Coeur Releases New High-Grade Mine Plan at Kensington Gold Mine

Reflects Impact of New High-Grade Mineralization From Ongoing Exploration Success

Full-Year Production Expected to Increase 34% to 149,000 Ounces at 23% Lower Operating Costs of $732 Per Ounce in 2018 Driven by 25% Higher Grade

CHICAGO, April 14, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Coeur Mining, Inc. ("Coeur" or the "Company") CDE announced an updated and re-scoped mine plan and a preliminary economic assessment for its Kensington gold mine located in Southeast Alaska. The new mine plan reflects the recent discovery of the high-grade Jualin zone and indicates higher overall production and significantly higher cash flows due to the contribution of higher-grade material from three nearby zones.

The Jualin zone, located approximately 8,250 feet from current mining activities, continues to expand based on ongoing drilling and contains an average gold grade over three times the average reserve grade of 0.185 oz/ton. Annual gold production between 2015 and 2020 at Kensington is expected to average approximately 128,000 ounces and costs applicable to sales ("CAS") are expected to average $820 per gold ounce. Production in 2014 was 117,823 ounces at a CAS of $951 per gold ounce.

"Our recent success identifying high-grade mineralization near existing Kensington infrastructure has added higher-margin production to our mine plan and significantly improved the expected economics of the mine," said Mitchell J. Krebs, Coeur's President and Chief Executive Officer. "Kensington's new mine plan is expected to be a key component of the Company's overall strategic repositioning that is expected to increase overall production levels by approximately 30%, reduce overall unit costs by approximately 25%, and boost the Company's free cash flow to $190-$200 million in 2017."

"Importantly, the required capital to place Jualin into production is estimated to be $30 million and has an expected rate of return of around 70%. Incorporating a portion of expected production from Kensington's high-grade zones and the Jualin ore body has quadrupled our expected net cash flow at Kensington through 2022 and we believe considerable upside exists based on recent drill results. Through continued drilling, our goal is to expand these sources of high grade resources and extend the 2018 profile."

Mining Forecast 2014A 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
Kensington – 3,250,000 Proven and Probable Reserve Tons; 1,050,000 Inferred Resource Tons
Ore (tons in 000s) 622 566 613 593 545 539 639 445 359 4,300
Grade (oz/t) 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.20 0.19 0.18  0.20  0.17  0.16  0.18
Gold prod. (oz in 000s)  114  102  99  107  96  89  118  68  53  733
Raven – 151,000 Proven and Probable Reserve Tons; 8,000 Inferred Resource Tons
Ore (tons in 000s)  14  85  42  32  --   --   --   --   --   159
Grade (oz/t)  0.31  0.19  0.42  0.43  --   --   --   --   --   0.30
Gold prod. (oz in 000s)  4  15  16  13  --   --   --   --   --   44
Jualin – 257,000 Inferred Resource Tons
Ore (tons in 000s)  --   --   --   28  108  114  7  --   --   257
Grade (oz/t)  --   --   --   0.20  0.52  0.45  0.75  --   --   0.46
Gold prod. (oz in 000s)  --   --   --   5  52  48  5  --   --   110
Ore (tons in 000s)  636  652  655  653  653  653  647  445  359  4,716
Grade (oz/t)  0.20  0.19  0.19  0.21  0.25  0.23  0.21  0.17  0.16  0.20
Recovery rate 94.0% 92.8% 92.8% 92.8% 92.8% 92.8% 92.8% 92.8% 92.8% 92.8%
Gold prod.1 (oz in 000s)  118  118  115  125  149  137  123  68  53  888
CAS per gold ounce1 $951 $897 $912 $848 $732 $789 $866 $1,054 $1,069 $866
Capital expenditures $16 $23 $40 $25 $21 $14 $5 $4 $2 $133
1.  Production reflects 97.5% smelter recovery. 2014 CAS based on gold ounces sold of 110,822.
Select Economic Estimates Annual Average (LOM) Total (LOM)
Gold price ($/oz) $1,275 $1,275
Net revenue ($mil) $138 $1,104
Cash Flow ($mil)    
Operating cash flow $42 $336
Capital expenditures $17 $133
Net cash flow $25 $199
Post-Tax1 NPV ($mil, 10% discount rate)   $130
1.  Assumes no federal income taxes due to the ability to apply the Company's substantial NOL carryforward balance to any income generated by Kensington.
Operating Cost Assumptions LOM
Average mining costs per ton mined $62
Average processing costs per ton processed $38
Average general and administrative costs per ton processed $39
Capital Cost Assumptions ($mil) Annual Average (LOM) Total LOM
Mine development $11 $87
Capitalized drilling $2 $18
Tailings related $1 $10
Equipment $1 $10
Other (sustaining/infrastructure-related) $1 $8
Total $17 $133

