Farmers Race to Plant Industrial Hemp Across North Carolina

Farmers Race to Plant Industrial Hemp Across North Carolina

Farmers Race to Plant Industrial Hemp Across North Carolina

SPRING HOPE, NC--(Marketwired - Jun 21, 2017) - Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) executives announced today that North Carolina farmers are picking up the pace in planting what they believe will be the next cash crop... industrial hemp. The "Carolina Gold," as one North Carolina fourth generation farmer referred to industrial hemp, is expected to bring in a huge potential source of income among farmers in the state. Thus far, Hemp, Inc.'s licensed farming associates in North Carolina have secured over 150 pounds of CBD-rich hemp seeds which are currently being planted in order to be harvested by September/October. CEO of Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) Bruce Perlowin says that amount of CBD-rich hemp seeds along with the 17 acres of high-CBD clones they are planting in North Carolina and Colorado will be one of, or, the largest CBD hemp grows in the United States (approximately 550 acres total).

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp).

"Since North Carolina farmers can source domestic seed for planting industrial hemp, it's almost a race in the Tar Heel state to see who can get the seeds and the clones in the ground first. Everyone wants to try their hand at the lucrative crop. And with Hemp, Inc.'s Hemp University educational symposiums, teaching farmers how to grow hemp for profit, the learning curve isn't as massive as it once was," said Perlowin.

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp).

As announced in Hemp, Inc.'s last press release, the company has already purchased its first industrial NuAxon Tech CO2 Supercritical extractor from NuAxon BioScience, the manufacturer and producer of the world class, large capacity CO2 Supercritical Extraction equipment. With the industry's expanding CBD market and ever-increasing consumer CBD sales over the past few years, executives are set to purchase its second CBD Extractor this year as well. The Hemp Business Journal projects the CBD market will "grow to a $2.1 billion market in consumer sales by 2020 with $450-million of those sales coming from hemp-based sources." David Schmitt, COO of Hemp, Inc.'s wholly owned subsidiary, Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC (IHM), has been researching CBD extraction methods and manufacturers for the past 2 years and feels confident Hemp, Inc. will greatly benefit from the in-house CBD extraction method.

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp).

Schmitt expects both extractors to have optimized production levels. "The CO2 Supercritical Extractor that is currently in-house is expected to be assembled over the next 2 to 3 months. Once assembled, we will be ready to process and extract CBD oil," said Schmitt. Hemp, Inc.'s milling operation will also be "fired up" tomorrow morning for debugging, according to Schmitt.

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp).

Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) said, "The CBD market has been exploding. CBD's medicinal qualities have been one of the key factors of that growth. Residents in states that have not legalized medical marijuana are finding that CBDs from hemp are an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs to treat debilitating medical conditions and, according to recent studies, are preferred over addicting pharmaceutical drugs."

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp).

In more industrial hemp news, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed the Industrial Hemp Pilot Projects bill into law. Florida A&M University, along with the University of Florida, will now be able to conduct research projects on cultivating industrial hemp in Florida's rural areas. According to the news source, "The universities would work with private partnerships to conduct and pay for the research."

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp).

Further up the east coast, New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo introduced Bill A08509 that would treat hemp more like other agricultural products. reported that "the measure would allow industrial hemp seed to be considered an acceptable crop seed so long as it doesn't contain more than .3 percent THC -- the allowable federal limit for hemp. The legislation would also permit industrial hemp research and hemp companies to be considered for business funding by the state's economic development arm."

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp).

Also in New York, in State Senate 58th District, Senator O'Mara is working on passing a bill to fund and give industrial hemp similar status as other crops therefore legalizing its cultivation in New York. According to the news source, proponents of the bill claim it could bring increased tax revenue for the state and the inspection guidelines as proposed would catch growers from raising that other kind of hemp. The bill bypassed the senate agriculture committee and now sits in the rule committee where it waits approval before beings sent to the senate floor.

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp).

