Medicare Advantage Premiums: How All 50 States Compare

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With less than a month to go in the 2014 Medicare Open Enrollment Period (October 15 to December 7), we combed through our Medicare Advantage database to shed some light on an insurance process that often devolves into being a complex machine of moving parts.

Using comprehensive data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS), we ranked all 50 states from worst to first based on the average starting premium amount for all Medicare Advantage plans sold within that state. For zero-premium plans, the premiums are fixed. For plans with premiums higher than zero, prices may differ from these starting amounts based on underwriting considerations for a specific person.

While averages can be misleading, as long as you keep in mind the sample size and the range of prices (both of which we've also included next to the average price), they can be a place to start.

A Primer on Medicare Advantage

There are four primary parts to Medicare, and Medicare Advantage is Part C (Part A and B are standard hospital and medical insurance benefits, respectively, and Part D is prescription drug coverage). Original Medicare covers Parts A and B and is provided by the federal government. If you opt into Medicare Advantage, you can neither use nor be sold a supplemental plan, often called a Medigap policy. Most Medicare Advantage plans include Part D and some do not. Make sure to check when looking at plans.

In addition to the extent of coverage, the biggest difference between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage is that the latter provides health plans through private companies approved by Medicare. These companies handle the whole shebang, which generally includes prescription drug coverage. Types of Medicare Advantage plans include Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO), Private Fee-for-Service Plans (PFFS), Special Needs Plans (SNPs), and Medical Savings Account Plans. We'll touch on the differences between each as we go along.

Let's Explore How Each State Fared – Begin Here

North Dakota


Number of Plans Considered: 10
Average Monthly Premium: $104.51

Maximum Monthly Premium: $198.30
Median Monthly Premium: $95.80
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

The land of the Western Meadowlark gets things started at No. 50, with the 10 plans offered in North Dakota having an average monthly premium of $104.51. The median monthly premium (i.e., the monthly premium that is in the middle of the price range for the 10 plans offered) is $95.80, meaning half of all premiums are above this threshold. The overall median for all states is $29.

Note: You can click into any of the widgets to explore more about specific plans. In states that offer a large number of plans, we'll show you just the top 10, sorted by plan rating, which is a composite rating provided by CMS.

For a comprehensive look at more than 2,800 individual plans by state, head on over to the Medicare Advantage topic on FindTheBest and filter as needed to select for the information that's right for you.

No. 49



Number of Plans Considered: 42
Average Monthly Premium: $92.25

Maximum Monthly Premium: $347.10
Median Monthly Premium: $69.90
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Minnesota has the 49th-most expensive Medicare Advantage options, with premiums that average $92.25. Half of the premiums on the 42 Medicare Advantage options available are over $69.90, which is still considerably higher than than the national median ($29).

FindTheBest Tip: A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is a type of plan that limits your health care options to a predetermined set of hospitals and doctors, barring an emergency. While they tend to be cheaper from the perspective of monthly premiums (not necessarily the same case with the out-of-pocket maximum), you have to obtain plan approval for prescriptions or doctor's visits.

A deductible is distinct from your out-of-pocket (OOP) maximum. Whereas the OOP maximum represents the most you'll have to pay before your plan starts to pay 100 percent of covered services, a deductible is the amount you must pay before your plan begins to share in your medical costs. While both are presented as dollar thresholds, you can think of a deductible as the point where you no longer pay all of the cost for healthcare whereas the OOP maximum is the point beyond which you no longer pay any of the cost for those same services. Stay tuned as we go along for more FindTheBest Tips.

No. 48

South Dakota


Number of Plans Considered: 13
Average Monthly Premium: $84.01

Maximum Monthly Premium: $198.30
Median Monthly Premium: $87
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

The premiums on South Dakota's 13 Medicare Advantage plans average out to $84.01, with half of the premiums above $87. Keep in mind that plan types directly impact cost sharing between the insurance issuer and you. An HMO, for example, which we discussed on the prior slide, is probably going to be cheaper than a PPO with respect to the monthly premium, although not necessarily in terms of out-of-pocket costs. We'll discuss PPOs shortly.

