Hecla Reports Continued Discoveries at the Mines, Integrates Nevada, and Advances Key Projects

Hecla Mining Company (((HL) today provided an update on its exploration programs during the second quarter.

Exploration Highlights

  • Casa Berardi:
    • Drilling is expanding potential size of the East Mine Crown Pillar (EMCP) pit and the proposed 160, Principal and West Mine Crown Pillar (WMCP) open pits.
    • Underground drilling of the 118 and 123 zones continues to discover high-grade mineralization along trends. Surface drilling has defined high-grade extensions of the 124, 134 and south perimeter of the Principal Crown Pillar (123 Zone).
    • At Lac Germain, 4.5 miles east of Casa Berardi, drilling resulted in intersections of high-grade, gold-bearing mineralized zones in at least five subparallel lenses. Most of the gold-bearing lenses go to surface and the combination of mineralized lenses extend approximately 2,200 feet along strike and to a depth of 1,300 feet.
  • San Sebastian: Continues to refine and expand high-grade, polymetallic zones on the Middle and Francine veins. Additional oxide mineralization being defined along the Professor and East Francine veins.
  • Greens Creek: Exploration drilling continues to expand the Deep 200 South, Gallagher, East Ore, Upper Plate and Southwest Bench zone mineralized trends.
  • Nevada: Integration of the Klondex exploration group is underway and drill programs are ramping up.

"The exploration success we have seen across the portfolio in recent quarters continues," said Phillips S. Baker, Jr., President and CEO. "The teams at Casa Berardi, Greens Creek and San Sebastian are discovering high-grade material, both at surface and at depth. A new focus is our 110-square-mile land package in Nevada where we are integrating the existing exploration team and ramping-up drilling."

Casa Berardi – Quebec

During the second quarter, up to six underground drills were used to refine stope designs, expand reserves and resources in the 118, 121, 123 and 124 zones and confirm further potential at depth and to the east and west. Up to five drills on surface completed infill and exploration drilling at the EMCP, WMCP, Principal, 134 and 160 zones. It is anticipated that once the resource is updated and pit optimization studies are completed, these results will extend the current EMCP pit to the west, potentially expand the proposed Principal Pit, and provide the basis for a new pit design of the WMCP. Deeper drilling has also identified high-grade zones that extend from the proposed 134, 160 and Principal pits into the underground where follow-up drilling has refined the geometry of these higher-grade resources.

At the Lower 118 Zone, drilling confirmed the continuity of multiple mineralized lenses to the west and at depth outside the current resource boundary. Recent intersections include 0.55 oz/ton gold over 3.3 feet and 1.49 oz/ton gold over 1.6 feet and drilling continues to expand this mineralized trend. Drilling of stacked, high-grade lenses of the 123 Zone is defining the connection of multiple mineralized lenses for over 1,900 feet of strike length and over 3,600 feet down-dip below the 1070 level. Near the top of the 123 Zone resource, step-out drilling to the east has intersected 0.70 oz/ton gold over 15.3 feet and 0.50 oz/ton gold over 4.9 feet. Drilling from lower in the mine has defined a new mineralized area north of the Casa Berardi Fault. This new 125 Zone is a broad mineralized area that includes higher-grade intervals such as 0.20 oz/ton gold over 9.8 feet. Drilling below the current 123 Zone resource intersected 0.22 oz/ton gold over 21.2 feet and drilling further below the bottom of the mine returned 0.45 oz/ton gold over 12.0 feet and 0.44 oz/ton gold over 9.1 feet suggesting these mineralized lenses plunge west at depth and mineralization remains open. High in the mine, drilling has targeted the east extension of the 124 Zone that is down-plunge of the Principal pit mineralization. Exploration drilling is planned from underground to define this trend.

Surface and shallow underground drilling have identified extensions of potential pits that are being evaluated for production. Drilling on the west extension of the current EMCP Pit has returned 0.11 oz/ton gold over 40.3 feet, defining an extension of over 800 feet to the west of the current pit outline. Shallow drilling is completed. Updated block modeling and a final pit design shows the pit extending to the west and slightly to the east. Surface exploration drilling will follow up on the high-grade mineralization that was defined along the 146 and 148 zones and will be evaluated for the underground potential.

Surface drilling of the 134 and 160 zones below the limits of the proposed pits intersected high-grade veins that show continuity down-plunge to the east. Recent deeper drill intersections of the 160 Zone include 0.16 oz/ton gold over 57.4 feet and 0.16 oz/ton gold over 41.7 feet and the high-grade shoots within these intervals may have the potential for underground mining. Significantly, the re-establishment of the underground drill platforms in the East Mine below the 160 Zone could allow for the evaluation of these high-grade shoots later this year and possibly revive mining in this area.

Drilling of the WMCP to the west of the West Shaft continues to intercept strong mineralized structures near surface and shows the continuity of mineralization within 800 feet of surface. This drilling is designed to evaluate the open pit potential west of the West Shaft, and a significant number of assays are pending. The WMCP resource modeling is in progress and drilling results should be included in the end of year 2018 reserves. Drilling to the south of the proposed crown pillar in the Principal Pit area confirmed continuity and includes intersections of 0.04 oz/ton gold over 84.0 feet and 0.11 oz/ton gold over 8.9 feet.

For the remainder of 2018, surface drilling programs are planned at the 123-124 zones (Principal area), 146 Zone/EMCP, and WMCP to define and expand these potential open pits along the Casa Berardi Fault. Underground drilling is expected to continue to expand and refine the 118 and 123 zones lower in the mine and the 123, 124, 134 and 160 zones closer to surface. Drilling of the 160 Zone from underground is planned to start in the third quarter with the goal of increasing reserves and resources in the newly-accessible East Mine.

Surface drilling at the Lac Germain prospect, 4.5 miles to the northeast of the Casa Berardi mining lease and along a splay of the Casa Berardi Deformation Zone, succeeded in defining five gold-bearing mineralized lenses that extend approximately 2,200 feet along strike and to a depth of 1,300 feet from surface. In the LG-1 lens, a drill hole returned 0.32 oz/ton gold over 10.4 feet including 0.67 oz/ton gold over 3.5 feet. Along the LG-2 lens near-surface, drilling intersected an exceptional value of 14.8 oz/ton gold over 1.7 feet and a separate intersection of 0.20 oz/ton gold over 11.4 feet. At the LG-3 lens, drilling returned 0.18 oz/ton gold over 9.6 feet and 0.13 oz/ton gold over 7.5 feet. Finally, in Zone LG-4, intersections of 0.17 oz/ton gold over 19.7 feet, 0.12 oz/ton gold over 24.7 feet and 0.19 oz/ton gold over 12.9 feet were reported.

In combination, the lenses are interpreted to form a 300-foot wide structural and alteration corridor in a sequence of sedimentary rocks including banded iron formation. Gold-bearing mineralization is related to quartz and quartz-carbonate veins up to 5 feet thick and is present close to surface and has steep-to-sub-vertical plunges that are similar to the plunges of gold mineralization at the Casa Berardi Mine. A number of these lenses are open along strike and at depth and are expected to be the focus of exploration in 2019. Surface drilling to the west of the Casa Berardi Mining Lease has also extended mineralization along the Casa Berardi Deformation Zone where one recently defined lens has a similar style of mineralization to the 123 Zone at Casa Berardi. The prospective Casa Berardi Deformation Zone and related structural splays have a strike length of over 20 miles on the property and should be the focus of exploration for many years.

More complete drill assay highlights from Casa Berardi can be found in Table A at the end of the release and a presentation showing drill intersection locations is available at the following: http://ir.hecla-mining.com/interactive/newlookandfeel/4130678/Hecla-Q2-2018-ExplorationUpdate.pdf.

San Sebastian – Mexico

During the quarter, four core drill rigs and one reverse circulation (RC) drill operated, with two drills concentrated on infill drilling of the polymetallic zone along the Francine Vein. The other drills were active in exploration core drilling which was directed toward the expansion of high-grade polymetallic mineralization along the Middle Vein and shallower exploration drilling of oxide mineralization along the Professor and East Francine veins.

On the Francine Vein, infill holes within the polymetallic zone intercepted intervals of semi-massive sulfide that are generally consistent with the previous exploration drilling results. Recent assays include 0.11 oz/ton gold, 13.2 oz/ton silver, 2.2% copper, 2.9% lead, and 4.6% zinc over 5.6 feet, and 0.01 g/ton gold, 10.2 oz/ton silver, 2.1% copper, 2.6% lead, and 2.7% zinc over 10.0 feet. This drilling is continuing to the east and at depth and is intended to refine the resources prior to developing a mine plan. A bulk sample of the polymetallic Francine Vein should occur in the fourth quarter and provide material for metallurgical studies and a viability test of the nearby Excellon Mill where the processing of sulfide ores from San Sebastian is planned.

