Seacor Marine Announces Fourth Quarter 2018 Results

Continued Improvement in Operating Performance

SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc. SMHI (the "Company" or "SEACOR Marine"), a leading provider of marine and support transportation services to offshore oil and natural gas and wind farm facilities worldwide, today announced results for its fourth quarter and twelve months ended December 31, 2018.

Fourth quarter highlights include:

  • Total operating revenues increased 43.8% as compared with the fourth quarter of 2017, in what is historically a seasonally slow quarter.
  • Cash flows from operating activities increased to $11.9 million from $5.6 million in the prior quarter.
  • Operating loss decreased by $24.6 million to $11.2 million from $35.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2017, representing a 68.8% year over year improvement.
  • Consolidated direct vessel profit ("DVP")(1) increased 32.8% to $28.8 million from $21.7 million in the third quarter of 2018, an increase of 146.0% from $11.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2017, and an increase of 189.4% to $78.5 million in the year ended December 31, 2018 from $27.1 million in the year ended December 31, 2017.
  • Expanded presence in Brazil through the formation of a new joint venture to acquire UP Offshore.

Chief Executive Officer John Gellert commented on SEACOR Marine's fourth quarter results:

"Our business improved steadily throughout the year and we closed 2018 with our sixth consecutive quarterly increase in direct vessel profit, and nearly doubled our cash flow from operating activities from the prior quarter. This improvement is especially notable as the last quarter of the year is usually a seasonally slow period of activity for our liftboats in the Gulf of Mexico and crew transfer vessels ("CTVs") in the North Sea. To the extent there was some seasonal reduction it was offset by improved results from nearly all other classes of vessels and a one-time recognition of previously deferred revenues in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.

As part of our continued commitment to actively managing our fleet, we sold an additional six fast support vessels ("FSVs"), two liftboats and one standby safety vessel during the fourth quarter, taking us to a total of 16 vessel dispositions for 2018. These sales were offset during 2018 by the addition of two CTVs and six liftboats as well as the net addition of 16 vessels to the managed fleet through non-consolidated joint ventures. As of December 31, 2018, the net book value of our property and equipment was $681.5 million, an increase of $61.8 million compared to the end of 2017. Collectively, the sale transactions in the fourth quarter generated a net gain of $3.8 million before asset impairments.

The improvement in 2018 and positive beginning to 2019 is encouraging. We hope for continued upticks in demand and believe our asset base and geographical reach place us in a unique position."

A comparison of results for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2018 with the preceding quarter ended September 30, 2018 is included below.

For the fourth quarter and twelve months ended December 31, 2018, net loss attributable to SEACOR Marine was $7.8 million ($0.35 per diluted share) and $77.6 million ($3.71 per diluted share), respectively, and operating loss was $11.2 million and $66.8 million, respectively. Net loss attributable to SEACOR Marine for the preceding quarter ended September 30, 2018 was $16.0 million ($0.71 per diluted share).

For the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2017, net income attributable to SEACOR Marine was $29.0 million ($1.20 per diluted share). For the twelve months ended December 31, 2017 net loss attributable to SEACOR Marine was $32.9 million ($1.87 per diluted share). Operating losses attributable to SEACOR Marine for the fourth quarter and twelve months ended December 31, 2017 were $35.8 million and $128.4 million, respectively.

Operating Revenues. On a total fleet basis, time charter revenues were $7.5 million lower compared with the preceding quarter, resulting from (i) an increase in time charter revenues of $1.1 million due to an increase in average rates per day worked and (ii) a decline in time charter revenues of (a) $4.3 million due to reduced utilization (of which $1.4 million was related to the effects of cold stacking vessels), (b) $2.4 million due to the repositioning of vessels between geographic regions, (c) $1.7 million due to net fleet dispositions and (d) $0.2 million due to unfavorable changes in currency exchange rates. Other marine services revenues were $8.1 million higher compared with the preceding quarter.

This release includes a table presenting time charter operating data by vessel class.

Direct Vessel Profit (DVP)(1) by Region. DVP generated by the Company's operating regions was $28.8 million compared with $21.7 million in the preceding quarter, an increase of $7.1 million. The increase was primarily driven by a $6.4 million decrease in operating expenses and an increase in fleet utilization, excluding CTVs, from 60% to 61%, offset by a $0.5 million decrease in operating revenues and a decrease in average rates per day worked from $10,186 to $9,852. Drydocking expenses were $3.4 million lower than the previous quarter due to timing of drydockings. Results by region are as follows:

United States, primarily Gulf of Mexico. DVP was $11.0 million compared with $6.6 million in the preceding quarter, a $4.4 million improvement. Time charter revenues were $1.8 million lower compared with the preceding quarter, of which $1.5 million related to the liftboat fleet, primarily due to lower utilization. Other marine services revenues were $6.0 million higher compared with the preceding quarter, primarily due to the recognition of previously deferred revenue. On a total fleet basis, including cold-stacked vessels, utilization of the fleet decreased from 30% to 29%, and average rates per day worked increased from $12,476 to $12,656. Primarily due to net fleet dispositions, days available for charter decreased by 13% and operating expenses decreased by $0.2 million. As of December 31, 2018, the Company had 18 of 30 owned and leased-in vessels cold-stacked in the U.S. (six anchor handling towing supply ("AHTS") vessels, five FSVs, six liftboats and one specialty vessel) compared with 22 of 38 vessels as of September 30, 2018. As of December 31, 2018, the Company had five vessels retired and removed from service in this region (four AHTS vessels and one supply vessel).

Africa, primarily West Africa. DVP was $8.2 million compared with $2.3 million in the preceding quarter, a $5.9 million improvement. Time charter revenues were $0.5 million lower compared with the preceding quarter, primarily due to net fleet dispositions. On a total fleet basis, including cold-stacked vessels, utilization of the fleet increased from 82% to 87%, and average rates per day worked increased from $9,315 to $9,411. Days available for charter decreased by 11% primarily due to net fleet dispositions and the repositioning of vessels between geographic regions. Other marine services revenues were $2.4 million higher compared with the preceding quarter, primarily due to the recognition of revenue previously deferred. Operating expenses (excluding leased-in equipment of $1.0 million) were $3.9 million lower compared with the preceding quarter primarily due to the timing of drydockings, a decrease in repair costs and the net disposition of vessels. As of December 31, 2018, the Company had one specialty vessel retired and removed from service in this region.