Although we're ranking on average price, there are a lot of factors to consider for each plan type, chief among which being the range of benefits you stand to enjoy as part of your plan.

No. 47



Number of Plans Considered: 134
Average Monthly Premium: $76.46

Maximum Monthly Premium: $319
Median Monthly Premium: $48.50
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

The average premium across the 134 Medicare Advantage Plans offered in Pennsylvania is $76.46. With half of those premiums above $48.50 and half below, there's a solid array of plans with comparatively cheaper premiums, again holding all else constant. $48.50 is also much closer to the national median of $29 when compared to earlier entries in this countdown.

No. 46



Number of Plans Considered: 69
Average Monthly Premium: $73.12

Maximum Monthly Premium: $257
Median Monthly Premium: $52
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Washington's 69 Medicare Advantage plans have premiums that average out to $73.12, the 46th highest on this list. With the highest monthly premium at $257, the middle one at $52, and the lowest at $0, Washington also has a good spread of premiums across the various plans offered. In other words, there are options for those whose choice of benefits puts them on the lower end of the monthly premium spectrum as well as options for those who are willing to pay more each month.

Be sure to compare the monthly premium with the out-of-pocket maximum, which is the most you can pay in a given policy period before your insurance kicks in to pay 100 percent of covered benefits.

No. 45



Number of Plans Considered: 69
Average Monthly Premium: $72.93

Maximum Monthly Premium: $244
Median Monthly Premium: $50
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

The premiums on Wisconsin's 69 Medicare Advantage plans average out to $72.93, well above the national average of $44.93. Half of all monthly premiums in the state are below $50, with the most expensive premium running $244 per month.

FindTheBest Tip: A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) is a plan type defined by increased flexibility. It'll be cheaper if you use the doctors and hospitals in your network, but you can gain access to health care providers outside of your PPO network with additional out-of-pocket costs. No approvals needed like with an HMO and the option to go outside of your network means increased choices, plain and simple.

No. 44



Number of Plans Considered: 10
Average Monthly Premium: $72.08

Maximum Monthly Premium: $151
Median Monthly Premium: $52.75
Minimum Monthly Premium: $15.10

In Delaware, 10 Medicare Advantage plans are offered at an average premium of $72.08. On the one hand, the most expensive premium offered with a plan in Delaware ($151) is still far cheaper than the priciest premiums in other states we've seen so far. On the other, however, no plans are offered in Delaware without a monthly premium (all of the states so far have a number of zero-premium plans).

Remember this isn't just a matter of “great, zero premium!” You should carefully consider any trade-offs that may result from you paying lower or no premiums. That said, half of the premiums in Delaware are between $15.10 and $52.75 per month.

No. 43



Number of Plans Considered: 56
Average Monthly Premium: $71.66

Maximum Monthly Premium: $210
Median Monthly Premium: $46.15
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Issuers in Massachusetts offer 56 Medicare Advantage plans, and the premiums on those plans average out to $71.66. The priciest premium may be $210, but a slight dip in the median ($46.15) when compared with Delaware is a good sign for Massachusetts shoppers looking for monthly premiums in the lower half of all premiums offered.

No. 42



Number of Plans Considered: 68
Average Monthly Premium: $69.62

Maximum Monthly Premium: $210
Median Monthly Premium: $51
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

In Michigan, the premiums for the 68 Medicare Advantage plans offered by issuers in that state average out to $69.62. Half of all plans have premiums below $51 and half have ones above that middle mark.

No. 41



Number of Plans Considered: 39
Average Monthly Premium: $68.81

Maximum Monthly Premium: $203
Median Monthly Premium: $50
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Idaho's 39 Medicare Advantage plans have premiums that average $68.81. With that average and a median of $50, there are only a handful of premiums on the upper end, which culminates at $203. In other words, there are still 31 premiums below $100.

No. 40

New Jersey


Number of Plans Considered: 46
Average Monthly Premium: $66.45

Maximum Monthly Premium: $295
Median Monthly Premium: $39.50
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

New Jersey has 46 Medicare Advantage plans, and the premiums on those plans average out to $66.45. The trek to the national median of $29 continues, with the premiums on plans offered in New Jersey posting a median of $39.50.