Further to the east, beyond the San Ricardo Fault, new zones of vein-hosted, oxide mineralization have been defined by drilling along the East Francine Vein. Drilling continues to intersect narrow, but high-grade mineralization including intersections of 0.05 oz/ton gold and 18.8 oz/ton silver over 6.1 feet and 0.07 oz/ton gold and 21.2 oz/ton silver over 4.2 feet. The mineralized area is currently defined over 1,200 feet along strike and 800 feet down-dip and drilling is now concentrated on the 1,000 feet of open area located between these new intercepts and the previously defined mineralization in the shallower portion of the East Francine Vein resource area. When incorporating the newly-defined mineralization in East Francine, the total strike length of continuous mineralization along the Francine Vein exceeds 8,000 feet and can be traced to a depth of over 2,000 feet.

Recent RC drilling intersected 0.02 oz/ton gold and 23.7 oz/ton silver over 6.6 feet of oxidized quartz vein about 100 feet from surface. This intercept is interpreted to be the projection of West Francine Vein in an area located about 1,000 feet west of any past drilling on the Francine Vein. Follow-up core drilling of this target is planned in the third quarter. The Professor Vein is located approximately 300 feet south of the Francine Vein and some high-grade mineralization is located near a programmed Francine Vein crosscut and could be accessed by extending the current ramp from surface. Recent drilling of this vein includes intersections of 1.03 oz/ton gold and 31.0 oz/ton silver over 6.3 feet and 0.19 oz/ton gold and 47.6 oz/ton silver over 4.9 feet. There appear to be three main pods of high-grade mineralization along the Professor Vein; one that extends vertically to surface and two pods that are located about 250 feet from surface.

Exploration drilling of the West Middle Vein was directed toward a new zone of high-grade mineralization with similar mineral characteristics as the previously discovered polymetallic mineralization on the Francine Vein. This zone extends 1,600 feet along strike and 1,400 feet down-dip and is open to the east and at depth. The upper extent of this mineralization is located about 100 to 300 feet below the new Middle Vein underground mine ramp and work on a development drift has begun to facilitate the collection of a bulk sample of the polymetallic mineralization later this year. Recent intersections include 47.6 oz/ton silver, 0.19 oz/ton gold, 0.1% copper, 0.3% lead, and 0.5% zinc over 4.9 feet and 29.7 oz/ton silver, 0.07 oz/ton gold, 0.1% copper, 0.3% lead, and 0.3% zinc over 2.3 feet. Drilling of this mineralization along the Middle Vein is expected to continue to depth and to the east.

Drilling continues to expand resources and evaluate polymetallic targets along the Middle and Francine veins and will also evaluate near-surface, oxide mineralization at the East and West Francine, Professor and Esperanza veins.

More complete drill assay highlights from San Sebastian can be found in Table A at the end of this release and a presentation showing drill intersection locations is available at the following: http://ir.hecla-mining.com/interactive/newlookandfeel/4130678/Hecla-Q2-2018-ExplorationUpdate.pdf.

Greens Creek – Alaska

At Greens Creek, drilling in the second quarter and strong assay results received from previous drilling in the first quarter have upgraded and expanded the Deep 200 South, Gallagher, East Ore, Upper Plate and Southwest Bench zone resources.

Drilling of the southern portion of the Deep 200 South Zone, include intersections of 101.4 oz/ton silver, 0.09 oz/ton gold, 4.2% zinc and 2.1% lead over 8.0 feet. Confirmed bench mineralization is present as two flat-lying, high-grade lenses and upgraded it to an indicated resource. Exploration drilling south of the current resource has extended 200 South Bench mineralization another 250 feet with an intersection of 31.8 oz/ton silver, 0.01 oz/ton gold, 2.2% zinc and 1.0% lead over 23.6 feet. Deeper drilling has defined a third, lower mineralized horizon along the mine contact that has been folded to depth relative to the bench mineralization. Recent exploration drilling to the south also identified thin bench mineralization outside the modeled ore zone to the west. Recent intersections in this area include 22.8 oz/ton silver, 0.38 oz/ton gold, 2.7% zinc and 1.3% lead over 3.0 feet. Shallow, east-dipping mineralization more than 250 feet west of the modeled ore zone includes 39.9 oz/ton silver, 0.02 oz/ton gold, 1.3% zinc and 0.7% lead over 9.2 feet. Current exploration drilling further south suggests the bench mineralization remains robust.

Drilling of the Gallagher Zone confirmed modeled thicknesses and may have increased the resource and mineralization further to the west. Intersections from this program include 10.6 oz/ton silver, 0.04 oz/ton gold, 2.0% zinc and 1.0% lead over 23.9 feet. Exploration drilling also intersected ore lithologies along and west of the Gallagher Fault. Future drilling is planned to see if the current precious metal-rich mineralization transitions into broader and higher-grade precious and base metal-rich mineralization.

Drilling of the Upper Plate Zone suggests that there are two, flat-lying ore zones near the mine portal elevation. Drill results show the lower band of mineralization is similar in thickness to the resource model, although it occurs beyond the current wireframe to the west and south. South of the current lower band, step-out drilling has intersected 42.9 oz/ton silver, 0.04 oz/ton gold, 3.1% zinc and 1.5% lead over 24.1 feet. The upper band is thicker than the resource model, including 21.0 oz/ton silver, 0.02 oz/ton gold, 9.7% zinc and 5.8% lead over 20.8 feet, and recent drilling has also extended this mineralization to the west and south. Drilling from surface in the third quarter could expand this resource further to the west and north.

Drilling of the Lower Southwest Zone indicates that the newly-defined lower ore band extends farther to the north and higher in elevation than modeled. Thick intercepts of white ores and massive sulfide lithologies continue to be found beyond the northern extent of the current resource. Recent drilling of the upper remnant limb of the lower Southwest Zone shows the mineralization in this section is much thicker than anticipated. In the East Ore Zone intersections from definition drilling, including 18.8 oz/ton silver, 0.24 oz/ton gold, 12.4% zinc and 4.7% lead over 24.1 feet, confirm previously modeled resource estimates, particularly at higher elevations. The focus of underground drilling is planned to be on the Deep 200 South, Gallagher, East Ore and Southwest Bench zones throughout 2018 with additional drilling targeting the Northwest West and 9A zones.

Surface drilling commenced in June and the first three drill holes have intersected broad zones of stockwork veining and 3 to 5-foot wide bands of semi-massive sulfide containing significant sphalerite, galena and silver sulfosalts. This semi-massive sulfide zone is about 800 feet west of the current 200 South Bench resource and may represent part of a bench syncline that extends appreciably along strike to the north and south.

More complete drill assay highlights from Greens Creek can be found in Table A at the end of this release and a presentation showing drill intersection locations is available at the following: http://ir.hecla-mining.com/interactive/newlookandfeel/4130678/Hecla-Q2-2018-ExplorationUpdate.pdf.


Fire Creek

Definition drilling at the Fire Creek Mine performed by Klondex Mines was focused on upgrading and expanding resources in the central Spiral 2 area and filling the gap to the Spiral 4 area in the southern part of the mine. Recent intersections in Spiral 2 include 1.08 oz/ton gold over 4.1 feet and 0.65 oz/ton gold over 3.0 feet and show the upside potential of resources in close proximity to mine workings. Drilling has also extended Spiral 2 mineralization up-dip and to the north in the Joyce Splay with intersections including 1.73 oz/ton gold over 1.8 feet. Intersections including 0.46 oz/ton gold over 6.8 feet along the Karen Vein indicate the structure continues south toward Spiral 4. Additional drilling has in-filled and extended mineralization along strike and up-dip in the Spiral 4 area. Underground development is advancing on the Haulage 9 drift to provide an exploration drill platform that is expected near year-end with the goal of extending Spiral 9 veins to the south.

There are two surface exploration rigs operating at the Fire Creek Mine to find extensions of current high-grade, gold-bearing structures. Drilling at the Guard Shack, which is southeast of the mine infrastructure, encountered structures with strong clay alteration, which typically are gold-bearing, and suggest the mineralization carries further south. Additional targets within the Guard Shack area that will be evaluated with drilling include a resistivity high to the west corresponding to a link structure between Joyce and the Titan zones. Further south along known structural corridors in the South Notice area, an Induced Polarization (IP)/resistivity geophysical survey is in progress to refine drilling targets for later in the year. The first surface hole at the Zeus target, which is northwest of the mine infrastructure, encountered a structure with strong alteration and mineralization at the projected target depth. This is the first of a projected eight holes that are designed to build upon strong drill results from last year to the north and south along strike.


Two drill rigs concentrated on definition drilling in the Central Hollister to refine resources next to and above the mine infrastructure and evaluate the Gwenevere Vein and Upper Gloria areas that are the eastern and western extents of the mine, respectively. The Gwenevere program targeted the 58, 59 and 60 veins and intersections include 1.58 oz/ton gold and 13.5 oz/ton silver over 0.8 feet, 0.47 oz/ton gold and 0.60 oz/ton silver over 10.4 feet and 3.01 oz/ton gold and 13.6 oz/to silver over 0.4 feet and show the veins have good continuity and remain open to the east. The Upper Gloria intersections include 1.05 oz/ton gold and 67.2 oz/ton silver over 1.0 feet, 1.60 oz/ton gold and 11.2 oz/ton silver over 0.9 feet and 0.52 oz/ton gold and 10.8 oz/ton silver over 1.23 feet and indicates these high-grade veins are open further to the west and in the higher mining elevations. The Central Hollister program was designed to follow up on historical reverse circulation (RC) intercepts of the 213 Vein and to extend mineralization on the 151, 161 and 181 veins. Intersections include 1.65 oz/ton gold over 0.3 feet and 0.51 oz/ton gold over 2.2 feet and indicates significant mineralization exists above the central mine area.

