Werner Enterprises Reports Second Quarter 2015 Revenues and Record Second Quarter Earnings


Werner Enterprises, Inc. WERN, one of the nation's largest transportation and logistics companies, reported revenues and record second quarter earnings for the second quarter ended June 30, 2015.

Summarized financial results for second quarter 2015 compared to second quarter 2014 are as follows (dollars in thousands, except per share data):


  Three Months Ended  

  Six Months Ended  

June 30, June 30,
2015     2014 % Change 2015     2014 % Change
Total revenues $ 534,644 $ 542,120 (1 )% $ 1,030,298 $ 1,034,142 0 %
Trucking revenues, net of fuel surcharge 353,051 332,025 6 % 682,185 643,547 6 %
Value Added Services ("VAS") revenues 103,450 100,501 3 % 194,310 185,655 5 %
Operating income 52,210 42,330 23 % 90,395 65,771 37 %
Net income 31,848 25,632 24 % 54,990 39,971 38 %
Earnings per diluted share 0.44 0.35 25 % 0.76 0.55 38 %

Freight demand in second quarter 2015 and so far in July 2015 continues to be stronger than the prior five years, with the exception of the same period in 2014 which was rebounding from severe winter weather in first quarter 2014 that temporarily backed up the freight network.

Constrained truck capacity combined with a gradually improving economy in the retail, consumer products and grocery products markets primarily served by us are contributing to strong freight demand. Truckload industry capacity is being challenged by an extremely competitive driver recruiting market and heightened regulatory cost increases for safety and truck ownership; we expect this favorable trend will continue. There are numerous pending and proposed federal safety initiatives that could further limit truckload and driver capacity in the next few years, including mandatory electronic logging devices (ELD's), a national drug and alcohol driver data base, increased minimum liability insurance requirements for carriers, more sophisticated drug screening procedures for drivers and mandatory truck speed limiter devices.

Average revenues per tractor per week, net of fuel surcharge, increased 3.5% in second quarter 2015 compared to second quarter 2014. Continued focus on securing driver friendly, highly productive freight and improved freight selection using our proprietary freight optimization system enabled us to essentially maintain our average miles per truck in a strong, but not as stellar a freight market as second quarter 2014. Our average miles per truck declined slightly by 0.2% in second quarter 2015 compared to second quarter 2014. Average revenues per total mile, net of fuel surcharge, increased 3.8% in second quarter 2015 compared to second quarter 2014.

We are making continued progress implementing sustainable rate increases with our customers. These efforts are ongoing as we move forward in 2015 and work to recoup the cost increases associated with more expensive equipment, a shrinking supply of qualified drivers and an increasingly challenging regulatory environment. Strategic customers understand the collective capacity and service challenges facing our company and our industry and are supportive of Werner's ongoing initiatives to provide sustainable transportation solutions in support of their supply chain needs.

In second quarter 2015, we averaged 7,247 trucks in service in the Truckload segment and 51 intermodal drayage trucks in the VAS segment. On the strength of an intense company-wide focus to improve our driver recruiting and retention, we ended second quarter 2015 with 7,275 trucks in the Truckload segment, a sequential improvement of 165 trucks compared to first quarter 2015 and a year-over-year improvement of 240 trucks compared to second quarter 2014. Our Specialized Services unit, primarily Dedicated, ended the quarter with 3,700 trucks (or 51% of our total Truckload segment fleet).

Diesel fuel prices were $1.15 per gallon lower in second quarter 2015 than in second quarter 2014 and were 9 cents per gallon higher than in first quarter 2015. For the first 20 days of July 2015, the average diesel fuel price per gallon was $1.16 lower than the average diesel fuel price per gallon in the same period of 2014 and $1.11 lower than in third quarter 2014. The components of the Company's total fuel cost consist of and are recorded in our income statement as follows: (i) Fuel (fuel expense for company trucks excluding federal and state fuel taxes); (ii) Taxes and Licenses (federal and state fuel taxes); and (iii) Rent and Purchased Transportation (fuel component of our independent contractor costs, including the base cost of fuel and additional fuel surcharge reimbursement for costs exceeding the fuel base).

