Global Indemnity plc Reports Second Quarter 2016 Financial Results

DUBLIN, Ireland, Aug. 04, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global Indemnity plc GBLI today reported net income for the six months ended June 30, 2016 of $2.0 million or $0.11 per share and operating income of $9.1 million or $0.52 per share. As of June 30th, book value per share was $43.91, an increase of 2.2% compared to book value per share of $42.98 at December 31, 2015.

Selected Operating and Balance Sheet Data (Dollars in millions, except per share data)

  For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
  As of
 June 30,
  As of
December 31,
   2016   2015   2016
Gross Premiums Written $295.7  $309.4  Book value per share$  43.91  $  42.98 
Net Premiums Written $242.2  $272.1  Shareholders' equity$  770.7  $  749.9 
      Cash and invested assets(2)  $1,533.0  $1,516.3 
Net income $   2.0  $  17.9      
Net income per share $  0.11  $  0.70  (2) Including receivable/(payable) for securities sold/(purchased)
Operating income $   9.1  $  15.7      
Operating income per share $  0.52  $  0.61      
Combined ratio analysis:         
  Loss ratio  59.7   58.2      
  Expense ratio (1)  42.0   38.7      
  Combined ratio  101.7   96.9      
(1) The expense ratio in 2016 was approximately 1.5 points higher in 2016 primarily due to purchasing additional catastrophe reinsurance, while the 2015 ratio benefitted approximately 1.7 points from a purchase accounting adjustment. Excluding these factors, the expense ratio was consistent year-over-year. 

About Global Indemnity plc and its subsidiaries

Global Indemnity plc GBLI, through its several direct and indirect wholly owned subsidiary insurance and reinsurance companies, provides both admitted and non-admitted specialty property and casualty insurance coverages and individual policyholder coverages in the United States, as well as reinsurance worldwide.  Global Indemnity plc's three primary segments are:

  • United States Based Commercial Lines Operations
  • United States Based Personal Lines Operations
  • Bermuda Based Reinsurance Operations

For more information, visit the Global Indemnity plc website at

Forward-Looking Information
The forward-looking statements contained in this press release1 do not address a number of risks and uncertainties.  Investors are cautioned that Global Indemnity's actual results may be materially different from the estimates expressed in, or implied, or projected by, the forward looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the risk that there may be difficulties in the continued integration of American Reliable business, which could result in a failure to realize the potential benefits of the acquisition, and the risk that American Reliable' s or Global Indemnity's prospective insurance premiums, investment yield, or net earnings are less than anticipated (including as a result of unexpected events, competition, costs, charges or outlays whether as a consequence of the transaction or otherwise).  The foregoing review of factors that could cause actual financial or operating performance to differ materially from expectations is not exhaustive. Please see Global Indemnity's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a discussion of additional risks and uncertainties which could impact the company and for a more detailed explication regarding forward-looking statements.  

1 Disseminated pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of Section 21E of the Security Exchange Act of 1934.

Global Indemnity plc's Combined Ratio for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2016

The combined ratio is a key measure of insurance profitability.  The components comprising the combined ratio, by reportable business segment, for the six months ended June 30, 2016 are as follows:

Loss Ratio 57.3 65.0 39.4
Expense Ratio 41.2 43.4 37.7
Combined Ratio 98.5 108.4 77.1

Loss Ratio:

Commercial Lines Operations:

The calendar year loss ratio for the Company's Commercial Lines was 57.3% for 2016 compared with 59.4% for 2015, an improvement of 2.1 points. The improvement was primarily due to lower than expected claims severity experienced across multiple prior accident years, primarily in liability lines. The current accident year loss ratio increased 5.2 points from 65.0% in 2015 to 70.2% in 2016 primarily due to catastrophes.  

Personal Lines Operations:

The 2016 loss ratio was 65.0%, compared to 62.7% for the comparable period of 2015, primarily due to an increase in catastrophe losses. There were no adjustments to prior accident years for 2016 or 2015.

Reinsurance Operations:

The loss ratio for the Company's Reinsurance Operations was 39.4% for 2016 compared with 31.8% for 2015. The current accident year loss ratio increased 11.2 points from 43.3% for the six months ended June 30, 2015 to 54.5% for the six months ended June 30, 2016, primarily due to catastrophic events in the second quarter of 2016. The improvement in the loss ratio related to prior years was driven by less than anticipated case incurred emergence on property catastrophe treaties.

