa Berardi and Greens Creek.

Casa Berardi – Quebec

During the first quarter, up to six underground drills were used to refine stope designs, expand reserves and resources in the 113, 118, 123, 124, 128, 139, 152 and 160 zones and confirm further potential at depth and to the east and west (Figure 1). An aggressive underground drilling program has begun with the goal of upgrading and expanding resources in several promising areas and potentially extending the underground mine production. Up to three drills on surface completed in-fill and exploration drilling at the West Mine Crown Pillar (WMCP), the 128 Zone and at depth of the Principal Pit and the deeper potential below the 160 Pit (Figure 2). This drilling is concentrated on high-grade extensions below currently defined pits that could potentially be mined from underground or could expand the WMCP pit.

The 113 Zone has been a prolific historic mining center and recent underground development has provided a platform to evaluate the eastern-plunge of these high-grade lenses from the 1010-level within the West Mine. Initial drilling has been encouraging with intersections containing multiple structures with veins and strong alteration. There is potential at depth for the 113 Zone to intersect or link with the 118 Zone to the east.

High in the mine, drilling of the 118 and 124 zones from the 430-level continue to show the potential to extend and increase the grade in the Principal area. Recent drill intersections of the 118 Zone at 1200 feet from surface include 0.19 oz/ton gold over 15.3 feet and 0.53 oz/ton over 3.6 feet. At depth, drilling of the western extension of the 118 Zone from the 990-level exploration drift confirmed the continuity of multiple mineralized lenses to the west and at depth outside the current resource boundary. Recent intersections including 0.20 oz/ton gold over 9.8 feet suggest an extension of the resources of over 350 feet below the 1200-level.

Drilling of stacked, high-grade lenses of the 123 Zone is defining a connection between them over 1,900 feet of strike length and over 3,600 feet down-dip below the 1070-level (Figure 3). In the upper part of the 123 Zone, step-out drilling from the 750-level to the west shows the continuity of high-grade mineralization down-plunge for 400 feet and remains open to the west. Drilling has defined the east extension of the 124 Zone from the 430-level that is down-plunge of the Principal pit mineralization. Recent drill intersections below the 290-level include 0.19 oz/ton gold over 6.6 feet and continues to show the down-dip potential of the 124 lenses to the east and at depth.

Drilling below the proposed Principal Pit on the 128 Zone has defined a series of high-grade, steeply-plunging lenses that have been defined vertically for over 600 feet and extend from surface to below the 290-level (Figure 3). Drill intersections, including 0.24 oz/ton gold over 5.2 feet and 1.25 oz/ton gold over 1.6 feet, have extended the resource 300 feet and recent step-out drilling suggests the high-grade mineralization is open at depth and to the east. Further east, drilling of the 139 Zone south of the Casa Berardi Fault is showing mineralization is almost continuous between the West and East mines.

Exploration drilling of the 152 Zone at the west extent of the East Mine is evaluating the underground potential of the area between the 148 Zone and depth extensions of the 160 Zone. Intersections of 0.28 oz/ton gold over 2.8 feet and 0.17 oz/ton gold over 9.8 feet suggest the mineralization could link the zones together and provide additional deeper exploration potential. Underground drilling from the ramp at the 455-level, is currently targeting the down plunge of these results. Definition drilling continues at the 300-level of the East Mine to refine the depth extensions of the 160 Zone below the pit shells. Drilling has defined multiple lenses that include discrete quartz veins and massive sulfide styles of mineralization that contain good gold grades. This mineralization is steeply plunging to the west and is open to depth.

Drilling of the WMCP to evaluate the open-pit potential to the west of the West Shaft has upgraded the inferred resource to reserves that are part of a newly-defined open pit reserve announced with the year-end reserve update. The drill recent results also show that the near-surface, mineralized structures extends beyond the western extent of the WMCP pit and could result in an expansion of the pit.

In the second quarter of 2019, underground drilling in the West Mine is planned to evaluate the lower extensions of the 113 and 118 zones. Surface and underground drilling is expected to expand and refine the 124-128 zones closer to surface. In the East Mine drilling of the 148, 152 and 160 zones should refine and expand resources that have underground mining potential. These targets reflect the numerous opportunities (Figure 4) to extend mineralization defined in the pits, or near surface, to depth and potential underground mining.

More complete drill assay highlights from Casa Berardi can be found in Table A at the end of the release and a presentation showing drill intersection locations is available by copying and pasting the following URL into your Internet browser: http://ir.hecla-mining.com//interactive/newlookandfeel/4130678/Hecla_Q1-2019_ExplorationUpdate.pdf.

San Sebastian - Mexico

During the quarter, two core drill rigs and one reverse circulation (RC) drill operated at San Sebastian on surface. In addition, one underground drill rig completed in-fill drilling in the central and upper portions of the oxide zone along the Middle Vein. Surface exploration drilling was directed toward shallower oxide mineralization along the recently discovered El Toro (South) Vein and West Francine Vein (Figure 5). At the Middle Vein, in-fill drilling within the oxide (100, 101 and 104) zones intercepted vein intervals with similar grade and width to the previous exploration drilling results and will provide important data to guide stope design. Strong drill results include 206.5 oz/ton silver and 0.79 oz/ton gold over 6.1 feet and 49.8 oz/ton silver and 0.25 oz/ton gold over 6.7 feet. This drilling has upgraded resources and could add oxide mine life at San Sebastian.

