Giyani Reports New High Grade Results, up to 73% MnO, at K.Hill Project, Botswana

Giyani Reports New High Grade Results, up to 73% MnO, at K.Hill Project, Botswana

Giyani Reports New High Grade Results, up to 73% MnO, at K.Hill Project, Botswana

OAKVILLE, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Jul 19, 2017) - Giyani Metals Corporation WDGKT ("Giyani" or the "Company") is pleased to announce lab results from 80 surface samples collected during phase II regional mapping and sampling program currently underway at its 88% owned Kgwakgwe Hill (K.Hill) project in Botswana.

Sampling and Results Summary

Different lithologies were sampled to test both the grade of mineralization as well as background manganese values in the host rock. The manganiferous shale unit ("Mn-Shale"), from the well known Kgwakgwe Hill Shale formation, is considered the main target. Mineralization styles vary from laminated to massive to botryoidal. Analyses of the Mn-Shale sampled from K.Hill thus far covers approximately 500 meters along strike. Sampling is still underway, and the same shale unit will be sampled towards the south of the historic mine site.

33 samples were taken at K.Hill. These are associated with the Mn-Shale which is an iron enriched unit, up to 10 meters thick. These 33, along with 21 duplicates assayed between 46% to 64% MnO with two samples under 40%. An interpreted fault zone unit has been mapped at K.Hill. This fault zone contains the botryoidal type mineralization while the host lithology has been deformed and altered to a massive, typically iron enriched unit. "Nodules" of Mn-minerals showing botryoidal habit returned MnO grade of up to 73%. Sampling continues within an initial 1km by 1km envelope around the historical mine site. Images indicating the different styles of mineralization can be seen at the company's website.

Phase II Assay Results.

A complete table of all sample results is included in Appendix A. These assays were produced by SGS Randfontein South Africa 13 July of 2017.

"These recent results further support our confidence level that Giyani is exploring a unique world class manganese deposit at K.Hill," states Wajd Boubou, President. "In addition, we believe once the metallurgical results have been received, the situation here is ideal to quickly advance this project to trial mining and processing stage while additional studies are concurrently being conducted."

Ian Flint, Ph.D., P.Eng, is the qualified person, as that term is defined by National Instrument 43-101, on behalf of the Company and has approved the scientific and technical content contained in this press release.

Additional information and corporate documents may be found on and on the Giyani website:

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Giyani Metals Corporation.

Duane Parnham, Executive Chairman & CEO

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, the financial picture of the Company, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Appendix A: Major element analysis by borate fusion, XRF performed by SGS (July 2017).
Original samples are 9 through 68 while 69-88 are duplicates.
Received 06-Jul-17
Reported 12-Jul-17
11620 WtRec Al2O3 SiO2 CaO Cr2O3 Fe2O3 K2O MgO MnO Na2O P2O5 TiO2 V2O5 LOI














