A123 Systems – Can the Company Survive?

The recent struggles of A123 Systems AONE has investors and market participants asking a very important, and very valid question – Can the company survive? Analysts and accountants at Benzinga have done a thorough, in depth analysis of the company's balance sheet and past performance, highlighting major areas of concern currently facing the company – making sure to sidestep the “tricks” often used by company management and accountants. Here are the results: Introduction Unless otherwise stated, the figures used in this analysis are adjusted for the weighted average number of shares outstanding as of Q3, 2011 – 118,766,000. A123 Systems was incorporated on October 19, 2001 and completed their IPO on September 24th, 2009 (commercial operations began in the 3rd quarter of 2005). AONE designs, develops, manufactures, and sells rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and systems. The company mainly targets customers in the transportation and electric grid service industry (amongst other commercial markets). For the 2008 financial analysis, price per share is considered to be the 2009 average price. This figure is used in order to determine current financial positioning by using comparative ratios in both the pre- and post-IPO environments. Summary A123 Systems is a relatively young technology company operating in an increasingly competitive market. As a result of the added competition (and lack of execution), the company is experiencing ever-escalating liquidity issues. A primary concern related to A123 is its inability to attain neither gross nor net profitability. AONE's revenue has been unable to fund the expansions necessary to compete in the marketplace and to continually develop the company as a whole. As a result, A123 has been seeking funds primarily from capital markets and from government grants. Recently the company has turned to debt securities (bonds) to expand production capacity and to cover operating costs. The future of A123 is highly dependent on their ability to acquire additional funding and their ability to use that capital in a way that will generate additional revenue. Once (if) revenue grows to an adequate level, it will be vital for the company to trim their expenses as a percentage of income. AONE's current business model operates on the assumption that high expenses as a percentage of income (current period) will grow revenue in such a way that will allow for full utilization of its production capacity, and in turn, reduce operating costs and boost profitability. If the company is correct in its assumption, then AONE could be a lucrative investment. Conversely, A123's need to raise additional capital will more than likely lead to further dilution of shareholder equity. It will be necessary for the company to hold additional common stock offerings or to issue debt securities (bonds). A123 recently issued new convertible bonds in 2011 that will subsequently dilute EPS upon conversion. This dilution will more than likely take the form of reduced earnings potential on a per share basis. Such dilution appears unavoidable in order for the company to continue its operations. That being said, while a dilution of shareholder equity may seem less than ideal to current investors, it will ensure the survival of the company (at least for the time being). While earnings dilution would not be beneficial in a profit situation, it serves as a benefit to shareholders in the current loss position. Additionally, A123's debt load appears destined to grow, as it is unlikely that the company will be able to garner all necessary funding from public offerings – partly due to an ever-decreasing stock price. Should this occur, future earnings will continuously need to be set aside in order to satisfy that debt, rather than to facilitate company expansion or provide return to shareholders. Income Statement A123 has secured significant government grants and tax credits that have been used for expansion. The company has elected a method of grant recognition that reduces asset basis, depreciation expenses, and operating expenses for qualified expenditures under the terms of the related grants and credits. When the company receives reimbursements for qualified expenditures, they reduce either the asset basis (which reduces depreciation expense) or operating costs. The rationale behind this being that the government funds received by the company are for a specific purpose related primarily to job creation and to the creation of manufacturing facilities. In order to more accurately identify operating losses for the given period, the necessary adjustments have been made to return expenses back to their original amounts (pre-reimbursement). As the company is receiving capital funds from the government, the amount should be shown on the balance sheet as an increase in cash and capital funds (debt and shareholder equity). The money received from government grants should not be affecting the income account, as it is not income. Thus, for purposes of analysis, the PPE account has been increased to its original amount, depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation have been increased, retained earnings has been decreased, and a separate line item for government funds has been included in shareholder's equity. The result of this adjustment demonstrates that net losses have increased, along with balance sheet items. The adjustment made for purposes of this analysis has resulted in an increase in capital fund items, while the loss has increased. These adjustments have been made for all years discussed in this report. Revenue, Cost of Revenue, & Operating Expenses A123's revenue has historically always been less than its cost of revenue. Thus, A123 has been selling their inventory for less than cost. This strategy, which is discussed in the company's financial statements, highlights management's anticipation that revenue and cost of revenue will, one day, change positions. Management believes that as revenue grows, it