Hess Reports Estimated Results for the First Quarter of 2017

Hess Corporation HES today reported a net loss of $324 million, or $1.07 per common share, in the first quarter of 2017 compared with a net loss of $509 million, or $1.72 per common share, in the first quarter of 2016. The first quarter 2017 results were improved as higher realized crude oil selling prices and lower operating costs and exploration expenses more than offset the change in deferred income taxes and lower production volumes.

   "Production momentum returns to our portfolio starting in the second half of 2017, underpinned by the Bakken, the North Malay Basin and Stampede developments, and offshore Guyana, one of the industry's largest oil discoveries in the past 10 years," Chief Executive Officer John Hess said. "With more than a decade of visible production growth, our company is well positioned to deliver compelling long-term value for our shareholders."

   After-tax income (loss) by major operating activity was as follows:

                                                Three Months Ended
March 31,




(In millions, except per share


Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Hess Corporation

Exploration and Production $ (233 ) $ (453 )
Midstream 18 16
Corporate, Interest and Other           (109 )   (72 )
Net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation $         (324 ) $ (509 )
Net income (loss) per common share (diluted) (a) $         (1.07 ) $ (1.72 )
Weighted average number of shares (diluted)           313.9     299.8  



Calculated as net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation less preferred stock dividends, divided by weighted average number of diluted shares.


Exploration and Production:

   The Exploration and Production net loss in the first quarter of 2017 was $233 million compared to a net loss of $453 million in the first quarter of 2016. The Corporation's average realized crude oil selling price, including the effect of hedging, was $48.58 per barrel in the first quarter of 2017, up from $28.50 per barrel in the year-ago quarter. The average realized natural gas liquids selling price in the first quarter of 2017 was $18.71 per barrel, versus $7.44 per barrel in the prior-year quarter, while the average realized natural gas selling price was $3.20 per mcf compared with $3.42 per mcf in the first quarter of 2016.

   Excluding production from Libya, pro forma net production in the first quarter of 2017 was 307,000 boepd, compared to 350,000 boepd in the first quarter of 2016. Lower volumes were due to a reduced drilling program across our portfolio, natural field declines and lower entitlement in Asia. Net production in Libya, which recommenced in the fourth quarter of 2016, was 4,000 boepd in the first quarter of 2017.

Operational Highlights for the First Quarter of 2017:

   Bakken (Onshore U.S.): Net production from the Bakken averaged 99,000 boepd, which exceeded guidance due to strong well performance, despite negative operational impacts from severe winter weather. The Corporation operated an average of two rigs in the first quarter, drilling eleven wells and bringing eight new wells online. A third rig was added in March and a fourth rig was added in April. We plan to add two additional rigs in the fourth quarter to end the year with six rigs.

   Gulf of Mexico (Offshore U.S.): Net production from the Gulf of Mexico was 66,000 boepd compared to 69,000 boepd in the prior-year quarter, primarily reflecting lower production at the Conger and Shenzi fields. At the Stampede development (Hess operated - 25 percent), the first production well was completed, preparatory work for platform installation was finalized, and the second rig commenced drilling operations in February. First production is expected in the first half of 2018.

   North Malay Basin Full-field Development (Offshore Malaysia): At the North Malay Basin project (Hess operated - 50 percent), the topsides for the central processing platform were shipped from the fabrication yard to the field and installed on the platform. Commissioning of the central processing platform is underway. The fourteenth and final well of the Phase I development drilling campaign was completed in the current quarter. The floating, storage, and offloading vessel is currently expected to be transported to the field in the second quarter. Production is expected to commence in the third quarter.

   Guyana (Offshore): At the Stabroek Block (Hess 30 percent), operated by Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited, results from the Snoek well confirmed another oil discovery on the block, located approximately 5 miles (9 kilometers) southeast of the Liza-1 discovery well. The Snoek well encountered more than 82 feet (25 meters) of high-quality, oil-bearing sandstone reservoirs. The co-venture partners continue to evaluate the resource potential on the broader Stabroek Block and the operator is currently drilling the Liza-4 appraisal well.


   Effective January 1, 2017, the Midstream segment includes our interest in a Permian Basin gas plant in West Texas and related CO2 assets, and water handling assets in North Dakota. These assets are wholly-owned by the Corporation and are not included in our Hess Infrastructure Partners (HIP) joint venture, which is 50 percent owned by Hess. The Midstream segment had net income of $18 million in the first quarter of 2017 compared to $16 million in the prior-year quarter.