Surface drilling of the Rowena target is designed to offset historic, high-grade intersections and extend the resource east and west in the northern part of the mine. Two drills on the Hatter Graben will start operating in August to test the current Hatter resource east and west.


Exploration drilling is concentrated on the Trinity target, which is a small, high-grade deposit south of the 3 Haulage Extension at the south end of the Midas Mine. Although assays are pending, surface drilling to the north and south suggests vein mineralization may be strongest along the edges of the Trinity Corridor and mafic dikes and appears to be open to both the south and north.

More complete drill assay highlights from Nevada (Fire Creek, Hollister and Midas) can be found in Table A at the end of this release and a presentation showing drill intersection locations is available at the following: http://ir.hecla-mining.com/interactive/newlookandfeel/4130678/Hecla-Q2-2018-ExplorationUpdate.pdf.


Drilling in the quarter advanced the exploration of the Kinskuch silver-base metals project in northern British Columbia, the Little Baldy gold project in northern Idaho, and the Republic gold project in Washington.

Updated Reserves and Resources (Incorporating Three Nevada Mines)

A breakdown of the Company's reserves and resources incorporating the new reserves and resources from acquisition of the Klondex Mines assets (Fire Creek, Hollister and Midas mines) is set out in Tables B and C at the end of this news release. The new table is a combination of Hecla Reserve and Resources (reported in Hecla Mining Company press release February 7, 2018) and the reserves and resources of the Fire Creek, Hollister and Midas mines. The Fire Creek reserves and resources are those reported by Klondex Mines on February 5, 2018 with mining depletion to April 1, 2018. Reserves and Resources for Hollister are those reported by Klondex on July 13, 2017 with mining depletion to April 1, 2018. The Midas Reserves and Resources have an effective date of June 30, 2017 and are also depleted to April 1, 2018.


Founded in 1891, Hecla Mining Company (((HL) is a leading low-cost U.S. silver producer with operating mines in Alaska, Idaho and Mexico, and is a growing gold producer with operating mines in Quebec and Nevada. The Company also has exploration and pre-development properties in eight world-class silver and gold mining districts in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward Looking Statements

Statements made or information provided in this news release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. Words such as "may", "will", "should", "expects", "intends", "projects", "believes", "estimates", "targets", "anticipates" and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. The material factors or assumptions used to develop such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information include that the Company's plans for development and production will proceed as expected and will not require revision as a result of risks or uncertainties, whether known, unknown or unanticipated, to which the Company's operations are subject.

Forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected, anticipated, expected or implied. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, metals price volatility, volatility of metals production and costs, litigation, regulatory and environmental risks, operating risks, project development risks, political risks, labor issues, ability to raise financing and exploration risks and results. Refer to the Company's Form 10K and 10-Q reports for a more detailed discussion of risk factors that may impact expected future results. The Company undertakes no obligation and has no intention of updating forward-looking statements other than as may be required by law.

Qualified Person (QP) Pursuant to Canadian National Instrument 43-101

Dean McDonald, PhD. P.Geo., Senior Vice President - Exploration of Hecla Mining Company, who serves as a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the scientific and technical information concerning Hecla's mineral projects in this news release, including with respect to the newly acquired Nevada projects. Information regarding data verification, surveys and investigations, quality assurance program and quality control measures and a summary of sample, analytical or testing procedures for the Greens Creek Mine are contained in a technical report prepared for Hecla titled "Technical Report for the Greens Creek Mine, Juneau, Alaska, USA" effective date March 28, 2013, and for the Lucky Friday Mine are contained in a technical report prepared for Hecla titled "Technical Report on the Lucky Friday Mine Shoshone County, Idaho, USA" effective date April 2, 2014, for the Casa Berardi Mine are contained in a technical report prepared for Hecla titled "Technical Report on the Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimate for the Casa Berardi Mine, Northwestern Quebec, Canada" effective date March 31, 2014 (the "Casa Berardi Technical Report"), and for the San Sebastian Mine are contained in a technical report prepared for Hecla titled "Technical Report for the San Sebastian Ag-Au Property, Durango, Mexico" effective date September 8, 2015. Also included in these four technical reports is a description of the key assumptions, parameters and methods used to estimate mineral reserves and resources and a general discussion of the extent to which the estimates may be affected by any known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing or other relevant factors. Information regarding data verification, surveys and investigations, quality assurance program and quality control measures and a summary of sample, analytical or testing procedures for the Fire Creek Mine are contained in a technical report prepared for Klondex Mines, dated November 30, 2017, amended March 2, 2018; the Hollister Mine dated May 31, 2017, amended August 9, 2017; and the Midas Mine dated August 31, 2014, amended April 2, 2015. Copies of these technical reports are available under Hecla's and Klondex's profiles on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

Dr. McDonald reviewed and verified information regarding drill sampling, data verification of all digitally-collected data, drill surveys and specific gravity determinations relating to the Casa Berardi mine. The review encompassed quality assurance programs and quality control measures including analytical or testing practice, chain-of-custody procedures, sample storage procedures and included independent sample collection and analysis. This review found the information and procedures meet industry standards and are adequate for Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimation and mine planning purposes.

Cautionary Statements to Investors on Reserves and Resources

Reporting requirements in the United States for disclosure of mineral properties are governed by the SEC and included in the SEC's Securities Act Industry Guide 7, entitled "Description of Property by Issuers Engaged or to be Engaged in Significant Mining Operations" (Guide 7). However, the Company is also a "reporting issuer" under Canadian securities laws, which require estimates of mineral resources and reserves to be prepared in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101). NI 43-101 requires all disclosure of estimates of potential mineral resources and reserves to be disclosed in accordance with its requirements. Such Canadian information is being included here to satisfy the Company's "public disclosure" obligations under Regulation FD of the SEC and to provide U.S. holders with ready access to information publicly available in Canada.

Reporting requirements in the United States for disclosure of mineral properties under Guide 7 and the requirements in Canada under NI 43-101 standards are substantially different. This document contains a summary of certain estimates of the Company, not only of proven and probable reserves within the meaning of Guide 7, but also of mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates estimated in accordance with the definitional standards of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum referred to in NI 43-101. Under Guide 7, the term "reserve" means that part of a mineral deposit that can be economically and legally extracted or produced at the time of the reserve determination. The term "economically," as used in the definition of reserve, means that profitable extraction or production has been established or analytically demonstrated to be viable and justifiable under reasonable investment and market assumptions. The term "legally," as used in the definition of reserve, does not imply that all permits needed for mining and processing have been obtained or that other legal issues have been completely resolved. However, for a reserve to exist, Hecla must have a justifiable expectation, based on applicable laws and regulations, that issuance of permits or resolution of legal issues necessary for mining and processing at a particular deposit will be accomplished in the ordinary course and in a timeframe consistent with Hecla's current mine plans. The terms "measured resources", "indicated resources," and "inferred resources" are Canadian mining terms as defined in accordance with NI 43-101. These terms are not defined under Guide 7 and are not normally permitted to be used in reports and registration statements filed with the SEC in the United States, except where required to be disclosed by foreign law. The term "resource" does not equate to the term "reserve". Under Guide 7, the material described herein as "indicated resources" and "measured resources" would be characterized as "mineralized material" and is permitted to be disclosed in tonnage and grade only, not ounces. The category of "inferred resources" is not recognized by Guide 7. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the mineral deposits in such categories will ever be converted into proven or probable reserves. "Resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of such a "resource" will ever be upgraded to a higher category or will ever be economically extracted. Investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of a "resource" exists or is economically or legally mineable. Investors are also especially cautioned that the mere fact that such resources may be referred to in ounces of silver and/or gold, rather than in tons of mineralization and grades of silver and/or gold estimated per ton, is not an indication that such material will ever result in mined ore which is processed into commercial silver or gold.

