OceanFirst Financial Corp. Announces Third Quarter Financial Results and 15% Increase to Quarterly Dividend

TOMS RIVER, N.J., Oct. 26, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OceanFirst Financial Corp. OCFC, (the "Company"), the holding company for OceanFirst Bank (the "Bank"), today announced that diluted earnings per share were $0.35 for the three months ended September 30, 2016, as compared to $0.28 for the corresponding prior year quarter.  For the nine months ended September 30, 2016, diluted earnings per share were $0.77, as compared to $0.90 for the corresponding prior year period. 

Merger related charges and deleveraging expenses adversely impacted quarterly operating results by $0.05 and year to date operating results by $0.34 after tax.  On May 2, 2016, the Company completed its acquisition of Cape Bancorp, Inc. ("Cape"), which added $1.5 billion in total assets, including $1.2 billion in loans, and $1.2 billion in deposits.  The results of operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 include merger related expenses of $1.3 million and $9.9 million, respectively.  In connection with the acquisition, during the second quarter of 2016 the Bank deleveraged the combined balance sheet through the sale of lower-yielding investment securities and the prepayment of existing term borrowings in order to improve the net interest margin, reduce interest rate sensitivity, and increase regulatory capital ratios.  The implementation of this strategy resulted in an expense of $136,000 relating to the prepayment of Federal Home Loan Bank ("FHLB") borrowings and a loss of $12,000 on the sale of investment securities available-for-sale.  Excluding the after-tax impact of merger related expenses and deleveraging costs, core earnings for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 were $10.3 million, or $0.40 per diluted share, and $24.4 million, or $1.11 per diluted share, respectively.  (Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliation table at the end of this document for details on the earnings impact of these items.)

Highlights for the quarter are described below.

  • Core earnings (as defined above) per share increased 25% for the three months ended September 30, 2016, as compared to the three months ended September 30, 2015, supporting a $0.02 increase in the quarterly dividend, to $0.15 per share.
  • Deposits increased $118.4 million for the quarter, an annualized growth rate of 14.8%, resulting in a loan to deposit ratio at September 30, 2016 of 91.1% and an average cost of deposits for the quarter ended September 30, 2016 of just 0.25%.
  • Cape's core systems were fully integrated on October 15, 2016, providing for the realization of additional cost savings entering the first quarter of 2017. 
  • Risk management activities related to recent acquisitions included selling 63 residential loans with a carrying value of $4.4 million and 72 SBA loans with a carrying value of $8.4 million, which represented the entire SBA portfolio.  One additional pool of commercial loans was designated as held for sale with a targeted closing in the fourth quarter.

On July 13, 2016, the Company announced it had entered into a definitive agreement and plan of merger pursuant to which Ocean Shore Holding Company ("Ocean Shore"), the holding company and parent of Ocean City Home Bank, will merge with and into the Company in a transaction valued at approximately $145.6 million.  Ocean City Home Bank is one of southern New Jersey's oldest and largest community banks with approximately $1.0 billion in total assets, $807 million in total deposits and $791 million in net loans at June 30, 2016.  Pending regulatory and shareholder approvals, the Company expects to close the transaction by the first quarter of 2017 and anticipates full integration of Ocean City Home Bank's operations and  systems in May 2017.

Chief Executive Officer and President Christopher D. Maher commented, "Our year over year growth in core earnings per share of 25%, augmented by the ongoing benefits of the Cape acquisition, was a key driver for the Board of Directors to increase the per share cash dividend by 15%.  We achieved this earnings growth while also reducing our risk profile through the sale of high risk loans."  Mr. Maher added, "Our strong core deposit growth, low average deposit cost and conservative loan to deposit ratio support the exceptional value of our deposit franchise and provides a platform to fund future loan growth."

The Company also announced that the Board of Directors declared its seventy-ninth consecutive quarterly cash dividend on common stock.  The dividend for the quarter ended September 30, 2016 of $0.15 per share will be paid on November 18, 2016 to stockholders of record on November 7, 2016.

Results of Operations

On July 31, 2015, the Company completed its acquisition of Colonial American Bank ("Colonial American"), which added $142.4 million to assets, $121.2 million to loans, and $123.3 million to deposits.  Colonial American's results of operations are included in the consolidated results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, but for 2015 Colonial American is only included in the results of operations for the period from August 1, 2015 through September 30, 2015.

On May 2, 2016, the Company completed its acquisition of Cape and its results of operations from May 2, 2016 through September 30, 2016 are included in the consolidated results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, but are excluded from the results of operations for the corresponding prior year periods.

Net income for the three months ended September 30, 2016, was $9.1 million, or $0.35 per diluted share, as compared to net income of $4.7 million, or $0.28 per diluted share, for the corresponding prior year period. Net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2016, was $17.0 million, or $0.77 per diluted share, as compared to net income of $15.1 million, or $0.90 per diluted share for the corresponding prior year period.  Net income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 includes merger related expenses of $1.3 million and $9.9 million, respectively, as compared to merger related expenses of $1.0 million and $1.3 million, respectively, for the same prior year periods.  Additionally, net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2016, includes a FHLB prepayment fee of $136,000, and a loss on the sale of investment securities available-for-sale of $12,000. Excluding these items, diluted earnings per share increased over the prior year periods due to higher net interest income and other income partially offset by higher operating expenses and provision for loan losses.

Excluding merger related expenses, the FHLB prepayment fee and loss on sale of investment securities, diluted earnings per share increased $0.02 from the prior linked quarter primarily due to the favorable impact of the Cape acquisition.