   In the first quarter of 2017, Hess Midstream Partners LP (the Partnership), launched its IPO of common units with net proceeds of approximately $350 million ($175 million attributable to Hess Corporation) received upon completion of the offering in April. The Partnership owns a 20 percent interest in the joint venture assets, with the remaining 80 percent interest held by HIP. Hess Corporation owns approximately 35 percent of the Partnership, including its indirect ownership of the general partner through HIP.

Capital and Exploratory Expenditures:

   Exploration and Production capital and exploratory expenditures were $393 million in the first quarter of 2017, down 28 percent from $543 million in the prior-year quarter, reflecting our reduced work program in response to the low commodity price environment.

   Midstream capital expenditures were $28 million in the first quarter of 2017 and $36 million in the prior-year quarter.


   Net cash provided by operating activities was $349 million in the first quarter of 2017 compared to a net use of cash from operating activities of $60 million in the first quarter of 2016. Net cash provided by operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities was $443 million in the first quarter of 2017, up from $148 million in the year-ago quarter. At March 31, 2017, the Corporation had cash and cash equivalents of $2,686 million and total debt, excluding the Midstream segment, of $6,054 million. The Corporation's debt to capitalization ratio was 30.8 percent at March 31, 2017 and 30.4 percent at December 31, 2016.

Reconciliation of U.S. GAAP to Non-GAAP measures:

   The following table reconciles reported net cash provided by (used in) operating activities to cash provided by operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities:

      Three Months Ended
March 31,




(In millions)

Cash provided by operating activities before changes in operating assets

and liabilities

$           443 $         148
Changes in operating assets and liabilities             (94 )           (208 )
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities $           349   $         (60 )

   Hess Corporation will review first quarter financial and operating results and other matters on a webcast at 10 a.m. today. For details about the event, refer to the Investor Relations section of our website at www.hess.com.

   Hess Corporation is a leading global independent energy company engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas. More information on Hess Corporation is available at www.hess.com.

Forward-looking Statements

   Certain statements in this release may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including, without limitation, uncertainties inherent in the measurement and interpretation of geological, geophysical and other technical data. Estimates and projections contained in this release are based on the Corporation's current understanding and assessment based on reasonable assumptions. Actual results may differ materially from these estimates and projections due to certain risk factors discussed in the Corporation's periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and other factors.

Non-GAAP financial measure

   The Corporation has used a non-GAAP financial measure in this earnings release. "Net cash provided by operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities" is defined as Cash provided by operating activities excluding changes in operating assets and liabilities. Management believes that net cash provided by operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities demonstrates the Corporation's ability to internally fund capital expenditures, pay dividends and service debt. This measure is not, and should not be viewed as, a substitute for net cash provided by (used in) operating activities, which includes changes in operating assets and liabilities. A reconciliation of net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (U.S. GAAP) to net cash provided by operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities is provided in the release.





First First Fourth




2017 2016 2016

Income Statement

Revenues and non-operating income
Sales and other operating revenues $ 1,277 $ 973 $ 1,388
Other, net       (2 )       20         (2 )
Total revenues and non-operating income       1,275         993         1,386
Costs and expenses
Cost of products sold (excluding items shown separately below) 219 189 375
Operating costs and expenses 359 436 568
Production and severance taxes 31 19 27
Exploration expenses, including dry holes and lease impairment 58 132 1,033
General and administrative expenses 96 98 105
Interest expense 84 85 84
Loss on debt extinguishment 68
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 737 868 768
Impairments                       67
Total costs and expenses       1,584         1,827         3,095
Income (loss) before income taxes (309 ) (834 ) (1,709 )
Provision (benefit) for income taxes       (13 )       (346 )       3,189
Net income (loss) (296 ) (488 ) (4,898 )
Less: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests       28         21         (6 )
Net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation (324 ) (509 ) (4,892 )
Less: Preferred stock dividends       12         6         11

Net income (loss) applicable to Hess Corporation common


$     (336 ) $     (515 ) $     (4,903 )




March 31,

 December 31, 

2017 2016

Balance Sheet Information

Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,686 $ 2,732
Other current assets 1,485 1,544
Property, plant and equipment – net 23,201 23,595
Other long-term assets                   728     750
Total assets $                 28,100 $   28,621
Current maturities of long-term debt $ 116 $ 112
Other current liabilities 2,010 2,139
Long-term debt 6,669 6,694
Other long-term liabilities 4,072 4,085
Total equity excluding other comprehensive income (loss) 15,815 16,238
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (1,667 ) (1,704 )
Noncontrolling interests                   1,085     1,057
Total liabilities and equity $                 28,100 $   28,621
March 31, December 31,
2017 2016

Total Debt

Hess $ 6,054 $ 6,073
Midstream (a)                   731     733
Hess Consolidated $                 6,785 $   6,806

(a) Midstream debt is non-recourse to Hess Corporation.