The El Toro (South) Vein is located approximately halfway between the Andrea Vein resource area to the southeast and the Esperanza Vein to the northwest (Figure 5). Based on its location and orientation, this vein may represent the link between these two known veins with a total prospective strike length of over eight miles. Near-surface mineralization has been defined by core drilling for over 5,000 feet along strike and from surface to 450 feet of depth and includes intersections of 0.16 oz/ton gold and 24.1 oz/ton silver over 5.8 feet and 0.35 oz/ton gold and 21.4 oz/ton silver over 4.2 feet (Figure 6). Recent drill intercepts have identified veins that are up to 25 feet wide containing bands of sulfide mineralization. To the south, the El Toro vein has been fault-offset to the east and remains strong and open to the south. A new vein is located about 125 feet in hanging wall of the El Toro Vein and recent intersections include 0.26 oz/ton gold and 18.0 oz/ton silver over 9.5 feet. Recently one core rig has moved from the West Francine Vein to El Toro Vein to accelerate the drilling in this area.

At the West Francine Vein, located about 1,000 feet west of past drilling on the Francine Vein, recent drilling continues to intersect narrow, high-grade veins that has defined mineralization about 450 feet along strike. A recent drill hole at the eastern end returned narrow, high-grade intervals including 0.05 oz/ton gold and 70 oz/ton silver over 1.65 feet. Mineralization in this area is open laterally and at depth and follow-up drilling in this area is programmed later in the year. Drilling will continue during the second quarter to evaluate near-surface oxide mineralization at the El Toro (South) Vein area. An RC drilling program recently began to test geochemistry targets around the El Toro Vein discovery and along the Esperanza to Andrea Vein Corridor (Figure 7).

Separately, a bulk sample is proceeding on the polymetallic mineralization along the Francine Vein. The material from the bulk sample will be used for metallurgical studies and a viability test of the nearby Excellon Mill, where the processing of sulfide ores from San Sebastian is planned.

More complete drill assay highlights from San Sebastian can be found in Table A at the end of this release and a presentation showing drill intersection locations is available by copying and pasting the following URL address into your Internet browser: http://ir.hecla-mining.com//interactive/newlookandfeel/4130678/Hecla_Q1-2019_ExplorationUpdate.pdf.

Greens Creek – Alaska

At Greens Creek, drilling in the first quarter and strong assay results from previous drilling have upgraded and expanded the 200 South, East Ore, NWW, Upper Plate, 9A, and Southwest zone resources (Figure 8). In the East Ore Zone, intersections from drilling in the middle and the north end of the resource confirmed mineralization. Strong assay results included 20.52 oz/ton silver, 0.05 oz/ton gold, 4.20% zinc and 1.19% lead over 21.9 feet and 64.04 oz/ton silver, 0.27 oz/ton gold, 6.46% zinc and 2.36% lead over 7.6 feet (Figure 9). Drilling of targeted gaps between modeled ore zones intersected mineralization that compares well in thickness and location to existing trends. Mineralization is still open higher up in the mine. Drilling is planned to continue upgrading this resource throughout 2019.

Drilling of the 200 South Zone confirmed three flat-lying, high-grade lenses that are folded to the west and has enabled portions of bench mineralization below historic mining to be upgraded to an indicated resource category and potentially incorporated into the Life of Mine plan. Recent drilling included 6.87 oz/ton silver, 0.25 oz/ton gold, 15.70% zinc, 5.39% lead over 25.9 feet and 27.66 oz/ton silver, 0.42 oz/ton gold, 4.25% zinc, and 2.31% lead over 14.4 feet.

Near the mine portal elevation, drilling of the Upper Plate Zone to the northwest has defined at least two flat-lying zones that are folded to the east. Recent drill results include 42.15 oz/ton silver, 0.02 oz/ton gold, 10.84% zinc and 4.86% lead over 16.5 feet along the upper ore band and 93.59 oz/ton silver, 0.39 oz/ton gold, 4.95% zinc and 2.38% lead over 5.5 feet in the lower band. Definition drilling results indicate the upper and mineralization horizon thickens toward the Southwest D Fault from the east and the lower horizon extends up to 150 feet further than modeled also towards the Southwest D Fault.

Drilling continued at the southern end and lower portion of the NWW Zone, filling in a gap between the two ore zones. Results from recent drilling include 29.90 oz/ton silver, 0.16 oz/ton gold, 4.89% zinc and 2.74% lead over 11.4 feet and 16.87 oz/ton silver, 0.11 oz/ton gold,16.07% zinc and 9.41% lead over 7.2 feet. The drilling shows the mineralization is generally contained within argillites with a precious metal-rich zone identified west of the current resource and a base metal-rich zone (16-20% zinc) extending beyond the current resource. Drilling of the NWW Zone will continue through the first half of 2019. Drilling north of the Southwest Zone targeted an area between the Southwest and NWW zones. Recent drill results include 77.18 oz/ton silver, 0.57 oz/ton gold, 8.05% zinc and 3.94% lead over 7.5 feet and 94.33 oz/ton silver, 0.40 oz/ton gold, 12.22% zinc and 4.83% lead over 7.0 feet suggest possible continuity of high-grade mineralization between the current resources.

Definition drilling in 2019 will focus on the East Ore, Northwest West, and 9A zones. Exploration drilling in 2019 will target the southern extension of the 200 South Zone and the Deep Southwest. Definition drilling in 200 South Zone is planned to continue to mid-2019 and drilling of the Upper Plate has stopped but is expected to resume in the fourth quarter.

More complete drill assay highlights from Greens Creek can be found in Table A at the end of this release and a presentation showing drill intersection locations is available by copying and pasting the following URL address into your Internet browser: http://ir.hecla-mining.com//interactive/newlookandfeel/4130678/Hecla_Q1-2019_ExplorationUpdate.pdf.


Fire Creek

The 2019 underground drill program at Fire Creek is designed to upgrade and expand resources at Spirals 2, 3, 4 and 9 and the Titan and North zones (Figure 10). There were up to four drill rigs operating underground at Fire Creek in the first quarter with definition drilling focusing the southern up-dip of Spiral 2 of the Vein 39 and Joyce mineralization in advance of sill development, on upper portions of Spiral 3 along the Honey Runner, Karen, Hui Wu and Joyce structures, and the lower and upper portions of Spiral 4. The focus of the drilling was to upgrade resources as underground exploration drilling is anticipated for later in the year.