Net interest income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, increased to $33.9 million and $84.5 million, respectively, as compared to $19.6 million and $56.1 million for the same prior year periods, reflecting an increase in interest-earning assets and a higher net interest margin.  Average interest-earning assets increased $1,388.3 million and $909.8 million, respectively, for the three and nine month ended September 30, 2016, as compared to the same prior year periods.  The averages for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, were favorably impacted by $1,233.7 million and $776.7 million, respectively, as a result of the interest-earning assets acquired from Cape and Colonial American ("Acquisition Transactions").  Average loans receivable, net, increased $1,210.2 million and $833.9 million, respectively, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, as compared to the same prior year periods.  The increases attributable to the Acquisition Transactions were $1,198.7 million and $723.9 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, respectively.  The net interest margin increased to 3.56% and 3.51%, respectively, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, as compared to 3.24% and 3.25%, respectively for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2015.  The yield on average interest-earning assets increased to 3.92% and 3.88%, respectively, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, as compared to 3.63% for both the same prior year periods.  The yields on average interest-earning assets for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 benefited from the accretion of purchase accounting adjustments on the Acquisition Transactions of $1.6 million and $3.1 million, respectively; the higher-yielding interest-earning assets acquired from Cape; and the change in the average balance sheet mix in favor of higher-yielding loans receivable at the expense of lower-yielding securities.  For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, the cost of average interest-bearing liabilities decreased to 0.43% and 0.46%, respectively, from 0.50% and 0.47%, respectively, in the prior year periods benefitting from the change in mix in favor of lower-cost deposits at the expense of higher-cost borrowings.  The total cost of deposits (including non-interest bearing deposits) was 0.25% for both the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, as compared to 0.24% and 0.23% for the corresponding prior year periods.

Net interest income for the three months ended September 30, 2016 increased $3.9 million, as compared to the prior linked quarter, as average interest-earning assets increased $403.0 million, of which $261.9 million related to Cape.  The net interest margin decreased to 3.56%, for the three months ended September 30, 2016, from 3.57% for the prior linked quarter.  The yield on average interest-earning assets decreased to 3.92% for the three months ended September 30, 2016, from 3.94% for the prior linked quarter, while the cost of average interest-bearing liabilities decreased to 0.43% for the three months ended September 30, 2016, as compared to 0.47% for the prior linked quarter.

For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, the provision for loan losses was $888,000 and $2.1 million, respectively, as compared to $300,000 and $975,000, respectively, for the corresponding prior year periods.  Net charge-offs were $1.9 million and $3.2 million, respectively, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, as compared to net charge-offs of $196,000 and $654,000, respectively, in the corresponding prior year periods.  The increase in net charge-offs for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, was primarily due to third quarter charge-offs of $1.6 million on loans sold or held for sale at September 30, 2016, and to a lesser extent, first quarter charge-offs of $886,000 on two non-performing commercial loans.  Of the $1.6 million in third quarter charge-offs, $1.1 million was related to a pool of 58 higher risk commercial loans designated as held for sale at September 30, 2016, with an unpaid principal balance of $22.7 million.  This pool of loans is expected to be sold in the fourth quarter.  Non-performing loans totaled $16.5 million at September 30, 2016, as compared to $15.3 million at June 30, 2016, and $24.4 million at September 30, 2015.  The non-performing loan amount at September 30, 2016 includes $3.2 million of loans held for sale which have been marked down to fair value.

For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, other income increased to $5.9 million and $14.2 million, respectively, as compared to $4.2 million and $12.3 million, respectively, in the same prior year periods.  The increases from the prior periods were primarily due to the impact of the Cape acquisition which added $1.3 million and $2.2 million to total other income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, respectively, as compared to the same prior year periods.  Excluding Cape, other income increased $452,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2016, and decreased $396,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2016, as compared to the same prior year periods.  For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, other income included a gain of $125,000 and a loss of $292,000, respectively, attributable to the operations of a hotel, golf and banquet facility acquired as  Other Real Estate Owned ("OREO") in the fourth quarter of 2015.  The Bank is currently engaged in a sales process with qualified buyers for this property.

For the quarter ended September 30, 2016, other income, excluding the impact from Cape, increased $672,000, as compared to the prior linked quarter.  The increase was primarily related to an improvement in OREO operations of $338,000 and an increase of $177,000 in net gains on sales of loans.

Operating expenses increased to $25.0 million and $70.4 million, respectively, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, as compared to $16.1 million and $44.3 million, respectively, in the same prior year periods.  Operating expenses for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 include $1.3 million and $9.9 million, respectively, in merger related expenses, as compared to merger related expenses of $1.0 million and $1.3 million, respectively, in the prior year periods.  Excluding merger related expenses, the increases in operating expenses over the prior year were primarily due to the operations of Cape and Colonial American, which added $7.9 million and $13.7 million for the quarter and year-to-date, respectively; the investment in commercial lending which added expenses of $21,000 and $822,000 for the quarter and year-to-date, respectively; the addition of new branches which added expenses of $269,000 and $991,000 for the quarter and year-to-date, respectively; and the FHLB prepayment fee of $136,000.

For the three months ended September 30, 2016, operating expenses, excluding merger related expenses, increased $2.3 million, as compared to the prior linked quarter.  The increase was primarily related to the additional expense from the operations of Cape of $2.2 million.

The provision for income taxes was $4.8 million and $9.2 million, respectively, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016, as compared to $2.6 million and $8.1 million, respectively, for the same prior year periods.  The effective tax rate was 34.4% and 35.0%, respectively, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 as compared to 35.5% and 34.9%, respectively, for the same prior year periods and 34.5% in the prior linked quarter.  The variances in the effective tax rate were primarily due to the timing of non-deductible merger related expenses.