No. 39



Number of Plans Considered: 58
Average Monthly Premium: $63.17

Maximum Monthly Premium: $300
Median Monthly Premium: $40
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Colorado's 58 Medicare Advantage plans manage a premium average of $63.17. The priciest premium may look steep at $300 (a local PPO plan, by the way), but a median of just $40 and an average of $63.17 suggest there are plenty of more reasonable options to be had. In fact, only 21 percent of Colorado premiums are over $100.

No. 38



Number of Plans Considered: 94
Average Monthly Premium: $62.86

Maximum Monthly Premium: $264
Median Monthly Premium: $48
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Oregon has 94 Medicare Advantage plans, the premiums of which average out to $62.86. Increased selection, and an average slightly below (with a median slightly above) those of Colorado help put Oregon into perspective as the 36th entry on this list.

No. 37

West Virginia


Number of Plans Considered: 21
Average Monthly Premium: $58.84

Maximum Monthly Premium: $207
Median Monthly Premium: $57
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Issuers in West Virginia provide 21 different Medicare Advantage plans whose premiums average out to $58.84. Half of the plans offered have monthly premiums above $57, capping out at $207.

No. 36



Number of Plans Considered: 18
Average Monthly Premium: $57.22

Maximum Monthly Premium: $195
Median Monthly Premium: $27.90
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Various Medicare Advantage issuers offer 18 different plans in Hawaii, with premiums that average out to $57.22. Hawaii's premiums post the lowest median ($27.90) we've seen so far in this countdown, which is $1.10 below the national average. If you follow the Monthly Premium link in the header of the visual, the list will resort according to highest price. Here you'll be able to see that the highest-rated plan does not have the highest monthly premium.

No. 35



Number of Plans Considered: 7
Average Monthly Premium: $54.56

Maximum Monthly Premium: $122.60
Median Monthly Premium: $43
Minimum Monthly Premium: $40

Issuers in Vermont offer seven Medicare Advantage plans, a smaller range of offerings that likely reflects Vermont's comparatively smaller population of roughly 625,498 souls. These seven plans have premiums that average out to $54.56. Vermont only has one zero-premium plan available, and it's offered with the highest out-of-pocket maximum possible ($6,700).

No. 34



Number of Plans Considered: 24
Average Monthly Premium: $53.45

Maximum Monthly Premium: $189
Median Monthly Premium: $31.30
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

State of the Baltimore Oriole, Maryland has issuers that offer 24 different Medicare Advantage plans. The premiums on those plans average out to $53.45, low enough to make the 32nd spot on this list. At $31.30, the median across all Maryland plans is very close to the national overall median ($29).

No. 33

Rhode Island


Number of Plans Considered: 12
Average Monthly Premium: $53.28

Maximum Monthly Premium: $251
Median Monthly Premium: $27.20
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Dipping below the national overall median of $29, premiums offered by issuers in Rhode Island average out to $53.28 as we move further down the list.

No. 32



Number of Plans Considered: 26
Average Monthly Premium: $53.18

Maximum Monthly Premium: $224
Median Monthly Premium: $30.35
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Medicare Advantage premiums sold in Connecticut come out to an average of $53.18, just under that of Rhode Island, despite having more than twice as many plans.

FindTheBest Tip: A Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) Plan is one in which the plan pays out a certain amount for health care services, and you pay out the rest. You can go to see any Medicare-approved health care professionals as long as those providers take Medicare and the particular form of payment used by your PFFS Plan.

No. 31

New York


Number of Plans Considered: 217
Average Monthly Premium: $52.50

Maximum Monthly Premium: $323
Median Monthly Premium: $36.90
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Issuers in New York offer 217 different plans with an average premium of $52.50. The highest premium sets a new record on this list at $323, but a premium median of $36.90 (as opposed to something much higher in light of such an extreme sum) and a reasonable average suggest there's a selection of plans with reasonable premiums to choose from (half naturally being below $36.90).