Table A – Assay Results – Q2 2018
Casa Berardi (Quebec)
Zone   Drill Hole Number   Drill Hole Section   Drill Hole Azm/Dip   Sample From   Sample To   True Width (feet)   Gold (oz/ton)   Depth From Mine Surface (feet)
Lower 118 - 990-1050 Area   CBP-0686   12117   360/-20   168.0   172.5   13.4   0.12   3416
118   CBP-0686   12120   360/-20   178.5   189.2   32.3   0.14   3433
118   CBP-0687   12087   360/-33   15.0   15.5   1.6   1.49   3252
118   CBP-0689   12085   360/-20   169.8   175.7   19.0   0.14   3409
118   CBP-0693   12058   360/-20   179.5   189.0   29.9   0.14   3421
118   CBP-0695   12120   360/-44   4.0   5.0   3.3   0.55   3237
Upper 123 - 390-430 Area   CBP-0430-003   12487   139/43   21.0   22.9   4.9   0.50   1347
123   CBP-0430-003   12490   139/43   26.7   28.7   4.1   0.20   1334
123   CBP-0430-004   12498   125/32   25.4   34.5   19.2   0.28   1345
123   CBP-0430-005   12517   116/1   38.8   51.8   21.4   0.17   1392
123   CBP-0430-006   12405   353/11   63.9   72.1   25.5   0.15   1357
123   CBP-0430-006   12405   353/11   186.0   194.0   26.1   0.11   1280
123   CBP-0430-006   12405   353/11   199.0   201.5   8.2   0.13   1275
123   CBP-0430-006   12405   353/11   205.9   208.0   7.1   0.18   1271
123   CBP-0430-008   12406   353/-9   58.8   62.7   10.8   0.20   1140
Upper 123 - 450-510 Area   CBP-0530-391   12364   240/22   82.7   90.0   15.3   0.70   1628
123 (125 Zone) - 810-930 Area   CBP-0910-104   12226   173/-26   24.0   32.0   26.2   0.16   2995
123   CBP-0910-104   12230   173/-26   70.0   74.4   9.8   0.20   3053
123   CBP-0910-105   12228   172/-38   33.0   41.0   21.2   0.22   3031
123   CBP-0910-109   12147   243/43   102.6   106.0   7.2   0.44   2720
Lower 123 - 910-950 Area   CBP-0950-086   12406   180/76   9.7   15.0   10.1   0.15   3066
123   CBP-0950-098   12414   153/-5   12.0   16.4   12.1   0.13   3118
123   CBP-0950-101   12256   180/57   67.0   71.1   13.4   0.18   2925
123   CBP-0950-102   12256   179/38   51.1   61.0   31.3   0.13   3122
123   CBP-0950-104   12254   180/-15   34.0   39.4   11.2   0.13   3148
123   CBP-0950-106   12255  


  3.0   14.6   35.5   0.14   3118
123   CBP-0950-107   12241   187/46   55.6   61.8   19.0   0.30   2977
123   CBP-0950-117   12257   360/44   25.0   27.7   4.5   0.21   3051
Lower 123 - 990-1050 Area   CBP-0990-060   12182   23/-12   54.7   66.0   33.5   0.13   3278
123   CBP-0990-064   12279   179/-5   73.1   109.0   106.6   0.31   3243
123   CBP-0990-065   12282   179/-13   77.5   111.5   94.0   0.24   3289
123   CBP-0990-066   12281   179/-19   91.7   103.0   31.6   0.26   3319
123   CBP-0990-067   12282   179/-30   68.0   75.0   14.4   0.28   3345
123   CBP-0990-068   12282   179/-36   64.0   81.0   44.0   0.15   3364
123   CBP-0990-068   12280   179/-36   113.0   117.0   9.1   0.44   3438
123   CBP-0990-068   12278   179/-36   126.0   144.0   41.3   0.18   3470
123   CBP-0990-069   12294   170/7   78.0   104.0   82.9   0.22   3181
123   CBP-0990-070   12293   170/-7   69.4   78.0   24.5   0.17   3249
123   CBP-0990-070   12296   170/-7   87.0   107.6   62.8   0.24   3251
123   CBP-0990-071   12293   170/-15   94.0   108.0   42.6   0.18   3316
123   CBP-0990-072   12292   170/-22   99.0   118.0   51.5   0.20   3344
123   CBP-0990-073   12293   170/-29   110.0   134.0   64.7   0.26   3403
123   CBP-0990-076   12272   188/-28   88.0   95.0   12.0   0.45   3368
123   CBP-0990-076   12267   188/-28   119.0   125.0   16.2   0.32   3412
123   CBP-0990-077   12272   188/-34   75.0   101.0   40.2   0.19   3388
123   CBP-0990-078   12269   188/-40   86.6   118.0   21.2   0.22   3426
Surface - EMCP Pit   CBF-148-062   14624   41/-45   112.9   152.0   97.1   0.04   320
148   CBF-148-062   14643   41/-45   164.0   196.0   77.1   0.04   429
148   CBF-148-065   14596   22/-45   119.0   137.4   49.3   0.05   304
148   CBF-148-066   14586   22/-53   96.6   111.0   40.3   0.11   277
148   CBF-148-068   14536   4/-65   74.8   88.5   26.4   0.18   249
148   CBF-148-068   14536   4/-65   96.4   110.0   36.5   0.10   311
148   CBF-148-069   14535   4/-75   103.0   116.0   26.2   0.07   353
Surface - 160 Zone   CBF-160-075   15909   4/-47   255.0   273.0   57.4   0.16   635
160   CBF-160-076   15902   4/-58   60.0   68.7   23.6   0.17   194
160   CBF-160-077   15790   360/-50   425.0   435.0   31.2   0.16   11
160   CBF-160-078   15772   355/-58   423.0   431.0   24.7   0.15   967
160   CBF-160-078   15775   355/-58   471.0   484.5   41.7   0.16   1104
125 Zone   CBP-0666   12537   355/-40   295.0   303.0   22.0   0.05   3073
125 Zone   CBP-0666   12536   355/-40   316.0   320.0   9.8   0.20   3108
Surface - 149 Zone   CBS-18-840   14117   4/-75   1393.5   1399.5   17.4   0.08   3128
146 Zone   CBS-18-863   14424   18/-55   450.0   454.5   11.8   0.02   1113
Surface - West Pillar   CBF-105-001   10973   147/-59   182.3   191.1   17.7   0.07   512
West Pillar   CBS-18-851   10384   186/-59   264.0   270.0   12.1   0.03   748
West Pillar   CBS-18-851   10385   186/-59   324.0   328.5   9.8   0.08   898
West Pillar   CBS-18-865   10995   135/-45   128.0   134.9   10.2   0.02   293
Surface - Principal Area   CBS-17-825   13508   360/-64   376.0   377.0   2.6   0.68   898
134   CBS-17-825   13507   360/-64   406.5   415.3   23.6   0.13   962
134   CBS-17-828   13424   327/-55   343.0   374.3   84.0   0.04   789
134   CBS-17-829   13433   343/-60   445.0   448.0   8.9   0.11   939
134   CBS-18-855   13232   360/-70   360.4   364.2   8.9   0.08   999
134   CBS-18-856   13230   360/-72   473.6   477.8   9.2   0.15   1379
134   CBS-18-866   13205   360/-65   411.2   412.2   12.2   0.16   1118

Lac Germain (Quebec)

Zone   Drill Hole Number   Drill Hole Section   Drill Hole Azm/Dip   Sample From   Sample To   Width (feet)   True Width (feet)   Gold (oz/ton)   Depth From Mine Surface (feet)
LG_1   CBS-18-945   23175   359/-57   116.5   122.0   5.5   4.4   0.14   105
LG_1   CBS-18-946   23250   358/-56   150.6   154.9   4.3   3.5   0.23   132
LG_1   CBS-18-955   22840   356/-46   623.4   635.2   11.8   10.4   0.32   466
LG_1   Including   627.3   631.2   3.9   3.5   0.67   467
LG_1   CBS-18-965   22940   358/-54   535.1   551.5   16.4   14.2   0.16   431
LG_2   CBS-18-940   23050   357/-58   962.9   976.0   13.1   11.4   0.20   794
LG_2   CBS-18-942   23075   359/-56   196.9   221.5   24.6   20.7   0.15   175
LG_2   CBS-18-942   23075   359/-56   243.1   247.7   4.6   3.9   6.38   204
LG_2   Including   245.7   247.7   2.0   1.7   14.82   204
LG_2   CBS-18-943   23100   359/-56   144.4   149.6   5.2   4.3   0.14   126
LG_2   CBS-18-956   22700   355/-54   511.8   515.1   3.3   4.9   0.12   408
LG_2   CBS-18-957   22770   356/-54   600.4   603.7   3.3   5.0   0.14   481
LG_2   CBS-18-964   22850   359/-55   443.6   446.2   2.6   2.3   0.17   352
LG_3   CBS-18-935   22775   357/-57   1099.4   1110.2   10.8   9.6   0.18   889
LG_3   CBS-18-947   23200   358/-57   625.0   633.5   8.5   7.5   0.13   517
LG_3   CBS-18-954   23125   350/-56   860.6   875.3   14.7   13.1   0.07   705
LG_4   CBS-18-937   22775   360/-56   351.0   358.3   7.3   6.1   0.18   289
LG_4   CBS-18-940   23050   357/-58   1055.8   1059.7   3.9   3.5   0.49   862
LG_4   CBS-18-955   22840   356/-46   871.1   892.4   21.3   19.7   0.17   643
LG_4   CBS-18-957A   22770   358/-45   748.0   751.3   3.3   6.1   0.15   581
LG_4   CBS-18-960   23000   358/-59   902.2   929.8   27.6   24.7   0.12   736
LG_4   CBS-18-961   22775   357/-57   554.5   557.7   3.2   2.9   0.17   450
LG_4   CBS-18-964   22850   359/-55   564.3   567.6   3.3   14.9   0.19   445
LG_4   CBS-18-968   22965   360/-55   571.9   586.6   14.7   12.9   0.19   468