Financial Condition

Total assets increased by $1.558 billion to $4.151 billion at September 30, 2016, from $2.593 billion at December 31, 2015, primarily as a result of the acquisition of Cape.  Cash, due from banks and interest-bearing deposits increased by $267.6 million, to $311.6 million at September 30, 2016, from $43.9 million at December 31, 2015.  The increase was primarily due to third quarter cash flows relating to deposit growth, the issuance of subordinated notes and the reduction in loans receivable.  Loans receivable, net, increased by $1.058 billion, to $3.029 billion at September 30, 2016, from $1.971 billion at December 31, 2015.  Excluding the Cape acquisition, loans receivable, net, decreased $99.8 million, partly due to the sale and pending sale, of $30.7 million in higher risk loans.  As part of the acquisitions of Cape and Colonial American, and the purchase of an existing retail branch in the Toms River market in the first quarter of 2016, at September 30, 2016, the Company had outstanding goodwill of $66.5 million and core deposit intangibles of $3.7 million.

Deposits increased by $1.408 billion, to $3.325 billion at September 30, 2016, from $1.917 billion at December 31, 2015, including deposits of $1.248 billion acquired from Cape and $17.0 million acquired through the purchase of an existing retail branch located in the Toms River market.  Excluding the Cape acquisition, deposits increased $159.6 million, while core deposits (all deposits excluding time deposits) increased $178.4 million.  The loan-to-deposit ratio at September 30, 2016 was 91.1%, as compared to 102.8% at December 31, 2015.  The deposit growth funded a decrease in FHLB advances of $73.2 million at September 30, 2016, to $251.1 million at September 30, 2016, from $324.4 million at December 31, 2015.  The increase in other borrowings relates to the September 2016 issuance of $35.0 million in subordinated notes at an initial rate of 5.125% and a stated maturity of September 30, 2026.

Stockholders' equity increased to $417.2 million at September 30, 2016, as compared to $238.4 million at December 31, 2015.  The acquisition of Cape added $165.9 million to stockholder's equity.  At September 30, 2016, there were 244,804 shares available for repurchase under the stock repurchase program adopted in July of 2014.  Tangible stockholders' equity per common share decreased to $13.42 at September 30, 2016, as compared to $13.67 at December 31, 2015, due to the addition of intangible assets in the Cape acquisition.

Asset Quality

The Company's non-performing loans decreased to $16.5 million at September 30, 2016, as compared to $18.3 million at December 31, 2015 and $24.4 million at September 30, 2015.  Non-performing loans do not include $5.8 million of purchased credit-impaired ("PCI") loans acquired from Cape and Colonial American.  The Company's OREO totaled $9.1 million at September 30, 2016, as compared to $8.8 million at December 31, 2015.  The amount includes $7.0 million relating to the hotel, golf and banquet facility located in New Jersey which the Company acquired in the fourth quarter of 2015.  At September 30, 2016, the Company's allowance for loan losses was 0.51% of total loans, a decrease from 0.84% at December 31, 2015.  These ratios exclude existing fair value credit marks of $17.1 million at September 30, 2016 on the Cape and Colonial American loans and $2.2 million at December 31, 2015 on the Colonial American loans.  These loans were acquired at fair value with no related allowance for loan losses.  The allowance for loan losses as a percent of total non-performing loans was 94.61% at September 30, 2016 as compared to 91.51% at December 31, 2015.

Explanation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Reported amounts are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States ("GAAP").  The Company's management believes that the supplemental non-GAAP information, which consists of reported net income excluding merger related expenses, loss on sale of investment securities available for sale and FHLB prepayment fee, which can vary from period to period, provides a better comparison of period to period operating performance.  Additionally, the Company believes this information is utilized by regulators and market analysts to evaluate a company's financial condition and therefore, such information is useful to investors.  These disclosures should not be viewed as a substitute for financial results in accordance with GAAP, nor are they necessarily comparable to non-GAAP performance measures which may be presented by other companies.  Please refer to Non-GAAP Reconciliation table at the end of this document for details on the earnings impact of these items.

Conference Call

As previously announced, the Company will host an earnings conference call on Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern time.  The direct dial number for the call is (888) 338-7143.  For those unable to participate in the conference call, a replay will be available.  To access the replay, dial (877) 344-7529, Replay Conference Number 10093578 from one hour after the end of the call until January 27, 2017.  The conference call, as well as the replay, are also available (listen-only) by internet webcast at www.oceanfirst.com in the Investor Relations section.

OceanFirst Financial Corp.'s subsidiary, OceanFirst Bank, founded in 1902, is a community bank with $4.2 billion in total assets, $3.1 billion in total loans, $3.3 billion in deposits and 50 branches located throughout central and southern New Jersey.  OceanFirst Bank delivers commercial and residential financing solutions, wealth management and deposit services and is one of the largest and oldest community-based financial institutions headquartered in New Jersey.

OceanFirst Financial Corp.'s press releases are available by visiting us at www.oceanfirst.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

In addition to historical information, this news release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 which are based on certain assumptions and describe future plans, strategies and expectations of the Company. These forward-looking statements are generally identified by use of the words "believe," "expect," "intend," "anticipate," "estimate," "project," "will," "should," "may," "view," "opportunity," "potential," or similar expressions or expressions of confidence.  The Company's ability to predict results or the actual effect of future plans or strategies is inherently uncertain.  Factors which could have a material adverse effect on the operations of the Company and its subsidiaries include, but are not limited to:  changes in interest rates, general economic conditions, levels of unemployment in the Bank's lending area, real estate market values in the Bank's lending area, future natural disasters and increases to flood insurance premiums, the level of prepayments on loans and mortgage-backed securities, legislative/regulatory changes, monetary and fiscal policies of the U.S. Government including policies of the U.S. Treasury and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the quality or composition of the loan or investment portfolios, demand for loan products, deposit flows, competition, demand for financial services in the Company's market area and accounting principles and guidelines.  These risks and uncertainties are further discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2015 and subsequent securities filings and should be considered in evaluating forward-looking statements and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements.  The Company does not undertake, and specifically disclaims any obligation, to publicly release the result of any revisions which may be made to any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of such statements or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events. 

