Michael Meyer
Head of Global Sales and Trading
Steve Smith
Co-founder & Head Asset Management
Victor Kurylak
Chief Operating Officer
Michael Evelyn
Head of Business Development
Mary Johnson
Chief Financial Officer
Jack Mascone
Head of Capital Markets
Greg Ransom
Head of Credit Research
Matthew Schandler
Chief Technology Officer
Jonathan Silverman
General Counsel
David Small
Director of Global Operations
Markus Witthaut
Chief Compliance Officer
Michael Meagher
co-founder and CEO
Lisa Weiss
Managing Director, Human Resources
360 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017


The Seaport Group in 2001, we’ve set ourselves apart by taking on our clients’ biggest challenges. Considering every opportunity from our client’s perspective lets us define a clear course of action, and nothing stops us until they achieve their goals. Seaport’s professionals commit themselves tirelessly to every transaction, from analysis and advisory to sales and execution.