LDETECTION 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0023 0.01 0.01 -50
UDETECTION 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
UNITS G % % % % % % % % % % % % %
KAN/09/2017 2077.5 2.98 11.9 0.11 0.04 10.8 3.48 0.07 53.7 0.05 0.253 0.1 0.04 10.36
KAN/10/2017 2000.5 4.02 9.06 0.25 <0.01 13.7 2.85 0.26 51.2 0.06 0.193 0.12 0.21 10.67
KAN/11/2017 1533 2.94 2.73 0.1 0.04 13.4 4.15 0.04 59.8 0.05 0.635 0.1 0.09 11.22
KAN/12/2017 1921 3.89 11.5 0.16 0.02 13.7 3.07 0.25 50.3 0.06 0.309 0.12 0.14 10.08
KAN/13/2017 1755.5 4.18 4.44 0.13 0.11 14.2 3.52 0.12 56 0.06 0.274 0.13 0.11 11.34
KAN/14/2017 3550.5 2.52 5.4 0.2 <0.01 8.45 3.92 0.1 61.5 0.06 0.252 0.07 0.1 11.39
KAN/15/2017 1898 2.29 3.03 0.15 <0.01 10.8 3.24 0.08 59.6 0.06 0.222 0.08 0.6 11.19
KAN/16/2017 1609 5.26 14.5 0.18 <0.01 8.16 3.21 0.35 51.9 0.06 0.341 0.45 0.06 10.19
KAN/17/2017 1795 3.13 4.12 0.09 <0.01 15.6 3.64 0.04 56.3 0.05 0.293 0.11 0.14 10.86
KAN/18/2017 2615.5 1.76 3.1 0.25 <0.01 6.85 3.54 0.25 64.1 0.07 0.356 0.06 0.24 11.96
*DUP-KAN/18/2017 - 1.77 3.09 0.25 <0.01 6.85 3.58 0.26 64.2 0.07 0.355 0.06 0.23 11.93
KAN/19/2017 1813 2.34 2.39 0.18 <0.01 11.1 3.74 0.19 60.9 0.05 0.22 0.09 0.13 11.2
KAN/20/2017 1712.5 5.18 23.1 0.2 <0.01 6.13 2.85 0.4 46.7 0.08 0.24 0.23 0.03 9.44
KAN/21/2017 1862.5 2.91 6.29 0.11 <0.01 11.8 3.68 0.12 57.3 0.06 0.284 0.1 0.13 10.95
KAH/22/2017 912 1.69 9.13 0.22 <0.01 6.47 1.47 0.53 62 0.06 0.208 0.04 0.09 12.15
KAH/23/2017 1392.5 5.42 5.42 0.17 <0.01 15.8 2.7 0.13 50.8 0.07 0.395 0.14 0.12 11.83
KAH/24/2017 662.5 4.71 7.66 0.25 <0.01 10.9 2.21 0.16 56 0.08 0.314 0.15 0.06 11.46
KAH/25/2017 978.5 2.18 2.98 0.35 0.03 8.97 3.6 0.33 61.3 0.07 0.385 0.06 0.23 11.71
KAH/26/2017 1247.5 4.92 5.88 0.2 <0.01 14.9 2.61 0.1 52.8 0.07 0.317 0.1 0.13 11.57
KAH/27/2017 1352.5 2.94 4.37 0.11 0.05 13.5 4.1 0.07 57.9 0.05 0.272 0.11 0.08 10.93
KAH/28/2017 1478 2.19 3.13 0.19 <0.01 10.2 4.49 0.16 62.2 0.04 0.236 0.09 0.13 10.93
KAH/29/2017 1027 7.41 27.9 0.11 0.03 15.7 3.59 0.48 32.3 0.05 0.132 0.24 0.05 7.49
KAH/30/2017 1220.5 2.38 1.97 0.18 <0.01 13 3.66 0.09 60.6 0.05 0.301 0.09 0.1 11.12
KAH/31/2017 982 3.41 8.72 0.25 <0.01 12.1 3.98 0.25 54.2 0.04 0.308 0.11 0.1 10.49
KAH/32/2017 1207.5 2.61 2.79 0.14 <0.01 12.4 4.05 0.03 60 0.05 0.266 0.11 0.15 10.89
KAH/33/2017 1654 2.74 4.02 0.2 <0.01 12.7 3.01 0.22 57.5 0.06 0.395 0.12 0.13 10.99
KAH/34/2017 1081 3.01 2.87 0.25 <0.01 9.84 2.3 0.12 60 0.06 0.191 0.08 0.23 11.81
KAH/35/2017 1417.5 3.63 17.6 0.19 0.03 10.6 3.04 0.28 48.4 0.06 0.25 0.1 0.26 9.43
KAH/36/2017 1617.5 2.54 21.9 0.2 <0.01 10.8 3.05 0.12 46.1 0.05 0.167 0.08 0.13 8.95
KAH/37/2017 1416 2.99 1.86 0.42 <0.01 13.2 2.84 0.17 57.5 0.1 0.413 0.07 0.16 11.63
KAH/38/2017 1420.5 2.34 3.38 0.14 <0.01 9.84 3.4 0.05 62.3 0.06 0.343 0.06 0.28 11.47