San Sebastian (Mexico)

Zone   Drill Hole Number   Sample From (ft)   Sample To (ft)   Width (feet)   True Width (feet)   Gold (oz/ton)   Silver (oz/ton)   Zinc (%)   Lead (%)   Copper (%)   Depth From Mine Surface (feet)
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1528   472.7   478.5   5.8   4.6   0.02   5.8   2.8   1.2   0.9   397
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1532   906.9   907.5   0.7   0.4   0.01   38.2   11.8   6.5   7.3   759
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1541   760.9   763.2   2.2   1.5   0.00   26.9   7.6   8.3   6.0   651
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1544   732.5   740.0   7.5   4.7   0.01   8.4   6.3   3.3   1.2   628
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1547   830.9   835.7   4.8   3.1   0.00   6.4   3.9   3.4   1.7   712
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1553   758.3   764.3   6.0   3.1   0.00   14.5   9.7   8.4   2.3   651
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1554   1101.9   1107.1   5.2   3.0   0.00   12.3   8.2   3.7   4.0   952
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1559   436.5   439.7   3.2   2.4   0.06   14.2   0.5   0.6   0.3   366
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1565   1182.3   1186.7   4.5   2.5   0.00   9.0   6.3   4.6   2.2   1026
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1571   1469.0   1477.3   8.3   3.9   0.00   6.2   1.1   0.3   2.6   1282
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1575   784.6   787.4   2.8   2.0   0.01   16.4   2.8   0.8   2.4   676
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1576   943.9   956.3   12.5   8.3   0.00   2.4   0.7   0.2   0.7   815
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1578   721.2   734.7   13.5   10.0   0.00   10.2   2.7   2.6   2.1   620
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1584   894.0   895.4   1.4   0.9   0.00   9.5   7.5   2.3   2.0   777
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1589   986.8   993.0   6.2   5.6   0.11   13.2   4.6   2.9   2.2   841
Francine Vein - Polymetallic   SS-1601   1325.9   1329.9   4.0   2.7   0.00   10.2   4.2   7.6   2.9   1139
E. Francine   SS-1533   1505.2   1507.3   2.2   3.2   0.07   13.2   0.7   0.5   0.1   1286
E. Francine   SS-1555   1001.1   1004.8   3.7   3.5   0.04   17.1   0.1   0.1   0.0   766
E. Francine   SS-1561   1037.1   1041.3   4.3   4.2   0.07   21.2   0.4   0.2   0.1   927
E. Francine   SS-1570   1072.7   1074.2   1.6   4.5   0.01   13.7   0.1   0.1   0.0   882
E. Francine   SS-1579   1101.2   1106.1   4.9   4.5   0.13   19.3   0.2   0.1   0.1   842
E. Francine   SS-1587   844.4   850.8   6.4   6.1   0.02   18.8   0.1   0.0   0.0   678
W. Francine (RC)   SSRC-220   130.7   137.8   7.1   6.6   0.02   23.7   0.0   0.1   0.0   130
Middle Vein   SS-1552   2065.4   2068.2   2.9   2.3   0.00   9.6   21.1   9.0   4.1   1702
Middle Vein   SS-1584   1796.6   1800.3   3.7   2.5   0.00   8.2   1.3   0.9   5.3   1657
Middle Vein   SS-1531   698.7   701.2   2.6   2.3   0.07   29.7   0.3   0.1   0.0   678
Middle Vein   SS-1536   509.8   515.7   5.9   4.9   0.19   47.6   0.5   0.3   0.1   510
Professor Vein   SS-1539   477.0   485.4   8.4   6.3   1.03   31.0   1.8   1.1   0.3   431
Professor Vein   SS-1541   393.2   398.6   5.4   4.9   0.19   47.6   0.7   0.9   0.1   452
Professor Vein   SS-1545   335.8   336.8   1.0   0.8   0.67   115.2   0.0   0.3   0.1   307
Professor Vein   SS-1573   426.6   428.1   1.5   1.2   0.97   278.0   5.8   1.5   0.8   389

Greens Creek (Alaska)

Zone   Drill Hole Number   Drillhole Azm/Dip   Sample From   Sample To   True Width (feet)   Silver (oz/ton)   Gold (oz/ton)   Zinc (%)   Lead (%)   Depth From Mine Portal (feet)
East Ore   GC4791   63/30   248.7   251.3   1.9   68.2   0.50   24.8   12.6   847
            263.0   265.0   1.5   24.2   0.34   4.4   2.2   855
    GC4811   63/5   272.5   276.5   3.9   20.4   0.04   21.5   4.8   736
    GC4818   63/28   403.5   404.5   0.7   39.2   0.28   5.3   2.7   905
    GC4822   63/21   347.7   348.8   0.8   100.1   0.84   23.9   11.7   834
    GC4852   63/-75   507.0   509.5   2.4   183.0   1.17   16.6   5.1   168
    GC4867   63/-73   478.0   503.0   24.1   18.8   0.24   12.4   4.7   176
    GC4869   243/-89   529.0   540.0   10.2   12.4   0.12   24.1   11.4   121
Deep 200 South   GC4823   63/-88   299.0   310.0   11.0   11.2   0.09   1.4   0.6   -1575
    GC4828   243/-81   301.5   304.0   2.2   10.2   0.04   3.4   0.6   -1573
    GC4832   243/-70   251.0   253.0   2.0   11.2   0.08   2.9   2.5   -1512
    GC4839   243/-59   180.5   188.5   8.0   101.4   0.09   4.2   2.1   -1432
    GC4839   243/-59   257.5   262.0   4.0   15.4   0.03   7.0   4.5   -1497
    GC4841   243/-49   181.5   185.0   3.1   50.0   0.08   0.5   0.3   -1411
    GC4845   243/-41   195.5   199.0   3.0   30.0   0.02   0.8   0.3   -1403
    GC4861   243/-81   226.0   229.0   3.0   20.3   0.05   10.8   6.2   -1497
            308.5   318.5   10.0   15.1   0.18   1.2   0.5   -1584
    GC4864   243/-70   175.4   179.0   3.6   20.6   0.05   1.1   0.4   -1440
            231.8   243.0   11.1   36.4   0.06   12.3   6.0   -1496
    GC4866   243/-59   240.0   257.0   16.7   11.4   0.02   5.2   2.5   -1480
    GC4868   243/-49   188.5   191.0   2.2   43.6   0.02   0.6   0.3   -1419
            642.8   649.4   6.6   38.3   0.05   0.7   0.3   -1757
    GC4871   243/-41   195.5   196.5   0.9   99.8   0.07   1.3   0.7   -1401
    GC4873   243/-89   331.5   336.5   4.9   15.9   0.11   1.6   0.8   -1612
    GC4880   243/-68   230.0   243.6   11.4   9.4   0.17   1.0   0.6   -1489
    GC4884   243/-49   192.0   194.5   2.5   19.7   0.04   1.0   0.3   -1421
    GC4887   63/-83   379.8   384.5   3.0   22.8   0.38   2.7   1.3   -1658
    GC4891   63/-76   475.5   490.0   6.1   11.2   0.15   1.9   1.0   -1742
    GC4898   243/-78   240.5   253.5   12.6   12.4   0.02   5.6   2.7   -1512
    GC4901   243/-43   191.0   194.5   3.5   20.0   0.03   0.7   0.3   -1410
            492.0   516.8   17.8   36.0   0.04   0.6   0.2   -1611
    GC4906   243/-55   280.0   283.5   3.0   17.4   0.01   2.2   1.0   -1505
            611.0   623.0   12.0   49.4   0.04   1.0   0.5   -1773
    GC4908   243/-36   194.3   201.0   6.5   39.7   0.04   1.0   0.6   -1392
            572.0   587.0   9.2   39.9   0.02   1.3   0.7   -1603
    GC4910   243/-62   238.0   242.5   4.2   13.4   0.01   1.0   0.4   -1491
            605.0   613.0   7.8   26.3   0.04   0.2   0.1   -1814
    GC4931   243/-69   208.0   238.0   23.6   31.8   0.00   2.2   1.0   -1474
Upper Plate   GC4829   250/41   375.0   383.0   4.8   13.5   0.03   19.9   6.4   318
    GC4836   258/66   121.0   161.0   24.1   42.9   0.04   3.1   1.5   192
    GC4853   251/29   402.0   424.0   11.3   14.9   0.01   11.6   6.6   258
    GC4856   253/36   338.0   349.3   8.9   28.0   0.02   8.3   4.7   260
    GC4870   356/77   168.0   172.0   3.3   49.7   0.00   0.0   0.0   236
    GC4876   40/59   116.5   124.2   5.9   15.3   0.02   1.8   0.9   174
            223.0   245.0   20.8   21.0   0.02   9.7   5.8   263
    GC4881   243/77   176.0   179.0   2.6   16.7   0.31   2.8   1.3   243
            147.0   155.0   7.4   12.4   0.11   2.6   1.4   220
    GC4890   63/64   219.5   226.5   5.7   23.8   0.03   21.5   11.0   271
    GC4895   63/41   181.4   187.2   5.8   16.0   0.01   2.0   1.1   192
            320.5   325.0   4.0   17.1   0.01   16.9   13.7   276
    GC4897   63/28   248.0   254.0   3.2   23.8   0.01   2.5   1.4   187
    GC4911   84/58   218.0   224.3   5.6   19.0   0.02   15.6   8.5   260
    GC4914   74/34   178.5   182.8   4.1   13.1   0.04   4.6   2.8   166
    GC4917   72/21   330.0   340.0   6.4   61.6   0.03   18.7   9.6   189
    GC4806   90/56   509.0   514.0   4.4   15.0   0.00   1.7   0.9   124
Gallagher   GC4875   42/35   20.0   24.0   4.0   8.5   0.03   4.7   3.3   -682
    GC4879   258/3   390.5   414.5   23.9   10.6   0.04   2.0   1.0   -680
    GC4883   254/-1   411.5   414.1   2.5   21.0   0.06   0.8   0.2   -708
            24.0   56.5   16.3   17.9   0.02   9.1   3.8   -703
    GC4886   247/58   17.5   19.5   1.8   20.6   0.02   19.3   9.3   -685
            35.0   39.0   3.6   31.1   0.04   6.4   2.4   -670