In Pennsylvania, Perry County officially embraced hemp-growing as an agricultural undertaking. As reported by Penn Live, a couple received imported hemp seeds on June 5 and the next day planted them. Invited to the planting were agriculture, economic and political officials to join them at the farm. The couple's company is one of the 14 pilot projects through the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to grow industrial hemp. The couple will grow the hemp to harvest the seed to make biofuels from the oil and then use the crush seed "cake" as a food for a small portion of their cattle. They'll then run tests and monitor the cattle to determine whether the feed was healthier for the animals. What's exciting about this planting is that, "You always hear about these experiments at the university level, above us, but here we are doing them locally on the farm," said Don Bartch III, president of the county board of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, a farm advocacy group.

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp).


The Hemp University has been established to be the blueprint for farming, navigating and thriving in the industrial hemp revolution. With the goal to educate its attendees on key topics such as transitioning from traditional farming to organic farming, different hemp cultivar strains, how and where to get certified seeds, planting and harvesting industrial hemp, an in depth history of hemp and its many uses, agronomy, permaculture, ecological advantages and many more courses with an ever expanding curriculum. Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) has secured an outstanding lineup of experts from at least a dozen states all over the country, including New York, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Nevada, Colorado, Oregon, Kentucky, Illinois and more for the 2017 season.

Classes will also cover such topics as organic certification, potential licensing fees, what's happening with industrial hemp in different states around America, high CBD strains and different CBD extraction technologies (which will also be installed and showcased at Hemp, Inc.'s processing facility) and marketability of the crop. The seminars started in March, this year, with the 3rd one scheduled for June 24, 2017, The Art and Science of CBD Greenhouse Growing.

Hemp retail products from all around the country will be showcased at The Hemp University. Attendees will also be able to connect with potential industrial hemp distributors and product manufacturers. Our new "Hemp Hub" will be a one stop shop for every aspect of industrial hemp from seed and soil to sale. Providing as many resources as possible to our American farmers and land owners to successfully grow hemp and have sales channels for the potential 25,000 products our hemp industry can produce.

For those interested in attending, teaching, touring the hemp field and hemp processing facility or showcasing your company's hemp products, at The Hemp University, contact Rick Rainbolt via phone or text at (704) 965-8935 for additional information.


Aligned with Hemp, Inc.'s Triple Bottom Line approach, CEO Bruce Perlowin is exploring the possibilities of developing "Hemp Growing, CBD Producing Veteran Village Kins Communities" in North Carolina, Florida, Kentucky and several other states similar to the 500-acre demonstration community being built in Arizona. He currently has 4,500 acres (and counting) of land north of Kingman, Arizona where he's building a Veteran Village on 500 of those acres that would consist of 160 lots of 2 1/2 acre parcels for Kins Domains (eco-villages). Each parcel would grow 1 acre of hemp as well as having organic gardens, natural beehives, a pond, a living fence and other elements that make up a Kins Domain.

An additional 100 acres of hemp will be grown in each one of these 500-acre communities which will also include a 100,000 square-foot hemp (CBD) processing facility. The revenue from fifty of those acres is used to support that community. The revenue from the other fifty acres of hemp will be used to purchase 2 additional 500-acre parcels of land, thus keeping up with the needs of a large number of veterans that exist now and in the future.

The eco-friendly "Veteran Village Kins Communities" were inspired by the book series, The Ringing Cedars of Russia ( Perlowin has since found a way to incorporate it into Hemp, Inc.'s strategy of building hemp growing, CBD-producing "communities" or "villages." The first part of these "Veteran Village Kins Communities" is a "holistic healing and learning center" whose function in each community is obvious by the title. The prototype Veteran Village Kins Community in Arizona is expected to be completed by mid to late 2017.

Perlowin has been personally creating the Arizona "Veteran Village Kins Community" since 2013 as a solution to America's multifaceted veteran problem. To date, forty-four percent of America's homeless are veterans. Twelve percent of that group are combat woman veterans with children. Twenty-two veterans commit suicide EVERY DAY. Two million veterans are on food stamps. As for the future, 238,000 veterans are leaving the armed services every year, according to Dannion Brinkley, Chairman of the Twilight Brigrade.