Middle East and Asia. DVP was $1.7 million compared with $3.5 million in the preceding quarter, a decrease of $1.8 million. Time charter revenues were $0.1 million lower compared with the preceding quarter, primarily due to the net disposition of vessels. Other marine services revenues were $0.2 million higher. On a total fleet basis, including cold-stacked vessels, utilization of the fleet decreased from 76% to 70%, and average rates per day worked increased from $8,156 to $8,856. Days available for charter decreased by 1% primarily due to net fleet dispositions. Operating expenses were $1.9 million higher compared with the preceding quarter, primarily due to the mobilization and drydocking of one supply vessel. As of December 31, 2018, the Company had one of 22 owned and leased-in vessels cold-stacked in the Middle East and Asia (one AHTS vessel) compared with one of 22 vessels as of September 30, 2018. As of December 31, 2018, the Company had one specialty vessel retired and removed from service in this region.

Brazil, Mexico, Central and South America. DVP was $3.1 million compared with $6.0 million in the preceding quarter, a decrease of $2.9 million. Time charter revenues were $3.5 million lower compared with the preceding quarter, primarily due to the repositioning of vessels between geographic regions. Other marine services revenues were $0.2 million lower. On a total fleet basis, including cold-stacked vessels, utilization of the fleet decreased from 80% to 72% and average rates per day worked decreased from $17,604 to $11,866. Days available for charter decreased by 13% driven by repositioning of vessels, primarily liftboats, between geographic regions. Operating expenses were $0.8 million lower compared with the preceding quarter. As of December 31, 2018, the Company had one of seven owned and leased-in vessels cold-stacked in this region.

Europe, primarily North Sea. DVP was $4.8 million compared with $3.2 million in the preceding quarter, an improvement of $1.6 million. Time charter revenues were $1.6 million lower, primarily due to a seasonal decrease in utilization of the CTVs. Other marine services revenues were $0.2 million lower. For the standby safety fleet, utilization increased from 77% to 82%, and average rates per day worked decreased from $8,692 to $8,504. For the CTVs, utilization decreased from 91% to 69%, and average rates per day worked increased from $2,260 to $2,293. Operating expenses (excluding leased-in equipment of $0.2 million) were $3.4 million lower compared with the preceding quarter primarily due to the timing of drydockings. As of December 31, 2018, the Company had one of 54 owned and leased-in vessels cold-stacked in this region (one CTV).


(1) Direct vessel profit (defined as operating revenues less operating expenses excluding leased-in equipment, "DVP") is the Company's measure of segment profitability when applied to reportable segments and a non-GAAP measure when applied to individual vessels, fleet categories or the combined fleet. DVP is a critical financial measure used by the Company to analyze and compare the operating performance of its individual vessels, fleet categories, regions and combined fleet, without regard to financing decisions (depreciation for owned vessels vs. leased-in expense for leased-in vessels). DVP is also useful when comparing the Company's fleet performance against those of our competitors who may have differing fleet financing structures. DVP has material limitations as an analytical tool in that it does not reflect all of the costs associated with the ownership and operation of our fleet, and it should not be considered in isolation or used as a substitute for our results as reported under GAAP. See page 8 for reconciliation of DVP to GAAP Operating Income (Loss), its most comparable GAAP measure.

Administrative and general. Fourth quarter 2018 administrative and general expenses were flat compared with the preceding quarter primarily due to higher legal and professional fees, severance and relocation expenses, and acceleration of stock awards, offset by a decrease in bad debt expense due to collection of a previously reserved receivable.

Depreciation and amortization. Depreciation and amortization costs were $0.4 million lower compared with the preceding quarter primarily due to net asset dispositions.

Asset Dispositions and Impairments. During the fourth quarter, the Company sold six FSVs, two liftboats, one standby safety vessel and other equipment for net proceeds of $10.0 million and a gain of $3.8 million, all of which was recognized in this quarter. The Company also recognized impairment charges of $11.6 million associated with three AHTS vessels and one specialty vessel. During the preceding quarter, the Company sold two FSVs, two CTVs, one PSV, one safety standby vessel and other equipment for net proceeds of $1.1 million and a gain of $0.6 million, all of which was recognized in the preceding quarter.

Derivative gains (losses). Net derivative gains during fourth quarter 2018 were $12.7 million, and net derivative gains during the preceding quarter of $4.4 million, were primarily due to a decrease in the fair value of the Company's conversion option derivative liability embedded in the Company's convertible senior notes.

Income tax benefit. The Company's year-to-date effective income tax rate was a benefit of 14.5% primarily due to taxes not provided for income attributable to non-controlling interest, foreign source income not subject to U.S. income taxes, a return-to-provision adjustment and a reversal of an unrecognized benefit.

Equity in earnings (losses) of 50% or less owned companies. Equity losses in the fourth quarter 2018 were $1.9 million compared with equity losses of $1.0 million in the preceding quarter.

Capital Commitments. As of December 31, 2018, the Company had unfunded capital commitments of $78.2 million that included four FSVs, three supply vessels, two CTVs and three PSVs. The Company's capital commitments by year of expected payment are as follows (in thousands):

2019                                                                                                                                                   51,132
2020   27,046
$ 78,178

In addition, the Company has indefinitely deferred an additional $20.2 million of orders with respect to two FSVs, which the Company had previously reported as unfunded capital commitments.

Liquidity and Debt. As of December 31, 2018, the Company's balances of cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and construction reserve funds totaled $124.9 million and its total outstanding debt was $404.7 million (net of $38.3 million in discount and issuance costs). As of December 31, 2018, construction reserve funds of $28.1 million were classified as non-current assets in the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheets as the Company has the intent and ability to use the funds to acquire equipment. Additionally, the Company had $2.5 million available under subsidiary credit facilities for future capital commitments.

* * * * *

SEACOR Marine provides global marine and support transportation services to offshore oil and natural gas and windfarm facilities worldwide. SEACOR Marine and its joint ventures operate a diverse fleet of offshore support and specialty vessels that deliver cargo and personnel to offshore installations; handle anchors and mooring equipment required to tether rigs to the seabed; tow rigs and assist in placing them on location and moving them between regions; provide construction, well workover and decommissioning support; and carry and launch equipment used underwater in drilling and well installation, maintenance and repair. Additionally, SEACOR Marine's vessels provide accommodations for technicians and specialists, safety support and emergency response services.