The Spiral 2 drilling targeted the up-dip, southern extents of Vein 39 and Joyce veins. Drilling on Vein 39 encountered strong alteration in the structures but overall weak assays. The Joyce program identified continuous veins with moderate grades, but the best results occurred along Vein 40 which is a ladder vein between Vein 39 and Joyce. Drill intersections of Vein 40 include 0.80 oz/ton gold over 7.5 feet and 2.24 oz/ton gold over 1.1 feet.

Drilling targeting up-dip veins in the Spiral 3 area intersected mineralization that is characterized by large, low-grade zones that contain narrow, high-grade structures with some continuity. For example, drilling along the Honeyrunner structure returned grades of 0.17 oz/ton gold over 30.7 feet that contained an interval of 0.40 oz/ton gold over 2.0 feet (Figure 11). Other intersections in Spiral 3 within strongly argillized basalts include 0.97 oz/ton gold over 5.0 feet (Vonnie Vein) and 0.27 oz/ton gold over 11.9 feet (Karen Vein). Drilling in the vein dominated zone was successful in upgrading the model in the 5350 timber raise area. Drilling from Haulage 3, in combination with mapping and channel sampling in the Spiral 4 development, indicate that mineralization of the Joyce, Vonnie and Vein 06 is along the margins of multiple north-striking, steeply-dipping dikes. Drilling to date indicates that this mineralization is dominated by a strong clay (argillite) alteration with semi-continuous, high-grade calcite/quartz veining in structural zones.

Drilling of the Joyce structural system continues beyond the modeled resource including high-grade drill intercepts such as 1.28 oz/ton gold over 2.2 feet and 1.11 oz/ton gold over 1.7 feet (Figure 12). Drilling on the Vonnie Vein had intersections including of 0.18 oz/ton gold over 11.1 feet and 0.29 oz/ton gold over 5.4 feet. Other veins not included in the life of mine intercepted 0.97 oz/ton gold over 0.7 feet and 0.76 oz/ton gold over 1.2 feet on Vein 3 and 0.26 oz/ton gold over 13.6 feet on Vein 64. Underground drill programs are proposed to upgrade resources and evaluate new targets throughout the mine (Figure 13).

Surface permits are being finalized to begin drilling on the Zeus, Kronos, Titan, Far View and Guard Shack targets to extend mineralization of known resources near the mine.


Up to two rigs were active in the West Gloria area during the first quarter with mine development and preparations proceeding to evaluate East Clementine and Hatter Graben (Figure 14). At West Gloria the drilling program from the end of the 5265-level targeted down-dip extensions of high-grade intersections of the Gloria Veins to the west and north (Figure 15). This drilling intersected parallel structures to the north of the Gloria Vein and confirmed that mineralization is stepping to the northwest as suggested by mapping of vent breccia/sinters on surface. Drilling below the level defined high-grade veins about 100 feet below high-grade intersections (0.32 oz/ton gold, 6.1 oz/ton silver over 11.6 feet) drilled late in 2018. In-fill and step-out drilling is planned to determine the continuity and extent of these higher-grade veins. Further east on the 5265-level drilling intersected mineralization (0.77 oz/ton gold and 10.9 oz/ton silver over 3.3 feet) about 60 feet above current workings. Additional drilling is planned in what is interpreted as the upward extension of an east plunging mineralized zone that is still open up-dip and to the west.

A long exploration drillhole to the north targeted interpreted structures north of the Gloria veins. Three zones of quartz-calcite veins and multiple intervals of crackle breccia and stockworks were intersected including an intersection of 0.38 oz/ton gold and 20.16 oz/ton silver over 2.5 feet. Near the end of the of the hole adularia alteration was observed which suggests proximity to epithermal mineralization. A second down-hole is planned to test below these intercepts.

Drilling is in progress on a 1,500-foot geotechnical hole in the Hatter Graben decline (Figure 16). The drill rig is then expected to drill exploration holes targeting the 181, 233, 234 and 243 veins. Definition drilling to upgrade resources in the West Gloria, 5190 Pump Chamber, East Clementine and 5278 areas has begun. Surface permits are being finalized to begin drilling to extend the Hatter Graben resource beginning in the second quarter.

More complete drill assay highlights from Nevada (Fire Creek and Hollister) can be found in Table A at the end of this release and a presentation showing drill intersection locations is available by copying and pasting the following URL address into your Internet browser: http://ir.hecla-mining.com//interactive/newlookandfeel/4130678/Hecla_Q1-2019_ExplorationUpdate.pdf.


Founded in 1891, Hecla Mining Company (((HL) is a leading low-cost U.S. silver producer with operating mines in Alaska, Idaho and Mexico, and is a growing gold producer with operating mines in Quebec, Canada and Nevada. The Company also has exploration and pre-development properties in eight world-class silver and gold mining districts in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward Looking Statements

Statements made or information provided in this news release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. Words such as "may", "will", "should", "expects", "intends", "projects", "believes", "estimates", "targets", "anticipates" and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. The material factors or assumptions used to develop such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information include that the Company's plans for development and production will proceed as expected and will not require revision as a result of risks or uncertainties, whether known, unknown or unanticipated, to which the Company's operations are subject.

Forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected, anticipated, expected or implied. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, metals price volatility, volatility of metals production and costs, litigation, regulatory and environmental risks, operating risks, project development risks, political risks, labor issues, ability to raise financing and exploration risks and results. Refer to the Company's Form 10K and 10-Q reports for a more detailed discussion of risk factors that may impact expected future results. The Company undertakes no obligation and has no intention of updating forward-looking statements other than as may be required by law.