The new mine plan for Kensington is a re-scoping of the existing mine plan contemplated in the December 31, 2014 Technical Report due to the high-grade discovery made in the Jualin vein system. The mine plan includes development of a decline to Jualin and new underground mine development, and reflects the inclusion of a portion of the estimated inferred mineral resources, which the Company expects to upgrade to measured and indicated resources and convert to reserves through a $9.1 million drilling program over the next two years through more efficient drilling from underground. This program includes 44,000 feet of drilling from the 3,000 feet of planned development at Jualin.

Expected capital expenditures include approximately $3.5 million per year through 2018 for capitalized drilling, primarily to upgrade the inferred mineral resources at Kensington and Jualin. Spending for underground mine development is expected to average $16 million per year through 2018 when production from the inferred material is expected to be fully ramped up. Development of the decline to Jualin is planned to begin in July 2015 with initial production expected in mid-2017 at a mining rate of approximately 250 tons per day, which is expected to increase to 500 tons per day in early 2018 and represent approximately 27% of the average daily mill feed.

Results from recent drilling activity detailed below are not reflected in the reserves and resources used in the re-scoped mine plan. This includes new holes in Jualin Vein 4 from the surface which cut mineralization approximately 1,000 feet away from the existing inferred resource included in the mine plan, demonstrating the possibility to expand Vein 4. High-grade drill results from other zones at Kensington as well as planned drilling in Veins 1, 2, 3, and 5 at Jualin suggest considerable upside exists to increase the size of the overall Jualin zone and bring additional high-margin production into the mine plan as drilling continues.

