Elizabeth Warren Slams Louisiana's New Abortion Law: 'It's Always Been About Controlling Women's Bodies And Futures'


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) criticized Louisiana’s recent abortion legislation, slamming that it is about controlling women, not abortion.

What Happened: On Friday, Warren expressed her disapproval of the newly passed bill in Louisiana on Twitter, X. The legislation could potentially incarcerate individuals possessing medication for abortion.

“This extreme decision is more proof that this has never been about abortion; it’s always been about controlling women’s bodies and futures,” she wrote.

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Why It Matters: This comes amid a wave of abortion-related controversies across the nation. In Florida, lawmakers are challenging voter decisions on abortion amendments. The Supreme Court is also witnessing a showdown over abortion in this election year, with opponents questioning the safety of Mifepristone, a medication used for abortions.

Furthermore, a recent report suggests that Donald Trump’s belief that a 15-week abortion ban would satisfy all parties is far from reality.

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Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald on Shutterstock

This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Pooja Rajkumari

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Posted In: NewsHealth CarePoliticsGeneralabortionElizabeth WarrenlouisianaPooja Rajkumari
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