Cautionary Statements to Investors on Reserves and Resources

Reporting requirements in the United States for disclosure of mineral properties are governed by the SEC and included in the SEC's Securities Act Industry Guide 7, entitled "Description of Property by Issuers Engaged or to be Engaged in Significant Mining Operations" (Guide 7). Although the SEC has recently issued new rules rescinding Guide 7, the new rules are not binding until January 1, 2021, and at this time the Company still reports in accordance with Guide 7. However, the Company is also a "reporting issuer" under Canadian securities laws, which require estimates of mineral resources and reserves to be prepared in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101). NI 43-101 requires all disclosure of estimates of potential mineral resources and reserves to be disclosed in accordance with its requirements. Such Canadian information is included herein to satisfy the Company's "public disclosure" obligations under Regulation FD of the SEC and to provide U.S. holders with ready access to information publicly available in Canada.

Reporting requirements in the United States for disclosure of mineral properties under Guide 7 and the requirements in Canada under NI 43-101 standards are substantially different. This document contains a summary of certain estimates of the Company, not only of proven and probable reserves within the meaning of Guide 7, but also of mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates estimated in accordance with the definitional standards of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum referred to in NI 43-101. Under Guide 7, the term "reserve" means that part of a mineral deposit that can be economically and legally extracted or produced at the time of the reserve determination. The term "economically", as used in the definition of reserve, means that profitable extraction or production has been established or analytically demonstrated to be viable and justifiable under reasonable investment and market assumptions. The term "legally", as used in the definition of reserve, does not imply that all permits needed for mining and processing have been obtained or that other legal issues have been completely resolved. However, for a reserve to exist, Hecla must have a justifiable expectation, based on applicable laws and regulations, that issuance of permits or resolution of legal issues necessary for mining and processing at a particular deposit will be accomplished in the ordinary course and in a timeframe consistent with Hecla's current mine plans. The terms "measured resources", "indicated resources," and "inferred resources" are Canadian mining terms as defined in accordance with NI 43-101. These terms are not defined under Guide 7 and are not normally permitted to be used in reports and registration statements filed with the SEC in the United States, except where required to be disclosed by foreign law. The term "resource" does not equate to the term "reserve". Under Guide 7, the material described herein as "indicated resources" and "measured resources" would be characterized as "mineralized material" and is permitted to be disclosed in tonnage and grade only, not ounces. The category of "inferred resources" is not recognized by Guide 7. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the mineral deposits in such categories will ever be converted into proven or probable reserves. "Resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of such a "resource" will ever be upgraded to a higher category or will ever be economically extracted. Investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of a "resource" exists or is economically or legally mineable. Investors are also especially cautioned that the mere fact that such resources may be referred to in ounces of silver and/or gold, rather than in tons of mineralization and grades of silver and/or gold estimated per ton, is not an indication that such material will ever result in mined ore which is processed into commercial silver or gold.

Qualified Person (QP) Pursuant to Canadian National Instrument 43-101

Dean McDonald, PhD. P.Geo., Senior Vice President - Exploration of Hecla Mining Company, who serves as a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the scientific and technical information concerning Hecla's mineral projects in this news release. Information regarding data verification, surveys and investigations, quality assurance program and quality control measures and a summary of sample, analytical or testing procedures for the Greens Creek Mine are contained in a technical report prepared for Hecla titled "Technical Report for the Greens Creek Mine, Juneau, Alaska, USA" effective date December 31, 2018, and for the Casa Berardi Mine are contained in a technical report prepared for Hecla titled "Technical Report for the Casa Berardi Mine, Northwestern Quebec, Canada" effective date December 31, 2018 (the "Casa Berardi Technical Report"), and for the Lucky Friday Mine are contained in a technical report prepared for Hecla titled "Technical Report on the Lucky Friday Mine Shoshone County, Idaho, USA" effective date April 2, 2014, and for the San Sebastian Mine are contained in a technical report prepared for Hecla titled "Technical Report for the San Sebastian Ag-Au Property, Durango, Mexico" effective date September 8, 2015. Information regarding data verification, surveys and investigations, quality assurance program and quality control measures and a summary of sample, analytical or testing procedures for the Fire Creek Mine are contained in a technical report prepared for Klondex Mines titled "Technical Report for the Fire Creek Project, Lander County, Nevada, dated March 31, 2018; the Hollister Mine dated May 31, 2017, amended August 9, 2017; and the Midas Mine dated August 31, 2014, amended April 2, 2015. Also included in these technical reports is a description of the key assumptions, parameters and methods used to estimate mineral reserves and resources and a general discussion of the extent to which the estimates may be affected by any known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing or other relevant factors. Copies of these technical reports are available under Hecla's profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

Dr. McDonald reviewed and verified information regarding drill sampling, data verification of all digitally-collected data, drill surveys and specific gravity determinations relating to the Casa Berardi mine. The review encompassed quality assurance programs and quality control measures including analytical or testing practice, chain-of-custody procedures, sample storage procedures and included independent sample collection and analysis. This review found the information and procedures meet industry standards and are adequate for Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimation and mine planning purposes.

