42,000 Tons Of Vape Waste Annually: Report Shares 6 Tips To Stem $9B Environmental Waste Crisis


The cannabis vaping industry faces significant environmental challenges, particularly with lithium-ion batteries in Electronic Cannabis Delivery Systems (ECDS). These batteries pose substantial environmental risks if not properly recycled, including the potential for toxic chemicals to leach into the environment and cause contamination.

A recent white paper titled "The Green Puff” by Mitchell Colbert and Arnaud Dumas de Rauly highlights the need for take-back programs and the use of recycled materials to mitigate these risks. According to the report, "Battery waste is a hidden but significant issue in the cannabis industry."

Battery Waste Management

Battery waste management refers to the proper disposal and recycling of lithium-ion batteries used in Electronic Cannabis Delivery Systems (ECDS). According to the report, effective battery waste management is crucial to mitigate these risks, protect environmental health, and reclaim valuable resources.

The report highlights the need for take-back programs, device-specific mechanisms allowing users to recycle the battery, and, sustainable materials to address this hidden yet substantial issue in the cannabis industry.

Refillable And Reusable Systems

One proposed solution to reduce waste is the adoption of refillable and reusable systems. The report draws parallels to the reuse of milk bottles, suggesting that a similar approach could significantly reduce waste in the cannabis vaping industry.

"We can no longer ignore the environmental impact of single-use vape systems. Our research highlights the urgent need for refillable and reusable solutions to curb the waste crisis," Colbert says.

Materials Innovation

In addition, the use of sustainable materials such as bioplastics and ocean-bound plastics is crucial. This innovation can drastically reduce the environmental impact of ECDS manufacturing.

Dumas de Rauly told Benzinga Cannabis that, by "shifting towards sustainable materials like bioplastics, we can significantly reduce the environmental impact of cannabis vaping devices without compromising quality or functionality."

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

EPR programs are essential for the proper end-of-life management of cannabis vapes.

These programs ensure manufacturers and retailers take ownership of the disposal of their products. The report recommends creating collection points at dispensaries to facilitate recycling efforts.

Colbert adds, "The implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility programs is essential. It's time for manufacturers and retailers to take ownership of the end-of-life management of their products before regulators mandate it. By being proactive, cannabis companies can ensure they have a seat at the table helping write the regulations."

Regulatory Support

The white paper further elaborates on the necessary regulatory changes to support sustainable practices in the cannabis vaping industry. This includes tax rebates for sustainable materials and the legalization of cannabis waste recycling. "Regulatory support is crucial for implementing sustainable practices. Our white paper advocates for necessary changes that can make a real difference in reducing waste" said Dumas de Rauly.

Colbert and Dumas de Rauly also delve into the impact of IRS tax code 280E, which restricts what can be declared as business expenses, effectively increasing the tax burden on cannabis companies and limiting their ability to adopt sustainable practices. This burden will change with the rescheduling of cannabis to Schedule III, which would exempt cannabis businesses from the 280E restrictions. This shift could provide companies with more resources to invest in sustainable solutions.

Consumer Education

Finally, educating consumers about the environmental impact of their choices and encouraging participation in recycling programs is vital. The report highlights that globally, ECDS and ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems) waste amounts to 42 million kilograms per year, with the resources valued at $9 billion annually.

"Consumer education is vital. Our white paper not only identifies the challenges but also empowers consumers with the knowledge to make environmentally conscious choices," Colbert says.

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Additional Insights

The report by Colbert and Dumas de Rauly offers a wealth of additional insights that extend beyond the solutions discussed here. These include the environmental costs associated with the holistic cannabis market, highlighting the need for sustainable cultivation practices and the use of sun-grown cannabis.

The report also looks at the complexities of vape packaging excesses, emphasizing the importance of reducing multi-layered and decorated packaging to minimize waste.

The report discusses the potential health concerns associated with low-quality ECDS, urging a focus on quality and safety in manufacturing processes.

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