OceanFirst Financial Corp.
(dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)
 September 30, June 30, December 31, September 30,
  2016   2016   2015   2015 
ASSETS(unaudited) (unaudited)   (unaudited)
Cash, due from banks and interest-bearing deposits$311,583  $66,222  $43,946  $50,576 
Securities available-for-sale, at estimated fair value 2,497   12,509   29,902   30,108 
Securities held-to-maturity, net (estimated fair value of       
 $478,727 at September 30, 2016, $520,971 at June 30, 2016,       
 $397,763 at December 31, 2015, and $400,852 at       
 at September 30, 2015) 470,642   513,721   394,813   392,932 
Federal Home Loan Bank of New York stock, at cost 18,289   21,128   19,978   15,970 
Loans receivable, net 3,028,696   3,130,046   1,970,703   1,938,972 
Loans held for sale 21,679   5,310   2,697   2,306 
Interest and dividends receivable 9,396   10,143   5,860   5,978 
Other real estate owned 9,107   9,791   8,827   3,262 
Premises and equipment, net 51,243   49,392   28,419   28,721 
Servicing asset 259   664   589   639 
Bank Owned Life Insurance 106,433   105,929   57,549   57,206 
Deferred tax asset 39,391   37,052   16,807   18,298 
Other assets 11,543   14,581   10,900   10,816 
Core deposit intangible 3,722   3,903   256   269 
Goodwill 66,537   67,102   1,822   1,845 
 Total assets$4,151,017  $4,047,493  $2,593,068  $2,557,898 
Deposits$3,324,681  $3,206,262  $1,916,678  $1,967,771 
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase       
 with retail customers 69,078   67,673   75,872   77,993 
Federal Home Loan Bank advances 251,146   312,603   324,385   233,006 
Other borrowings 56,399   22,500   22,500   27,500 
Advances by borrowers for taxes and insurance 8,287   9,828   7,121   7,808 
Other liabilities 24,182   19,369   8,066   9,132 
 Total liabilities 3,733,773   3,638,235   2,354,622   2,323,210 
Stockholders' equity:       
Preferred stock, $.01 par value, $1,000 liquidation       
 preference, 5,000,000 shares authorized, no shares issued             
Common stock, $.01 par value, 55,000,000 shares authorized,       
 33,566,772 shares issued and 25,850,956, 25,748,898, 17,286,557 and 17,276,677, shares outstanding at September 30, 2016,       
 June 30, 2016,  December 31, 2015,       
 and September 30, 2015, respectively 336   336   336   336 
Additional paid-in capital 308,979   308,460   269,757   269,332 
Retained earnings 236,472   230,895   229,140   226,115 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (5,611)  (5,798)  (6,241)  (6,326)
Less:  Unallocated common stock held by       
 Employee Stock Ownership Plan (2,832)  (2,903)  (3,045)  (3,116)
 Treasury stock, 7,715,816, 7,817,874, 16,280,215,       
 and 16,290,095 shares at September 30, 2016, June 30, 2016,  December 31, 2015, and September 30, 2015,       
 respectively (120,100)  (121,732)  (251,501)  (251,653)
Common stock acquired by Deferred Compensation Plan (310)  (305)    (314)  (311)
Deferred Compensation Plan Liability 310   305     314   311 
 Total stockholders' equity 417,244   409,258   238,446   234,688 
 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity$4,151,017  $4,047,493  $2,593,068  $2,557,898 

OceanFirst Financial Corp.
(in thousands, except per share amounts)
 For the Three Months Ended,For the Nine Months Ended 
 September 30,June 30,September 30,September 30,September 30, 
Interest income:      
Loans$34,607 $30,521 $19,976 $86,163 $56,553  
Mortgage-backed securities 1,700  1,708  1,460  4,823  4,602  
Investment securities and other 1,000  912  534  2,535  1,560  
Total interest income 37,307  33,141  21,970  93,521  62,715  
Interest expense:      
Deposits 2,083  1,771  1,162  5,125  3,084  
Borrowed funds 1,289  1,356  1,233  3,888  3,490  
Total interest expense 3,372  3,127  2,395  9,013  6,574  
Net interest income 33,935  30,014  19,575  84,508  56,141  
Provision for loan losses 888  662  300  2,113  975  
Net interest income after provision      
for loan losses 33,047  29,352  19,275  82,395  55,166  
Other income:      
Bankcard services revenue 1,347  1,211  929  3,409  2,611  
Wealth management revenue 608  621  501  1,779  1,657  
Fees and service charges 2,916  2,502  2,091  7,235  6,042  
Loan servicing income 26  95  75  177  186  
Net loss on sale of investment securities available for sale   (12)   (12)   
Net gain on sale of loan servicing           111  
Net gain on sales of loans available for sale 347  170  260  696  637  
Net loss from other real estate operations (63) (313) (59) (782) (111) 
Income from Bank Owned Life Insurance 659  542  348  1,520  1,158  
Other 56  67  7  133  18  
Total other income 5,896  4,883  4,152  14,155  12,309  
Operating expenses:      
Compensation and employee benefits 13,558  11,432  8,269  33,456  23,508  
Occupancy 2,315  2,011  1,508  5,952  4,204  
Equipment 1,452  1,184  951  3,605  2,562  
Marketing 479  543  398  1,273  1,087  
Federal deposit insurance 743  723  541  1,995  1,545  
Data processing 2,140  1,881  1,193  5,286  3,382  
Check card processing 623  505  490  1,548  1,388  
Professional fees 681  700  390  1,879  1,324  
Other operating expense 1,543  2,217  1,369  5,036  4,005  
Federal Home Loan Bank prepayment fee   136    136    
Amortization of core deposit intangible 181  125  8  319  8  
Merger related expense 1,311  7,189  1,030  9,902  1,264  
Total operating expenses 25,026  28,646  16,147  70,387  44,277  
Income before provision for income taxes 13,917  5,589  7,280  26,163  23,198  
Provision for income taxes 4,789  1,928  2,582  9,169  8,105  
Net income$9,128 $3,661 $4,698 $16,994 $15,093  
Basic earnings per share$0.36 $0.16 $0.28 $0.79 $0.91  
Diluted earnings per share$0.35 $0.16 $0.28 $0.77 $0.90  
Average basic shares outstanding 25,435  22,478  16,733  21,624  16,522  
Average diluted shares outstanding 25,889  22,880  16,953  21,990  16,746  