March 31, December 31,
2017 2016

Debt to Capitalization Ratio

Hess Consolidated 30.8 % 30.4 %




First First Fourth




2017 2016 2016

Cash Flow Information

Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net income (loss) $ (296 ) $ (488 ) $ (4,898 )

Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by (used in) operating


(Gains) losses on asset sales, net 4
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 737 868 768
Impairments 67
Exploratory dry hole costs 85 830
Exploration lease and other impairment 7 9


Stock compensation expense 22 25


Provision (benefit) for deferred income taxes and other tax accruals (27 ) (351 ) 3,173
Loss on debt extinguishment                 68

Cash provided by operating activities before changes in operating assets and


443 148 128
Changes in operating assets and liabilities     (94 )     (208 )     198
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities     349       (60 )     326
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Additions to property, plant and equipment - E&P (340 ) (567 ) (399 )
Additions to property, plant and equipment - Midstream (50 ) (53 ) (88 )
Proceeds from asset sales 100 60
Other, net           7       3
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities     (290 )     (613 )     (424 )
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Net borrowings (repayments) of debt with maturities of 90 days or less 5 5 57
Debt with maturities of greater than 90 days
Repayments (26 ) (17 ) (649 )
Proceeds from issuance of preferred stock 557
Proceeds from issuance of common stock 1,087
Cash dividends paid (92 ) (80 ) (90 )
Noncontrolling interests, net (23 )
Other, net     8       (38 )     6
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities     (105 )     1,514       (699 )
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (46 ) 841 (797 )
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Period     2,732       2,716       3,529
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period $   2,686   $   3,557   $   2,732

Additions to Property, Plant and Equipment included within Investing Activities:

Capital expenditures incurred $ (370 ) $ (540 ) $ (409 )
Increase (decrease) in related liabilities     (20 )     (80 )     (78 )
Additions to property, plant and equipment $   (390 ) $   (620 ) $   (487 )




First First Fourth




2017 2016 2016

Capital and Exploratory Expenditures

E&P Capital and exploratory expenditures
United States
Bakken $ 90 $ 116 $ 99
Other Onshore       8       21       2
Total Onshore 98 137 101
Offshore       158       205       171
Total United States       256       342       272
Europe 15 48 2
Africa 6 3 3
Asia and other       116       150       134
E&P Capital and exploratory expenditures $     393 $     543 $     411
Total exploration expenses charged to income included above $     51 $     39 $     91
Midstream Capital expenditures $     28 $     36 $     89




First Quarter 2017

Income Statement

 United States 



Total revenues and non-operating income
Sales and other operating revenues $ 922 $ 353 $ 1,275
Other, net     (5 )                     (5 )
Total revenues and non-operating income     917         353               1,270
Costs and expenses
Cost of products sold (excluding items shown separately below) (a) 295 (53 ) 242
Operating costs and expenses 174 135 309
Production and severance taxes 31 31
Midstream tariffs 124 124
Exploration expenses, including dry holes and lease impairment 22 36 58
General and administrative expenses 51 5 56
Depreciation, depletion and amortization     445         258               703
Total costs and expenses     1,142         381               1,523
Results of operations before income taxes (225 ) (28 ) (253 )
Provision (benefit) for income taxes     (14 )       (6 )             (20 )
Net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation $   (211 ) $     (22 ) $           (233 )
First Quarter 2016

Income Statement

United States International Total
Total revenues and non-operating income
Sales and other operating revenues $ 597 $ 374 $ 971
Other, net     6         4               10
Total revenues and non-operating income     603         378               981
Costs and expenses
Cost of products sold (excluding items shown separately below) (a) 192 12 204
Operating costs and expenses 214 170 384
Production and severance taxes 17 2 19
Midstream tariffs 118 118
Exploration expenses, including dry holes and lease impairment 108 24 132
General and administrative expenses 50 5 55
Depreciation, depletion and amortization     532         305               837
Total costs and expenses     1,231         518               1,749
Results of operations before income taxes (628 ) (140 ) (768 )
Provision (benefit) for income taxes     (242 )       (73 )             (315 )
Net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation $   (386 ) $     (67 ) $           (453 )

(a) Includes amounts charged from the Midstream.