Select Resource Discovery Drill Results at Jualin, Vein 4: October 2014 – March 2015
Mineralized Interval (Feet)
Hole From To Thickness Estimated True Thickness Gold Assays (Oz/short ton)
JU14-X045  237.9  242.4  4.5  4.3  2.690
JU14-X045  908.9  911.5  2.6  2.6  1.831
JU14-X046  586.5  588.8  2.3  1.9  0.701
JU15-X002  640.6  642.5  1.9  1.3  1.332
JU15-X003  245.0  250.0  5.0  4.5  0.415
JU15-X006  598.5  604.0  5.5  4.4  0.559
Select Resource Discovery Drill Results at Kensington: October 2014 – March 2015
Mineralized Interval (Feet)
Hole From To Thickness Estimated True Thickness Gold Assays (Oz/short ton)
Zone 10 / Zone 20          
K14-0520-095-X03  44.5  45.7  1.2  1.1  4.453
K14-0520-095-X07  61.0  63.0  2.0  1.8  1.034
K14-0520-095-X07  550.5  553.0  2.5  2.2  0.940
K14-0520-095-X07  650.5  653.0  2.5  2.2  1.259
Zone 10 / Zone 12          
K14-1170-110-X01  263.0  266.0  3.0  2.0  0.686
K14-1170-110-X04  438.7  442.3  3.6  3.4  1.473
K14-1170-110-X04  462.7  470.3  7.6  7.2  0.433
K14-1170-110-X08  223.0  226.0  3.0  2.2  4.307
Select Resource Discovery Drill Results at Raven: October 2014 – March 2015
Mineralized Interval (Feet)
Hole From To Thickness Estimated True Thickness Gold Assays (Oz/short ton)
R14-1042-261-X03  117.0  124.2  7.2  5.4  0.706
R14-1042-261-X04  107.0  110.0  3.0  2.8  1.851
R14-1042-261-X05  85.0  90.0  5.0  4.2  1.139
R14-1042-261-X08  84.7  86.0  1.3  1.0  0.879
Select Further Delineation Drill Results: October 2014 – March 2015
Mineralized Interval (Feet)
Hole From To Thickness Estimated True Thickness Gold Assays (Oz/short ton)
Zone 10 / Zone 50          
K14-0520-164-D01  160.0  161.0  1.0  1.0  2.690
K14-0520-164-D02  279.0  281.0  2.0  2.0  1.250
K14-0520-164-D02  328.0  332.0  4.0  4.0  2.920
K14-0520-164-D06  403.0  405.4  2.4  2.1  3.280
K14-0520-164-D07  467.0  471.0  4.0  2.9  1.670
Zone 10 / Zone 20          
K14-1170-164-D02  211.0  214.0  3.0  2.9  3.690
K14-1560-216-D01  348.0  354.2  6.2  5.7  1.548
R14-0740-279-D01  105.0  108.2  3.2  1.9  1.034
R14-0740-279-D04  97.9  100.0  2.1  1.5  2.593
R14-0740-279-D05  78.6  83.6  5.0  4.6  2.599
R14-0740-279-D11  76.0  79.7  3.7  3.6  1.939
R14-0740-279-D12  88.5  92.2  3.7  3.2  1.090
R14-0740-305-D02  103.0  104.2  1.2  0.8  1.030
R14-0740-305-D03  107.0  110.0  3.0  1.9  0.850
R14-0820-237-D04  20.0  25.0  5.0  4.9  16.240
2014 Kensington Mineral Reserves and Resources by Area
  Short Tons Grade (oz/ton) Ounces
Proven Reserves      
Kensington  400,000  0.180  72,000
Raven  17,000  0.412  7,000
Probable Reserves      
Kensington  2,824,000  0.181  512,000
Raven  162,000  0.241  39,000
Total Proven and Probable Reserves  3,403,000  0.185  629,000
Measured Resources      
Kensington  177,000  0.260  46,000
Raven  4,000  0.250  1,000
Indicated Resources      
Kensington  1,292,000  0.241  312,000
Raven  93,000  0.258  24,000
Total Measured and Indicated Resources  1,566,000  0.244  382,000
Kensington inferred resources  1,265,000  0.296  375,000
Raven inferred resources  68,000  0.235  16,000
Jualin inferred resources  289,000  0.619  179,000
Total Inferred Resources  1,622,000  0.351  570,000
Notes to the above mineral reserves and resources:
1.  Effective December 31, 2014. 
2.  Assumed metal price for estimated mineral reserves was $1,275 per ounce of gold. Assumed metal price for estimated mineral resources was $1,350 per ounce of gold.
3.  Mineral resources are in addition to mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. Inferred mineral resources are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be considered for estimation of mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the inferred mineral resources will be realized.
4.  Rounding of tons and ounces, as required by reporting guidelines, may result in apparent differences between tons, grade, and contained metal content.
5.  For details on the estimation of mineral resources and reserves, including the key assumptions, parameters and methods used to estimate the mineral resources and reserves, Canadian investors should refer to the NI 43-101-compliant Technical Report for Kensington filed February 18, 2015 at
Conversion Table
1 short ton = 0.907185 metric tons
1 troy ounce = 31.10348 grams

A slide deck to accompany this release is posted at

The preliminary economic assessment for the re-scoped mine plan is preliminary in nature and includes inferred mineral resources, and does not have as high a level of certainty as a plan that was based solely on proven and probable reserves. Inferred mineral resources are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be considered for estimation of mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the results from the preliminary economic assessment will be realized.

About Coeur

Coeur Mining is the largest U.S.-based silver producer and a significant gold producer with five precious metals mines in the Americas employing approximately 2,100 people. Coeur produces from its wholly owned operations: the Palmarejo silver-gold mine in Mexico, the San Bartolomé silver mine in Bolivia, the Rochester silver-gold mine in Nevada, the Kensington gold mine in Alaska, and the Wharf gold mine in South Dakota. The Company also has a non-operating interest in the Endeavor mine in Australia in addition to royalties on the Cerro Bayo mine in Chile, the El Gallo complex in Mexico, the Zaruma mine in Ecuador, and the Correnso mine in New Zealand. In addition, the Company has two silver-gold feasibility stage projects - the La Preciosa project in Mexico and the Joaquin project in Argentina. The Company also conducts ongoing exploration activities in Alaska, Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, and Nevada. The Company owns strategic investment positions in several silver and gold development companies with projects in North and South America.