Certain statements discussed in this release as well as in other reports, materials and oral statements that the Company releases from time to time to the public constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Generally, words such as "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "project," "intend," "believe," "plan," "target," "forecast" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements concern management's expectations, strategic objectives, business prospects, anticipated economic performance and financial condition and other similar matters. Forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain and subject to a variety of assumptions, risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or expected by the management of the Company. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual events or results may differ significantly from these statements. Actual events or results are subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors, many of which are beyond the Company's control. It should be understood that it is not possible to predict or identify all such factors. Consequently, the preceding should not be considered to be a complete discussion of all potential risks or uncertainties. Given these risk factors, investors and analysts should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of the document in which they are made. The Company disclaims any obligation or undertaking to provide any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statement to reflect any change in the Company's expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which the forward-looking statement is based, except as required by law. It is advisable, however, to consult any further disclosures the Company makes on related subjects in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K (if any). These statements constitute the Company's cautionary statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

Please visit SEACOR Marine's website at for additional information.




(in thousands, except share data)



Three Months Ended

December 31,

Twelve Months Ended

December 31,

2018       2017 2018       2017
Operating Revenues $ 70,932 $ 49,343 $ 253,609 $ 173,783
Costs and Expenses:
Operating 45,150 40,480 186,566 159,599
Administrative and general 12,240 12,368 52,813 56,217
Depreciation and amortization   16,986   20,021   72,246   62,779
  74,376   72,869   311,625   278,595
Losses on Asset Dispositions and Impairments, Net   (7,745 )   (12,304 )   (8,747 )   (23,547 )
Operating Loss   (11,189 )   (35,830 )   (66,763 )   (128,359 )
Other Income (Expense):
Interest income 357 326 1,234 1,805
Interest expense (7,486 ) (4,509 ) (27,869 ) (16,532 )
SEACOR Holdings management fees (3,208 )
SEACOR Holdings guarantee fees (5 ) (29 ) (29 ) (201 )
Loss on debt extinguishment (638 )
Marketable security gains, net 10,931
Derivative gains, net 12,651 7,536 2,854 20,256
Foreign currency losses, net (466 ) (320 ) (1,447 ) (1,709 )
Other, net   (4 )   (5 )   674   (6 )
  5,047   2,999   (25,221 )   11,336
Net Loss Before Income Tax Benefit and Equity in Earnings of 50% or Less Owned Companies (6,142 ) (32,831 ) (91,984 ) (117,023 )
Income Tax Benefit   (48 )   (51,361 )   (13,347 )   (74,406 )
Loss (Income) Before Equity in Earnings of 50% or Less Owned Companies (6,094 ) 18,530 (78,637 ) (42,617 )
Equity in (Losses) Earnings of 50% or Less Owned Companies, Net of Tax   (1,875 )   9,374   (3,415 )   4,077
Net (Loss) Income (7,969 ) 27,904 (82,052 ) (38,540 )
Net Loss attributable to Noncontrolling Interests in Subsidiaries   (175 )   (1,057 )   (4,444 )   (5,639 )
Net (Loss) Income attributable to SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc. $ (7,794 ) $ 28,961 $ (77,608 ) $ (32,901 )
Loss Per Common Share of SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc.
Basic $ (0.35 ) $ (1.65 ) $ (3.71 ) $ (1.87 )
Diluted $ (0.35 ) $ (1.20 ) $ (3.71 ) $ (1.87 )
Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding:
Basic 22,513,886 17,551,935 20,926,307 17,601,244
Diluted 22,513,886 21,622,435 20,926,307 17,601,244



(in thousands, except share data)

Three Months Ended December 31,

Twelve Months Ended

December 31,

2018       2017 2018       2017
Time Charter Statistics:        
Average Rates Per Day Worked (excluding crew transfer) $ 9,852 $ 8,583 $ 9,735 $ 8,481
Average Rates Per Day $ 7,447 $ 6,435 $ 7,282 $ 5,972
Fleet Utilization (excluding crew transfer) 61 % 51 % 57 % 45 %
Fleet Utilization 63 % 56 % 62 % 54 %
Fleet Available Days (excluding crew transfer) 8,312 9,224 35,772 35,833
Fleet Available Days 11,808 12,628 49,553 49,338
Operating Revenues:
Time charter $ 55,382 78 % $ 45,745 93 % $ 222,252 88 % $ 160,545 92 %
Bareboat charter 1,168 2 % 1,169 2 % 4,635 2 % 4,636 3 %
Other marine services   14,382 20 %   2,429 5 %   26,722 10 %   8,602 5 %
  70,932 100 %   49,343 100 %   253,609 100 %   173,783 100 %
Costs and Expenses:
Personnel 23,598 33 % 21,953 44 % 95,028 37 % 81,500 47 %
Repairs and maintenance 7,928 11 % 6,225 13 % 33,279 13 % 27,655 16 %
Drydocking 1,396 2 % 1,438 3 % 11,587 5 % 9,035 5 %
Insurance and loss reserves 2,093 3 % 1,443 3 % 7,074 3 % 6,524 4 %
Fuel, lubes and supplies 4,618 7 % 3,620 7 % 16,975 7 % 12,032 7 %
Other 2,532 4 % 2,970 6 % 11,148 4 % 9,905 6 %
Leased-in equipment   2,985 4 %   2,831 6 %   11,475 5 %   12,948 7 %
45,150 64 % 40,480 82 % 186,566 74 % 159,599 92 %
Administrative and general 12,240 17 % 12,368 25 % 52,813 21 % 56,217 32 %
Depreciation and amortization   16,986 24 %   20,021 41 %   72,246 29 %   62,779 36 %
  74,376 105 %   72,869 148 %   311,625 124 %   278,595 160 %
Losses on Asset Dispositions and Impairments, Net   (7,745) (11 )%   (12,304 ) (25 )%   (8,747 ) (3 )%   (23,547 ) (14 )%
Operating Loss   (11,189 ) (16 )%   (35,830 ) (73 )%   (66,763 ) (27) %   (128,359 ) (74 )%



(in thousands, except statistics and per share data)