From rehabilitation to job creation, Perlowin says this model presents a comprehensive holistic solution to those individuals that all Americans owe a great debt of gratitude towards the American veterans. Perlowin expects this model to produce very lucrative revenue for Hemp, Inc., the veterans themselves and the local communities these Kins Communities are built near. "The infrastructure for 'The Hemp Growing, CBD-Producing, Veteran-Village Kins Community,' which takes time to build, is already in place in Arizona. I've been building this infrastructure since 2013 and it can be duplicated for any state," says Perlowin.

To see a series of videos on what a Kins Domain is, visit


1. The Hemp University's The Art and Science of CBD Greenhouse Growing - June 24, 2017 - North Carolina

2. Hemp on the Slope - July 22, 2017 - Colorado

3. Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference - September 24 - 27, 2017 - California

4. Marijuana Business Conference and Expo - November 14 - 17, 2017 - Nevada

(see more information on these events below)


1. The Hemp University's "The Art and Science of CBD Greenhouse Growing" (June 24, 2017 in North Carolina) The Hemp University will bring you The Art and Science of CBD Greenhouse Growing. Our dedicated team of experts will help guide each attendee through the greenhouse and indoor growing process; from cultivation to harvest and from processing to distribution. Dr. Robert Bruck will be presenting, as a special guest, during this symposium. Dr. Bruck is currently Dean of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and Distinguished Professor of Environmental Science at Louisburg College. His research addressed the effects of atmospheric deposition and ozone on soil microbiota in agricultural and silvicultural systems. Over his career he taught more than 40,000 undergraduate students and mentored 40 doctoral candidates. For this symposium, half of the course will take place on Finch Farm, in a 300-foot long greenhouse whereby attendees will have the opportunity to experience a more hands-on learning approach. The other half of the course will be in a traditional classroom setting.

2. Hemp on the Slope (July 22, 2017 at Salt Creek Ranch in Collbran, CO from 11:00am to 5:00pm) Presented by Salt Creek Hemp Co. and produced by the Colorado Hemp Company, this celebration will feature speakers, workshops, exhibitors, live music, hemp food, networking and more. Hemp on the Slope seeks to educate and inform the community on the amazing benefits of hemp and the economic opportunities that exist. This event is hemp-centric and focused on all of the industrial, nutritional, and nutraceutical benefits of non-psychoactive cannabis-hemp. This event is not a medical or recreational marijuana event. Those who attend the upcoming Hemp on the Slope! event in Colorado will be able to see Hemp, Inc.'s CBD clones growing up close. Dr. Michael Villa, CEO of Innovations in Science and Business Research and Development, based in Colorado, is in negotiations with Hemp, Inc. for the planting, harvest and purchase of 17,000 high CBD-rich hemp clones. According to Dr. Villa, his company will be growing CBD-rich clones for Hemp, Inc. in Colorado for CBD production. The clones will be made up of 8 different strains and is expected to be planted in late May of this year and harvested late September/early October. The crop will be dried and processed in Colorado. The CBD oil, to be extracted, will be prepared for the nutraceutical market. There will be 1,000 to 1,200 plants per acre. The whole process is expected to create jobs for people in Colorado. Taking into account the infrastructure, testing facilities and retail outlets, Colorado can expect a nice influx of job creation for its economy.

3. Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference (September 24 - 27, 2017 in Anaheim, California) The conference objective is to prove the benefits of the dietary lifestyle through a review of current and progressive scientific research evidencing the preventive and disease fighting capabilities of whole food, plant-based nutrition. Geared toward medical doctors from a variety of specialty areas, as well as allied healthcare professionals, the information on plant-based nutrition will be presented with a commitment to intellectual integrity, without bias or influence.

4. Marijuana Business Conference and Expo (November 14 - 17, 2017 in Las Vegas, NV) The Marijuana Business Conference and Expo is the largest gathering business community of mid to large wholesale growers, dispensaries and recreational retailers, infused product makers, ancillary companies ranging from grow technology to legal services, and, angels and VCs investing in privately-held firms. The conference highlights the latest advances and networking opportunities in the cannabis industry. MJBizCon, as it is referred to, has continued to set industry-wide attendance records and is by far the world's largest gathering of executives and exhibitors each and every season. The show continues to be curated by the editors of MJBizDaily, the industry's most trusted professional news service. The upcoming expo expects 3,500-4,000 attendees from all 50 states and more than a dozen nations including a large Canadian contingent.