Cautionary Statement

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of securities legislation in the United States and Canada, including statements regarding projected mine life, cash flows, economics, costs, capital expenditures, rates of return, production, processing rates, grade, exploration and development work, and the ability to upgrade inferred resources to measured and indicated resources and convert resources to reserves and add additional production to the mine plan. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause Coeur's actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, the risks and hazards inherent in the mining business (including risks inherent in developing large-scale mining projects, environmental hazards, industrial accidents, weather or geologically related conditions), changes in the market prices of gold and silver and a sustained lower price environment, the uncertainties inherent in Coeur's production, exploratory and developmental activities, including risks relating to permitting and regulatory delays, ground conditions, grade variability, any future labor disputes or work stoppages, the uncertainties inherent in the estimation of gold and silver reserves and resources, changes that could result from Coeur's future acquisition of new mining properties or businesses, reliance on third parties to operate certain mines where Coeur owns silver production and reserves and the absence of control over mining operations in which Coeur or its subsidiaries hold royalty or streaming interests and risks related to these mining operations including results of mining and exploration activities, environmental, economic and political risks of the jurisdiction in which the mining operations are located, the loss of access to any third-party smelter to which Coeur markets silver and gold, the effects of environmental and other governmental regulations, the risks inherent in the ownership or operation of or investment in mining properties or businesses in foreign countries, Coeur's ability to raise additional financing necessary to conduct its business, make payments or refinance its debt, as well as other uncertainties and risk factors set out in filings made from time to time with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Canadian securities regulators, including, without limitation, Coeur's most recent report on Form 10-K. Actual results, developments and timetables could vary significantly from the estimates presented. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Coeur disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly such forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Additionally, Coeur undertakes no obligation to comment on analyses, expectations or statements made by third parties in respect of Coeur, its financial or operating results or its securities.

W. David Tyler, Coeur's Vice President, Technical Services and a qualified person under Canadian National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the scientific and technical information concerning Coeur's mineral projects in this news release. Mineral resources are in addition to mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. Inferred mineral resources are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be considered for estimation of mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the inferred mineral resources will be realized. For a description of the key assumptions, parameters and methods used to estimate mineral reserves and resources, as well as data verification procedures and a general discussion of the extent to which the estimates may be affected by any known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing or other relevant factors, Canadian investors should refer to the relevant NI 43-101-compliant Technical Report for Kensington filed February 18, 2015 at

Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors - The United States Securities and Exchange Commission permits U.S. mining companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally extract or produce. We may use certain terms in public disclosures, such as "measured," "indicated," "inferred" and "resources," that are recognized by Canadian regulations, but that SEC guidelines generally prohibit U.S. registered companies from including in their filings with the SEC. U.S. investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our Form 10-K which may be secured from us, or from the SEC's website at

All tons are reported in U.S. standard short ton units. Grades reported are troy ounces per short ton.