Three Months Ended
Dec. 31,


    Sep. 30,


    Jun. 30,


    Mar. 31,


    Dec. 31,


Time Charter Statistics:
Average Rates Per Day Worked (excluding crew transfer) $ 9,852 $ 10,186 $ 9,742 $ 9,071 $ 8,583
Average Rates Per Day Worked $ 7,447 $ 7,323 $ 7,324 $ 7,001 $ 6,435
Fleet Utilization (excluding crew transfer) 61 % 60 % 58 % 50 % 51 %
Fleet Utilization 63 % 68 % 62 % 53 % 56 %
Fleet Available Days (excluding crew transfer) 8,312 9,119 9,071 9,271 9,224
Fleet Available Days 11,808 12,617 12,528 12,601 12,628
Operating Revenues:
Time charter $ 55,382 $ 62,902 $ 56,826 $ 47,142 $ 45,745
Bareboat charter 1,168 1,168 1,156 1,143 1,169
Other marine services   14,382   6,185   2,719   3,436   2,429
  70,932   70,255   60,701   51,721   49,343
Costs and Expenses:
Personnel 23,598 25,021 24,733 21,676 21,953
Repairs and maintenance 7,928 9,208 9,070 7,073 6,225
Drydocking 1,396 4,822 3,112 2,257 1,438
Insurance and loss reserves 2,093 1,857 1,934 1,190 1,443
Fuel, lubes and supplies 4,618 4,690 4,122 3,545 3,620
Other   2,532   3,000   3,009   2,607   2,970
  42,165   48,598   45,980   38,348   37,649
Direct Vessel Profit   28,767   21,657   14,721   13,373   11,694
Other Costs and Expenses:
Leased-in expense 2,985 2,825 2,840 2,825 2,831
Administrative and general 12,240 12,234 15,532 12,807 12,368
Depreciation and amortization   16,986   17,342   18,406   19,512   20,021
  32,211   32,401   36,778   35,144   35,220
(Losses) Gains on Asset Dispositions and Impairments, Net   (7,745 )   586   1,055   (2,643 )   (12,304 )
Operating Loss   (11,189 )   (10,158 )   (21,002 )   (24,414 )   (35,830 )
Other Income (Expense):
Interest income 357 309 352 216 326
Interest expense (7,486 ) (7,761 ) (6,489 ) (6,133 ) (4,509 )
SEACOR Holdings guarantee fees (5 ) (5 ) (7 ) (12 ) (29 )
Debt extinguishment loss (638 )
Derivative gains (losses), net 12,651 4,387 (2,668 ) (11,516 ) 7,536
Foreign currency (losses) gains, net (466 ) (302 ) (818 ) 139 (320 )
Other, net   (4 )   678       (5 )
  5,047   (3,332 )   (9,630 )   (17,306 )   2,999
Loss Before Income Tax Benefit and Equity in (Losses) Earnings of 50% or Less Owned Companies (6,142 ) (13,490 ) (30,632 ) (41,720 ) (32,831 )
Income Tax Expense (Benefit)   (48 )   1,249   (4,724 )   (9,824 )   (51,361 )
(Loss) Income Before Equity in Earnings (Losses) of 50% or Less Owned Companies (6,094 ) (14,739 ) (25,908 ) (31,896 ) 18,530
Equity in (Losses) Earnings of 50% or Less Owned Companies, Net of Tax   (1,875 )   (1,027 )   (721 )   208   9,374
Net (Loss) Income (7,969 ) (15,766 ) (26,629 ) (31,688 ) 27,904
Net (Loss) Income attributable to Noncontrolling Interests in Subsidiaries   (175 )   191   (1,605 )   (2,855 )   (1,057 )
Net (Loss) Income attributable to SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc. $ (7,794 ) $ (15,957 ) $ (25,024 ) $ (28,833 ) $ 28,961
(Loss) Income Per Common Share and Warrants of SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc.:
Basic $ (0.35 ) $ (0.71 ) $ (1.19 ) $ (1.64 ) $ 1.65
Diluted $ (0.35 ) $ (0.71 ) $ (1.19 ) $ (1.64 ) $ 1.20
Weighted Average Common Shares and Warrants Outstanding:
Basic 22,514 22,513 21,035 17,571 17,552
Diluted 22,514 22,513 21,035 17,571 21,629
Common Shares and Warrants Outstanding at Period End 22,711 22,709 22,709 17,787 17,675



(in thousands, except share data)




(primarily Gulf of







East and




Central and




(primarily North Sea)


For the Three Months Ended

December 31, 2018

Time Charter Statistics:
Average Rates Per Day $ 12,656 $ 9,411 $ 8,856 $ 11,866 $ 4,676 $ 7,447
Fleet Utilization 29 % 87 % 70 % 72 % 73 % 63 %
Fleet Available Days 2,983 1,310 2,009 460 5,046 11,808
Operating Revenues:
Time charter $ 10,968 $ 10,730 $ 12,517 $ 3,934 $ 17,233 $ 55,382
Bareboat charter 1,168


Other marine services   8,709   4,247   118   183   1,125   14,382
  19,677   14,977   12,635   5,285   18,358   70,932
Direct Costs and Expenses:
Personnel 5,227 3,665 4,354 1,142 9,210 23,598
Repairs and maintenance 1,128 873 3,077 362 2,488 7,928
Drydocking 147 (28 ) 949 14 314 1,396
Insurance and loss reserves 974 307 389 96 327 2,093
Fuel, lubes and supplies 1,055 1,176 1,179 384 824 4,618
Other   185   772   984   232   359   2,532
  8,716   6,765   10,932   2,230   13,522   42,165
Direct Vessel Profit $ 10,961 $ 8,212 $ 1,703 $ 3,055 $ 4,836   28,767
Other Costs and Expenses:
Leased-in equipment $ 1,849 $ 958 $ $ $ 178 2,985
Administrative and general 12,240
Depreciation and amortization $ 5,550 $ 2,341 $ 4,154 $ 1,888 $ 3,053   16,986
Gains on Asset Dispositions and Impairments   (7,745 )
Operating Loss $ (11,189 )



(in thousands, except share data)





Gulf of






Middle East

and Asia



Central and





North Sea)