OceanFirst Financial Corp.
(dollars in thousands)
 September 30,
June 30,
March 31,
December 31,
September 30,
Commercial and industrial$185,633 $222,355 $141,364 $144,788 $129,379 
Commercial real estate – owner-occupied 493,157  523,662  308,666  307,509  317,438 
Commercial real estate – investor 1,014,699  1,011,354  536,754  510,936  486,625 
Total commercial 1,693,489  1,757,371  986,784  963,233  933,442 
Residential mortgage 1,061,752  1,090,781  792,753  791,249  787,211 
Residential construction 46,813  48,266  54,259  50,757  51,580 
Home equity loans and lines 251,421  258,398  190,621  192,368  193,587 
Other consumer 1,273  1,586  570  792  719 
Total consumer 1,361,259  1,399,031  1,038,203  1,035,166  1,033,097 
Total loans 3,054,748  3,156,402  2,024,987  1,998,399  1,966,539 
Loans in process (13,842) (13,119) (15,033) (14,206) (14,145)
Deferred origination costs, net 3,407  3,441  3,253  3,232  3,216 
Allowance for loan losses (15,617) (16,678) (16,214) (16,722) (16,638)
Loans receivable, net$3,028,696  $3,130,046  $1,996,993  $1,970,703  $1,938,972 
Mortgage loans serviced for others$143,657 $145,903 $152,653 $158,244 $164,488 

Loan pipeline (1):
At September 30, 2016
   Average Yield
Commercial 4.19%$64,976 $48,897 $57,571 $53,785 $71,944 
Residential mortgage      
and construction 3.75  39,252  30,520  28,528  31,860  39,894 
Home equity loans and lines 4.51  5,099  5,594  8,082  5,481  8,859 
Total 4.04 $109,327 $85,011 $94,181 $91,126 $120,697 

 For the Three Months Ended,
 September 30,June 30,March 31,December 31,September 30,
  2016  2016  2016  2015  2015 
Loan originations:Average Yield     
Commercial 3.97%$63,310 $59,543 $58,005 $72,534 $70,378 
Residential mortgage and      
and construction 3.65  41,170  40,295  34,361  43,616  35,994 
Home equity loans and lines 4.30  11,007  10,067  10,915  10,431  13,841 
Total 3.89 $115,487 $109,905 $103,281 $126,581 $120,213 
Loans sold $ 17,787 (2)$10,303 $8,901 $9,784 $11,063 

(1) Loan pipeline includes pending loan applications and loans approved but not funded
(2) Excludes the sale of credit-impaired loans of $12.8 million

 September 30,
June 30,
March 31,
December 31,
September 30,
Type of Account     
Non-interest-bearing$512,957 $554,709 $351,743 $337,143 $362,079 
Interest-bearing checking 1,451,083  1,310,290  860,468  859,927  883,940 
Money market deposit 400,054  366,942  163,885  153,196  151,657 
Savings 489,173  489,132  327,845  310,989  310,009 
Time deposits 471,414  485,189  267,420  255,423  260,086 
 $3,324,681 $3,206,262 $1,971,361 $1,916,678 $1,967,771 

OceanFirst Financial Corp.  
(dollars in thousands) 
   September 30,June 30,March 31,December 31,September 30, 
    2016  2016  2016  2015  2015  
Non-performing loans:        
Commercial and industrial  $1,152 $964 $909 $123 $115  
Commercial real estate – owner-occupied   5,213  4,363  4,354  7,684  15,666  
Commercial real estate – investor   1,675  1,675  940  3,112  1,391  
Residential mortgage   7,017  7,102  8,788  5,779  5,481  
Home equity loans and lines   1,450  1,226  1,202  1,574  1,738  
Other consumer         2  3  
Total non-performing loans   16,507  15,330  16,193  18,274  24,394  
Other real estate owned   9,107  9,791  9,029  8,827  3,262  
Total non-performing assets  $25,614 $25,121 $25,222 $27,101 $27,656  
Purchased credit-impaired ("PCI") loans  $5,836 $9,673 $376 $461 $1,019  
Delinquent loans 30 to 89 days  $8,553 $15,643 $6,996 $9,087 $8,025  
Troubled debt restructurings:        
Non-performing (included in total non-        
performing loans above)  $3,520 $2,990 $4,775 $4,918 $3,819  
Performing   26,396  28,173  26,689  26,344  26,935  
Total troubled debt restructurings  $29,916 $31,163 $31,464 $31,262 $30,754  
Allowance for loan losses  $15,617 $16,678 $16,214 $16,722 $16,638  
Allowance for loan losses as a percent of total        
loans receivable (1)   0.51% 0.53% 0.80% 0.84% 0.85% 
Allowance for loan losses as a percent of total        
non-performing loans   94.61  108.79  100.13  91.51  68.21  
Non-performing loans as a percent of total        
loans receivable   0.54  0.48  0.80  0.91  1.24  
Non-performing assets as a percent of total assets   0.62  0.62  0.97  1.05  1.08  
(1)  The loans acquired from Cape and Colonial American were recorded at fair value.  The net credit mark on these loans, not reflected in the allowance for loan losses, was $17,051, $27,281, $2,013, $2,202 and $3,046 at September 30, 2016, June 30, 2016, March 31, 2016, December 31, 2015 and September 30, 2015, respectively. 
   For the three months ended 
   September 30,June 30,March 31,December 31,September 30, 
    2016  2016  2016  2015  2015  
Net Charge-offs:        
Loan charge-offs  $(2,116)$(223)$(1,172)$(236)$(210) 
Recoveries on loans   167  25  101  19  14  
Net loan charge-offs  $(1,949)$(198)$(1,071)$(217)$(196) 
Net loan charge-offs to average total loans (annualized)   0.25% 0.03% 0.21% 0.04% 0.04% 
Net charge-off detail - (loss) recovery:        
Commercial  $(1,707)$(84)$(1,073)$12 $(47) 
Residential mortgage and construction   (161) (69) (24) (117) (51) 
Home equity loans and lines   (83) (45) 28  (109) (98) 
Other consumer   2    (2) (3)   
Net loans charged-off  $(1,949)$(198)$(1,071)$(217)$(196) 
Note:  Included in net loan charge-offs for the three months ended September 30, 2016 is $1,627 relating to credit-impaired loans sold or held-for-sale. 