will reduce cost of revenue as a percentage due to the increased absorption of manufacturing overhead. More simply put, as revenue grows it will provide AONE with greater economies of scale, as production capacity will become more efficient. The goal is that the increase (on a percentage basis) will, in turn, reduce costs associated with production capacity. The following analysis will explore A123's revenue, cost of revenue structure, and future potential. A key indicator to look for will be when revenue finally exceeds its cost and the company produces a gross profit (gross profit being on an aggregate and per unit of sales basis). The company has deemed significant expense items on its balance sheet as capital investment necessary to create further revenue. The idea behind this being that future cost of sales and operating expenses will become less than revenue, creating net profit margin in the process. The Company uses Watt hours (Wh) as the metric to determine number of units sold. Wh are the measurement of a full discharge of a battery. Sales, cost of revenue, and Wh sold have all grown in proportion to 2008 with no indication as to when the company can expect to see a gross profit (gross profit margin = sales – cost of sales). While the company expects to spend in excess of revenue during development stages in order to recognize increased future profit margins, it does not offset the fact that gross income is still negative and the company has been unable to recognize profit before fixed costs. Additionally, fixed costs are expected to increase in order to expand the company and (hopefully) generate revenue. To help realize this goal, cost of sales must decrease in order to recognize profit per unit of sales. Amazingly, A123 has been producing manufactured items since 2005 and gross margin has always been negative. Making matters worse, the company's revenue comes from a limited number of sources. This is an area of concern, as an immature company can be substantially affected by a loss of a single customer. If and when demand increases for A123's product line, revenue can be spread more evenly among customers. As it stands, the company primarily receives revenue from U.S. government contracts, research grants, and private customers. Approximately 12.3% of total revenue and 7.5% of R&D during 2010 were from government contracts and subcontracts. BAE Systems represented 35% and 28% of revenue for 2009 and 2010, respectively. The AES Corporation AES accounted for 9% and 13% of revenue in 2009 and 2010, respectively. Company revenue is derived from transportation, commercial, electric grid services. Revenue growth year over year for 2009, 2010, and 2011 was 33%, 7%, and 63%, respectively (2011 percentage is projected). Cost of sales for 2009, 2010 and 2011 projected have grown at the rate of 16%, 22% and 99%, respectively. The ever-increasing cost of sales percentage is a major warning sign. Perhaps a better indicator of the relationship between sales and cost of revenue is a ratio showing growth since 2008. By dividing 2010's revenue by the revenue for 2008, we can see what has really happened during that period. To gain perspective on cost of sales, we can provide the same ratio. By comparing the two ratios we can gain a clearer picture of when the company can expect a positive gross profit margin. Sales in 2010 as a percentage of 2008 come out to 142%, while cost of sales in 2010 as a percentage of 2008, were 142.1%. For 2011, the projected sales ratio to 2008 is 231% and projected cost of sales for 2011 compared to 2008 is 283%. The significance of the results found from this test show that the company is not improving its operating position by decreasing cost of sales as a percentage of revenue. While A123 management has explained their hopes for revenue growth to outpace cost growth, it does not appear they have been successful thus far in accomplishing this result. By using the same ratio for Wh, a ratio of production growth is gained. Wh sold in proportion to 2008 comes in at 148%, 140.1% and 370% for 2009, 2010, and 2011 (projected) respectively. These figures convey that A123 has been successful in growing sales and production. The increased sales growth indicates the company's gain in market share. If A123 can continue to garner market share while cutting costs, then the company could become profitable. When dividing sales and cost of sales by Wh sold, we can identify sales and the related costs on a per unit basis. Sales per Wh have historically ranged between $1.30 and $1.50, while cost of sales per Wh has ranged between $1.40 and $1.80. 2009 has been the best year to date; experiencing a $.04 loss per unit of Wh. Operating expenses per Wh saw a low of $1.29/Wh in 2009. Conversely, the 2010 operating expense of $2.50/Wh is the highest thus far. The current cost structure of the company has resulted in losses per Wh in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011; the projected losses amount to $1.90, $1.33, $2.82, and $1.61, respectively. Earnings A123 had EPS in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 through Q3 in the amounts of $0.70, $0.75, $1.33, and $1.45, respectively. As adjusted, the net loss per share for the 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 (through Q3) periods are $0.72), $0.75), $1.50 and $1.69). The projected net loss for 2011 is $2.25. The adjustments in the net loss category are from two sources, adjustments for government grants, and adjustment to the weighted average shares outstanding as of Q3 2011. The company's net margins during 2008, 2009 and 2010 came in at -124.5%, -97.4% and -182.5% - showing a steady decrease. Through Q3 2011, net margin was -169%. This continuous increase in negative net profit margin should serve as a major deterrent for potential investors. By analyzing balance sheet items perhaps we can gain a clearer picture of the stability and future potential of AONE. Balance Sheet Analysis As stated above A123, has received substantial funding from government