Gold IRA Pros and Cons

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Contributor, Benzinga
June 17, 2024

Saving for retirement is an important financial goal for almost everyone. While it can be a daunting task, several strategies and investment vehicles can help you achieve a successful retirement. One option is a gold IRA. A gold IRA allows you to invest your retirement savings in gold and other precious metals, hoping they will appreciate over time. Investing in gold can have many advantages, and might make a great addition to your retirement savings strategy. But before you open up a gold IRA, you’ll want to review gold IRA pros and cons.

What Is a Gold IRA?

A gold IRA is a type of self-directed IRA designed to buy gold, silver, and other precious metals. Once you open an account with a gold IRA broker and fund it, you’ll be able to select what metals you’d like to purchase. The broker will then execute the transaction and store the gold in a secure facility. As the gold appreciates, so do your retirement savings. 

There are several types of self-directed IRAs that can include gold investments. First, there’s the traditional IRA, which allows you to make tax-free contributions. You’ll pay taxes later when you start making distributions. Alternatively, there are Roth IRAs, which charge taxes upon contribution, but allow your capital to grow tax-free. 

Some employers may offer a SIMPLE IRA (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees) which can include gold investments. This IRA may be offered by small businesses, where employees can make tax-deferred contributions and the employer will match a percentage of it.

There are also SEP IRAs (Simplified Employee Pensions), which are common options among small business owners and self-employed professionals. Individuals can make tax-deductible contributions to their IRAs and have much higher contribution limits.

Gold investments can help hedge against inflation, diversify your portfolio, and preserve your capital. These advantages make gold IRAs a good option for diversifying your retirement savings. A gold IRA shouldn’t be your only retirement savings account, but it can help mitigate risk and create a more well-balanced portfolio.

How Does a Gold IRA Work?

To get started with a gold IRA, first select a company. Several reputable options exist, such as Priority Gold and the American Precious Metals Exchange (APMEX). Different companies offer different products, have various fee rates, and have different minimum investment requirements. Before choosing where to open your account, review your options and ensure the available investment options align with your goals.

Once you choose a company, you’ll create an account. Most gold IRA companies allow you to do this online easily. Then, link your bank or other financial accounts to fund your gold IRA. You can choose your investments after your account is fully set up and funded. You’ll work with a custodian to select the gold or other metals you’d like to purchase, and then they’ll execute the transaction and store your investments. As the value of gold or other metals increases, so will your retirement savings. 

The IRS limits how much you can contribute annually to your IRA. In 2024, the contribution limit for investors under 50 is $7,000, and for those over 50, it is $8,000. Additionally, premature withdrawals will be taxed as gross income and are subject to an additional 10% penalty tax.

Pros and Cons of a Gold IRA

A gold IRA can be a great addition to your overall retirement savings plan. While it has many advantages, it also has some risks. Carefully review the pros and cons of a gold IRA to be sure it’ll fit within your retirement plan.

Pros of a Gold IRA

Gold IRAs diversify your assets and can protect against many economic risks. Here are some common advantages of investing in gold for retirement.

  • Diversification: Holding assets across sectors and markets can help protect against risk. The gold market has a track record of negative or opposite correlation to traditional markets, making it a great choice for diversification.
  • Inflation Protection: Historically, as prices have increased, people have flocked to gold and other precious metals to protect the purchasing power of their assets. So as inflation rises, so does the price of gold. For this reason, gold can provide an inflation hedge.
  • Tangibility: A gold IRA allows you to hold a tangible asset. Though it will be stored at a secure facility, you’ll still have direct ownership over a physical asset, giving you great peace of mind.
  • Global Currency: Gold is universally recognized as valuable. It can reduce the risk of exchange rate fluctuation, further protecting your portfolio.
  • Long-Term Growth: Despite short-term price fluctuations, gold has historically increased in value over the long term. In the past 20 years, gold has had an average annual return rate of 11.2%.
  • Safe Haven Asset: During economic turbulence, such as steep inflation and volatile market performance, gold has often been a safe haven asset. It can protect your capital’s purchasing power and oftentimes continues to grow during traditional market downturns. 
  • Tax Advantages: Like standard IRAs, you can choose to make tax-deferred contributions, which can lower your overall taxable income. Alternatively, you can open a gold Roth IRA and pay taxes on your contributions to let your capital grow tax-free.

Cons of a Gold IRA

Gold IRAs also have drawbacks that investors must consider when creating their retirement plans and determining whether they are a good fit. Here are just a few cons of gold IRAs.