 OceanFirst Financial Corp.

 SEPTEMBER 30, 2016JUNE 30, 2016SEPTEMBER 30, 2015
 (dollars in thousands)
Interest-earning assets:         
Interest-earning deposits and         
short-term  investments$168,045 $139  0.33%$40,567 $41  0.41%$55,047 $17  0.12%
Securities (1) and FHLB stock 533,809  2,561  1.91  571,463  2,579  1.82  468,707  1,977  1.67 
Loans receivable, net (2):         
Commercial 1,723,520  20,970  4.84  1,471,159  17,783  4.86  885,769  9,980  4.47 
Residential 1,118,435  10,874  3.87  1,076,557  10,225  3.82  810,103  7,939  3.89 
Home equity 255,919  2,745  4.27  236,937  2,498  4.24  193,483  2,050  4.20 
Other 1,163  18  6.16  1,011  15  5.97  513  7  5.41 
Allowance for loan loss net of         
deferred loan fees (13,346)     (13,146)     (14,410)    
Loans receivable, net 3,085,691  34,607  4.46  2,772,518  30,521  4.43  1,875,458  19,976  4.23 
Total interest- earning assets 3,787,545  37,307  3.92  3,384,548  33,141  3.94  2,399,212  21,970  3.63 
Non-interest-earning assets 316,290    262,554    122,269   
Total assets$4,103,835   $3,647,102   $2,521,481   
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity         
Interest-bearing liabilities:         
Interest-bearing checking$1,425,350  583  0.16 $1,166,298  503  0.17 $870,115  291  0.13 
Money market 386,490  295  0.30  298,530  180  0.24  142,063  65  0.18 
Savings 488,749  49  0.04  434,438  41  0.04  306,928  27  0.03 
Time deposits 477,496  1,156  0.96  417,301  1,047  1.01  244,325  779  1.26 
Total 2,778,085  2,083  0.30  2,316,567  1,771  0.31  1,563,431  1,162  0.29 
Securities sold under agreements         
to repurchase 68,540  24  0.14  76,907  26  0.14  78,516  30  0.15 
FHLB advances 264,213  1,067  1.61  287,171  1,201  1.68  249,623  998  1.59 
Other borrowings 26,207  198  3.01  22,500  129  2.31  27,500  205  2.96 
Total interest-bearing liabilities 3,137,045  3,372  0.43  2,703,145  3,127  0.47  1,919,070  2,395  0.50 
Non-interest-bearing deposits 521,088    529,230    354,411   
Non-interest-bearing liabilities 31,536    26,033    13,827   
Total liabilities 3,689,669    3,258,408    2,287,308   
Stockholders' equity 414,166    388,694    234,173   
Total liabilities and         
     stockholders' equity$4,103,835   $3,647,102   $2,521,481   
Net interest income $33,935   $30,014   $19,575  
Net interest rate spread (3)   3.49%   3.47%   3.13%
Net interest margin (4)   3.56%   3.57%   3.24%
Total cost of deposits (including         
non-interest-bearing deposits)   0.25%   0.25%   0.24%

(1) Amounts are recorded at average amortized cost
(2) Amount is net of deferred loan fees, undisbursed loan funds, discounts and premiums and estimated loss allowances and includes loans held for sale and non-performing loans.
(3) Net interest rate spread represents the difference between the yield on interest-earning assets and the cost of interest-bearing liabilities.
(4) Net interest margin represents net interest income divided by average interest-earning assets.

 SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 SEPTEMBER 30, 2015
 (dollars in thousands)
Interest-earning assets:         
Interest-earning deposits and         
short-term  investments$86,007 $209  0.32%   $37,409 $29  0.10%
Securities (1) and FHLB stock 517,051  7,149  1.85     489,671  6,133  1.67 
Loans receivable, net (2):         
Commercial 1,390,196  49,750  4.78     805,961  27,034  4.50 
Residential 1,009,012  29,139  3.86     793,512  23,469  3.95 
Home equity 228,172  7,233  4.23     194,743  6,027  4.14 
Other 893  41  6.13     461  23  6.67 
Allowance for loan loss net of         
deferred loan fees (13,379)        (13,654)    
Loans receivable, net 2,614,894  86,163  4.40     1,781,023  56,553  4.25 
Total interest-earning assets 3,217,952  93,521  3.88     2,308,103  62,715  3.63 
Non-interest-earning assets 236,399       115,577   
Total assets$3,454,351      $2,423,680   
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity         
Interest-bearing liabilities:         
Interest-bearing checking$1,181,110  1,391  0.16    $864,054  673  0.10 
Money market 280,836  546  0.26     122,038  111  0.12 
Savings 413,388  117  0.04     304,799  75  0.03 
Time deposits 386,505  3,071  1.06     220,827  2,225  1.35 
Total 2,261,839  5,125  0.30     1,511,718  3,084  0.27 
Securities sold under agreements to         
repurchase 76,289  78  0.14     71,054  73  0.14 
FHLB advances 272,405  3,351  1.64     254,189  2,810  1.48 
Other borrowings 23,846  459  2.57     27,500  607  2.95 
Total interest-bearing liabilities 2,634,379  9,013  0.46     1,864,461  6,574  0.47 
Non-interest-bearing deposits 448,459       319,797   
Non-interest-bearing liabilities 23,650       14,407   
Total liabilities 3,106,488       2,198,665   
Stockholders' equity 347,863       225,015   
Total liabilities and stockholders'         
equity$3,454,351      $2,423,680   
Net interest income $84,508      $56,141  
Net interest rate spread (3)   3.42%      3.16%
Net interest margin (4)   3.51%      3.25%
Total cost of deposits (including         
non-interest-bearing deposits)   0.25%      0.23%

(1) Amounts are recorded at average amortized cost
(2) Amount is net of deferred loan fees, undisbursed loan funds, discounts and premiums and estimated loss allowances and includes loans held for sale and non-performing loans.
(3) Net interest rate spread represents the difference between the yield on interest-earning assets and the cost of interest-bearing liabilities.
(4) Net interest margin represents net interest income divided by average interest-earning assets.

OceanFirst Financial Corp.
(in thousands, except per share amounts)
 September 30,June 30,March 31,December 31,
 September 30, 
  2016  2016  2016  2015  2015 
Selected Financial Condition Data:     
Total assets$4,151,017 $  4,047,493 $  2,588,447 $  2,593,068 $  2,557,898 
Securities available-for-sale, at estimated fair value   2,497    12,509    30,085    29,902    30,108 
Securities held-to-maturity, net   470,642    513,721    375,616    394,813    392,932 
Federal Home Loan Bank of New York stock   18,289    21,128    16,645    19,978    15,970 
Loans receivable, net   3,028,696    3,130,046    1,996,993    1,970,703    1,938,972 
Loans held-for-sale   21,679    5,310    3,386    2,697    2,306 
Deposits   3,324,681    3,206,262    1,971,360    1,916,678    1,967,771 
Federal Home Loan Bank advances   251,146    312,603    251,917    324,385    233,006 
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase     
 and other borrowings   125,477    90,173    106,413     98,372     105,493 
Stockholders' equity   417,244    409,258    241,076    238,446    234,688 

 For the Three Months Ended
 September 30,June 30,March 31,December 31,September 30,
  2016  2016  2016  2015  2015 
Selected Operating Data:     
Interest income$37,307 $33,141 $23,073 $23,149 $21,970 
Interest expense 3,372  3,127  2,514  2,461  2,395 
Net interest income 33,935  30,014  20,559  20,688  19,575 
Provision for loan losses 888  662  563  300  300 
Net interest income after provision for loan losses 33,047  29,352  19,996  20,388  19,275 
Other income 5,896  4,883  3,376  4,118  4,152 
Operating expenses 23,715  21,457  15,314  15,885  15,117 
Merger related expenses 1,311  7,189  1,402  614  1,030 
Income before provision for income taxes 13,917  5,589  6,656  8,007  7,280 
Provision for income taxes 4,789  1,928  2,451  2,777  2,582 
Net income$9,128 $3,661 $4,205 $5,230 $4,698 
Diluted earnings per share$0.35 $0.16 $0.25 $0.31 $0.28 
Net accretion/amortization of purchase accounting     
adjustments included in net interest income$1,637 $1,267 $164 $177 $140 

 At or For the Three Months Ended
 September 30,June 30,March 31,December 31,September 30,
  2016  2016  2016  2015  2015 
Selected Financial Ratios and Other Data(1):     
Performance Ratios (Annualized):     
Return on average assets (2) 0.88% 0.40% 0.65% 0.80% 0.74%
Return on average stockholders' equity (2) 8.77  3.79  7.05  8.77  7.96 
Return on average tangible stockholders' equity (2) (3) 10.58  4.32  7.59  8.86  8.02 
Stockholders' equity to total assets 10.05  10.11  9.31  9.19  9.18 
Tangible stockholders' equity to tangible assets (3) 8.50  8.51  9.23  9.12  9.10 
Net interest rate spread 3.49  3.47  3.25  3.25  3.13 
Net interest margin 3.56  3.57  3.34  3.35  3.24 
Operating expenses to average assets (2) 2.43  3.16  2.58  2.53  2.54 
Efficiency ratio (2) (4) 62.83  82.09  69.84  66.51  68.05 

 For the Nine Months Ended September 30,
   2016   2015  
Performance Ratios (Annualized):     
Return on average assets (2)  0.66%  0.83% 
Return on average stockholders' equity (2)  6.52   8.97  
Return on average tangible stockholders' equity (2) (3)  7.39   8.99  
Net interest rate spread  3.42   3.16  
Net interest margin  3.51   3.25  
Operating expenses to average assets (2)  2.72   2.45  
Efficiency ratio (2) (4)  71.34   64.69  