Table A – Assay Results – Q1 2019
San Sebastian (Mexico)

Drill Hole




From (ft)




























Depth From

Mine Surface


El Toro Vein   SS-1710   396.7   404.1   7.4   7.0   0.07   9.4   0.0   0.0   0.0   283
El Toro Vein   SS-1716   326.4   338.8   12.4   11.5   0.17   9.4   0.0   0.0   0.0   232
El Toro Vein   SS-1720   664.3   669.0   4.7   4.2   0.09   6.7   0.0   0.0   0.0   471
El Toro Vein   SS-1738   522.7   526.1   3.4   3.0   0.18   37.4   0.1   0.0   0.0   367
El Toro Vein   SS-1745   304.8   330.2   25.4   22.6   0.06   5.4   0.0   0.0   0.0   214
El Toro Vein   Includes   312.9   321.8   8.9   8.0   0.15   13.9   0.0   0.0   0.0   214
El Toro Hw Vein   SS-1745   175.48   185.25   9.51   8.94   0.26   18.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   116
El Toro Vein   SS-1746   550.4   581.4   31.0   27.1   0.04   5.6   0.0   0.0   0.0   394
El Toro Vein   Includes   563.5   570.2   6.7   5.8   0.16   24.1   0.0   0.0   0.0   394
El Toro Hw Vein   SS-1746   365.82   371.79   6.0   5.9   0.13   8.1   0.0   0.0   0.0   251
El Toro Vein   SS-1755   549.0   582.1   33.0   24.5   0.03   3.4   0.0   0.0   0.0   479
El Toro Vein   Includes   562.0   568.7   6.7   5.0   0.12   11.9   0.0   0.0   0.0   479
El Toro Vein   SS-1756   283.0   287.5   4.5   4.2   0.35   21.4   0.0   0.0   0.0   184
El Toro Vein   SS-1757   629.2   635.8   6.4   4.8   0.14   5.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   535
El Toro Vein   SS-1758   385.5   408.5   23.1   20.7   0.10   5.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   260
El Toro Vein   SS-1759   221.2   224.9   12.0   9.5   0.21   11.2   0.0   0.0   0.0   516
Middle Vein   SS-MV-100-021   209.6   219.0   9.4   6.6   0.89   152.9   1.0   0.5   0.3   374
Middle Vein   SS-MV-100-022   172.4   179.2   6.8   4.8   0.03   21.6   0.1   0.1   0.0   370
Middle Vein   SS-MV-100-031   218.6   228.2   9.6   6.7   0.25   49.8   0.3   0.2   0.1   290
Middle Vein   SS-MV-104-039   354.9   360.8   5.9   4.1   0.04   18.0   0.1   0.1   0.0   561
Middle Vein   SS-MV-104-037   185.0   193.8   8.7   6.1   0.79   206.5   1.4   0.7   0.4   455
Middle Vein   SS-MV-104-045   272.1   278.5   6.5   4.5   0.03   8.2   0.1   0.0   0.0   634
Middle Vein   SS-MV-104-043   350.9   358.4   7.5   5.3   0.01   16.7   0.1   0.1   0.0   646
Middle Vein   SS-MV-104-041   206.7   214.6   7.9   5.6   1.67   167.9   1.2   0.6   0.3   558
Middle Vein   SS-MV-104-042   195.1   202.4   7.3   5.1   0.05   14.0   0.1   0.0   0.0   557
Middle Vein   SS-MV-104-040   295.9   303.8   7.9   5.5   0.02   8.0   0.1   0.0   0.0   570
Middle Vein   SS-MV-104-046   205.4   211.0   5.6   3.9   0.12   23.9   0.2   0.1   0.0   432
Middle Vein   SS-MV-101-049   147.6   152.6   4.9   4.4   0.02   7.7   0.1   0.0   0.0   652
West Francine Vein   SS-1730   416.3   418.8   2.5   1.7   0.05   70.0   0.0   0.1   0.1   380

Casa Berardi (Quebec)


Drill Hole



Drill Hole



Drill Hole
















Depth From

Mine Surface


Upper Principal - 118 to 124 Zones   CBP-0758   12363   25/15   136.5   138.0   3.6   0.53   1278