grants in order to provide liquidity for expansion and to generate future revenue. Should AONE continue to rely on government related grants in order to maintain adequate liquidity, this could lead to major problems down the road in relation to the company's ability to continue operations. Should government grants, for whatever reason, be discontinued, A123 will need to solely rely on capital markets in the form of equity or debt to survive – a dangerous proposition considering the company's inability to execute a healthy/effective business plan. Working Capital To ensure that A123 can cover current obligations and maintain operations, working capital must be examined. Ordinarily working capital would also need to be examined for dividend potential. Company management, however, has frequently stated that it is unwilling and unable to pay dividends for the foreseeable future. AONE has been able to maintain an adequate working capital position. The company has only been able to maintain this position by the continuous cash flow generated from its financing activities in the form of debt and equity proceeds. The company's current working capital ratio during 2008, 2009, 2010 and Q3 2011 was 2.15, 9.96, 2.61 and 2.58, respectively. To be more stringent on working capital position, we can apply the acid test (Current assets less inventory/Current liabilities). For 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 the acid test was 1.56, 9.25, 2.20, and 1.95 respectively. This test would indicate a large portion of working capital dedicated towards inventory. If inventory were to account for too large a portion of working capital, then that could be an indication that the company is having difficulty meeting current obligations. However, since AONE passes both tests of working capital they appear to be in an adequate financial position for the time being. The large working capital position A123 enjoyed in 2009 is a result of an additional common stock offering. The working capital position in 2008, 2010 and 2011 was more than adequate in regards to meeting existing obligations. While no apparent problems exist in working capital, when one digs a bit deeper, it is apparent that if capital funds dry up then working capital will no longer maintain an adequate position. Property, Plant and Equipment As previously noted, A123 reduces PPE by the amount of government grant reimbursements. Such grants are used primarily to fund plant expansion in the U.S. For purposes of this analysis, government grants have to be added back to PPE. AONE's plant account has increased from $52,705,000 in 2008 to $361,203,000 as of Q3 2011. This fixed asset expansion has been funded primarily through government grants and liquidity from capital markets; which is to be expected with young companies. Shareholder's Equity The rapid expansion of A123's capital position has been used to maintain adequate working capital, fund expansion of the plant account, and to provide enough cash to cover the growing net loss position (with an increasingly negative retained earnings account). If the company is unable to expand the equity account in the future, A123's liquidity and future ability to conduct business activities could become substantially impaired. The immediate area of concern on the company's balance sheet can be seen in the Q3 2011 funded debt account. At year-end 2010, A123's funded debt was $4,603,000. At the end of Q3 2011 the funded debt account jumped a staggering 3,000% to $142,500,000. Government grant reimbursements in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 came in at $4,825,000, $3,864,000, $175,563,000, and $227,639,000 respectively. Accumulated Paid in Capital in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 amounted to $19,649,000, $767,694,000, $790,256,000 and $917,835,000 respectively. Book Value A123's expansion of business activities has resulted in an increased book value (per share). For 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 book value per share equated to $0.96, $4.46, $4.62, and $4.65 respectively. An increase in book value combined with a decrease in the price of common stock may provide an attractive value position for investors. The price to book (P/B) ratio has decreased accordingly from 4.46 in 2009 to 1.34 in 2011, using average prices for a given year. A123's price per share has faced increasing pressure post-Q3 2011, making the current P/B ratio even more attractive at 0.63. Credit and Stability Comparing long-term debt to current assets helps measure financial stability and highlights a potentially worsening situation within a company. A ratio of one or less ensures that the company's financial situation is stable for the current period. A123's long-term debt to current assets has more than doubled in three years - from 0.27 in 2008 to 0.49 in 2011. By reviewing a company's capital funds, it will help determine whether a company is conservatively or aggressively funded. A123's liabilities to equity ratio for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 amounted to 0.84, 0.17, 0.45, and 0.65, respectively. AONE's case requires a bit more investigation and intricate analysis, as the capital fund is being used to expand the business operations. By grouping funded debt and the shareholder's equity account we can determine which portions of funds attribute to expansion and which attribute negatively to the company's position. Funded debt has increased from 0.8% of capital funds in 2010, to 20.5% of capital funds in 2011. While the company is still conservatively financed, such rapid increase can be a serious cause for concern. In 2010 and 2011, grant items accounted for 31.7% and 32.7% of capital funds respectively. Company management has used government grants to build plants, which, it hopes, will generate future revenue. A123's ability to receive additional funding from grants for expansion will have a significant impact on revenue. Retained earnings has been a continuous problem area for A123, averaging -73.8% of the capital