  • High fees: Gold IRAs can incur several fees that reduce returns. These fees can include setup, administrative, storage, and transaction fees. The amounts charged will vary between gold IRA brokers, so understand the fee structure before creating your account.
  • Illiquidity: Gold investments aren’t as liquid as traditional stocks. They can’t be easily bought and sold. To sell your gold investments, you’ll first need to identify a seller and go through the authentication process. This process can take a few days or weeks and isn’t as instantaneous as selling a stock or bond.
  • Limited Growth Potential: Historically, gold has had steady long-term growth. But that growth is limited, and won’t have the large returns in other growth investments. It can make a good addition to a portfolio, but may not work well as your only retirement savings.
  • Potential for Scams: The internet is rampant with scams trying to pass off fake gold as the real thing. When looking for a gold IRA, research the company's reviews and verify that they are legitimate with authentic offerings.
  • Market Volatility: Gold prices fluctuate daily, making them subject to market volatility. Although gold tends to rise in value over the long term, its short-term volatility does not make it a good short-term investment.
  • Regulatory Changes: Regulations on IRAs and alternative investments change constantly. IRA contribution limits or tax penalties may change over the years, as may the rate at which gold investments are taxed. Ensure you stay up to date on current regulations to ensure gold continues to be a good investment for your portfolio.
  • Economic Context Dependency: The value of gold tends to change based on investor and consumer confidence. For example, gold typically performs well during periods of market downturns. However, when the markets are strong, the demand for gold may decrease resulting in lower prices.

Compare Gold IRA Brokers

To protect your investments, you’ll need to find a gold IRA broker with a proven track record of customer satisfaction and secure investments. Below are some of the best gold IRA brokers.

Is a Gold IRA the Right Investment for You?

Whether a gold IRA fits your retirement savings plan will largely depend on your goals and financial situation. First, you’ll need to consider your current holdings and whether they are diversified. Diversifying into an alternative such as gold may be beneficial if your portfolio is largely allocated toward traditional stocks and bonds.

Also, determine your investment goals and whether or not you’re on the right path toward reaching them. Gold and other precious metals are not growth — or income-generating assets. They can provide steady long-term growth but not rapid capital appreciation. You’ll also want to review your risk tolerance and assess if your portfolio needs more or fewer risky assets based on performance and your years to retirement. Gold is volatile over the short term, but it is generally a safer asset for long-term investments.

Consider meeting with a fee-based financial advisor for a more personalized portfolio review and advice. They can provide detailed suggestions designed to help you meet your retirement goals.

Alternatives to a Gold IRA

If you don't think a gold IRA is right for you, there are several other options for getting exposure to gold and precious metals markets in your retirement savings plan. You can invest in gold and precious metal ETFs, where you can purchase a share of a portfolio of precious metals without direct ownership. You could also invest in gold mining stocks, gold options, or gold futures. These alternatives can still provide diversification and are more liquid options compared to owning physical gold.

How to Open a Gold IRA Account

If you’ve determined that a Gold IRA is a good fit for your retirement savings plan, the next step is opening an account. Follow these steps to start investing in gold today.

  1. Select a reputable IRA provider. Do extensive research into their fees, products, and track record. Then select the provider that best fits your needs.
  2. Open an account. Create an account with your chosen IRA provider. They’ll ask for your personal information to create an online account.
  3. Fund your account. Once your account is created, you’ll link your bank or other financial institution to fund your account. Remember that some providers will have minimum investments to meet before you can start purchasing gold.
  4. Select your investments. Browse your provider’s IRA-approved products and select the investments that best suit your portfolio.

A Golden Path to Retirement

Having a diversified retirement plan can help you achieve your desired retirement lifestyle. Gold IRAs can significantly diversify your retirement savings, providing capital protection and long-term growth. Before choosing to open a gold IRA account, be sure you understand its pros and cons and how it’ll fit into your retirement plan. Meet with a financial advisor to review your financial situation and goals for more detailed advice.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can you make money on a gold IRA?


Gold IRAs can provide long-term capital growth, which can be beneficial for retirement savings.


How much does a gold IRA cost?


The fees associated with a gold IRA will vary among brokers. Understand the minimum investment requirements and fee structure before creating an account.


Can I store my gold IRA at home?


Gold held in an IRA cannot be stored at your personal residence. It must be secured with an approved custodian.

Savannah Munholland

About Savannah Munholland

Savannah Munholland is a dynamic author and communications professional known for her captivating storytelling and expertise in public relations. With a passion for YA fiction, Savannah explores themes of sexuality and acceptance in her writing, resonating with diverse audiences worldwide. Alongside her literary pursuits, she excels in verbal and written communications, social media management, and customer service, showcasing her multifaceted talents. As a dedicated advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, Savannah’s work reflects her commitment to promoting inclusivity and representation. Whether crafting compelling narratives or spearheading PR campaigns, Savannah’s creativity and determination leave an indelible mark on every project she undertakes.