Fire Creek (Nevada)


Drill Hole



Drill Hole



Sample From



Sample To











Hui Wu   FCU-0963   25/-11   247.5   250.0   2.5   0.48   0.2
Hui Wu   FCU-0965   122/14   279.4   284.0   18.6   0.14   0.2
Joyce Splay   FCU-1002   38/6   30.5   32.3   1.8   1.73   0.7
Joyce Splay   FCU-1002   38/6   40.0   40.9   0.9   1.70   0.6
Karen   FCU-0960   46/-15   196.2   200.0   3.8   0.28   0.3
Karen   FCU-0964   64/-3   155.0   161.8   6.8   0.46   0.2
Karen   FCU-0965   122/14   166.4   176.9   10.5   0.17   0.2
Karen   FCU-0965   122/14   243.4   244.0   0.6   0.72   0.7
Karen   FCU-0967   112/-5   243.1   245.2   2.1   0.15   0.2
Karen Splay   FCU-0963   25/-11   238.6   242.3   3.7   0.14   0.1
V08   FCU-0977   106/38   284.9   289.0   4.1   1.08   0.4
V08   FCU-0980   133/-5   290.5   293.5   3.0   0.65   0.7
V08   FCU-0980   133/-5   294.0   295.8   1.8   0.33   0.5
V08   FCU-0981   130/10   238.6   240.8   2.2   0.29   0.5
VN 08   FCU-0971   78/5   162.3   163.4   1.1   0.18   0.5
VN 08   FCU-0972   48/1   189.0   209.0   20.0   0.17   1.6
VN 08   FCU-0975   78/22   205.7   210.0   4.3   0.15   0.2
VN 08   FCU-0976   98/15   185.0   196.5   11.5   0.22   0.5
VN 08   FCU-0993   99/34   269.0   274.0   5.0   0.37   0.1
VN 08   FCU-0996   99/42   295.0   298.0   3.0   0.31   1.0
VN 08 Splay   FCU-0976   98/15   200.0   202.5   2.5   0.20   0.3
VN 08 Splay   FCU-0988   24/22   287.7   290.5   2.8   0.37   0.1
VN 44   FCU-0957   121/-38   54.0   56.2   2.2   0.20   0.6
VN 44   FCU-0972   48/1   50.1   50.9   0.8   0.47   0.5
VN 63   FCU-0957   121/-38   276.4   280.7   4.3   0.18   0.1
Vonnie   FCU-0974   60/13   128.0   129.1   1.1   0.79   0.4
Vonnie   FCU-0975   78/22   173.1   183.7   10.6   0.28   0.5
Vonnie   FCU-0977   106/38   179.0   183.0   4.0   0.34   0.4
Vonnie   FCU-0978   47/16   182.6   183.5   0.9   2.37   1.4
Vonnie   FCU-0982   119/4   92.7   94.0   1.3   0.90   0.7
Vonnie   FCU-0983   76/35   191.6   212.6   21.0   0.36   0.6
Vonnie   FCU-0986   50/29   178.0   180.2   2.2   0.68   0.6
Vonnie   FCU-0989   24/22   160.0   166.6   6.6   3.35   2.1
Vonnie   FCU-0991   41/7   180.0   182.2   2.2   1.50   0.3
Vonnie   FCU-0995   70/14   149.0   151.2   2.2   2.07   0.5
Vonnie Splay   FCU-0976   98/15   173.2   177.9   4.7   0.29   0.5
Vonnie Splay   FCU-0985   45/30   225.0   228.1   3.1   0.28   0.4
Vonnie Splay   FCU-0986   50/29   227.6   228.3   0.7   0.52   0.5
Vonnie Splay   FCU-0989   24/22   181.6   190.5   8.9   0.13   0.4
Vonnie Splay   FCU-0991   41/7   171.8   173.8   2.0   0.17   0.1
Vonnie Splay   FCU-0991   41/7   175.4   176.7   1.3   0.47   0.2
Vonnie Splay   FCU-0992   99/22   213.0   214.6   1.6   1.65   1.3
Vonnie Splay   FCU-0995   70/14   159.1   162.0   2.9   0.14   0.1

Midas (Nevada)


Drill Hole



Drill Hole




From (feet)


Sample To















Trinity Exploration   MUC-03070   56/-25   80.00   82.70   2.70   2.7   0.44   0.7
Trinity Exploration   MUC-03075   92/-3   83.50   90.00   6.50   5.1   0.59   0.7
Trinity Exploration   DMC-00353   80/-70   170.00   171.20   1.20   1.2   0.29   0.1
Trinity Exploration   DMC-00353   80/-70   628.00   631.00   3.00   3.0   0.14   0.1
Colorado Grande (V105)   MUC-03063   122/-44   189.00   201.00   12.00   5.3   0.58   67.2
Little Enos (V1055)   MUC-03069   225/-76   228.00   230.00   2.00   1.2   0.09   13.4
Little Enos (V1055)   MUC-03080   236/-86   219.00   222.00   3.00   1.4   0.35   19.8
Little Enos (V1055)   MUC-03081   242/-56   122.30   123.00   0.70   0.6   0.38   41.3
Gold Crown HWall (V305)   MUC-03045   214/21   227.00   228.20   1.20   1.0   3.79   16.2
Gold Crown H Wall (V305)   MUC-03046   241/33   32.70   33.90   1.20   0.9   0.72   4.3
Snow White (V405)   MUC-03038   21/-6   70.50   71.70   1.20   0.8   1.89   44.1
Snow White (V405)   MUC-03039   75/-20   63.50   65.10   1.60   1.4   2.21   29.2
Snow White (V405)   MUC-03040   114/-6   96.40   97.30   0.90   0.6   0.67   37.6
Snow White (V405)   MUC-03041   2.26   51.50   52.60   1.10   2.2   0.31   11.0
Snow White (V405)   MUC-03041B   1.28   64.80   65.70   0.90   0.6   4.39   41.5
Discovery (V505)   MUC-03042   108/-33   274.20   282.00   7.80   3.7   0.16   1.8
Discovery (V505)   MUC-03043   121/-29   326.80   334.30   7.50   2.4   0.20   2.9
Discovery (V505)   MUC-03052   10/-25   127.00   129.00   2.00   1.0   1.28   29.1
Discovery (V505)   MUC-03057   1.35   198.20   202.30   4.10   2.5   0.60   24.8
Discovery (V505)   MUC-03058   2.30   205.30   210.60   5.30   3.1   1.00   17.9
Discovery (V505)   MUC-03059   5.89   184.00   192.40   8.40   5.3   0.33   5.4
Discovery (V505)   MUC-03060   4.14   255.00   272.00   17.00   8.6   0.20   8.5

Hollister (Nevada)