118 - 124 Area   CBP-0758   12371   25/15   151.2   154.3   8.4   0.14   1271
118 - 124 Area   CBP-0758   12392   25/15   191.6   196.4   15.3   0.19   1257
118 - 124 Area   CBP-0758   12418   25/15   239.6   245.5   16.0   0.09   1246
118 - 124 Area   CBP-0758   12440   25/15   283.2   286.2   6.6   0.19   1233
Lower Principal - 123 Zone   CBP-0750-025   12107   264/15   109.3   110.0   1.6   0.18   2407
123   CBP-0750-025   12100   264/15   115.0   118.0   9.2   0.11   2403
East Mine 160 Zone - 300 Area   CBE-0130   15638   324/-20   357.0   361.5   13.8   0.09   1358
160   CBE-0131   15817   359/1   208.5   217.5   28.2   0.10   964
160   CBE-0131   15824   359/1   247.5   253.5   17.7   0.17   964
160   CBE-0131   15829   359/1   276.0   277.5   4.4   0.30   964
160   CBE-0132   15901   22/4   225.0   229.5   11.6   0.06   966
160   CBE-0133   15814   359/-10   233.4   236.4   9.6   0.10   1125
160   CBE-0134   15852   10/18   216.2   235.8   62.3   0.06   834
160   CBE-0135   15779   348/-2   219.0   237.3   59.7   0.06   1032
160   CBE-0135   15779   348/-2   246.0   249.0   9.2   0.24   1039
160   CBE-0135   15779   348/-2   270.0   274.5   14.4   0.13   1048
160   CBE-0136   15781   351/5   209.5   219.9   32.8   0.12   936
160   CBE-0136   15781   351/5   224.5   235.5   34.4   0.10   934
160   CBE-0136   15784   351/5   300.0   301.5   4.8   0.19   927
160   CBE-0136   15786   351/5   326.0   331.5   17.7   0.06   925
160   CBE-0137   15798   355/12   215.6   221.5   17.4   0.12   861
Lower 113 Zone   CBW-1141   11357   170/-8   207.0   210.0   9.8   0.12   3357
Lower 118 Zone   CBP-0733   11859   4/-39   54.0   58.0   9.8   0.20   3321
118   CBP-0734   11849   354/-35   171.2   172.5   3.3   0.10   3517
118   CBP-0737   11843   344/-40   61.5   62.4   2.6   0.20   3332
118   CBP-0738   11842   344/-30   62.5   63.4   2.6   0.13   3311
118   CBP-0781   11821   344/-12   171.0   172.7   4.9   0.06   3352
Upper 128 Zone   CBP-0774   12703   180/-33   409.8   411.5   4.9   0.11   1404
128   CBP-0774   12700   180/-33   422.2   423.6   4.6   0.20   1409
128   CBP-0776   12721   180/-40   401.1   401.6   1.6   0.28   1544
Surface Principal - 128 Zone   CBS-19-905   12734   360/-49   434.6   436.5   5.2   0.24   953
128   CBS-19-909   12820   360/-49   376.5   378.4   3.8   0.42   832
128   Including   12820   360/-49   377.1   378.4   1.6   1.25   833
Surface East Mine - 139 Zone   CBS-18-887   13948   3/-69   789.0   795.0   11.5   0.10   2171
139   Including   13948   3/-69   792.9   794.2   3.0   0.15   2176
Surface East Mine - 152 Zone   CBS-18-888   15330   180/-60   277.3   280.2   8.2   0.07   788
152   CBS-18-892   15374   160/-60   225.0   228.0   5.1   0.07   628
152   CBS-18-893   15333   180/-65   207.8   210.3   2.8   0.28   622
152   CBS-18-893   15330   180/-65   268.5   276.1   9.8   0.17   812
Surface East Mine - 160 Zone   CBS-19-894   16398   360/-48   112.1   113.0   2.3   0.19   283
160   CBS-19-894   16399   360/-48   292.5   298.5   14.8   0.06   677
160   CBS-19-904   16702   360/-48   169.5   171.0   3.3   0.16   408