For the Twelve Months Ended

December 31, 2018

Time Charter Statistics:
Average Rates Per Day $ 11,292 $ 9,421 $ 8,320 $ 15,991 $ 4,710 $ 7,282
Fleet Utilization 24 % 87 % 74 % 67 % 76 % 62 %
Fleet Available Days 14,176 5,376 8,170 1,626 20,205 49,553
Operating Revenues:
Time charter $ 38,802 $ 43,847 $ 50,072 $ 17,343 $ 72,188 $ 222,252
Bareboat charter 4,635 4,635
Other marine services   14,762   7,661   (887 )   1,554   3,632   26,722
  53,564   51,508   49,185   23,532   75,820   253,609
Direct Costs and Expenses:
Personnel 18,708 16,538 16,806 4,399 38,577 95,028
Repairs and maintenance 5,152 6,330 11,172 1,011 9,614 33,279
Drydocking 1,957 2,085 1,362 128 6,055 11,587
Insurance and loss reserves 2,922 1,096 1,371 495 1,190 7,074
Fuel, lubes and supplies 3,568 3,826 4,027 1,225 4,329 16,975
Other   393   4,313   3,980   1,130   1,332   11,148
  32,700   34,188   38,718   8,388   61,097   175,091
Direct Vessel Profit $ 20,864 $ 17,320 $ 10,467 $ 15,144 $ 14,723   78,518
Other Costs and Expenses:
Leased-in equipment $ 7,420 $ 3,843 $ $ $ 212 11,475
Administrative and general 52,813
Depreciation and amortization $ 23,227 $ 10,453 $ 18,762 $ 7,908 $ 11,896   72,246
Losses on Asset Dispositions and Impairments   (8,747 )
Operating Loss $ (66,763 )
As of December 31, 2018
Property and Equipment:
Historical cost $ 432,335 $ 184,361 $ 306,897 $ 124,177 $ 194,963 $ 1,242,733
Accumulated depreciation   (224,737 )   (55,206 )   (81,378 )   (57,002 )   (142,949 )   (561,272 )
$ 207,598 $ 129,155 $ 225,519 $ 67,175 $ 52,014 $ 681,461



(in thousands, except statistics)

Three Months Ended
Dec. 31,


      Sep. 30,


      Jun. 30,


      Mar. 31,


      Dec. 31,


United States, primarily Gulf of Mexico
Time Charter Statistics:
Average rates per day worked $ 12,656 $ 12,476 $ 10,503 $ 8,775 $ 8,027
Fleet utilization 29 % 30 % 23 % 17 % 18 %
Fleet available days 2,983 3,433 3,710 4,050 3,864
Out-of-service days for repairs, maintenance and drydockings 143 147 292 219 139
Out-of-service days for cold-stacked status 1,761 2,101 2,435 3,111 3,010
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ 10,968 $ 12,800 $ 9,052 $ 5,982 $ 5,608
Other marine services   8,709   2,722   1,676   1,655   1,077
  19,677   15,522   10,728   7,637   6,685
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 5,227 4,853 4,636 3,992 3,853
Repairs and maintenance 1,128 1,801 1,529 694 631
Drydocking 147 375 910 525 (164 )
Insurance and loss reserves 974 612 902 434 678
Fuel, lubes and supplies 1,055 1,120 900 493 381
Other   185   154   29   25   3
  8,716   8,915   8,906   6,163   5,382
Direct Vessel Profit $ 10,961 $ 6,607 $ 1,822 $ 1,474 $ 1,303
Leased-in equipment (included in operating costs and expenses) $ 1,849 $ 1,853 $ 1,856 $ 1,862 $ 1,866
Depreciation and amortization $ 5,550 $ 5,227 $ 5,915 $ 6,535 $ 5,487
Africa, primarily West Africa
Time Charter Statistics:
Average rates per day worked $ 9,411 $ 9,315 $ 9,509 $ 9,455 $ 10,517
Fleet utilization 87 % 82 % 88 % 91 % 75 %
Fleet available days 1,310 1,475 1,331 1,260 1,207
Out-of-service days for repairs, maintenance and drydockings 92 46 31 34
Out-of-service days for cold-stacked status 92
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ 10,730 $ 11,201 $ 11,122 $ 10,794 $ 9,533
Other marine services   4,247   1,777   350   1,287   983
  14,977   12,978   11,472   12,081   10,516
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 3,665 4,486 4,314 4,073 3,795
Repairs and maintenance 873 2,438 1,663 1,356 855
Drydocking (28 ) 1,201 910 2 129
Insurance and loss reserves 307 323 248 218 (19 )
Fuel, lubes and supplies 1,176 1,081 900 669 859
Other   772   1,103   1,402   1,036   1,098
  6,765   10,632   9,437   7,354   6,717
Direct Vessel Profit $ 8,212 $ 2,346 $ 2,035 $ 4,727 $ 3,799
Leased-in equipment (included in operating costs and expenses) $ 958 $ 960 $ 962 $ 963 $ 965
Depreciation and amortization $ 2,341 $ 2,381 $ 2,924 $ 2,807 $ 3,175



(in thousands, except statistics)

Three Months Ended
Dec. 31,


      Sep. 30,


      Jun. 30,


      Mar. 31,


      Dec. 31,


Middle East and Asia
Time Charter Statistics:
Average rates per day worked $ 8,856 $ 8,156 $ 8,226 $ 8,072 $ 6,784
Fleet utilization 70 % 76 % 82 % 66 % 68 %
Fleet available days 2,009 2,024 2,005 2,132 2,331
Out-of-service days for repairs, maintenance and drydockings 178 76 4 151 104
Out-of-service days for cold-stacked status 92 92 91 130 119
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ 12,517 $ 12,590 $ 13,591 $ 11,374 $ 10,682
Other marine services   118   (83 )   (792 )   (130 )   (171 )
  12,635   12,507   12,799   11,244   10,511
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 4,354 4,361 4,069 4,022 4,882
Repairs and maintenance 3,077 2,091 3,576 2,428 2,205
Drydocking 949 352 72 (11 ) 554
Insurance and loss reserves 389 385 361 236 382
Fuel, lubes and supplies 1,179 892 922 1,034 1,180
Other   984   952   836   1,208   1,522
  10,932   9,033   9,836   8,917   10,725
Direct Vessel Profit (Loss) $ 1,703 $ 3,474 $ 2,963 $ 2,327 $ (214 )
Depreciation and amortization $ 4,154 $ 4,207 $ 4,311 $ 6,090 $ 6,898
Brazil, Mexico, Central and South America
Time Charter Statistics:
Average rates per day worked $ 11,866 $ 17,604 $ 19,127 $ 15,272 $ 16,718
Fleet utilization 72 % 80 % 57 % 41 % 50 %
Fleet available days 460 531 416 219 184
Out-of-service days for cold-stacked status 92 92 91 90 92
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ 3,934 $ 7,479 $ 4,556 $ 1,374 $ 1,538
Bareboat charter 1,168 1,168 1,156 1,143 1,169
Other marine services   183   416   845   110   156
  5,285   9,063   6,557   2,627   2,863
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 1,142 1,662 1,219 376 322
Repairs and maintenance 362 312 32 305 44
Drydocking 14 103 11
Insurance and loss reserves 96 163 169 67 230
Fuel, lubes and supplies 384 427 349 65 163
Other   232   350   488   60   44
  2,230   3,017   2,268   873   803
Direct Vessel Profit $ 3,055 $ 6,046 $ 4,289 $ 1,754 $ 2,060
Depreciation and amortization $ 1,888 $ 2,521 $ 2,280 $ 1,219 $ 1,134