Expense ratio:

For the six months ended June 30, the total expense ratio increased from 38.7% in 2015 to 42.0% in 2016. 1.7% of the increase is due to acquisition accounting adjustments related to the purchase of American Reliable Insurance Company in 2015.  The remainder of the increase in the 2016 expense ratio was primarily due to a reduction in earned premium as a result of the Company reducing catastrophe exposure and purchasing additional reinsurance.

Global Indemnity plc's Gross and Net Premiums Written Results by Segment

 Six Months Ended June 30,
 Gross Premiums Written  Net Premiums Written
  2016   2015   2016   2015  
Commercial Lines Operations$  107,121  $  108,826  $  96,010  $  100,322  
Personal Lines Operations 163,421   162,215   121,043   133,483  
Reinsurance Operations 25,143   38,343   25,129   38,304  
Total$  295,685  $ 309,384  $  242,182  $ 272,109  

Gross premiums written and net premiums written decreased 4.4% and 11.0%, respectively, compared to the same period in 2015.

Commercial Lines Operations: For the six months ended June 30, 2016, gross premiums written and net premiums written decreased 1.6% and 4.3%, respectively, compared to the same period in 2015. The reduction in net premiums written was primarily due to purchasing additional reinsurance to reduce catastrophe exposure.

Personal Lines Operations:  For the six months ended June 30, 2016, gross premiums written increased 0.7% and net premiums written decreased 9.3% compared to the same period in 2015. The reduction in net premiums written is due to purchasing additional reinsurance to reduce catastrophe exposure.

Reinsurance Operations: For the six months ended June 30, 2016, gross premiums written and net premiums written both decreased 34.4% compared to the same period in 2015. This decrease is mainly due to a treaty being non-renewed in 2016 in an effort to reduce catastrophe exposure.  In addition, the property catastrophe reinsurance marketplace continues to be very competitive due to excess capital.

Note: Tables Follow

Global Indemnity plc
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(Dollars and shares in thousands, except per share data)
 For the Three Months
Ended June 30,
 For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
  2016   2015   2016   2015 
Gross premiums written$  154,319  $  166,515  $  295,685  $  309,384 
Net premiums written$  125,310  $  146,005  $  242,182  $  272,109 
Net premiums earned$  117,804  $  128,877  $  239,440  $  256,214 
Net investment income 6,562   9,141   16,308   17,382 
Net realized investment gains (losses) (3,492)  6,532   (10,985)  3,562 
Other income 795   577   1,751   1,129 
  Total revenues 121,669   145,127   246,514   278,287 
Net losses and loss adjustment expenses 78,111   79,560   142,895   149,179 
Acquisition costs and other underwriting expenses 48,542   50,926   100,632   99,184 
Corporate and other operating expenses 4,255   4,334   8,058   15,874 
Interest expense 2,229   535   4,444   1,040 
  Income (loss) before income taxes (11,468)  9,772   (9,515)  13,010 
Income tax benefit (6,303)  (1,345)  (11,475)  (4,901)
  Net income (loss)$ (5,165) $ 11,117  $ 1,960  $ 17,911 
Weighted average shares outstanding–basic 17,244   25,455   17,234   25,447 
Weighted average shares outstanding–diluted (1) 17,244   25,681   17,485   25,660 
Net income (loss) per share – basic $ (0.30) $ 0.44  $ 0.11  $ 0.70 
Net income (loss) per share – diluted$ (0.30) $ 0.43  $ 0.11  $ 0.70 
Combined ratio analysis (2):        
Loss ratio 66.3   61.7   59.7   58.2 
Expense ratio 41.2   39.5   42.0   38.7 
Combined ratio 107.5   101.2   101.7   96.9 

 (1)For the quarter ended June 30, 2016, diluted loss per share is the same as basic loss per share since there was a net loss for the period.
 (2)The loss ratio, expense ratio and combined ratio are GAAP financial measures that are generally viewed in the insurance industry as indicators of underwriting profitability.  The loss ratio is the ratio of net losses and loss adjustment expenses to net premiums earned.  The expense ratio is the ratio of acquisition costs and other underwriting expenses to net premiums earned.  The combined ratio is the sum of the loss and expense ratios.