Zone   Drill Hole Number   Drill Hole Azm/Dip   Sample From (feet)   Sample To (feet)   True Width (feet)   Gold (oz/ton)   Silver (oz/ton)
East Clementine v181   HUC-00026   354/36   453.00   457.00   3.24   0.15   0.1
Gwenevere V58   HUC-00002   20/35   247.00   248.00   0.83   1.58   13.5
Gwenevere V58   HUC-00003   33/18   230.00   235.00   4.61   0.20   0.2
Gwenevere V58   HUC-00005   36/48   343.00   344.90   0.78   0.55   0.1
Gwenevere V59   HUC-00002   20/35   175.00   187.50   10.37   0.47   0.6
Gwenevere V59   including   179.00   179.80   0.66   4.74   7.1
Gwenevere V59   including   187.00   187.50   0.41   1.23   0.5
Gwenevere V59   HUC-00004   35/38   192.50   193.00   0.41   0.49   1.1
Gwenevere V59   HUC-00005   36/48   177.30   182.50   2.13   0.50   0.4
Gwenevere V60   HUC-00003   33/18   105.00   110.00   4.61   0.24   0.1
Gwenevere V60   HUC-00005   36/48   143.00   145.70   1.11   1.07   4.7
Gwenevere V60   including   144.80   145.70   0.37   3.01   13.6
Upper Gloria Vein 22   HUC-00016   191/22   118.50   120.00   0.95   1.05   67.2
Upper Gloria Vein 22   HUC-00017   191/40   150.00   151.00   0.74   0.45   5.2
Upper Gloria Vein 232A   HUC-00013   303/26   95.00   97.00   2.28   0.47   4.8
Upper Gloria Vein 232A   HUC-00014   324/21   73.00   74.50   1.21   1.00   3.9
Upper Gloria Vein 232A   HUC-00016   191/22   37.50   38.50   0.90   1.60   11.2
Upper Gloria Vein 232A   HUC-00017   191/40   42.00   43.00   0.73   0.50   2.8
Upper Gloria Vein 232A   HUC-00030   345/43   99.00   103.00   2.61   0.53   8.0
Upper Gloria Vein 232B   HUC-00014   324/21   164.00   165.30   1.23   0.52   10.8
Central Hollister   HUC-00037   334/36   225.00   225.50   0.30   1.65   0.5
Central Hollister   HUC-00038   334/17   188.00   191.00   2.27   0.51   5.0
Table B
Reserves – 12/31/2017(1)
Proven Reserves
Asset   Tons







(000 oz)

(000 oz)









Greens Creek (a)   7   12.2   0.09   2.4   6.1   -   89   1   170   440   -
Lucky Friday (a)   4,246   15.4   -   9.6   4.1   -   65,448   -   407,520   175,400   -
Casa Berardi (2)   2,458   -   0.13   -   -   -   -   312   -   -   -
San Sebastian (a)   31   23.3   0.19   -   -   -   712   6   -   -   -
Fire Creek (3)(b)   74   0.9   0.94   -   -   -   68   70   -   -   -
Hollister (4)(b)   41   4.4   0.59   -   -   -   182   24   -   -   -
Midas (5)(b)   51   6.6   0.77   -   -   -   338   40   -   -   -
Total   6,909                       66,838   452   407,690   175,840   -
Probable Reserves
Asset   Tons







(000 oz)

(000 oz)





Greens Creek (a)   7,543   11.9   0.10   3.0   8.1   -   90,130   725   224,880   614,390   -
Lucky Friday (a)   1,387   11.4   -   7.6   3.7   -   15,815   -   104,720   50,640   -
Casa Berardi (2)   11,413   -   0.10   -   -   -   -   1,181   -   -   -
San Sebastian (a)   368   13.1   0.10   -   -   -   4,809   37   -   -   -
Fire Creek (3)(b)   207   0.5   0.52   -   -   -   106   108   -   -   -
Hollister (4)(b)   35   5.1   0.55   -   -   -   178   20   -   -   -
Midas (5)(b)   80   6.3   0.60   -   -   -   502   48   -   -   -
Total   21,031                       111,541   2,118   329,600   665,030   -
Proven and Probable Reserves
Asset   Tons







(000 oz)

(000 oz)





Greens Creek (a)   7,550   11.9   0.10   3.0   8.1   -   90,219   725   225,050   614,840   -
Lucky Friday (a)   5,632   14.4   -   9.1  


  -   81,264   -   512,240   226,030   -
Casa Berardi (2)   13,871   -   0.11   -   -   -   -   1,494   -   -   -
San Sebastian (a)   398   13.9   0.11   -   -   -   5,520   43   -   -   -
Fire Creek (3)(b)   282   0.6   0.63   -   -   -   175   177   -   -   -
Hollister (4)(b)   77   4.7   0.57   -   -   -   360   44   -   -   -
Midas (5)(b)   131   6.4   0.67   -   -   -   840   88   -   -   -
Total   27,940                       178,379   2,571   737,290   840,870   -
(a) Mineral reserves are based on $1200 gold, $14.50 silver, $0.90 lead, $1.05 zinc, unless otherwise stated.
(b) Mineral reserves are based on $1200 gold and $17.00 silver.
(1) The term "reserve" means that part of a mineral deposit that can be economically and legally extracted or produced at the time of the reserve determination. The term "economically," as used in the definition of reserve, means that profitable extraction or production has been established or analytically demonstrated to be viable and justifiable under reasonable investment and market assumptions. The term "legally," as used in the definition of reserve, does not imply that all permits needed for mining and processing have been obtained or that other legal issues have been completely resolved. However, for a reserve to exist, Hecla must have a justifiable expectation, based on applicable laws and regulations, that issuance of permits or resolution of legal issues necessary for mining and processing at a particular deposit will be accomplished in the ordinary course and in a timeframe consistent with Hecla's current mine plans.
(2) Mineral reserves are based on $1200 gold and a US$/CAN$ exchange rate of 1:1.4 Reserve diluted to an average of 34.7% to minimum width of 9.8 feet (3 m).
Open pit mineral reserves of the Principal Mine were estimated in February 2011 by BBA Inc. based on $950 gold and a US$/CAN$ exchange rate of 1:1. Reserve diluted to 10%
Technical Report on the Pre-Feasibility Study for the Casa Berardi Principal Zone Open-Pit Project, La Sarre, Quebec, February 2011
Prepared by: Patrice Live, Eng. - BBA Inc.; Amanda Fitch, Jr. Eng. - BBA Inc.; Andre Allaire, Eng., M. Eng., Ph.D. - BBA
Open pit mineral reserves of the 160 and 134 Zones were estimated in January 2018 by Hecla Quebec and Mine Development Associates based on $1225 gold and a US$/CAN$ exchange rate of 1.3. (dilution, mining recovery assumptions)
Hecla Mining, Casa Berardi 160 and 134 Zones, Open Pit Mining Study - 2017
January12, 2018, by Mine Development Associates, Thomas L. Dyer, P.E.
(3) Mineral reserves as of April 1, 2018. Recoveries applied to Fire Creek for gold and silver are 93% and 88% respectively. Cutoff grade of 0.282 Au opt and an incremental cutoff grade of 0.090 Au opt. Unplanned dilution of 10 to 17% (depending on mining method) and 5% mining loss are included.
(4) Mineral reserves as of April 1, 2018. Recoveries applied to Hollister for gold and silver are 92% and 60% respectively. Cutoff grade of 0.394 Au opt and an incremental cutoff grade of 0.065 Au opt. Unplanned dilution of 10 to 17% (depending on mining method) and 5% mining loss are included.
(5) Mineral reserves as of April 1, 2018. Recoveries applied to Midas for gold and silver are 93% and 88% respectively. Cutoff grade of 0.365 Au opt and an incremental cutoff grade of 0.066 Au opt. Unplanned dilution of 10 to 15% (depending on mining method) and 5% mining loss are included.
Table C
Resources – 12/31/17
Measured Resources
Asset   Tons







(000 oz)

(000 oz)





Greens Creek (c)   341   9.1   0.09   2.4   8.3   -   3,086   30   8,090   28,420    
Lucky Friday (6)(c)   7,371   7.6   -   4.9   2.7   -   55,947   -   361,590   200,280   -
Casa Berardi (7)   2,210   -   0.17   -   -   -   -   319   -   -   -
San Sebastian (8)(c)   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Fire Creek (10)(d)   67   1.1   1.22   -   -   -   71   82   -   -   -
Hollister (11)(d)   190   2.7   0.47   -   -   -   509   89   -   -   -
Midas (12)(e)   330   6.2   0.36   -   -   -   2,044   120   -   -   -
Heva (9)   5,480   -   0.06   -   -   -   -   304   -   -   -
Hosco (9)   33,070   -   0.04   -   -   -   -   1,296   -   -   -
Rio Grande Silver (14)(c)   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Star (15)(a)   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Total   49,058                       61,656   2,239   369,680   228,700   -
Indicated Resources
Asset   Tons







(000 oz)

(000 oz)





Greens Creek (c)   2,464   11.4   0.09   2.9   7.6   -   28,211   229   72,120   187,060   -
Lucky Friday (6)(c)   2,344   8.2   -   5.3   2.5   -   19,202   -   123,120   58,160   -
Casa Berardi (7)   11,037   -   0.10   -   -   -   -   1,055   -   -   -
San Sebastian (8)(c)   1,506   5.8   0.07   2.9   3.8   1.7   8,796   103   15,520   20,350   9,020
Fire Creek (10)(d)   351   0.6   0.52   -   -   -   196   181   -   -   -
Fire Creek (Open Pit) (13)(d)   42,877   0.1   0.03   -   -   -   2,350   1,093   -   -   -
Hollister (11)(d)   228   1.7   0.38   -   -   -   381   87   -   -   -
Midas (12)(e)   574   4.2   0.32   -   -   -   2,397   182   -   -   -
Heva (9)   5,570   -   0.07   -   -   -   -   369   -   -   -
Hosco (9)   31,620   -   0.04   -   -   -   -   1,151   -   -   -
Rio Grande Silver (14)   516   14.8   -   2.1   1.1   -   7,620   -   10,760   5,820   -
Star (15)(c)   1,126   2.9   -   6.2   7.4   -   3,301   -   69,900   83,410   -
Total   100,212                       72,452   4,449   291,420   354,800   9,020
Measured & Indicated Resources
Asset   Tons







