What are E-Mini Futures?

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Contributor, Benzinga
July 17, 2024

Emini futures are electronically traded futures contracts that are just a fraction of the value of a corresponding standard futures contract. It may also be called an Emini, ES or simply Mini. Emini futures were created in 1997 to attract retail investors into trading index futures. Trading an E-mini futures contract offered the ability to get into the futures game with a smaller amount of risk.

How Do E-Mini Futures Work?

Emini futures are mostly traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). They are available on a wide range of indexes, including NASDAQ 100, S&P 500, S&P MidCap 400 and Russell 2000. Emini futures are also available on commodities and currencies.

In a way, all futures are fundamentally the same. Futures are financial contracts that a buyer and seller enter into. This contract obligates the buyer to purchase the asset, and it obligates the seller to sell the asset at a predetermined price on a set future date. The asset could be a financial instrument or it could be a physical commodity such as oil or gold. These contracts have a lower value than full-sized future contracts. The lower value makes them more accessible to small traders and has become very popular over time.

Each contract on the market has a settlement price. This is the average price at which a contract trades daily. It is calculated at the open and close of the market on each trading day. The daily settlement prices for E-minis are pretty much the same as the daily settlement prices of full-size contracts.

Where to Trade E-Mini Futures

Investors can choose from many brokers. These are some of the top picks for people who want exposure to e-mini futures.

List of E-Mini Futures

These are some of the top e-mini futures available.

  • S&P midcap 400 (symbol EMD)
  • S&P small cap 600 (symbol SMC)
  • NASDAQ 100 (symbol NQ, 100 largest NASDAQ companies)
  • NASDAQ Composite (symbol QN, all 3,000+ NASDAQ companies)
  • NASDAQ Biotech (symbol BQ)
  • Dow (symbol YM, traded on CBOT exchange)
  • Russell 2000 (symbol TF, traded on NYBOT/ICE exchange, small-cap index, formerly ER2 on CME)
  • Russell 1000 (symbol RF2, traded on NYBOT/ICE exchange, large-cap index, formerly RS on CME)
  • Metals and commodities such as copper, gold, silver, corn, wheat, soybeans, natural gas, crude oil, heating oil and unleaded gasoline
  • Forex rates versus the U.S. dollar such as the Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Japanese Yen, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar and Chinese Renminbi

E-Mini Futures vs. Regular Futures

There really isn't that much of a difference between Emini futures and regular, full-sized futures. Both types of futures can be great trading tools. The only real difference is that traders can commit smaller amounts of money by using E-minis instead of full-sized futures.

You can use E-minis no matter which futures strategy you are using. These are some of the common strategies.


You're probably familiar with this term because "hedging your bets" is a common phrase. Think of a hedging strategy as having the exact same meaning. Hedging your bets means that you are both buying and selling — or taking both the long and the short positions — on a specific stock. Using this strategy can provide security and lower the risk of investing even further. Even if the stock price goes down, you will be able to make up at least some of your investment.

Calendar Spread

This strategy is similar to hedging. Using a calendar spread strategy takes hedging a step further. You will take both the long and short positions on the same stock future, using two different contracts. With this strategy, each stock futures contract has a different expiration date.

Intermarket Spread

This strategy also involves taking both the long and short positions on stock futures. But instead of going long and short on the same stock future, you will take the long position on one and the short position on the other. This is done by choosing two different stock futures that are within a related market. You will purchase your stock futures for the same date. The idea behind this strategy is that if you suffer a loss from one stock future, you might be able to gain on the other because you chose stock futures within the same market.

Matched Pair Spread

Similar to an intermarket spread strategy, a matched pair spread means that you enter a futures contract to buy shares in 2 companies. In this case, the two companies are direct competitors. For example, you might decide to buy futures in both Uber and Lyft, the 2 top ride-share companies. Using this method will allow you to guarantee that you will break even on your investments.


Speculating is a strategy that may be considered to be riskier than some of the other strategies. You predict short-term movements within the stock market and invest your money in those stock futures. If all goes well, you'll receive a big return on your investment. When you use the speculating strategy, you invest large amounts of money on margin. Think of the term "on margin" as a down payment on your house. Typically, you only need to put down between 10% and 20% on a down payment, right? The same thing applies here. This method is mainly used to cash in quickly on fluctuations within the stock market.