 (Dollars in thousands)

June 30, 2016
 December 31, 2015
Fixed Maturities:    
 Available for sale securities, at fair value
(amortized cost: 2016 - $1,292,785 and 2015 - $1,308,333)
 $  1,306,955  $  1,306,149 
Equity securities:    
 Available for sale, at fair value
(cost: 2016 - $101,867 and 2015 - $100,157)
  119,008   110,315 
Other invested assets  35,798   32,592 
   Total investments  1,461,761   1,449,056 
Cash and cash equivalents  70,647   67,037 
Premiums receivable, net  90,275   89,245 
Reinsurance receivables, net  115,365   115,594 
Funds held by ceding insurers  19,927   16,037 
Federal income taxes receivable  4,840   4,828 
Deferred federal income taxes  41,028   34,687 
Deferred acquisition costs  56,051   56,517 
Intangible assets  23,342   23,607 
Goodwill  6,521   6,521 
Prepaid reinsurance premiums  49,763   44,363 
Receivable for securities sold  561   172 
Other assets  66,013   49,630 
 Total assets $2,006,094  $1,957,294 
Unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses $  683,850  $  680,047 
Unearned premiums  294,426   286,285 
Ceded balances payable  12,386   4,589 
Contingent commissions  9,498   11,069 
Debt  174,211   172,034 
Other liabilities  60,974   53,344 
 Total liabilities  1,235,345   1,207,368 
Shareholders' equity:    
Ordinary shares, $0.0001 par value, 900,000,000 ordinary shares authorized; A ordinary shares issued: 16,559,872 and 16,424,546 respectively; A ordinary shares outstanding: 13,420,978 and 13,313,751, respectively; B ordinary  shares issued and outstanding: 4,133,366 and 4,133,366, respectively  3   3 
Additional paid-in capital  531,542   529,872 
Accumulated other comprehensive income, net of taxes  22,076   4,078 
Retained earnings  320,376   318,416 
A ordinary shares in treasury, at cost: 3,138,894 and 3,110,795 shares, respectively  (103,248)  (102,443)
 Total shareholders' equity  770,749   749,926 
 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $2,006,094  $1,957,294 

 (Dollars in millions)
  Market Value as of
June 30, 2016
 December 31, 2015
Fixed maturities $1,307.0  $1,306.1 
Cash and cash equivalents  70.6   67.0 
Total bonds and cash and cash equivalents  1,377.6   1,373.1 
Equities and other invested assets  154.8   143.0 
Total cash and invested assets, gross  1,532.4   1,516.1 
Receivable/(payable) for securities sold (purchased)  0.6     0.2 
Total cash and invested assets, net  $1,533.0  $1,516.3 

Three Months Ended
June 30, 2016
Six Months Ended
June 30, 2016
Net investment income $  6.6  $   16.3 
Net realized investment losses  (3.5)  (11.0)
Net change in unrealized investment gains  11.5   23.3 
Net realized and unrealized investment returns  8.0   12.3 
  Total investment return $  14.6  $  28.6 
  Average total cash and invested assets $  1,519.6  $  1,524.6 
  Total investment return % annualized  3.8%  3.8%

(a)Amounts in this table are shown on a pre-tax basis.
(b)Simple average of beginning and end of period, net of payable/receivable for securities.

(Dollars and shares in thousands, except per share data)
 For the Three Months
Ended June 30,
 For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
  2016   2015   2016   2015 
Operating income (loss)$   (2,915) $  6,913  $  9,076  $  15,731 
Net realized investment gains (losses), net of tax (2,250)  4,204   (7,116)  2,180 
Net income (loss)$  (5,165) $  11,117  $  1,960  $   17,911 
Weighted average shares outstanding – 
 17,244   25,455   17,234   25,447 
Weighted average shares outstanding – 
diluted (1)
 17,244   25,681   17,485   25,660 
Operating income (loss) per share – basic$   (0.17) $   0.27  $   0.53  $  0.62 
Operating income (loss) per share – diluted $   (0.17) $  0.27  $  0.52  $  0.61 

Note Regarding Operating Income

Operating income, a non-GAAP financial measure, is equal to net income excluding after-tax net realized investment gains (losses). Operating income is not a substitute for net income determined in accordance with GAAP, and investors should not place undue reliance on this measure.

 (1)For the quarter ended June 30, 2016, diluted loss per share is the same as basic loss per share since there was a net loss for the period.
Contact: Media Stephen Ries Senior Corporate Counsel (610) 668-3270

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