We continue to invest in equipment solutions to improve the safety, operational efficiency and fuel miles per gallon of our fleet. We increased our capital expenditures in the last 12 months to lower the average age of our truck fleet and attained an average age of 2.0 years as of June 30, 2015, which compares to an average age of 2.4 years as of June 30, 2014. Net capital expenditures in the first half of 2015 were $159 million compared to $63 million in the first half of 2014. We estimate net capital expenditures for the full year of 2015 to be in the range of $300 to $325 million, which we expect will enable us to further reduce the average age of our truck fleet to less than two years. We remain committed to investing in a best in class fleet for the benefit of our customers, our drivers and the Werner brand.

The driver recruiting market remained very challenging during second quarter 2015. Several difficult market factors persist including a declining number of, and increased competition for, driver training school graduates, a gradually declining national unemployment rate, aging truck driver demographics and increased truck safety regulations.

Gains on sales of assets were $6.7 million in second quarter 2015. This compares to gains on sales of assets of $5.2 million in second quarter 2014, which included a $1.6 million gain from the sale of real estate, and gains on sales of assets of $5.5 million in first quarter 2015. In second quarter 2015, we realized higher average gains per truck and trailer and sold more trucks and trailers than in second quarter 2014. Gains on sales of assets are reflected as a reduction of Other Operating Expenses in our income statement.

To provide shippers with additional sources of managed capacity and network analysis, we continue to develop our non-asset-based VAS segment. VAS includes Brokerage, Freight Management, Intermodal and Werner Global Logistics (International).

Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
June 30, June 30,
2015     2014 2015     2014
Value Added Services (amounts in thousands) $     % $     % $     % $     %
Operating revenues $ 103,450 100.0 $ 100,501


$ 194,310 100.0 $ 185,655


Rent and purchased transportation expense   87,448 84.5   87,209 86.8   165,321 85.1   159,763 86.1
Gross margin 16,002 15.5 13,292 13.2 28,989 14.9 25,892 13.9
Other operating expenses   10,998 10.7   11,037 11.0   21,536 11.1   21,782 11.7
Operating income $ 5,004 4.8 $ 2,255 2.2 $ 7,453 3.8 $ 4,110 2.2

In second quarter 2015, VAS revenues increased $2.9 million or 3%, and operating income dollars increased $2.7 million or 122%, compared to second quarter 2014. Our on-going efforts to address customer pricing, contractual and operational issues within VAS resulted in the best quarterly gross margin and operating income percentages since second quarter 2013. The VAS gross margin percentage in second quarter 2015 of 15.5% improved year over year compared to the gross margin percentage of 13.2% in second quarter 2014 and also improved sequentially from the 14.3% gross margin in first quarter 2015. The VAS operating income percentage in second quarter 2015 of 4.8% improved from second quarter 2014 of 2.2% and first quarter 2015 of 2.7%.

Comparisons of the operating ratios for the Truckload segment (net of fuel surcharge revenues of $58.3 million and $92.7 million in second quarters 2015 and 2014, respectively, and $114.7 million and $179.8 million in the year-to-date 2015 and 2014 periods, respectively) and the VAS segment are shown below.


 Three Months Ended 

 Six Months Ended 

June 30, June 30,

Operating Ratios

2015     2014 Difference 2015     2014 Difference
Truckload Transportation Services 86.8 % 88.6 % (1.8 )% 88.0 % 90.9 % (2.9 )%
Value Added Services 95.2 % 97.8 % (2.6 )% 96.2 % 97.8 % (1.6 )%

Fluctuating fuel prices and fuel surcharge revenues impact the total company operating ratio and the Truckload segment's operating ratio when fuel surcharges are reported on a gross basis as revenues versus netting against fuel expenses. Eliminating fuel surcharge revenues, which are generally a more volatile source of revenue, provides a more consistent basis for comparing the results of operations from period to period. The Truckload segment's operating ratios for second quarter 2015 and second quarter 2014 are 88.7% and 91.1%, respectively, and for year-to-date 2015 and 2014 are 89.7% and 92.9%, respectively, when fuel surcharge revenues are reported as revenues instead of a reduction of operating expenses.

