Metaverse Coins: The Currency of the Virtual World

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Contributor, Benzinga
July 31, 2023

Metaverse crypto coins and tokens are a new sub-asset class within the crypto markets. Investors consider metaverse coins as a speculative asset with the possibility to get in early on what could become the next iteration of the internet. For investors, metaverse coins offer an avenue to gain investment exposure as part of a diversified portfolio in a new and fast-growing industry. Read on to learn what are metaverse coins and the investment opportunities they offer. 

What Are Metaverse Crypto Coins?

Metaverse coins are digital tokens used within virtual worlds or metaverses as a form of currency. The metaverse is a virtual universe where people can shop, game, buy and trade currencies and objects. The many crypto coins in the metaverse include top coins like ApeCoin (APE), Internet Computer (ICP) and Stacks (STX).

How Do Metaverse Coins Work?

Metaverse coins work on blockchain technology, ensuring secure and transparent transactions within virtual environments. Metaverse coins are cryptocurrencies used to perform specific actions or to trade digital assets. Users may use these metaverse coins to pay for unique items in the 3D universe, including avatar clothing and real estate.

Where to Invest in Metaverse Coins?

If you're considering investing in metaverse coins, you can do this through online brokerages or crypto exchanges. 

Online Brokerage

Online brokerages allow you to buy or invest metaverse coins. However, at this point, online brokerages only allow you to purchase major cryptocurrency exchanges. 

Cryptocurrency Exchanges

You can purchase metaverse coins like any other cryptocurrency on cryptocurrency exchanges. Using the exchange's liquidity pair, you can swap fiat money into the desired token. Sometimes, you may have to purchase a bigger cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum, and swap that for niche metaverse tokens.

Bigger crypto exchanges, such as Binance and KuCoin, have trading for the bigger cryptocurrencies, including metaverse coins like ICP, APE, SAND, THETA, MANA and AXS.

How to Invest in Metaverse Coins

Investing in metaverse coins requires a few simple steps.

Step 1: Sign up for a Crypto Exchange

Reputable crypto exchanges include Coinbase, Kraken or Uphold. Start by registering and completing the required onboarding process. After signing up, you need to deposit dollars or another payment method. 

Step 2: Confirm Payment Details

Next, you need to fund the trading account. You can transfer funds via wire transfer or make purchases with other cryptocurrencies.

Step 3: Select the Metaverse Coin

Research metaverse coins, view the current market price and plan to make the purchase. If you place a market order, your purchase will be completed within seconds. The metaverse coins will appear in your trading account’s wallet. See more on if you should buy Apecoin, how to buy Decentraland or how to buy Otherside metaverse Land.

Step 4: Store it in a Physical Wallet

For enhanced security, consider moving metaverse coins and other cryptocurrencies to a physical hardware wallet rather than storing them on a crypto exchange. 

Advantages of Investing in Metaverse Coins

Here are some advantages to purchasing a small amount of metaverse coins as part of a diversified investment strategy. 

Potential for High Returns

As with any speculative investment, when you purchase metaverse coins, you get in on the ground floor of new internet developments. If these coins are widely adopted, the potential returns are enormous. Like any speculative investment, you should take a small position relative to your total portfolio. 

Early Investment Opportunity

The metaverse is still a relatively new and evolving concept, offering investors the chance to get in ahead of the masses on potentially transformative technology. Early investments in promising metaverse projects could yield significant returns if the virtual world ecosystem continues to grow.


Including metaverse coins in an investment portfolio can provide diversification beyond traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. As a digital asset class, metaverse coins may not be directly correlated with traditional markets, offering a level of diversification.

Things to Consider When Investing in Metaverse Coins

Investing in metaverse coins offers advantages but also comes with risks. Here's what you should consider before investing in these coins.

Volatility Risk

Be aware that the cryptocurrency market, including metaverse coins, is highly volatile. Prices can experience significant fluctuations, and investing in cryptocurrencies carries inherent risks beyond usual stock market fluctuations.

Regulatory Uncertainty

Be aware of the regulatory landscape surrounding virtual worlds and cryptocurrencies in general. Understand how regulations may impact the use, trading and ownership of metaverse coins in different jurisdictions. Generally, cryptocurrencies are widely unregulated, further exposing you to significant risks.

Limited Adoption and Usage 

Metaverse coins remain limited in adoption and circulation at present. Investigate the level of adoption and demand for the virtual world and its associated metaverse coin. A thriving and active user base can contribute to the coin's value and potential for growth.

Should You Invest in Metaverse Coins?

Metaverse coins offer high potential returns as increased adoption, and a changing interest landscape changes the way people use these currencies. However, they are still highly speculative and carry inherent risks. Consider them as part of a diversified, well-balanced investment portfolio.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can you use metaverse coins outside of the metaverse?


Metaverse coins can be used to purchase goods and services in the physical world or for use in the metaverse.


Are metaverse coins a form of decentralization?


Metaverse coins aren’t necessarily decentralized, although many users are pushing for a decentralized metaverse.


Can you mine metaverse coins?


Yes, you can mine metaverse coins. 

Alison Plaut

About Alison Plaut

Alison Kimberly is a freelance content writer with a Sustainable MBA, uniquely qualified to help individuals and businesses achieve the triple bottom line of environmental, social, and financial profitability. She has been writing for various non-profit organizations for 15+ years. When not writing, you will find her promoting education and meditation in the developing world, or hiking and enjoying nature.