Greens Creek (Alaska)


Drill Hole




























Depth From

Mine Portal\


200 South Zone   GC5101   348/-44   526.5   553.0   25.9   6.9   0.25   15.7   5.4   -2114
    GC5101   348/-44   579.0   580.0   0.9   27.5   1.35   9.0   5.1   -859
    GC5106   348/-55   758.5   773.0   14.4   27.7   0.42   4.2   2.3   -2210
    GC5109   348/-71   786.5   800.0   13.5   5.3   0.13   5.3   2.1   -2337
    GC5111   348/-64   2.0   12.0   7.7   28.6   0.44   6.4   3.6   -1569
    GC5114   348/-39   7.5   13.5   4.2   28.2   0.15   9.8   5.2   -1569
    GC5114   348/-39   484.0   505.5   18.6   10.1   0.54   20.3   7.1   -1880
    GC5116   348/-73   4.5   13.0   4.3   29.5   0.42   4.3   2.3   -1569
    GC5125   348/-83   4.5   7.0   2.3   9.1   0.10   2.3   1.2   -1577
    GC5133   348/-37   0.0   5.0   4.3   12.5   0.05   3.5   1.9   -1582
    GC5133   348/-37   23.0   25.0   1.7   33.1   0.23   3.3   1.7   -1590
    GC5137   348/-88   16.0   19.5   3.5   32.9   0.20   8.7   4.3   -1587
    GC5141   348/-86   4.0   6.2   2.1   17.9   0.07   6.0   3.1   -1592
    GC5141   348/-86   32.0   34.0   1.9   27.5   0.11   3.3   1.9   -1609
    GC5147   348/-50   0.0   5.0   4.3   62.3   0.10   5.0   2.4   -1589
    GC5147   348/-50   22.5   25.0   2.2   14.2   0.12   6.0   3.6   -1594
    GC5150   348/-55   0.0   3.5   3.5   63.2   0.05   6.4   2.9   -1578
    GC5154   348/-70   0.0   6.0   6.0   48.4   0.05   5.9   3.3   -1578
Upper Plate Zone   GC5102   246/23   321.0   324.6   2.3   28.0   0.11   4.4   2.2   124
    GC5105   71/68   177.0   183.0   5.6   25.2   0.03   18.7   8.9   175
    GC5107   108/86   140.0   145.5   5.4   20.0   0.02   12.3   7.9   149
    GC5107   108/86   200.0   215.0   15.0   17.1   0.01   7.7   4.8   213
    GC5108   230/78   140.0   153.0   13.0   26.6   0.09   2.9   1.4   146
    GC5108   230/78   203.2   220.0   16.5   42.2   0.02   10.8   4.9   206
    GC5108   230/78   253.4   264.0   10.6   7.8   0.03   8.2   3.5   261
    GC5110   238/65   144.0   149.0   3.5   16.9   0.07   1.0   0.5   142
    GC5112   240/55   155.0   166.0   5.5   93.6   0.39   5.0   2.4   129
    GC5112   240/55   301.5   325.4   18.3   8.9   0.02   10.5   3.3   249
    GC5115   241/43   192.0   219.0   13.5   38.9   0.08   4.8   2.1   138
    GC5117   242/34   288.0   291.5   1.8   15.6   0.04   2.3   1.3   162
9A Zone   GC5126   32/38   3.0   6.5   2.5   36.8   0.01   1.6   0.9   2
    GC5130   34/29   9.0   13.5   3.2   16.1   0.01   1.0   0.6   2
    GC5134   43/24   311.0   316.0   2.5   14.7   0.04   16.2   8.1   102
    GC5136   43/12   297.0   300.5   3.4   19.0   0.16   0.1   0.0   49
    GC5139   51/25   343.0   346.5   3.0   36.2   0.33   0.1   0.0   127
    GC5143   50/17   298.5   301.0   2.3   21.5   0.02   8.3   4.2   79
    GC5152   77/28   22.5   25.0   1.3   58.0   0.06   6.2   5.4   0
    GC5152   77/28   384.5   393.0   5.2   57.0   0.02   11.3   6.0   162
    GC5162   81/36   16.5   22.6   4.7   105.9   0.06   12.7   8.5   5
    GC5167   91/9   418.0   431.5   5.9   27.1   0.01   1.9   1.1   58
    GC5171   90/33   21.0   26.0   1.9   28.9   0.02   3.4   2.7   -5
Southwest Zone   GC5121   95/-10   244.0   254.5   9.1   64.5   0.56   1.4   0.8   -815
    GC5121   95/-10   265.5   270.0   3.9   26.4   0.07   25.3   15.2   -816
    GC5127   66/15   152.0   174.0   14.1   22.6   0.30   10.9   4.1   -724
    GC5129   66/-3   213.0   216.0   3.0   15.9   0.03   2.5   1.2   -765
    GC5129   66/-3   254.0   263.5   9.4   31.1   0.14   10.4   6.7   -770
    GC5131   66/-24   201.0   209.0   7.5   77.2   0.57   8.0   3.9   -831
    GC5132   66/-37   223.0   228.0   5.0   28.7   0.10   13.5   6.9   -892
    GC5135   71/-17   175.0   183.5   7.4   35.6   0.10   1.4   0.8   -803
    GC5135   71/-17   231.0   234.0   2.6   21.9   0.03   15.2   9.2   -819
    GC5138   71/-26   179.0   230.0   39.1   17.1   0.11   2.4   1.4   -830
    GC5142   245/-23   200.5   208.0   7.0   94.3   0.40   12.2   4.8   -779
    GC5144   245/-35   214.0   227.3   9.4   14.6   0.13   2.2   1.0   -831
    GC5146   246/-45   222.0   241.3   12.4   61.4   0.10   2.0   1.0   -871
    GC5146   246/-45   346.0   366.0   19.9   15.4   0.09   4.0   2.8   -784
    GC5151   264/-50   254.0   261.0   5.7   20.0   0.07   12.4   6.6   -789
    GC5153   258/-21   198.0   201.0   3.0   50.9   0.20   8.3   2.9   -857
Northwest West Zone   GC5163   63/13   105.5   106.5   1.0   13.7   0.15   12.0   5.2   -731
    GC5163   63/13   114.5   116.0   1.5   33.8   0.15   18.0   8.0   -729
    GC5163   63/13   281.9   299.0   14.8   14.1   0.03   3.7   2.2   -682
    GC5165   63/6   120.5   123.5   3.0   23.0   0.04   7.1   3.0   -744
    GC5165   63/6   130.0   163.3   11.4   29.9   0.16   4.9   2.7   -742
    GC5165   63/6   254.0   264.0   10.0   20.6   0.03   9.6   6.3   -727
    GC5165   63/6   460.0   470.2   7.2   16.9   0.11   16.1   9.4   -710
    GC5170   63/-5   443.7   453.2   9.4   17.3   0.25   23.4   13.8   -788
    GC5175   63/-27   360.5   364.5   3.9   16.8   0.04   5.1   2.4   -920
East Ore Zone   GC5157   63/9   467.5   473.0   4.7   5.0   0.06   19.9   5.7   709
    GC5164   63/-31   330.0   352.0   21.9   20.5   0.05   4.2   1.2   481
    GC5166   63/-53   346.0   347.2   1.2   53.0   0.05   17.6   9.3   375
    GC5168   63/-71   405.5   413.5   7.6   64.0   0.27   6.5   2.4   265
    GC5169   243/-77   357.0   359.5   2.5   5.3   0.10   19.7   5.3   304
    GC5172   243/-59   376.0   378.5   2.5   8.6   0.03   21.8   4.9   318