(000 oz)

(000 oz)





Greens Creek (b)   2,805   11.2   0.09   2.9   7.7   -   31,296   259   80,210   215,480   -
Lucky Friday (6)(b)   9,715   7.7   -   5.0   2.7   -   75,148   -   484,700   258,430   -
Casa Berardi (7)   13,246   -   0.10   -   -   -   -   1,373   -   -   -
San Sebastian (8)(b)   1,506   5.8   0.07   2.9   3.8   1.7   8,796   103   15,520   20,350   9,020
Fire Creek (10)(d)   418   0.6   0.63   -   -   -   267   263   -   -   -
Fire Creek (Open Pit) (13)(d)   42,877   0.1   0.03   -   -   -   2,350   1,093   -   -   -
Hollister (11)(d)   417   2.1   0.42   -   -   -   890   176   -   -   -
Midas (12)(e)   904   4.9   0.33   -   -   -   4,441   301   -   -   -
Heva (9)   11,050   -   0.06   -   -   -   -   672   -   -   -
Hosco (9)   64,690   -   0.04   -   -   -   -   2,447   -   -   -
Rio Grande Silver (14)   516   14.8   -   2.1   1.1   -   7,620   -   10,760   5,820   -
Star (15)(c)   1,126   2.9   -   6.2   7.4   -   3,301   -   69,900   83,410   -
Total   149,269                       134,108   6,687   661,090   583,490   9,020
Inferred Resources
Asset   Tons







(000 oz)

(000 oz)





Greens Creek (c)   2,708   12.1   0.08   2.7   6.9   -   32,711   222   73,350   185,660   -
Lucky Friday (16)(c)   2,820   8.7   -   6.3   2.7   -   24,646   -   178,970   75,270   -
Casa Berardi (7)   6,980   -   0.10   -   -   -   -   717   -   -   -
San Sebastian (17) (c)   2,915   5.5   0.03   1.8   2.5   1.5   15,978   95   23,660   33,770   19,520
Fire Creek (10)(d)   1,170   0.4   0.45   -   -   -   492   523   -   -   -
Fire Creek (Open Pit) (13)(d)   31,707   0.1   0.03   -   -   -   2,882   1,085   -   -   -
Hollister (11)(d)   111   2.6   0.39   -   -   -   285   44   -   -   -
Midas (12)(e)   564   2.8   0.31   -   -   -   1,601   172   -   -   -
Heva (9)   4,210   -   0.08   -   -   -   -   350   -   -   -
Hosco (9)   7,650   -   0.04   -   -   -   -   314   -   -   -
Rio Grande Silver (18)   3,078   10.7   0.01   1.3   1.1   -   33,097   36   40,990   34,980   -
Star (19)(c)   3,157   2.9   -   5.6   5.5   -   9,432   -   178,670   174,450   -
Monte Cristo (20)   913   0.3   0.14   -   -   -   271   131   -   -   -
Rock Creek (21)   100,086   1.5   -   -   -   0.7   148,736   -   -   -   658,680
Montanore (22)   112,185   1.6   -   -   -   0.7   183,346   -   -   -   759,420
Total   280,253                       453,477   3,689   495,640   504,130   1,437,620
Note: All estimates are in-situ except for the proven reserves at Greens Creek and San Sebastian which are in surface stockpiles. Resources are exclusive of reserves.
(a) Mineral reserves are based on $1200 gold, $14.50 silver, $0.90 lead, $1.05 zinc, unless otherwise stated.
(b) Mineral reserves are based on $1200 gold and $17.00 silver.
(c) Mineral resources are based on $1350 gold, $21 silver, $0.95 lead, $1.10 zinc and $3.00 copper, unless otherwise stated.
(d) Mineral resources are based on $1400 gold and $19.83 silver unless otherwise stated.
(e) Mineral resources are based on $1400 gold and $18.77 silver unless otherwise stated.
of 10 to 15% (depending on mining method) and 5% mining loss are included.
(6) Measured and indicated resources from Gold Hunter and Lucky Friday vein systems are diluted and factored for expected mining recovery.
(7) Measured, indicated and inferred resources are based on $1,350 gold and a US$/CAN$ exchange rate of 1:1.4. Underground resources are reported at a minimum mining width of 6.6 to 9.8 feet (2 m to 3 m)
Open pit mineral resources of the Principal Mine were estimated in February 2011 by BBA Inc. based on $950 gold and a US$/CAN$ exchange rate of 1:1
Technical Report on the Pre-Feasibility Study for the Casa Berardi Principal Zone Open-Pit Project, La Sarre, Quebec, February 2011
Prepared by: Patrice Live, Eng. - BBA Inc.; Amanda Fitch, Jr. Eng. - BBA Inc.; Andre Allaire, Eng., M. Eng., Ph.D. - BBA
(8) Indicated resources reported at a minimum mining width of 6.6 feet (2 m) for Hugh Zone and 4.9 feet (1.5 m) for Andrea Vein, Middle Vein, and North Vein. East Francine resources reported at actual vein width.
(9) Measured, indicated and inferred resources were estimated in by Goldminds Geoservices Inc. with effective date 12-July-2013, and are based on $1,300 gold and a US$/CAN$ exchange rate of 1:1.
The resources are in-situ without dilution and material loss.
NI43-101 Technical Report, Mineral Resource Update, Heva-Hosco Gold Projects, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Hecla Quebec, December 2013
Prepared by: Claude Duplessis, Eng. Project Manager - GoldMinds Geoservices Inc.; Maxime Dupéré, P.Geo - SGS Canada Inc. (Geostat)
(10) Measured, indicated and inferred resources as of April 1, 2018 at Fire Creek have been calculated using metallurgical recoveries for gold and silver of 94% and 92% respectively. Cut-off grade of 0.974 Au equivalent opt-feet and a diluted
Au equivalent cut-off grade of 0.228 opt. The minimum mining width is defined as four feet or the vein true thickness plus two feet, whichever is greater. Included 7% unplanned dilution and 5% mining losses.
(11) Measured, indicated and inferred resources as of April 1, 2018 at Hollister have been calculated using metallurgical recoveries for gold and silver of 92% and 60% respectively. Cut-off grade of 1.013 Au equivalent opt-feet and a diluted
Au equivalent cut-off grade of 0.239 opt. The minimum mining width is defined as four feet or the vein true thickness plus two feet, whichever is greater. Included 10% unplanned dilution and 5% mining losses.
(12) Measured, indicated and inferred resources as of April 1, 2018 at Midas have been calculated using metallurgical recoveries for gold and silver of 93% and 88% respectively. Cut-off grade of 0.892 Au equivalent opt-feet and a diluted
Au equivalent cut-off grade of 0.203 opt. The minimum mining width is defined as four feet or the vein true thickness plus two feet, whichever is greater. Included 10% unplanned dilution and 5% mining losses.
(13) Indicated and inferred resources as of April 1, 2018 for Fire Creek (open pit) have been calculated using metallurgical recoveries for gold and silver of 65% and 30%, respectively and for oxide mineralization of 60% and 25% respectively
for mixed mineralization. Open pit resources are calculated at a cut-off grade of 0.01 AuEq opt and inclusive of 10% mining dilution and 5% ore loss. Open pit mineral resources are exclusive of underground mineral resources.
(14) Indicated resources reported at a minimum mining width of 6.0 feet for Bulldog; resources based on $26.5 Ag, $0.85 Pb, and $0.85 Zn
(15) Indicated resources reported at a minimum mining width of 4.3 feet.
(16) Inferred resources from Gold Hunter and Lucky Friday vein systems are diluted and factored for expected mining recovery.
(17) Inferred resources reported at a minimum mining width of 6.6 feet (2 m) for Hugh Zone and 4.9 feet (1.5 m) for Andrea Vein, Middle Vein, and North Vein. East Francine resources reported at actual vein width.
(18) Inferred resources reported at a minimum mining width of 6.0 feet for Bulldog, 5.0 feet for Equity & North Amethyst veins; resources based on $1400 Au, $26.5 Ag, $0.85 Pb, and $0.85 Zn.
(19) Inferred resources reported at a minimum mining width of 4.3 feet.
(20) Inferred resource reported at a minimum mining width of 5.0 feet; resources based on $1400 Au, $26.5 Ag.
(21) Inferred resource reported at a minimum thickness of 15 feet
Inferred resources at Rock Creek adjusted given mining restrictions as defined by U.S. Forest Service - Kootenai National Forest in the June 2003 'Record of Decision, Rock Creek Project'.
(22) Inferred resource reported at a minimum thickness of 15 feet
Inferred resources at Montanore adjusted given mining restrictions as defined by U.S. Forest Service, Kootenai National Forest, Montana DEQ in the December 2015 'Joint Final EIS, Montanore Project'
and the February 2016 U.S Forest Service - Kootenai National Forest 'Record of Decision, Montanore Project'.
* Totals may not represent the sum of parts due to rounding

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