E-Mini Futures vs Micro EMini Futures

In 2019, the Micro E-mini was launched. Micro E-minis are essentially the same as regular E-mini futures contracts. The only difference is that it is 1/10th of the size of a regular E-mini contract. The margin to trade a Micro E-mini contract is 1/10th of the size as well.

Pros of Trading E-Mini Futures

These are some of the advantages of trading e-mini futures.

  • Emini futures offer round-the-clock trading.
  • There is a lower amount of financial investment and risk involved with trading E-minis, making it a more accessible trading product for many small traders.
  • It's easier to understand than some other areas of investing, such as options trading and forex trading.

Cons of Trading E-Mini Futures

While e-mini futures offer several advantages, it's important to know the disadvantages before getting started.

  • Electronic markets can move very quickly, making it uncomfortably easy to lose a good chunk of money in a short period of time.
  • It can also be easy to see trading E-minis as a game without immediately realizing the very real risks. This can get you into trouble if you're not careful.

How are E-Mini Futures Regulated?

Futures are regulated by a federal agency called the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. It was created by Congress in 1974 solely to regulate the futures market and ensure the integrity of futures market pricing.

Before we move on to talk about brokers, know that any brokerage firm that engages in futures trading is regulated by this commission. This regulation can help prevent abusive trading practices and fraud from occurring.

How to Trade E-Mini Futures

Are you ready to trade Emini futures? First, you'll need a futures brokerage account. You'll need this even if you already have a stock trading account. Even though the accounts are similar in how they work, they fall under different regulations.

You'll also need to find a charting platform and determine what your trading strategy is. Don't forget to review the trading strategies above for a quick overview of your options.

It can be helpful to have your futures brokerage account in the same place as your charting platform. Some companies offer this, such as NinjaTrader and Discount Trading. In general, here are some things you might want to keep in mind when researching to find the best brokers:

  • What commissions does your futures broker charge?
  • How available is the futures brokerage firm? Is there someone available to answer your questions if you need help?
  • Are the charting and screening tools up-to-date?
  • Is the trading platform easy for you to navigate? Is it responsive enough that you don't have to sit around impatiently waiting for things to load?
  • In the case of E-minis and micro E-minis, does the brokerage firm offer the ability to trade these types of futures?

It may seem difficult to find a brokerage firm that will meet all of these requirements. Luckily, they're out there! NinjaTrader is a good option for active traders who want access to a large collection of technical analysis tools. These tools can help you make smarter investing and more well-informed investing decisions, no matter how experienced you are at trading futures. NinjaTrader also offers low commissions and a free 2-week trial for new users.

Getting Started with E-Mini Futures

Emini futures really aren't all that different than regular, full-sized futures. There's a chain of futures options, each one getting smaller as you go. You start with full-sized futures, then Eminis and finally micro-Eminis.

Before you start trading futures, you should know how much you're willing to invest and trade. The money that you put forward will be your initial capital. To open a futures trading account, you'll need to have a minimum amount of money available. Depending on your broker, this could be anywhere between $5,000 and $10,000.

You will be using your brokerage firm to access the market and do your trading, so it's important to feel confident with the brokerage firm you choose. You should also be aware that the futures broker you choose may have different minimum requirements to trade Eminis or any other type of future. The minimum amount you need in your account can also depend on the time of day you're trading and the current market volatility.

If you're not comfortable with jumping in just yet, that's okay. You can consider trading micro Emini futures if you want to get your feet wet first. Or you can take another step back completely and use a simulator account or a different type of trading first.

The most important thing to know about futures trading is that you shouldn't risk more than you're willing to lose. So if you're not comfortable or don't feel like you know enough yet, there's no rush! Trading futures is just one part of the varied and sometimes complex world of investing.

Are you interested in learning more about futures? Head over to Benzinga's Futures & Options Courses.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can you make money trading e-mini futures?


It is possible to make money trading e-mini futures, but these derivatives are risky. Investors should assess their financial goals and risk tolerance before trading derivatives.


Can you trade futures with only $100?


Yes. It is possible to trade futures contracts with $100. Some contracts cost less than $1 apiece.


Can you make a living from futures?


It’s possible to make a living from futures. However, this path relies on having considerable capital already and being a savvy trader with years of experience. This career path is not for everyone.