To list your hemp event here, email


The almost 1,000-member North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association (NCIHA) is a 501(c)(6) trade organization that represents all the stakeholders helping to build a thriving hemp industry in North Carolina. The NCIHA is responsible for the lobbying effort behind the passage of the North Carolina Industrial Hemp Pilot Program. Through education, dedication and fundraising, North Carolina can be accelerated to the forefront of global growth in Industrial and Medicinal Hemp. North Carolina can and should lead the country in cultivation, processing and support the consumption of hemp's many beneficial products. Hemp was, for almost 200 years, a legal and fundamental crop in North Carolina and should be again.

Visit for more information. To join the North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association, click here.


Nevada: Gov. Sandoval signed Senate Bill 375 and Senate Bill 396 recently, allowing Nevada's Native American tribal government to directly negotiate with the state over the use and sale of medicinal cannabis on tribal lands, and expanding the state's hemp cultivation program. According to the article, Gov. Sandoval also gave the proverbial green light by signing off on Senate Bill 396. The recently passed legislation creates an additional hemp program for Nevada's farmers. Per the bill, S.B. 396 establishes rules and regulations authorizing the growth and handling of industrial hemp for the production of cannabinoid-infused products.

Colorado: Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed off on Senate Bill 17-117, entitled "Recognize Industrial Hemp Agricultural Product for Agricultural Water Right," on May 21, 2017. This bill protects hemp farmers who use water stored in federal reservoirs. The bill was introduced in the state Legislature by Sen. Don Coram, and sponsored by Rep. Marc Catlin. Both are Montrose Republicans. Colorado legalized growing hemp in 2014, but it is still banned at the federal level, creating complications when water from a federal project is used to water it. Senate Bill 17-117 says Colorado water right holders have the right to use it on hemp if the person is registered by the state to grow hemp for commercial, or research purposes. During an interview with The Journal, Hickenlooper said the hemp water bill will give farmers some reassurance, and he was cautiously optimistic that it could become a good cash crop for the state.

"Concerning confirmation that industrial hemp is a recognized agricultural product for which a person with a water right decreed for agricultural use may use the water subject to the water right for industrial hemp cultivation. In Colorado, water subject to a water right may be used for the purpose for which the water is decreed. The bill confirms that a person with an absolute or conditional water right decreed for agricultural use may use the water subject to the water right for the growth or cultivation of industrial hemp if the person is registered by the department of agriculture to grow industrial hemp for commercial or research and development purposes."

For more detailed information on SB 17-117, visit, by clicking here.

North Dakota: Chris Zenker, one of 35 farmers and growers who received a special license from the North Dakota Department of Agriculture to grow industrial hemp for 2017, drove from Gackle to a farm just north of Carrington, North Dakota last week to pick up enough industrial hemp seed to plant 100 acres. According to Zenker, he is trying hemp as a way to introduce a different crop in the rotation and likes that it has the potential to be a cash crop. The seed from Gussiaas' farm received the largest of four shipments of industrial hemp seed, 64,000 pounds, that the North Dakota Department of Agriculture had shipped from Canada for distribution to farmers and growers approved to grow hemp in 2017. The state will receive a total of 84,250 pounds of industrial hemp seed this year with seed distributed in 50-pound bags. (visit full article on

Illinois: The Illinois Senate, earlier this month, unanimously approved a measure, SB 1294, that would allow farmers to grow and sell industrial hemp, a strain of cannabis. But unlike marijuana, industrial hemp contains less than one percent of THC, and its fiber can be used to manufacture a variety of products. Pollitt says he estimates Illinois stands to gain an economic industry, including processing and transportation, that could outpace the state's pumpkin crop. Hemp advocates point to neighboring Kentucky, where more than 135 farms and 40 processors have enrolled in the state's pilot program that launched in 2016.