KAH/39/2017 965.5 2.73 5.37 0.18 <0.01 16.1 4.09 0.15 56.1 0.04 0.25 0.09 0.06 9.83
KAH/40/2017 911.5 4.53 4.49 0.09 <0.01 11.6 3.54 0.04 56.3 0.04 0.396 0.12 0.03 12.64
KAH/41/2017 1617.5 3.87 4.02 0.1 <0.01 14.6 3.87 0.07 56.3 0.04 0.313 0.12 0.03 11.31
KAH/42/2017 1044 3.94 6.66 0.09 <0.01 16.4 3.5 0.09 52.4 0.05 0.553 0.09 0.11 10.99
KAH/43/2017 1629 3.29 29.4 0.13 <0.01 7.57 1.17 0.1 44.1 0.05 0.095 0.08 <0.01 9.34
KAH/44/2017 1252.5 2.89 32.1 0.04 <0.01 4.1 2.55 0.03 43 0.05 0.281 0.06 0.02 8.65
KAH/45/2017 1619 3.22 4.91 0.12 <0.01 1.48 2.84 0.06 64.2 0.07 0.369 0.07 0.06 11.93
KAH/46/2017 1582.5 3.4 10 0.55 <0.01 14.2 1.24 0.8 50.6 0.04 0.111 0.26 0.04 14.15
KAH/47/2017 1341 3.07 33.4 0.44 <0.01 5.41 0.85 0.58 40.8 0.04 0.067 0.23 <0.01 10.51
KAH/48/2017 1879 1.64 34.3 0.11 <0.01 1.56 1.89 0.03 46 0.04 0.691 0.04 0.04 8.31
KAH/49/2017 1926 4.74 80.9 0.07 0.03 9.23 0.42 0.77 1.23 0.02 0.062 0.3 0.03 2.66
KAH/50/2017 1429.5 4.74 80.9 0.11 0.05 9.67 0.37 0.83 0.31 0.03 0.164 0.35 0.03 2.53
KAH/51/2017 1710 17.3 49.8 0.07 0.05 18.3 3.24 1.64 0.66 0.07 0.143 1.24 0.05 5.77
KAH/52/2017 1355 16 40.6 0.12 0.05 25.6 1.68 2.05 2.06 0.06 0.347 1.22 0.04 7.59
KAH/53/2017 996.5 4.34 26.9 0.17 <0.01 12 0.64 0.56 39 0.04 0.181 0.24 0.04 11.39
KAH/54/2017 1524.5 4.35 18.1 0.45 <0.01 12.5 0.83 0.76 43.7 0.04 0.116 0.33 0.04 13.5
KAH/55/2017 1739.5 1.57 5.2 0.2 <0.01 3.25 1.21 0.29 69.4 0.04 0.113 0.06 0.03 13.53
KAH/56/2017 1808.5 1.68 67.8 0.09 0.02 9.06 0.21 0.22 12.7 0.03 0.064 0.07 0.04 4.43
KAH/57/2017 1546 2.69 17.4 0.28 <0.01 5.68 1.28 0.39 54.5 0.05 0.112 0.16 0.02 12.15
KAH/58/2017 1973.5 1.53 14.2 0.24 <0.01 3.45 1.39 0.35 61 0.04 0.107 0.08 0.01 11.99
*REP-KAH/24/2017 - 4.73 7.7 0.25 <0.01 10.9 2.21 0.18 56 0.09 0.314 0.15 0.06 11.5
*REP-KAH/58/2017 - 1.52 14.2 0.24 <0.01 3.44 1.4 0.35 61 0.04 0.109 0.07 <0.01 11.96
*STD-AMIS0407 - 0.3 5.51 15.9 0.22 6 0.04 3.22 46.8 0.04 0.043 0.02 <0.01 17.53
*STD-SARM 16 - 0.31 5.01 4.69 <0.01 16.3 0.01 0.75 63.3 0.04 0.073 0.01 <0.01 3.02
*STD-AMIS0407 - 0.29 5.47 15.9 0.23 6 0.04 3.17 46.6 0.04 0.04 0.01 <0.01 17.61
*STD-SARM 16 - 0.3 4.99 4.68 <0.01 16.3 0.02 0.74 63.3 0.04 0.073 0.01 <0.01 3.01
*STD-AMIS0407 - 0.29 5.48 15.9 0.21 6 0.04 3.2 46.9 0.04 0.04 0.01 <0.01 17.49
*STD-SARM 16 - 0.3 5 4.68 <0.01 16.3 0.01 0.75 63.4 0.03 0.074 0.02 <0.01 3.08
*BLK-BLANK - <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0023 <0.01 <0.01 100
*STD-SARM 5 - 4.24 50.7 2.64 3.48 12.7 0.09 25.1 0.23 0.38 0.015 0.2 0.05 -0.22
KAH/59/2017 1379.5 3.47 35.2 0.16 <0.01 11 0.64 0.33 34.4 0.04 0.186 0.24 0.08 9.71
KAH/60/2017 1912 3.41 28.2 0.25 <0.01 9.9 0.78 0.55 39.7 0.04 0.134 0.24 0.02 11
KAH/61/2017 1032.5 1.69 17.4 0.39 <0.01 5.68 1.42 0.63 55 0.05 0.097 0.05 0.03 12.08
KAH/62/2017 1324.5 1.51 3.03 0.27 <0.01 2.59 1.22 0.24 71.7 0.04 0.148 0.07 0.02 13.58