(in thousands, except statistics)

Three Months Ended
Dec. 31,


      Sep. 30,


      Jun. 30,


      Mar. 31,


      Dec. 31,


Europe, primarily North Sea
Time Charter Statistics:
Average rates per day worked - Standby safety $ 8,504 $ 8,692 $ 9,157 $ 9,058 $ 8,660
Fleet utilization - Standby safety 82 % 77 % 80 % 78 % 82 %
Fleet available days - Standby safety 1,734 1,809 1,746 1,849 1,822
Average rates per day worked - Crew transfer 2,293 2,260 2,342 2,317 2,330
Fleet utilization - Crew transfer 69 % 91 % 76 % 64 % 73 %
Fleet available days - Crew transfer 3,312 3,314 3,228 3,091 3,220
Out-of-service days for repairs, maintenance and drydockings 136 240 77 137 249
Out-of-service days for cold-stacked status 92 61
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ 17,233 $ 18,832 $ 18,505 $ 17,618 $ 18,384
Other marine services   1,125   1,353   640   514   384
  18,358   20,185   19,145   18,132   18,768
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 9,210 9,659 10,495 9,213 9,101
Repairs and maintenance 2,488 2,566 2,270 2,290 2,490
Drydocking 314 2,791 1,209 1,741 919
Insurance and loss reserves 327 374 254 235 172
Fuel, lubes and supplies 824 1,170 1,051 1,284 1,037
Other   359   441   254   278   303
  13,522   17,001   15,533   15,041   14,022
Direct Vessel Profit $ 4,836 $ 3,184 $ 3,612 $ 3,091 $ 4,746
Leased-in equipment (included in operating costs and expenses) $ 178 $ 12 $ 22 $ $
Depreciation and amortization $ 3,053 $ 3,006 $ 2,976 $ 2,861 $ 3,327



(in thousands, except statistics)

Three Months Ended
Dec. 31,


      Sep. 30,


      Jun. 30,


      Mar. 31,


      Dec. 31,


Anchor handling towing supply
Time Charter Statistics:
Average rates per day worked $ 8,506 $ 9,269 $ 13,381 $ 10,322 $ 10,322
Fleet utilization 26 % 28 % 23 % 21 % 21 %
Fleet available days 1,012 1,012 866 1,260 1,288
Out-of-service days for repairs, maintenance and drydockings 12 100 23 36 5
Out-of-service days for cold-stacked status 644 602 608 947 943
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ 2,248 $ 2,592 $ 2,712 $ 2,787 $ 2,849
Other marine services   2,426   1,244   (91 )   1,438   698
  4,674   3,836   2,621   4,225   3,547
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 1,279 1,667 1,593 1,397 2,381
Repairs and maintenance 386 1,625 1,281 394 498
Drydocking (70 ) 1,168 945 480 (30 )
Insurance and loss reserves 219 282 265 91 195
Fuel, lubes and supplies 467 582 586 153 446
Other   568   530   689   452   (499 )
  2,849   5,854   5,359   2,967   2,991
Direct Vessel Profit (Loss) $ 1,825 $ (2,018 ) $ (2,738 ) $ 1,258 $ 556
Leased-in equipment (included in operating costs and expenses) $ 1,847 $ 1,851 $ 1,855 $ 1,858 $ 1,862
Depreciation and amortization $ 679 $ 689 $ 532 $ 1,490 $ 2,430
Fast support
Time Charter Statistics:
Average rates per day worked $ 7,749 $ 7,148 $ 6,963 $ 7,746 $ 7,414
Fleet utilization 67 % 59 % 62 % 53 % 52 %
Fleet available days 3,187 3,709 3,820 3,780 3,864
Out-of-service days for repairs, maintenance and drydockings 151 131 53 109 155
Out-of-service days for cold-stacked status 659 1,037 1,191 1,253 1,324
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ 16,453 $ 15,678 $ 16,488 $ 15,427 $ 14,845
Other marine services   (952 )   (834 )   (505 )   (656 )   (399 )
  15,501   14,844   15,983   14,771   14,446
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 5,328 5,826 5,258 4,756 5,717
Repairs and maintenance 2,595 2,641 3,406 2,544 1,853
Drydocking 1 432 115 (9 ) 684
Insurance and loss reserves 534 407 314 324 129
Fuel, lubes and supplies 1,368 1,016 1,015 795 849
Other   1,062   1,718   1,466   1,460   2,356
  10,888   12,040   11,574   9,870   11,588
Direct Vessel Profit $ 4,613 $ 2,804 $ 4,409 $ 4,901 $ 2,858
Leased-in equipment (included in operating costs and expenses) $ 341 $ 342 $ 342 $ 342 $ 343
Depreciation and amortization $ 5,525 $ 5,780 $ 6,585 $ 6,585 $ 6,521



(in thousands, except statistics)