fund from 2008 to 2010. Consequently, the loss has been a major consumer of capital expansion, forcing the company to use newly acquired capital to expand production facilities. Equity and debt offerings have been eroded, in large part, by losses. Through Q3 2011, the adjusted retained earnings account was in the amount of $(591,530,000). By comparing net assets per share on December 31, 2008 to net assets per share on June 30, 2011, we can gain an idea of company growth that has occurred through equity dealings and income generation. The total gain per share in net assets was $3.70 during this time, with a total of $(5.10) in EPS. Thus A123's “growth” can primarily be attributed to its financing activities. Adequate coverage of interest expenses is a sign of security for investors, as it ensures that the company can meet its obligations related to senior debt instruments. An adequate coverage of interest expense signifies that debt instruments are reasonably secure investments. While equity is not always secure, coverage of senior debt is a pre-requisite for investment grade equity issues. A123 has never had positive income totals prior to senior charges. While this prohibits the company's equity from being a traditional investment grade security, it does not mean that successful speculation will not occur. It can be concluded, however, that A123's debt securities are not an inherently sound investment, as the loss of principle would be too great a risk for the limited return. Additional Items AONE entered into a joint venture with SAIC, an automaker in China. As of December 31, 2010, AONE had funded $1.9 million and expects to fund the remaining $2.8 million in 2011. During 2011 AONE decided to transfer assets from a Korean subsidiary to their JV with SAIC in China. The assets transferred went from wholly owned by AONE to minority ownership and the company deconsolidated the subsidiary in China. A $1.2 million gain was recognized in other expenses, net for the 6 months ended June 30, 2011 due to the asset transfer. AONE manufactures and exports products from China. There are many associated risks in doing business in China related to foreign exchange, intellectual property, cultural barriers and increasing US-China diplomatic and political relations. Capital requirements in China are very stringent, making it potentially difficult to remove principal or profits from China and reallocate them to the USA for business or investor purposes. Conclusion A123 receives a rating of Poor. While A123 is a young company, they are having trouble developing a sustainable financial position. Thus far, all growth and “success” of the company can be attributed to management's ability to access capital funds from the government and capital markets. A123 has been successful in gaining 23 US patents, 97 US patents pending, 30 foreign issued patents, and 228 foreign patents pending. Holding patents makes a company more attractive in that they hold value of protected products and knowledge. Should these patents become valuable, then potential investors could benefit from takeover discussions. Management is very experienced in the space in which they operate. They have led the company to become the largest lithium ion battery maker in North America. A123's battery systems originated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology from Professor Dr. Yet-Ming Chian. The executive management team comes from technology companies operating in similar spaces, thus providing excellent experience and insight. A123 is well connected and currently has relationships with prominent universities, including MIT, University of Michigan, Michigan State University and University of Texas. Other relationships also include the US Department of Energy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratory. Some of these collaborations take place under USABC, which is comprised of Chrysler, Ford F and General Motors GM. The battery design A123 has developed is unique and could provide a strong competitive advantage. The company has managed to develop a strong infrastructure from their well-connected team. Additionally, the popularity of “green initiatives” has made A123 a likely candidate to receive support that may have otherwise been unwarranted. However, the positives have not led to a strong financial position for the Company. A123 has had nearly ten years of operating history in which they could achieve at least a gross profit margin. Because this profit margin has not materialized, it makes A123 a very risky investment. The stability of A123 is very uncertain and current shareholder's will likely see a further dilution of equity. Debt and equity securities (bonds and common stock) will likely need to be issued in the future in order for the company to continue operations. Should continuous capital funds not be acquired, A123 will face significant liquidity difficulties that may become insurmountable and lead to a complete restructuring. Overall, A123 has developed some interesting aspects related to technology from their seasoned management team. However, this technology has not taken hold in consumer markets to the benefit of the company financial position. This negative financial position should be a major deterrent to current and future shareholders. The loss of principle is probably not worth the potential gain. Neither Benzinga nor its staff recommend that you buy, sell, or hold any security. We do not offer investment advice, personalized or otherwise. Benzinga recommends that you conduct your own due diligence and consult a certified financial professional for personalized advice about your financial situation.
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Posted In: Long IdeasNewsShort IdeasHotPre-Market OutlookAfter-Hours CenterMoversTrading IdeasBAE SystemsChryslerDr. Yet-Ming ChianLawrence Berkely National LaboratoryMassachusetts Institute of TechnologySAICSandia National Laboratoryus department of energyUSABC
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