Tips for Raising a Puppy

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Contributor, Benzinga
March 31, 2022

Getting a puppy is an exciting event for most people, but it’s also quite stressful. Having a plan for how you’re going to raise your new friend so they grow up to be a happy, healthy pup goes a long way in making the process easier. Below are six tips to help make raising your new puppy a little easier.

1. Have Everything Ready for Their Arrival

Before welcoming a puppy into your home, the most important thing you can do is to prepare. Make sure your house is puppy-proof by removing attractive nuisances like wires, decorations, and loose items like shoes. Your puppy can’t get into trouble or hurt itself if there’s nothing for it to get into. 

Another part of preparing for your new friend’s arrival means buying all the necessary supplies and gear you’ll need. You should stock up on wee-wee pads, toys, and treats, and you should make sure to purchase one-time items like a crate, food and water bowls, a leash, and a brush.

You should also read plenty of reviews of pet insurance companies before choosing one. Preparing with the right pet insurance plan can save you significant amounts of money and make it possible to get your furry friend the care they need if something terrible happens. Having pet insurance early in your dog's life is important to save you money and make sure you get the most comprehensive coverage possible by avoiding pre-existing condition exemptions.

2. Start Crate Training Early

Most dog trainers highly recommend crate training since it gives your dog a safe space where they feel comfortable and at ease. Many people shy away from crate training because they associate a crate with punishment, but experts say you should think about your dog’s crate more like their room: a place to relax when things get overwhelming or too exciting.

Crate training makes it much easier to keep your dog safe when you leave them alone at night or when you go to work. You can leave them in the crate and enjoy some peace of mind knowing that they aren’t chewing anything or getting into trouble.

3. Work on Potty Training Right Away

Potty training a puppy doesn’t have to be difficult. The best way to make potty training successful is to start as soon as you get your puppy. In the beginning, take them out every 15 minutes or so when they’re outside their crate. Make the experience positive for them by giving them a reward when they go outside.

4. Get Them Socialized

It’s important to get your dog socialized as early in their life as possible. Make sure you check with your vet first and don’t introduce your puppy to any unvaccinated dogs before they have all their shots. Once your vet says it's safe to let your puppy meet other dogs, take them to the park, stores, friends and family’s houses, and anywhere else you can. A well-socialized dog is less likely to have behavioral issues when they get older.

5. Work on Biting

Biting is one of the most common complaints new puppy parents have. Luckily, it’s an easy problem to fix with redirection. When your puppy bites you, immediately redirect their attention to a toy. If they continue to chomp at you, remove yourself from the situation by ignoring them with your back turned. They’ll quickly stop as they learn that biting makes the fun and games come to an end.

6. Be Patient

Perhaps the most important tip for raising a puppy is to practice patience. Puppies need a lot of care and attention, and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times. Remember that puppies grow up quickly, and one day soon, you’ll be remembering how tiny they were and missing their playful puppy days. Be patient and guide them slowly to become the best dog they can be.