No. 30



Number of Plans Considered: 33
Average Monthly Premium: $52.04

Maximum Monthly Premium: $189
Median Monthly Premium: $30.30
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Issuers offer 33 unique Medicare Advantage plans in Kansas, and premiums average out to $52.04. The median is just slightly above the overall national median ($29).

No. 29



Number of Plans Considered: 72
Average Monthly Premium: $50.44

Maximum Monthly Premium: $189
Median Monthly Premium: $44.90
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

There are 72 Medicare Advantage plans to choose from in Virginia, and these have an average monthly premium of $50.44. That's $1.60 cheaper than the average in Kansas but with more than twice the number of plans considered.

No. 28



Number of Plans Considered: 13
Average Monthly Premium: $49.42

Maximum Monthly Premium: $87
Median Monthly Premium: $50.50
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Issuers in Montana offer 13 different Medicare Advantage plans, with premiums averaging out to $49.42. The 10 highest-rated plans (according to the CMS) can be seen in the visual.

No. 27

New Hampshire


Number of Plans Considered: 10
Average Monthly Premium: $47.80

Maximum Monthly Premium: $89
Median Monthly Premium: $38.50
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Premiums for the 10 Medicare Advantage plans offered in New Hampshire average out to $47.80. Five plans are offered at premiums below $38.50, and five are offered above that threshold.

No. 26



Number of Plans Considered: 32
Average Monthly Premium: $47.50

Maximum Monthly Premium: $245
Median Monthly Premium: $9.45
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Medicare Advantage issuers in Nevada offer 32 different plans with an average premium of $47.50. In this case in particular, you can see how misleading relying on just averages can be. With a median of $9.45, half of the premiums are below that metric. A closer look at the data reveals that all 16 plans below $9.45 have no monthly premium.

No. 25



Number of Plans Considered: 35
Average Monthly Premium: $45.45

Maximum Monthly Premium: $178
Median Monthly Premium: $32
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

The 10 highest-rated Medicare Advantage plans are listed in the visual. Issuers in Maine provide consumers with 35 plan options with premiums that average out to $45.45. Half of the plans have premiums below $32.

No. 24



Number of Plans Considered: 78
Average Monthly Premium: $43.86

Maximum Monthly Premium: $157
Median Monthly Premium: $28.60
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Medicare Advantage issuers in Illinois provide customers with 78 plans to choose from, with the average on the premiums for those plans working out to $43.86. That's slightly below the overall national average ($44.93), and from here on out, we'll stay below the national average.

No. 23



Number of Plans Considered: 45
Average Monthly Premium: $43.47

Maximum Monthly Premium: $143
Median Monthly Premium: $31.80
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Kentucky has Medicare Advantage premiums that average out to $43.47. The median is at $31.80. The sample? Issuers in Kentucky offer 45 Medicare Advantage plans.

FindTheBest Tip: A Special Needs Plan (SNP) is a plan type that groups people according to certain diseases or characteristics and then optimizes the plan to best suit those enrollees.

No. 22



Number of Plans Considered: 62
Average Monthly Premium: $40.32

Maximum Monthly Premium: $210
Median Monthly Premium: $30.20
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Medicare Advantage issuers provide 62 different plan types in Tennessee at an average premium of $40.32. Roughly 42 percent are zero-premium plans. The widget shows the 10 highest-rated plans.

No. 21



Number of Plans Considered: 35
Average Monthly Premium: $39.62

Maximum Monthly Premium: $176.40
Median Monthly Premium: $19
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

The 35 Medicare Advantage plans offered in Iowa have premiums that average out to $39.62 and post a median of $19. Nearly all of plans below that threshold are zero-premium plans.

No. 20



Number of Plans Considered: 30
Average Monthly Premium: $39.33

Maximum Monthly Premium: $139
Median Monthly Premium: $26.55
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

The premiums of the 30 Medicare Advantage plans offered in Alabama average out to $39.33. The median of all Alabama premiums is $26.55.

No. 19

Washington D.C.


Number of Plans Considered: 18
Average Monthly Premium: $38.79

Maximum Monthly Premium: $139
Median Monthly Premium: $29.80
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

With a median of $29.80, the premiums offered by Medicare Advantage issuers in Washington D.C. average out to $38.79. Some of the highest-rated plans are among the least expensive.