Three Months Ended
Dec. 31,


      Sep. 30,


      Jun. 30,


      Mar. 31,


      Dec. 31,


Time Charter Statistics:
Average rates per day worked $ 7,050 $ 7,410 $ 7,174 $ 6,454 $ 5,222
Fleet utilization 81 % 82 % 69 % 73 % 81 %
Fleet available days 460 565 637 633 594
Out-of-service days for repairs, maintenance and drydockings 27 16 2
Out-of-service days for cold-stacked status 19 68 25
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ 2,631 $ 3,442 $ 3,149 $ 3,002 $ 2,527
Bareboat charter 1,168 1,168 1,156 1,143 1,169
Other marine services   619   1,066   39   (18 )   (47 )
  4,418   5,676   4,344   4,127   3,649
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 1,487 1,976 1,999 1,956 1,604
Repairs and maintenance 403 549 259 445 266
Drydocking 1,023 1,624 585
Insurance and loss reserves 130 145 134 102 210
Fuel, lubes and supplies 445 391 317 694 632
Other   762   254   1,048   719   348
  4,250   4,939   4,342   3,916   3,060
Direct Vessel Profit $ 168 $ 737 $ 2 $ 211 $ 589
Leased-in equipment (included in operating costs and expenses) $ 178 $ 34 $ $ $
Depreciation and amortization $ 966 $ 1,173 $ 1,394 $ 2,743 $ 3,566
Standby safety
Time Charter Statistics:
Average rates per day worked $ 8,504 $ 8,692 $ 9,157 $ 9,058 $ 8,660
Fleet utilization 82 % 77 % 80 % 78 % 82 %
Fleet available days 1,734 1,809 1,746 1,849 1,822
Out-of-service days for repairs, maintenance and drydockings 89 117 46 87 78
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ 12,024 $ 12,036 $ 12,791 $ 13,051 $ 12,921
Other marine services   11   50   39   40   38
  12,035   12,086   12,830   13,091   12,959
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 6,774 5,855 8,148 6,938 6,901
Repairs and maintenance 1,601 1,627 1,464 1,554 1,570
Drydocking 273 1,156 624 1,741 919
Insurance and loss reserves 216 234 143 138 106
Fuel, lubes and supplies 657 975 843 991 894
Other   209   351   144   161   220
  9,730   10,198   11,366   11,523   10,610
Direct Vessel Profit $ 2,305 $ 1,888 $ 1,464 $ 1,568 $ 2,349
Depreciation and amortization $ 1,085 $ 945 $ 681 $ 694 $ 769



(in thousands, except statistics)

Three Months Ended
Dec. 31,


      Sep. 30,


      Jun. 30,


      Mar. 31,


      Dec. 31,


Time Charter Statistics:
Fleet available days 92 92 91 90 276
Out-of-service days for repairs, maintenance and drydockings 24
Out-of-service days for cold-stacked status 92 92 91 90 160
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ $ $ $ $ (1 )
Other marine services   337         1
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 64 64 79 164 472
Repairs and maintenance 12 31 13 37 77
Drydocking (6 ) (136 )
Insurance and loss reserves 9 41 25 10 102
Fuel, lubes and supplies 33 65 (29 ) 83 20
Other   70   67   93   104   85
  188   268   181   392   620
Direct Vessel Profit (Loss) $ 149 $ (268 ) $ (181 ) $ (392 ) $ (620 )
Depreciation and amortization $ 282 $ 282 $ 283 $ 282 $ 283
Time Charter Statistics:
Average rates per day worked $ 18,497 $ 18,993 $ 19,225 $ 16,068 $ 16,662
Fleet utilization 49 % 60 % 43 % 30 % 30 %
Fleet available days 1,827 1,932 1,911 1,659 1,380
Out-of-service days for repairs, maintenance and drydockings 132 86 266 116 92
Out-of-service days for cold-stacked status 550 554 708 933 771
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ 16,631 $ 22,171 $ 15,788 $ 8,126 $ 6,954
Other marine services   1,926   2,922   1,569   756   393
  18,557   25,093   17,357   8,882   7,347
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 5,546 5,621 4,671 3,461 2,577
Repairs and maintenance 1,971 1,827 1,553 1,134 990
Drydocking 167 433 842 51 1
Insurance and loss reserves 872 630 889 651 722
Fuel, lubes and supplies 1,485 1,482 1,153 668 632
Other   667   620   336   417   333
  10,708   10,613   9,444   6,382   5,255
Direct Vessel Profit $ 7,849 $ 14,480 $ 7,913 $ 2,500 $ 2,092
Leased-in equipment (included in operating costs and expenses) $ 638 $ 641 $ 644 $ 638 $ 626
Depreciation and amortization $ 6,098 $ 6,188 $ 6,333 $ 5,025 $ 3,160



(in thousands, except statistics)

Three Months Ended
Dec. 31,


      Sep. 30,


      Jun. 30,


      Mar. 31,


      Dec. 31,


Crew transfer
Time Charter Statistics:
Average rates per day worked $ 2,283 $ 2,253 $ 2,330 $ 2,305 $ 2,318
Fleet utilization 68 % 89 % 73 % 62 % 72 %
Fleet available days 3,496 3,498 3,457 3,330 3,404
Out-of-service days for repairs, maintenance and drydockings 47 123 31 113 171
Out-of-service days for cold-stacked status 92 61 40 92
Operating revenues:
Time charter $ 5,395 $ 6,983 $ 5,898 $ 4,749 $ 5,650
Other marine services   460   657   563   429   295
  5,855   7,640   6,461   5,178   5,945
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 2,274 2,471 2,295 2,222 2,295
Repairs and maintenance 814 806 987 825 969
Drydocking 2 9 1
Insurance and loss reserves 94 130 93 103 74
Fuel, lubes and supplies 145 163 219 144 146
Other   165   104   173   96   121
  3,494   3,683   3,768   3,390   3,605
Direct Vessel Profit $ 2,361 $ 3,957 $ 2,693 $ 1,788 $ 2,340
Leased-in equipment (included in operating costs and expenses) $ $ (22 ) $ 22 $ $
Depreciation and amortization $ 2,155 $ 2,093 $ 2,380 $ 2,428 $ 2,903
Other Activity
Operating revenues:
Other marine services $ 9,555 $ 1,080 $ 1,105 $ 1,447 $ 1,450
Direct operating expenses:
Personnel 846 1,541 690 782 6
Repairs and maintenance 146 102 107 140 2
Insurance and loss reserves 19 (12 ) 71 (229 ) (95 )
Fuel, lubes and supplies 18 16 18 17 1
Other   (971 )   (644 )   (940 )   (802 )   6
  58   1,003   (54 )   (92 )   (80 )
Direct Vessel Profit $ 9,497 $ 77 $ 1,159 $ 1,539 $ 1,530
Leased-in equipment (included in operating costs and expenses) $ (19 ) $ (21 ) $ (23 ) (13 )
Depreciation and amortization $ 196 $ 192 $ 218 $ 265 $ 389



(in thousands)