Creates the Industrial Hemp Act. Provides that any person desiring to grow, process, cultivate, harvest, process, possess, sell, or purchase industrial hemp or industrial hemp related products must be licensed by the Department of Agriculture. Provides that the application for a license shall include the name and address of the applicant and the legal description of the land area to be used to grow or process industrial hemp and that the license shall be valid for a period of 5 years. Preempts home rule powers. Amends the Illinois Noxious Weed Law. Provides that "noxious weed" does not include industrial hemp. Amends the Cannabis Control Act. Provides that "cannabis" does not include industrial hemp.

The Industrial Hemp Senate Bill 1294 was passed to the House on May 5, 2017. On May 31, 2017, final action for the House was extended to June 30, 2017.

Washington: Washington state Governor Jay Inslee signed off on HB 2064 which removes industrial hemp from the state list of illegal drugs. The state's governor said the bill will protect farmers and processors from federal interference. The measure affecting industrial hemp also included guidelines for edible marijuana products and licensed marijuana sellers. The law takes effect in July, 23 2017.

West Virginia: In West Virginia, Governor Jim Justice signed House Bill 2453 which allows hemp to be grown for research purposes, to also allow hemp to be grown commercially. The proposal was passed by both the House and Senate unanimously. HB 2453 states that a person growing industrial hemp for commercial purposes shall apply to the commissioner for license on a form prescribed by the commissioner. The application for a license must include the name and address of the applicant and the legal description of the land area to be used for the production of industrial hemp.

Whether it's Alaska or Florida, North Carolina or Nevada, Hemp, Inc. is on the ground more often than not conducting business in those states. In Arizona, for example, Hemp, Inc. plans to grow up to 300 acres (not 350 acres, as previously reported) on a 500-acre Veteran Village Kins Community as soon as Arizona legalizes hemp, which we expect in early 2018. "Hemp, Inc. does not wait for the inevitable legalization of industrial hemp in a state prior to building our industrial hemp infrastructure there. Instead of waiting for it to be legalized, being proactive gives us a significant advantage in the industrial hemp industry," says Perlowin.


Hemp is a durable natural fiber that is grown as a renewable source for raw materials that can be incorporated into thousands of products. It's one of the oldest domesticated crops known to man. Hemp is used in nutritional food products such as hemp seeds, hemp hearts and hemp proteins, for humans. It is also used in building materials, paper, textiles, cordage, organic body care and other nutraceuticals, just to name a few. It has thousands of other known uses. A hemp crop requires half the water alfalfa uses and can be grown without the heavy use of pesticides. Farmers worldwide grow hemp commercially for fiber, seed, and oil for use in a variety of industrial and consumer products. The United States is the only developed nation that fails to cultivate industrial hemp as an economic crop on a large scale, according to the Congressional Resource Service. However, with rapidly changing laws and more states gravitating towards industrial hemp and passing an industrial hemp bill, that could change. Currently, the majority of hemp sold in the United States is imported from China and Canada, the world's largest exporters of the industrial hemp crop.

To see the video showcasing the dramatic footage of our hemp and Kenaf grows, click here.

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp.)




Fuel. While the industrial, medicinal and commercial properties of hemp have been known to mankind for a very long time, its benefits to the environment have just been realized in recent years. One of the compelling things hemp offers is fuel. Reserves of petroleum are being depleted. Right now we are depleting our reserves of petroleum and buying it up from other countries. It would be nice if we could have a fuel source which was reusable and which we could grow right here, making us completely energy independent.

Industries in search of sustainable and eco-friendly processes are realizing hemp as a viable option. Hemp can provide an alternative, more efficient source of energy in the fuel industry. "The woody hemp plant is low in moisture; it dries quickly and is an efficient biomass source of methanol. The waste products produced by using hemp oil are a good source of ethanol. Both methanol and ethanol are produced from hemp through the efficient and economical process of thermo-chemical conversion. One acre of hemp yields 1,000 gallons or 3,785 liters of fuel. Hemp allows a lesser reliance on fossil fuels, which are non-renewable sources of energy and will not be able to meet the increasing global demands for long."