Fire Creek (Nevada)

Zone   Vein  

Drill Hole



Drill Hole
























Depth From

Mine Portal


Spiral 2   Vonnie   FCU-1047   105/24   379.0   384.0   5.0   3.8   0.16   0.3   20
Spiral 2   VN 40   FCU-1049   145/41   122.0   129.5   7.5   3.0   0.80   1.4   -53
Spiral 2       including   127.0   129.5   2.5   1.1   2.24   1.3   -51
Spiral 2   VN 40   FCU-1050   146/17   113.0   118.0   5.0   2.1   0.16   0.3   -101
Spiral 2   VN 39   FCU-1050   146/17   163.0   166.0   3.0   1.3   1.24   16.9   -87
Spiral 2   VN 40   FCU-1051   150/29   164.5   166.0   1.5   0.6   0.90   1.6   -55
Spiral 2   VN 12   FCU-1031   218/5   130.5   135.8   5.3   4.4   0.26   0.9   -178
Spiral 2   VN 12   including   130.5   133.0   2.5   2.0   0.48   1.1   -179
Spiral 3   VN 76   FCU-1026   93/25   171.0   174.6   3.6   3.3   0.17   0.3   -315
Spiral 3   VN 76   FCU-1026   93/25   202.0   203.5   1.5   1.2   0.52   0.9   -302
Spiral 3   Karen   FCU-1026   93/25   278.5   291.5   13.0   11.9   0.27   0.4   -268
Spiral 3   Honeyrunner   FCU-1027   86/20   56.5   58.0   1.5   1.4   0.28   0.3   -368
Spiral 3   VN 59   FCU-1027A   86/20   23.0   28.0   5.0   4.9   0.97   0.8   -379
Spiral 3   VN 59   including   23.0   23.5   0.5   0.5   5.99   5.1   -380
Spiral 3   VN 59   including   23.5   28.0   4.5   4.4   0.41   0.3   -379
Spiral 3   VN 59   FCU-1028   67/28   22.0   57.0   35.0   30.7   0.17   0.5   -369
Spiral 3   VN 59   including   38.0   40.2   2.2   2.0   0.40   1.4   -370
Spiral 3   VN 59   FCU-1061   51/44   37.0   62.0   25.0   23.5   0.16   0.3   -354
Spiral 3   Unknown   FCU-1061   51/44   221.0   225.5   4.5   4.3   0.62   3.6   -233
Spiral 3   Unknown   FCU-1061   51/44   226.0   235.0   9.0   7.1   0.22   0.5   -228
Spiral 3   VN 59   FCU-1062   34/30   39.0   59.0   20.0   15.3   0.16   0.3   -364
Spiral 4   Vonnie   FCU-1021   97/1   391.0   416.0   25.0   23.2   0.17   1.0   -473
Spiral 4   Joyce   FCU-1021   97/1   560.0   561.3   1.3   1.1   0.46   1.3   -470
Spiral 4   Joyce   FCU-1021   97/1   564.6   567.5   2.9   2.4   0.32   0.5   -470
Spiral 4   Joyce   including   567.0   567.5   0.5   0.4   1.02   1.3   -470
Spiral 4   Joyce   FCU-1021   97/1   590.0   592.0   2.0   1.7   0.33   0.3   -470
Spiral 4   Joyce   FCU-1021   97/1   606.0   621.0   15.0   12.5   0.29   1.3   -469
Spiral 4   Joyce   including   610.0   612.0   2.0   1.7   1.11   4.6   -469
Spiral 4   Joyce   FCU-1021   97/1   632.0   637.0   5.0   4.2   0.19   0.3   -469
Spiral 4   Vonnie   FCU-1023   98/18   461.5   474.5   13.0   11.1   0.18   0.3   -333
Spiral 4   VN 03   FCU-1024   69/-24   516.2   518.5   2.3   2.2   0.21   0.3   -304
Spiral 4   Vonnie   FCU-1025   66/-32   601.0   603.5   2.5   2.2   0.23   0.3   -413
Spiral 4   Vonnie   FCU-1025   66/-32   609.0   615.0   6.0   5.4   0.29   1.1   -418
Spiral 4   Vonnie   FCU-1025   66/-32   620.4   626.0   5.6   5.0   0.27   1.2   -424
Spiral 4   VN 79   FCU-1025   66/-32   638.0   641.0   3.0   2.4   0.58   0.8   -433
Spiral 4   Joyce   FCU-1025   66/-32   659.5   663.0   3.5   2.8   0.38   0.8   -444
Spiral 4   VN 64   FCU-1025   66/-32   679.0   694.0   15.0   13.6   0.26   1.1   -458
Spiral 4   VN 08   FCU-1025   66/-32   791.0   794.0   3.0   2.8   0.53   0.3   -514
Spiral 4   Joyce   FCU-1037   102/9   647.0   654.5   7.5   6.0   0.27   0.5   -377
Spiral 4   Vonnie   FCU-1038   104/1   415.0   424.9   9.9   9.1   0.24   1.3   -473
Spiral 4   Vonnie   FCU-1038   104/1   431.9   442.0   10.1   9.2   0.39   1.4   -473
Spiral 4   Joyce   FCU-1038   104/1   627.8   628.3   0.5   0.4   0.84   0.6   -469
Spiral 4   Joyce   FCU-1038   104/1   640.0   641.0   1.0   0.8   0.37   0.3   -469
Spiral 4   Joyce   FCU-1040   64/-24   594.5   601.0   6.5   6.2   0.55   17.2   -337
Spiral 4   Joyce   including   594.5   597.0   2.5   2.2   1.28   43.2   -336
Spiral 4   VN 08   FCU-1040   64/-24   804.8   807.5   2.7   2.6   0.25   0.3   -422
Spiral 4   Unknown   FCU-1040   64/-24   846.0   850.0   4.0   3.4   0.21   0.3   -439
Spiral 4   Joyce   FCU-1041   71/-30   666.0   666.8   0.8   0.7   0.31   46.1   -427
Spiral 4   VN 08   FCU-1041   71/-30   749.4   753.5   4.1   3.8   0.25   0.3   -470
Spiral 4   VN 03   FCU-1057   78/8   351.3   352.0   0.7   0.7   0.97   0.6   -453
Spiral 4   Unknown   FCU-1060   46/4   321.9   322.8   0.9   0.8   0.52   0.3   -480
Spiral 4   Karen   FCU-1060   46/4   327.0   327.5   0.5   0.4   0.52   0.3   -479
Spiral 4   V03   FCU-1060   46/4   477.0   478.5   1.5   1.2   0.76   0.8   -469

Hollister (Nevada)


Drill Hole



Drill Hole
























Depth From

Mine Surface


West Gloria   HUC-00070A   000/-02   114.4   126.0   11.6   11.6   0.32   6.1   -296
West Gloria   HUC-00070B   000/-02   111.0   116.5   5.5   5.5   0.25   10.2   -296
West Gloria   Including   111.0   113.0   2.0   2.0   0.18   1.9   -292
West Gloria   Including   113.0   114.0   1.0   1.0   0.05   1.9   -287
West Gloria   Including   114.0   115.0   1.0   1.0   0.80   5.0   -276
West Gloria   Including   115.0   118.5   3.0   2.5   0.38   20.2   -258
West Gloria   HUC-00071   28/43   83.2   89.2   6.0   3.3   0.10   3.6   -235
West Gloria   including   83.2   84.5   1.3   0.7   0.30   2.0   -237
West Gloria   including   84.5   88.3   3.8   2.1   0.03   3.0   -235
West Gloria   including   88.3   89.2   0.9   0.5   0.06   8.1   -234
West Gloria   HUC-00073   50/29   89.2   125.2   3.7   3.3   0.77   10.9   -235
West Gloria   including   124.8   123.5   2.0   0.9   0.28   5.8   -236
West Gloria   including   123.5   124.8   1.3   0.6   1.53   18.7   -235

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