Best Ways to Invest Money Young

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Contributor, Benzinga
September 14, 2023

Ask two people why they invest and you’ll likely get two different answers, yet everyone’s reasons stem from one idea; to end with more than you started. This usually occurs over some period of time. Below are common reasons people invest money young.

Reasons to Invest While You're Young

It can be easy when you're young to have the mindset that you don't need to start investing yet. However, the sooner you start investing, the more time you have to grow your investments and financial security. It may even provide financial freedom as you reach retirement age. Here are a few reasons why investing young is a good idea.

  • Retirement: Adds to your ability to quit work and live off the gains later in life.
  • Life events: Puts enough money together to pay for a wedding or starting a family.
  • Personal development: Save for college and higher education.
  • Housing: Bank enough money for a down payment.
  • Wealth creation: Make money to increase your net worth.
  • Provide for others: Invest to generate funds for charity.
  • Avoid inflation: Use low-yield savings accounts to offset inflation.

Before Investing Create a Plan

People often give Treasury bonds as gifts for newborns for college. Such a conservative investment guarantees the money and gain will be there when needed, but this strategy may not be right for someone trying to make enough to quit his job.

Your reason for investing creates the framework for an investment plan and considers the following:


  • Goals should be as specific as possible.
  • They answer how much and by when.

Risk tolerance

  • An individual’s personality and goals define how much risk to accept.
  • With a longer time horizon, you can take more risk now that will average out over time.
  • Create a portfolio geared towards lower volatility if the thought of waking up one morning with your portfolio down 5% makes you uneasy,

Income vs. expenses

  • Financial plans look at inflows (income) and outflows (expenses).
  • Expenses include ongoing items like food, housing and loan payments
  • What remains after paying all your expenses can be used for investing.

Best Types of Investments for Young People

After you’ve created an investment plan, select your options. Investments fall on a scale that balances risk and return. Riskier stocks should provide bigger gains than safer ones. Stocks should provide better returns than bonds. The type of investments you choose balances these forces.

High Yield Savings Accounts

High-yield savings accounts are a great option for young investors looking to get started with investing. These accounts offer higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts, so your money can grow more quickly. They also come with FDIC insurance, meaning your funds are protected up to a certain limit in case something happens to the financial institution you’re using.


Stocks are a great way for young investors to take on more risk and potentially earn higher returns over time. By purchasing stocks, you’re buying a portion of ownership in a company, meaning their success or failure will affect the value of your investment. It’s important to do research on stocks before investing in order to make sure you understand how they work and which companies would be good investments for you.

Government and Corporate Bonds

Bonds are another type of investment option that involves borrowing money from an entity (usually a government or corporation) in exchange for interest payments over time. These bonds tend to be less risky than stocks but may not offer as high returns as other investments such as real estate or mutual funds. However, they can still be an attractive option for young investors looking for steady returns over time with minimal risk.

Real Estate

Real estate can be an excellent long-term investment option for young investors who are willing to put in the effort required upfront such as researching properties, finding tenants, and managing repairs or renovations as needed. While it is more complicated than other types of investments such as stocks or mutual funds, it can also provide much higher returns if done correctly.

Money Market Account

Money market accounts offer many benefits similar to high-yield savings accounts but usually require larger deposits initially (often upwards of $10k). The interest rates offered by money market accounts vary depending on the financial institution but generally tend to be higher than those offered by regular savings accounts due to their increased liquidity needs and lower risks associated with them compared to other investments like stocks or real estate.

Peer To Peer Lending

Peer-to-peer lending is another relatively low-risk way for young investors looking into alternative investment opportunities beyond stocks or bonds via online platforms which connect borrowers seeking loans directly with individuals interested in providing funding at competitive rates based on creditworthiness profiles established through algorithms developed by the platform provider. This type of investing offers potential returns rivaling those generated by other asset classes while allowing people without large sums available upfront access to this form of asset class.

Savings Accounts and Certificates Of Deposit (CD)

Savings accounts and CDs both provide safe ways for people to save money securely while earning interest on their deposits over time. The primary difference between these two products is that CDs require customers to lock away their deposit over fixed terms ranging from three months up to five years. Traditional savings accounts allow customers access to their funds whenever they need them without having to pay penalties. Both options allow customers to earn modest returns that can outpace inflation, making them popular choices among younger investors who don't want to take on too much risk in the early stages of building wealth.

Education And Self Development

Investing isn't only about putting money into various asset classes; rather, it's about understanding markets, learning strategies, developing skills, and staying informed about changes taking place in the world economy. Investing in your own education and learning new skills through courses, textbooks, seminars, and conferences can offer huge rewards in the future as well as give invaluable knowledge to enhance personal life and career prospects.

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds provide cost-effective means of diversifying portfolios while maintaining level price volatility. They are collections of stocks bonds other securities managed by professional fund managers, meaning investors don’t have to actively manage investments. By investing in mutual funds, young investors can get exposure to a wide range of markets while minimizing risk associated with individual stock ownership. Mutual funds are the ideal choice for those who want to diversify their portfolios without having to devote large amounts of time researching individual stocks or monitoring markets constantly.

Index Funds

Index funds are passively managed investments that track a market index such as the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average. They allow investors to gain exposure to a wide range of stocks without having to actively manage their investments, and they tend to have much lower fees than mutual funds. By investing in an index fund, investors can benefit from the performance of a diverse portfolio of stocks while avoiding the hassle of having to research individual stocks or monitor markets constantly.

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Master Your Investing Strategy Young

Reducing your expenses is one of the best ways to invest. People often forget to look at the way they live as an opportunity to make money. Spending $300 to add insulation into your home could provide a better return than the stock market. Paying off your credit card that charges 20% interest will get you a better return than most stocks.

Learn more about stocks. Check out Benzinga’s article How to Buy Stocks for Beginners.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is it smart to invest money young?


When you invests money young, you have more time to build your investments and grow your wealth.


How can I invest money young?


One of the ways you can invest money young is to reduce your current expenses and put the money toward investments.


How can I set goals for investing my money while I'm young?


For the best results, you should create a detailed plan that will help you invest your money wisely.