Petroleum fuel increases carbon monoxide in the atmosphere and contributes heavily to global warming and the greenhouse effect, which could lead to global catastrophe in the next 50 years if these trends continue. Do you want to find out if they are right, or do you want to grow the most cost effective and environmentally safe fuel source on the planet?

Using hemp as an energy and rotation crop would be a great step in the right direction.

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp).


"Hemp, Inc. Presents" is capturing the historic, monumental re-creation of the hemp decorticator today as America begins to evolve into a cleaner, green, eco-friendly sustainable environment. What many see as the next American Industrial Revolution is actually the Industrial Hemp Revolution. Watch as Hemp, Inc., the #1 leader in the industrial hemp industry, engages its shareholders and the public through each step in bringing back the hemp decorticator as described in the "Freedom Leaf Magazine" article "The Return of the Hemp Decorticator" by Steve Bloom.

Freedom Leaf Magazine, one of the preeminent news resources for the cannabis, medical marijuana, and industrial hemp industry in America, is published by Freedom Leaf, Inc., a fully reporting, audited, publicly traded company on OTC Markets. Stay in the loop with Freedom Leaf Magazine as it continues to deliver the good news in marijuana reform with some of the most compelling art, entertainment, and lifestyle-driven industry news in the cannabis/hemp sector. On the go? Download the Freedom Leaf mobile app to stay connected as they transform the delivery of cannabis news and information across the digital landscape. Get the mobile app on Apple iOS or Google Play.

"Hemp, Inc. Presents" is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by visiting To subscribe to the "Hemp, Inc. Presents" YouTube channel, be sure to click the subscribe button.


NHA represents hemp farmers, processors, manufacturers, start-up businesses, entrepreneurial endeavors, and retailers and strives to build a viable industrial hemp economy by providing education about the benefits of hemp and providing expert consultation to producers and processors entering the hemp industry. NHA has developed close relationships with local and state government agencies to establish regulations that benefit the hemp industry across the nation. We provide a wealth of expertise in fields ranging from mining and agriculture to hemp materials processing and the latest developments pertaining to laws and regulations. For more information on the National Hemp Association, visit


The Hemp Industries Association (HIA) is a non-profit trade association representing businesses, farmers, researchers and investors working with industrial hemp. The HIA is at the forefront of the drive for fair and equal treatment of industrial hemp. Since 1994, the HIA has been dedicated to education, industry development, and the accelerated expansion of hemp world market supply and demand. For those who are currently involved in the hemp industry, thinking of starting a hemp business, a farmer interested in hemp or to support hemp commerce, please consider becoming a member of the HIA. To join, please click here for benefits, more information and an application.


With a deep-rooted social and environmental mission at its core, Hemp, Inc. seeks to build a business constituency for the American small farmer, the American veteran, and other groups experiencing the ever-increasing disparity between tapering income and soaring expenses. As a leader in the industrial hemp industry with ownership of the largest commercial multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility in North America, Hemp, Inc. believes there can be tangible benefits reaped from adhering to a corporate social responsibility plan. Thus, Hemp, Inc.'s "Triple Bottom Line" approach serves as an important tool in balancing meeting business objectives and the needs of society and environment at the same time.

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To see the video showcasing the dramatic footage of our hemp and Kenaf grows, click here.

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.'s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility, milling operation, planting and farming industrial hemp, and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up, as well as helping to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape through industrial hemp).


Forward-Looking Statements are included within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements regarding our expected future financial position, results of operations, cash flows, financing plans, business strategy, products and services, competitive positions, growth opportunities, plans and objectives of management for future operations, including words such as "anticipate," "if," "believe," "plan," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "could," "should," "will," and other similar expressions are forward-looking statements and involve risks, uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control, which may cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from anticipated results, performance, or achievements. We are under no obligation to (and expressly disclaim any such obligation to) update or alter our forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Hemp, Inc.

(855) HEMP-OUT

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