KAH/63/2017 1386.5 1.89 18.2 0.19 <0.01 11.2 0.54 0.23 51.3 0.04 0.152 0.07 0.04 10.84
KAH/64/2017 1698 3.63 18.6 0.23 <0.01 13.7 0.86 0.66 44.5 0.04 0.218 0.36 0.05 12.08
KAH/65/2017 1507 1.74 3.34 0.39 0.05 4.2 1.24 0.67 68.3 0.05 0.174 0.05 0.07 14.47
KAH/66/2017 1438.5 1.58 1.15 0.17 0.01 2.04 1.94 0.17 73.4 0.05 0.146 0.05 0.03 13.82
KAH/67/2017 1229 3.88 5.19 0.23 <0.01 8.24 2.31 0.39 60.1 0.06 0.264 0.08 0.12 12.59
KAH/68/2017 1585.5 3.69 25.5 0.27 <0.01 11.5 0.64 0.32 42.3 0.05 0.186 0.26 0.04 10.81
*DUP-KAH/68/2017 - 3.72 25.4 0.28 <0.01 11.6 0.63 0.31 42.3 0.05 0.187 0.25 0.04 10.77
KAH/69/2017 1989 2.6 2.93 0.14 <0.01 12.9 4.26 0.04 60.4 0.05 0.594 0.09 0.07 10.74
KAH/70/2017 1591 4.41 6.17 0.12 <0.01 14.3 3.4 0.12 53.9 0.05 0.256 0.14 0.11 11.16
KAH/71/2017 1837 2.04 4.38 0.22 <0.01 11.4 3.75 0.14 60.2 0.06 0.314 0.08 0.1 11.25
KAH/72/2017 1353.5 3.3 4.3 0.15 <0.01 11.8 2.52 0.08 57.4 0.07 0.211 0.11 0.28 11.51
KAH/73/2017 1502.5 3.48 3.63 0.15 <0.01 13 3.32 0.2 58.1 0.06 0.202 0.12 0.14 11.58
KAH/74/2017 1309 5 18.6 0.2 <0.01 8.92 2.66 0.37 48.3 0.08 0.257 0.2 0.04 9.8
KAH/75/2017 1028.5 3.49 8.95 0.27 <0.01 10.9 1.61 0.41 54.6 0.05 0.258 0.28 0.04 13.15
KAH/76/2017 1375 2.05 3.42 0.19 <0.01 10.7 4.34 0.13 61.3 0.04 0.333 0.08 0.16 10.86
KAH/77/2017 1142 3.83 9.33 0.24 <0.01 12.6 3.73 0.24 53.2 0.04 0.297 0.12 0.12 10.55
KAH/78/2017 1190 4.16 4.22 0.12 <0.01 16.7 3.29 0.11 53.4 0.05 0.238 0.13 0.12 10.93
KAH/79/2017 1310 2.72 4.05 0.17 <0.01 13.6 3.02 0.15 57 0.05 0.379 0.1 0.12 10.83
KAH/80/2017 1074 3.48 2.71 0.22 <0.01 8.54 2.45 0.13 59.7 0.07 0.22 0.08 0.22 11.78
KAH/81/2017 1513.5 3.14 3.93 0.19 <0.01 16 3.64 0.14 56.6 0.06 0.154 0.09 0.07 10.63
KAH/82/2017 1321 2.97 2.08 0.43 <0.01 12.2 2.77 0.18 58.6 0.11 0.428 0.07 0.18 12.08
KAH/83/2017 1250.5 2.8 4.14 0.11 <0.01 10.3 3 0.05 60.3 0.05 0.269 0.12 0.23 12.05
KAH/84/2017 892.5 2.85 6.18 0.16 <0.01 16.3 4.19 0.17 55 0.04 0.246 0.1 0.06 9.78
KAH/85/2017 933 3.63 32 0.18 <0.01 11.4 0.74 0.38 36.2 0.04 0.191 0.25 0.08 10.19
KAH/86/2017 1254.5 3.84 13.3 0.13 <0.01 14.5 3.47 0.12 49.5 0.04 0.279 0.1 0.06 9.53
KAH/87/2017 1265.5 3.7 7.37 0.11 <0.01 18.7 3.5 0.14 50.5 0.05 0.471 0.12 0.11 10.21
KAH/88/2017 1232.5 3.25 7.48 0.2 0.03 13.2 2.73 0.07 54.9 0.06 0.333 0.09 0.12 10.94
*REP-KAH/66/2017 - 1.59 1.18 0.17 0.03 2.03 1.94 0.16 73.1 0.05 0.144 0.06 0.03 13.84
*STD-AMIS0407 - 0.28 5.46 15.9 0.22 5.99 0.04 3.17 46.8 0.04 0.041 0.02 <0.01 17.46
*STD-SARM 16 - 0.3 5.04 4.7 <0.01 16.2 0.02 0.74 63.4 0.04 0.074 0.01 <0.01 3.16
*STD-AMIS0407 - 0.29 5.47 15.9 0.21 6 0.04 3.16 46.9 0.04 0.041 0.01 <0.01 17.72
*STD-SARM 16 - 0.3 4.99 4.71 0.04 16.2 0.01 0.76 63.4 0.03 0.075 0.01 <0.01 3.41
*BLK-BLANK - <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0023 <0.01 <0.01 100

Giyani Metals Corporation

Wajd Boubou



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