Fourth Quarter 2016

Income Statement

  United States  



Total revenues and non-operating income
Sales and other operating revenues $ 942 $ 445 $ 1,387
Other, net     (8 )       (3 )             (11 )
Total revenues and non-operating income     934         442               1,376
Costs and expenses
Cost of products sold (excluding items shown separately below) (a) 350 41 391
Operating costs and expenses 315 195 510
Production and severance taxes 26 1 27
Midstream tariffs 148 148
Exploration expenses, including dry holes and lease impairment 41 992 1,033
General and administrative expenses 55 2 57
Depreciation, depletion and amortization     471         261               732
Total costs and expenses     1,406         1,492               2,898
Results of operations before income taxes (472 ) (1,050 ) (1,522 )
Provision (benefit) for income taxes (b)     969         1,458               2,427
Net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation $   (1,441 ) $     (2,508 ) $           (3,949 )



Includes amounts charged from the Midstream.


Includes charges of $1,144 million (U.S.) and $1,776 million (International) to establish valuation allowances against net deferred tax assets.




First First Fourth




2017 2016 2016

Net Production Per Day (in thousands)

Crude oil - barrels
United States
Bakken 67 73 62
Other Onshore 8 10 8
Total Onshore 75 83 70
Offshore 47 51 45
Total United States 122 134 115
Europe 31 35 37
Africa (a) 35 37 32
Asia 2 2 2
Total 190 208 186
Natural gas liquids - barrels
United States
Bakken 23 27 24
Other Onshore 10 13 10
Total Onshore 33 40 34
Offshore 6 6 5
Total United States 39 46 39
Europe 1 1 1
Total 40 47 40
Natural gas - mcf
United States
Bakken 53 67 52
Other Onshore 106 135 123
Total Onshore 159 202 175
Offshore 75 74 68
Total United States 234 276 243
Europe 38 45 45
Asia 212 250 224
Total 484 571 512
Barrels of oil equivalent 311 350 311



Production from Libya recommenced in the fourth quarter of 2016. Production was 4,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) in the first quarter of 2017 and in the fourth quarter of 2016.




First First Fourth




2017 2016 2016

Sales Volumes Per Day (in thousands)

Crude oil - barrels 175 214 190
Natural gas liquids - barrels 40 47 40
Natural gas - mcf 484 571 512
Barrels of oil equivalent 296 356 315

Sales Volumes (in thousands)

Crude oil - barrels 15,744 19,449 17,432
Natural gas liquids - barrels 3,623 4,254 3,666
Natural gas - mcf 43,544 51,970 47,101
Barrels of oil equivalent 26,624 32,365 28,948



First First Fourth




2017 2016 2016

Average Selling Prices

Crude oil - per barrel (including hedging)
United States
Onshore $ 46.47 $ 26.90 $ 42.82
Offshore 47.18 27.02 44.73
Total United States 46.74 26.94 43.57
Europe 54.04 32.52 50.37
Africa 51.25 28.87 49.15
Asia 54.70 39.13 40.96
Worldwide 48.58 28.50 45.97
Crude oil - per barrel (excluding hedging)
United States
Onshore $ 46.47 $ 26.90 $ 42.82
Offshore 47.18 27.02 44.73
Total United States 46.74 26.94 43.57
Europe 54.18 32.52 50.37
Africa 51.37 28.87 49.15
Asia 54.70 39.13 40.96
Worldwide 48.61 28.50 45.97
Natural gas liquids - per barrel
United States
Onshore $ 18.07 $ 6.87 $ 13.70
Offshore 20.55 9.66 18.89
Total United States 18.43 7.20 14.38
Europe 28.06 16.24 25.05
Worldwide 18.71 7.44 14.68
Natural gas - per mcf
United States
Onshore $ 2.32 $ 1.20 $ 1.99
Offshore 2.40 1.47 2.66
Total United States 2.35 1.27 2.18
Europe 3.99 4.59 3.75
Asia 4.01 5.58 4.30
Worldwide 3.20 3.42 3.24

   The following is a summary of the Corporation's commodity hedging program:

                                                Brent       West Texas


Outstanding Hedging Contracts – Oil Price Collars

Q2 average barrels of oil per day



Q3 and Q4 average barrels of oil per day 20,000 60,000
Ceiling price $75 $70
Floor price $55 $50

End date

   December 31, 2017   

   December 31, 2017   





First First Fourth




2017 2016 2016

Income Statement

Revenues and non-operating income
Total revenues and non-operating income $     149 $     135 $     165
Costs and expenses
Operating costs and expenses 50 52 58
General and administrative expenses 5 5 5
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 32 28 33
Impairments 67
Interest expense       5       4       5
Total costs and expenses       92       89       168
Results of operations before income taxes 57 46 (3 )
Provision (benefit) for income taxes       11       9       1
Net income (loss) 46 37 (4 )
Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests       28       21       (6 )
Net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation $     18 $     16 $     2

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