No. 18



Number of Plans Considered: 150
Average Monthly Premium: $38.68

Maximum Monthly Premium: $271.90
Median Monthly Premium: $16.80
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Premiums in Texas have a median far below the overall national median of $29. While the premiums for Medicare Advantage plans sold in Texas average out to $38.68, only eight plans below the $16.80 median have premiums.

No. 17



Number of Plans Considered: 48
Average Monthly Premium: $38.10

Maximum Monthly Premium: $173
Median Monthly Premium: $31.65
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Issuers of Medicare Advantage plans in Indiana provide 48 different plans to customers, with an average premium of $38.10. The median of $31.65 is slightly above the overall national median of $29.

No. 16

New Mexico


Number of Plans Considered: 29
Average Monthly Premium: $38.03

Maximum Monthly Premium: $160
Median Monthly Premium: $21.20
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

The 29 Medicare Advantage plans offered in New Mexico have premiums that average out to $38.03, with half of those premiums being above $21.20.

No. 15



Number of Plans Considered: 36
Average Monthly Premium: $37.44

Maximum Monthly Premium: $165
Median Monthly Premium: $29
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Oklahoma's median is on par with the national overall median at $29. With 36 Medicare Advantage plans to offer, the highest having a premium of $165, Oklahoma plans report an average monthly premium of $37.44.

No. 14



Number of Plans Considered: 100
Average Monthly Premium: $36.84

Maximum Monthly Premium: $148
Median Monthly Premium: $28.60
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Issuers in Ohio provide 100 Medicare Advantage plans with premiums that average out to $36.84. The median of those premiums is $28.60.

No. 13



Number of Plans Considered: 18
Average Monthly Premium: $36.74

Maximum Monthly Premium: $223
Median Monthly Premium: $29
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Utah's Medicare Advantage plans number 18, with premiums that average $36.74. The median of all premiums sold in the state are in line with that national overall median of $29.

No. 12

North Carolina


Number of Plans Considered: 47
Average Monthly Premium: $35.59

Maximum Monthly Premium: $142
Median Monthly Premium: $29.30
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Medicare Advantage premiums in North Carolina average out to $35.59 with a median of $29.30. Once again, we see that some of the highest-rated plans are among the least expensive from the standpoint of monthly premiums.

FindTheBest Tip: Medical Savings Account (MSA) Plans are ones with two specific parts: special Part C coverage with a high deductible and a unique savings account, which the MSA Plan funds. Even if you haven't hit your out-of-pocket maximum, you can still rely on this money to pay your medical costs. The catch? MSA Plans don't include Part D (prescription drug coverage).

No. 11



Number of Plans Considered: 25
Average Monthly Premium: $35.38

Maximum Monthly Premium: $128
Median Monthly Premium: $33
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Medicare Advantage plans offered in Mississippi have an average premium of $35.38. Mississippi's priciest plan from a monthly premium standpoint is a comparatively modest $128, and premiums drop off quickly from that high point. The median of all premiums in Mississippi is $33.

No. 10



Number of Plans Considered: 17
Average Monthly Premium: $33.29

Maximum Monthly Premium: $87
Median Monthly Premium: $19
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

The state whose Medicare Advantage premiums have the third-lowest median value ($19), Nebraska has 13 plans whose premiums average out to $33.29. Pulling the average downward is a high percentage of zero-premium plans available (47 percent of plans), a reality reflected in a fairly low median of $19.

No. 9



Number of Plans Considered: 271
Average Monthly Premium: $32.73

Maximum Monthly Premium: $296
Median Monthly Premium: $24.60
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Medicare Advantage issuers in California provide 271 different plans with an average premium of $32.73. What's remarkable here is that although the highest premium is $296, the relatively low average suggests the premiums are pulled away from that highest point. And with a median of $24.60, half of the plans have premiums below that mark. What's more, 45 percent of all 271 plans offered are zero-premium plans.