Three Months Ended
Dec. 31,


      Sep. 30,


      Jun. 30,


      Mar. 31,


      Dec. 31,


Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
DVP $ 28,767 $ 21,657 $ 14,721 $ 13,373 $ 11,694
Operating, leased-in equipment (excluding amortization of deferred gains) (4,994 ) (4,834 ) (4,850 ) (4,834 ) (4,840 )
Administrative and general (excluding provisions for bad debts and amortization of share awards) (12,314 ) (11,452 ) (14,076 ) (12,357 ) (12,091 )
SEACOR Holdings management and guarantee fees (5 ) (5 ) (7 ) (12 ) (29 )
Other, net (excluding non-cash losses) (3 ) 249 (5 )
Dividends received from 50% or less owned companies   400     1,324     200
11,851 5,615 (2,888 ) (3,830 ) (5,071 )
Changes in operating assets and liabilities before interest and income taxes (10,638 ) (16,587 ) (14,575 ) (4,938 ) 9,003
Director share awards 893
Restricted stock vesting (5 ) (32 ) (51 )
Cash settlements on derivative transactions, net 1,420 102 (21 ) (129 ) (140 )
Interest paid, excluding capitalized interest (5,929 ) (5,498 ) (5,875 ) (2,828 ) (4,471 )
Interest received 357 309 352 216 326
Income taxes (paid) refunded, net   40   (344 )   (12 )     (52 )
Net cash used in operating activities (GAAP Measure)   (2,904 )   (16,435 )   (22,177 )   (11,509 )   (405 )
Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Purchases of property and equipment, excluding capitalized interest (14,217 ) (21,601 ) (5,983 ) (8,557 ) (16,105 )
Capitalized interest paid (614 ) (1,008 ) (563 )
Proceeds from disposition of property and equipment 17,476 1,858 3,244 282 1,046
Construction reserve funds withdrawals, net   7,535   2,556   7,209     94
Net investing activities in property and equipment 10,794 (17,801 ) 3,462 (8,275 ) (15,528 )
Net investing activities in 50% or less owned companies (3,672 ) 1,770 (5,610 ) (19,950 ) (366 )
Sale of subsidiary to joint venture 8,017
Net investing activities in third party notes receivable   17       99  
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (GAAP Measure)   7,139   (8,014 )   (2,148 )   (28,126 )   (15,894 )
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Payments on long-term debt (11,352 ) (2,851 ) (6,395 ) (28,807 ) (3,354 )
Proceeds from issuance of debt, net of issue costs (336 ) 43,882 18,471 (300 )
Proceeds from exercise of stock options and warrants 20 813
Proceeds from issuance of stock       54,012   1,793  
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities (GAAP Measure)   (11,668 )   41,031   48,430   (8,543 )   (3,654 )
Effects of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents   (233 )   (253 )   (970 )   682   528
Net (Decrease) Increase in Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash   (7,666 )   16,329   23,135   (47,496 )   (19,425 )
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash, Beginning of Period   104,519   88,190   65,055   112,551   131,976
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash, End of Period $ 96,853 $ 104,519 $ 88,190 $ 65,055 $ 112,551



(in thousands)

Dec. 31,


Sep. 30,


Jun. 30,


Mar. 31,


Dec. 31,


Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 95,195 $ 102,864 $ 86,239 $ 62,738 $ 110,234
Restricted cash 1,657 1,655 1,951 2,316 2,317
Trade, net of allowance for doubtful accounts 64,125 75,349 57,658 45,664 45,616
Other 12,082 16,552 16,039 17,039 12,341
Inventories 3,443 3,646 3,666 3,975 3,756
Prepaid expenses and other   2,530   2,692   4,090   3,613   3,026
Total current assets   179,032   202,758   169,643   135,345   177,290
Property and Equipment:
Historical cost 1,242,733 1,279,000 1,287,855 1,320,496 1,179,836
Accumulated depreciation   (561,272 )   (568,752 )   (564,477 )   (580,461 )   (560,160 )
681,461 710,248 723,378 740,035 619,676
Construction in progress   88,918   82,953   82,274   80,682   70,157
Net property and equipment   770,379   793,201   805,652   820,717   689,833
Investments, at Equity, and Advances to 50% or Less Owned Companies 121,773 120,340 115,424 112,219 92,169
Construction Reserve Funds 28,061 35,596 38,152 45,361 45,361
Other Assets   3,690   3,582   3,667   3,736   3,851
$ 1,102,935 $ 1,155,477 $ 1,132,538 $ 1,117,378 $ 1,008,504
Current Liabilities:
Current portion of long-term debt $ 16,812 $ 17,426 $ 22,858 $ 22,858 $ 22,858
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 19,370 20,480 23,774 25,551 24,024
Due to SEACOR Holdings 452 463 746 1,583 1,358
Other current liabilities   46,983   63,772   56,469   55,365   50,978
Total current liabilities   83,617   102,141   103,847   105,357   99,218
Long-Term Debt 387,854 397,738 348,912 405,234 292,041
Conversion Option Liability on Convertible Senior Notes 5,276 17,928 21,886 18,991 6,832
Deferred Income Taxes 44,682 46,120 49,789 56,024 55,506
Deferred Gains and Other Liabilities   26,571   26,662   27,289   28,600   31,741
Total liabilities $ 548,000 $ 590,589 $ 551,723 $ 614,206 $ 485,338
SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc. stockholders' equity:
Common stock $ 204 $ 204 $ 204 $ 178 $ 177
Additional paid-in capital 415,372 414,460 413,754 306,639 303,996
Retained earnings 126,834 134,628 150,585 175,609 216,511
Shares held in treasury (91 ) (86 ) (54 )
Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of tax   (16,788 )   (13,945 )   (13,129 )   (10,424 )   (12,493 )
525,531 535,261 551,360 472,002 508,191
Noncontrolling interests in subsidiaries   29,404   29,627   29,455   31,170   14,975
Total equity   554,935   564,888   580,815   503,172   523,166
$ 1,102,935 $ 1,155,477 $ 1,132,538 $ 1,117,378 $ 1,008,504



Dec. 31,


Sep. 30,


Jun. 30,


Mar. 31,


Dec. 31,


Anchor handling towing supply   12   13   13   19   23
Fast support 41 47 49 50 50
Supply 39 29 29 29 31
Standby safety 19 20 21 22 20
Specialty 7 4 4 4 4
Liftboats 19 21 21 21 15
Crew transfer   42   42   42   41   41
  179   176   179   186   184


(1) Excludes six owned and one leased-in offshore support vessels that have been retired and removed from service.



2019 2020
Q1     Q2     Q3     Q4 Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4 Deferred Total
Fast support   1  











2 4
Supply 1










Crew transfer 1 1








Platform supply



1 1 1






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