 At or For the Three Months Ended
 September 30,June 30,March 31,December 31,September 30,
  2016  2016  2016  2015  2015 
Wealth Management:     
Assets under administration$221,612 $221,277 $203,723 $229,039 $205,087 
Per Share Data:     
Cash dividends per common share$0.13 $0.13 $0.13 $0.13 $0.13 
Stockholders' equity per common share at end of  period     
  16.14  15.89  13.89  13.79  13.58 
Tangible stockholders' equity per common share     
at end of period (3) 13.42  13.14  13.75  13.67  13.46 
Number of full-service customer facilities:  50  50  28  27  27 
Quarterly Average Balances     
Total securities$533,809 $571,463 $445,696 $456,486 $468,707 
Loans, receivable, net 3,085,691  2,772,518  1,981,101  1,960,099  1,875,458 
Total interest-earning assets 3,787,545  3,384,548  2,475,298  2,457,812  2,399,212 
Total assets 4,103,835  3,647,102  2,605,017  2,587,109  2,521,481 
Interest-bearing transaction deposits 2,300,589  1,899,266  1,372,357  1,371,415  1,319,106 
Time deposits 477,496  417,301  263,722  256,378  244,325 
Total borrowed funds 358,960  386,578  372,240  357,171  355,639 
Total interest-bearing liabilities 3,137,045  2,703,145  2,008,319  1,984,964  1,919,070 
Non-interest bearing deposits 521,088  529,230  343,371  349,473  354,411 
Stockholder's equity 414,166  388,694  239,999  236,498  234,173 
Total deposits 3,299,173  2,845,797  1,979,450  1,977,266  1,917,842 
Quarterly Yields     
Total securities 1.91% 1.82% 1.81% 1.73% 1.67%
Loans, receivable, net 4.46  4.43  4.27  4.28  4.23 
Total interest-earning assets 3.92  3.94  3.75  3.74  3.63 
Interest-bearing transaction deposits 0.16  0.15  0.12  0.11  0.12 
Time deposits 0.96  1.01  1.33  1.29  1.26 
Borrowed funds 1.43  1.41  1.34  1.38  1.38 
Total interest-bearing liabilities 0.43  0.47  0.50  0.49  0.50 
Net interest spread 3.49  3.47  3.25  3.25  3.13 
Net interest margin 3.56  3.57  3.34  3.34  3.24 
Total deposits 0.25  0.25  0.26  0.24  0.24 

(1) With the exception of end of quarter ratios, all ratios are based on average daily balances.
(2) Performance ratios for each period include merger related expenses.  Refer to Other Items – Non-GAAP Reconciliation for impact of merger related expenses.
(3) Tangible stockholders' equity and tangible assets exclude intangible assets relating to goodwill and core deposit intangible.
(4) Efficiency ratio represents the ratio of operating expenses to the aggregate of other income and net interest income. 

OceanFirst Financial Corp.
(dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)
 For the three months ended
 September 30,June 30,March 31,December 31,September 30,
  2016  2016  2016  2015  2015 

Core earnings:
Net income$9,128 $3,661 $4,205 $5,230 $4,698 
Add:  Merger related expenses 1,311  7,189  1,402  614  1,030 
Loss on sale of investment securities available     
for sale   12       
Federal Home Loan Bank prepayment fee   136       
Less:  Income tax benefit on items (172) (2,311) (171) (173) (316)
Core earnings$10,267 $8,687 $5,436 $5,671 $5,412 
Core diluted earnings per share$0.40 $0.38 $0.32 $0.33 $0.32 
Core ratios:     
Return on average assets 1.00% 0.96% 0.84% 0.87% 0.85%
Return on average tangible stockholder's equity 11.90  10.26  9.19  9.60  9.24 


 September 30,
June 30,
March 31,
December 31,
September 30,
Total stockholders' equity$417,244 $409,258 $241,076 $238,446 $234,688 
Goodwill 66,537  67,102  2,081  1,822  1,845 
Core deposit intangible 3,722  3,903  310  256  269 
Tangible stockholders' equity$346,985 $338,253 $238,685 $236,368 $232,574 
Total Assets$4,151,017 $4,047,493 $2,588,447 $2,593,068 $2,557,898 
Goodwill 66,537  67,102  2,081  1,822  1,845 
Core deposit intangible 3,722  3,903  310  256  269 
Tangible assets$4,080,758 $3,976,488 $2,586,056 $2,590,990 $2,555,784 
Tangible stockholders' equity to tangible assets 8.50% 8.51% 9.23% 9.12% 9.10%


The following table summarizes the estimated fair values of the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at the date of the acquisition for Cape, net of the total consideration paid (in thousands):

 At May 2, 2016
Book Value
Accounting Adjustments
Fair Value
Total Purchase Price:  $196,403 
Assets acquired:   
Cash and cash equivalents$30,025 $ $30,025 
Securities and Federal Home Loan Bank Stock 218,577  361  218,938 
Loans: 1,169,568    1,169,568 
Specific credit fair value on credit impaired loans   (4,925) (4,925)
General credit fair value   (20,533) (20,533)
Interest rate fair value   1,888  1,888 
Reverse allowance for loan losses   9,931  9,931 
Reverse net deferred fees, premiums and discounts   1,824  1,824 
Premises and equipment 27,972  (6,249) 21,723 
Other real estate owned 2,343  (347) 1,996 
Deferred tax asset 9,407  12,257  21,664 
Other assets 61,793    61,793 
Core deposit intangible 831  2,887  3,718 
Total assets acquired 1,520,516  (2,906) 1,517,610 
Liabilities assumed:   
Deposits (1,247,688) (679) (1,248,367)
Borrowings (123,587) (879) (124,466)
Other liabilities (7,611) (5,224)(a) (12,835)
Total liabilities assumed (1,378,886) (6,782) (1,385,668)
Net assets acquired 141,630  (9,688) 131,942 
Goodwill recorded in the merger  $64,461 
(a) Represents accrued liability related to the Pension Plan.


Company Contact: Michael J. Fitzpatrick Chief Financial Officer OceanFirst Financial Corp. Tel: (732) 240-4500, ext. 7506 Fax: (732) 349-5070 Email: Mfitzpatrick@oceanfirst.com

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