No. 8



Number of Plans Considered: 56
Average Monthly Premium: $32.45

Maximum Monthly Premium: $180
Median Monthly Premium: $25.75
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Issuers in Missouri provide 56 different Medicare Advantage plans with an average premium of $32.45. Half of those premiums fall below $25.75, and half of them are above that midpoint. As always, the 10 highest-rated plans are shown here for your reference. Notice that among the highest-rated plans is the plan with the highest premium as well as more reasonable options.

No. 7



Number of Plans Considered: 75
Average Monthly Premium: $29.90

Maximum Monthly Premium: $178
Median Monthly Premium: $32.80
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Dropping below $30 on the list, Arizona's average monthly premium is $29.90 with a median that is slightly above the national overall median of $29. The plan with the highest premium (Humana Gold Choice) is a PFFS plan, with the second-highest plan by premium being a regional PPO. The average is likely pulled down by the fact that 48 percent of the plans in Arizona are zero-premium plans.

No. 6



Number of Plans Considered: 36
Average Monthly Premium: $28.47

Maximum Monthly Premium: $139
Median Monthly Premium: $20.05
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Issuers in Arkansas provide 36 unique plans to consumers, and the premiums on those plans average out to $28.47. Half of the plans offered have premiums below $20.05, though there are a handful of plans with higher premiums that might skew the average higher. For example, Advantra Select Plus from Coventry Health Care charges the highest premium in the state.

No. 5



Number of Plans Considered: 48
Average Monthly Premium: $27.52

Maximum Monthly Premium: $139
Median Monthly Premium: $26.40
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

The 49 Medicare Advantage offerings in Georgia have premiums that average out to $27.52. With the average slightly above the median, there are a number of premiums on the upper end of the data that might be pulling up the average. Even so, some of the top-rated plans are not the most expensive by premium. You can explore these plans in more detail by clicking into the widget.

No. 4



Number of Plans Considered: 45
Average Monthly Premium: $27.38

Maximum Monthly Premium: $165
Median Monthly Premium: $27.50
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Medicare Advantage issuers offer 45 plans in Louisiana. The premiums for these plans average $27.38 with a median of $27.50. Aside from Georgia, that's the closest alignment of mean (average) and median on this list. Here, it means the premiums are slightly skewed towards the downside as indicated by the lower average. This is undoubtedly due in part to the 40 percent of Medicare Advantage plans offered in Louisiana that charge members no monthly premium.

No. 3

South Carolina


Number of Plans Considered: 28
Average Monthly Premium: $22.80

Maximum Monthly Premium: $74
Median Monthly Premium: $18.40
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

Medicare Advantage issuers in South Carolina provide 28 unique plans to customers. The premiums on those plans average out to $22.80. South Carolina has among the lowest average premiums in the U.S., likely helped by the 10 zero-premium plans offered to eligible residents of the state.

No. 2



Number of Plans Considered: 3
Average Monthly Premium: $22

Maximum Monthly Premium: $43
Median Monthly Premium: $23
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

We'll admit it: three isn't exactly the world's most authoritative data set. But what else did you expect from the state in the U.S with the fewest number of people? Wyoming has three plans with an average premium of $22. Here, it's even easier to see that the closeness of the average and median suggests symmetry—the distances from the median of $23 to what are the minimum and maximum values in this case are almost identical.

No. 1



Number of Plans Considered: 246
Average Monthly Premium: $10.32

Maximum Monthly Premium: $139
Median Monthly Premium: $0
Minimum Monthly Premium: $0

And so we come to the state with the lowest average monthly Medicare Advantage premiums ($10.32). That's pretty significant considering the sample size is 246 plans. Notably, the median monthly premium for Florida is $0, which is indicative of the number of zero-premium plans offered. In fact, 172 out the 246 Medicare Advantage plans provided (70 percent) do not charge a monthly premium to members.

Bringing It All Together

Here Are How the Medicare Advantage Premium Averages Compare at a Glance

Here we have the final results in a more straightforward format. To see specific plans, simply hover over the widget, find your state in the bar graph and tap on it. This will take you to your state's specific page on FindTheBest, where you can compare all of the plans in your state and choose the one that's right for you.


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