Our financial position remains strong. As of June 30, 2015, we had $75.0 million of debt outstanding and $878.2 million of stockholders' equity. During second quarter 2015, the Company purchased 225,000 shares of its common stock for a total cost of $6.4 million.

(In thousands, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
June 30, June 30,
2015     2014 2015 2014
$     % $     % $ % $ %
Operating revenues $ 534,644  


  $ 542,120  


  $ 1,030,298  


  $ 1,034,142  


Operating expenses:
Salaries, wages and benefits 160,376 30.0 144,506 26.7 311,841 30.3 279,219 27.0
Fuel 57,381 10.7 92,131 17.0 110,141 10.7 183,206 17.7
Supplies and maintenance 46,388 8.7 45,887 8.5 94,045 9.1 91,741 8.9
Taxes and licenses 22,763 4.3 21,311 3.9 43,843 4.3 42,143 4.0
Insurance and claims 20,615 3.8 19,180 3.5 42,662 4.1 39,386 3.8
Depreciation 48,264 9.0 44,573 8.2 93,984 9.1 87,696 8.5
Rent and purchased transportation 124,952 23.4 128,239 23.7 238,700 23.2 239,885 23.2
Communications and utilities 3,837 0.7 3,409 0.6 7,515 0.7 6,908 0.7
Other   (2,142 ) (0.4 )   554   0.1     (2,828 ) (0.3 )   (1,813 ) (0.2 )
Total operating expenses   482,434   90.2     499,790   92.2     939,903   91.2     968,371   93.6  
Operating income   52,210   9.8     42,330   7.8     90,395   8.8     65,771   6.4  
Other expense (income):
Interest expense 583 0.1 136 — 1,058 0.1 230 —
Interest income (697 ) (0.1 ) (660 ) (0.1 ) (1,328 ) (0.1 ) (1,315 ) (0.1 )
Other   135   —     (45 ) —     225   —     (41 ) —  
Total other expense (income)   21   —     (569 ) (0.1 )   (45 ) —     (1,126 ) (0.1 )
Income before income taxes 52,189 9.8 42,899 7.9 90,440 8.8 66,897 6.5
Income taxes   20,341   3.8     17,267   3.2     35,450   3.5     26,926   2.6  
Net income $ 31,848   6.0   $ 25,632   4.7   $ 54,990   5.3   $ 39,971   3.9  
Diluted shares outstanding   72,424     72,597     72,482     72,882  
Diluted earnings per share $ 0.44   $ 0.35   $ 0.76   $ 0.55  
(In thousands)

 Three Months Ended 

 Six Months Ended 

June 30, June 30,
2015     2014 2015 2014


Truckload Transportation Services $ 417,015 $ 429,390 $ 807,578 $ 832,575
Value Added Services 103,450 100,501 194,310 185,655
Other 13,924 12,258 27,909 16,247
Corporate   725     829     1,246     1,387  
Subtotal 535,114 542,978 1,031,043 1,035,864
Inter-segment eliminations (1)   (470 )   (858 )   (745 )   (1,722 )
Total $ 534,644   $ 542,120   $ 1,030,298   $ 1,034,142  

Operating Income

Truckload Transportation Services $ 47,312 $ 38,320 $ 83,154 $ 59,100
Value Added Services 5,004 2,255 7,453 4,110
Other (239 ) 357 (684 ) 841
Corporate   133     1,398     472     1,720  
Total $ 52,210   $ 42,330   $ 90,395   $ 65,771  

(1) Inter-segment eliminations represent transactions between reporting segments that are eliminated in consolidation.


 Three Months Ended 


 Six Months Ended 

June 30, June 30,
2015     2014 % Change 2015 2014 % Change

Truckload Transportation Services segment

Average percentage of empty miles 12.21 % 12.14 % 0.6 % 12.18 % 12.06 % 1.0 %
Average trip length in miles (loaded) 476 466 2.1 % 479 466 2.8 %
Average tractors in service 7,247 7,055 2.7 % 7,130 7,029 1.4 %
Average revenues per tractor per week (1) $ 3,748 $ 3,620 3.5 % $ 3,680 $ 3,521 4.5 %
Total trailers (at quarter end) 22,070 21,865 22,070 21,865
Total tractors (at quarter end)
Company 6,615 6,375 6,615 6,375
Independent contractor   660     660     660     660  
Total tractors 7,275 7,035 7,275 7,035

Value Added Services segment

Average tractors in service 51 48 51 47
Total trailers (at quarter end) 1,695 1,730 1,695 1,730
Total tractors (at quarter end) 57 55 57 55

(1) Net of fuel surcharge revenues.

(In thousands)

 Three Months Ended 

 Six Months Ended 

June 30, June 30,
2015     2014 2015 2014
Capital expenditures, net $ 74,541 $ 46,761 $ 159,406 $ 62,807
Cash flow from operations 69,469 31,336 190,455 90,545
Return on assets (annualized) 8.3 % 7.4 % 7.3 % 5.8 %
Return on equity (annualized) 14.7 % 13.1 % 12.9 % 10.3 %
(In thousands, except share amounts)

  June 30,  

 December 31, 

2015 2014
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 47,491 $ 22,604
Accounts receivable, trade, less allowance of $9,616 and $10,017, respectively 258,823 266,727
Other receivables 21,283 20,316
Inventories and supplies 16,756 17,824
Prepaid taxes, licenses and permits 7,374 14,914
Current deferred income taxes 34,568 34,066
Income taxes receivable 2,950 23,435
Other current assets   26,827     26,458  
Total current assets   416,072     426,344  
Property and equipment 1,850,826 1,786,229
Less – accumulated depreciation   766,340     772,447  
Property and equipment, net   1,084,486     1,013,782  
Other non-current assets   42,857     40,336  
Total assets $ 1,543,415   $ 1,480,462  
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable $ 87,981 $ 64,827
Insurance and claims accruals 62,067 73,814
Accrued payroll 32,286 28,121
Other current liabilities   21,445     19,768  
Total current liabilities   203,779     186,530  
Long-term debt, net of current portion 75,000 75,000
Other long-term liabilities 17,940 20,021
Insurance and claims accruals, net of current portion 130,545 123,445
Deferred income taxes 237,911 241,606
Stockholders' equity:
Common stock, $.01 par value, 200,000,000 shares authorized; 80,533,536
shares issued; 71,882,822 and 72,038,368 shares outstanding, respectively 805 805
Paid-in capital 104,909 101,803
Retained earnings 962,876 915,085
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (10,672 ) (9,375 )
Treasury stock, at cost; 8,650,714 and 8,495,168 shares, respectively   (179,678 )   (174,458 )
Total stockholders' equity   878,240     833,860  
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 1,543,415   $ 1,480,462  

Werner Enterprises, Inc. was founded in 1956 and is a premier transportation and logistics company, with coverage throughout North America, Asia, Europe, South America, Africa and Australia. Werner maintains its global headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska and maintains offices in the United States, Canada, Mexico, China and Australia. Werner is among the five largest truckload carriers in the United States, with a diversified portfolio of transportation services that includes dedicated van, temperature-controlled and flatbed; medium-to-long-haul, regional and local van; and expedited services. Werner's Value Added Services portfolio includes freight management, truck brokerage, intermodal, and international services. International services are provided through Werner's domestic and global subsidiary companies and include ocean, air and ground transportation; freight forwarding; and customs brokerage.

Werner Enterprises, Inc.'s common stock trades on The NASDAQ Global Select MarketSM under the symbol "WERN". For further information about Werner, visit the Company's website at www.werner.com.

This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Such forward-looking statements are based on information presently available to the Company's management and are current only as of the date made. Actual results could also differ materially from those anticipated as a result of a number of factors, including, but not limited to, those discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014.

For those reasons, undue reliance should not be placed on any forward-looking statement. The Company assumes no duty or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, although it may do so from time to time as management believes is warranted or as may be required by applicable securities law. Any such updates or revisions may be made by filing reports with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, through the issuance of press releases or by other methods of public disclosure.

Werner Enterprises, Inc.
John J. Steele, 402-894-3036
Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

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