Kensington Resource Discovery Drill Results: October 2014 – March 2015
Mineralized Interval (Feet)
Hole From To Thickness Estimated True Thickness Gold Assays (Oz/short ton)
JU14-X045  237.9  242.4  4.5  4.3  2.690
JU14-X045  472.5  473.5  1.0  1.0  0.161
JU14-X045  480.8  483.1  2.3  2.2  0.365
JU14-X045  908.9  911.5  2.6  2.6  1.831
JU14-X046  260.0  264.0  4.0  3.3  0.222
JU14-X046  586.5  588.8  2.3  1.9  0.701
JU14-X046  606.3  610.0  3.7  3.0  0.173
JU15-X001  221.4  230.0  8.6  7.8  0.231
JU15-X001  243.0  248.0  5.0  4.6  0.163
JU15-X001  488.4  491.5  3.1  2.9  0.191
JU15-X001  944.0  947.5  3.5  3.3  0.350
JU15-X002  121.0  125.0  4.0  2.8  0.206
JU15-X002  640.6  642.5  1.9  1.3  1.332
JU15-X002  740.0  744.0  4.0  2.7  0.266
JU15-X002  1291.0  1295.6  4.6  3.1  0.396
JU15-X003  245.0  250.0  5.0  4.5  0.415
JU15-X003  275.0  280.0  5.0  4.5  0.273
JU15-X003  551.3  554.0  2.7  2.5  2.038
JU15-X003  641.0  643.5  2.5  2.3  0.233
JU15-X004       No significant assays  
JU15-X005       No significant assays  
JU15-X006  598.5  604.0  5.5  4.4  0.559
Zone 10 / Zone 20          
K14-0520-095-X03  44.5  45.7  1.2  1.1  4.453
K14-0520-095-X03  173.5  177.8  4.3  4.0  0.197
K14-0520-095-X07  61.0  63.0  2.0  1.8  1.034
K14-0520-095-X07  335.5  337.0  1.5  1.3  0.593
K14-0520-095-X07  550.5  553.0  2.5  2.2  0.940
K14-0520-095-X07  650.5  653.0  2.5  2.2  1.259
Zone 10 / Zone 12          
K14-1170-110-X01  263.0  266.0  3.0  2.0  0.686
K14-1170-110-X01  553.0  557.0  4.0  2.7  0.220
K14-1170-110-X04  118.0  121.0  3.0  2.9  0.175
K14-1170-110-X04  316.3  318.0  1.7  1.7  0.181
K14-1170-110-X04  438.7  442.3  3.6  3.4  1.473
K14-1170-110-X04  462.7  470.3  7.6  7.2  0.433
K14-1170-110-X08  145.0  148.0  3.0  2.2  0.203
K14-1170-110-X08  223.0  226.0  3.0  2.2  4.307
K14-1170-110-X08  408.0  412.0  4.0  2.9  0.251
R14-1042-261-X02  100.0  103.0  3.0  2.8  0.210
R14-1042-261-X03  117.0  124.2  7.2  5.4  0.706
R14-1042-261-X04  107.0  110.0  3.0  2.8  1.851
R14-1042-261-X05  85.0  90.0  5.0  4.2  1.139
R14-1042-261-X05  121.3  125.0  3.7  3.1  0.189
R14-1042-261-X07  140.0  145.0  5.0  4.3  0.548
R14-1042-261-X07  153.0  158.0  5.0  4.3  0.173
R14-1042-261-X08  84.7  86.0  1.3  1.0  0.879
R14-1042-261-X08  141.5  143.0  1.5  1.2  0.578
R14-1042-261-X08  148.8  153.0  4.2  3.4  0.232
R14-1042-261-X08  218.0  222.0  4.0  3.2  0.168
R14-1042-261-X08  234.5  236.9  2.4  2.0  0.343
R14-1042-261-X10  146.0  149.0  3.0  2.4  0.552
R14-1042-261-X11  90.0  95.0  5.0  3.1  0.192
Kensington Further Delineation Drill Results: October 2014 – March 2015
Mineralized Interval (Feet)
Hole From To Thickness Estimated True Thickness Gold Assays (Oz/short ton)
Zone 10 / Zone 50          
K14-0520-125-D02  364.6  365.8  1.2  1.1  0.616
K14-0520-125-D02  475.5  479.5  4.0  3.7  0.163
K14-0520-125-D12  97.1  100.0  2.9  2.2  0.200
K14-0520-125-D12  283.0  284.5  1.5  1.1  0.166
K14-0520-125-D12  437.0  439.5  2.5  1.9  0.501
K14-0520-125-D12  541.5  542.9  1.4  1.1  0.230
K14-0520-125-D12  581.0  582.5  1.5  1.1  0.298
K14-0520-125-D12  615.6  617.3  1.7  1.3  0.374
K14-0520-125-D12  653.1  654.1  1.0  0.8  0.196
K14-0520-161-D03  388.5  390.0  1.5  0.9  0.228
K14-0520-161-D03  404.7  406.2  1.5  0.9  0.190
K14-0520-161-D03  481.9  489.2  7.3  4.6  0.384
K14-0520-161-D04  419.5  421.0  1.5  0.9  0.770
K14-0520-161-D04  431.0  434.0  3.0  1.9  0.360
K14-0520-161-D04  473.7  476.4  2.7  1.7  0.277
K14-0520-161-D04  480.0  484.9  4.9  3.0  0.286
K14-0520-161-D04  522.3  524.0  1.7  1.1  0.162
K14-0520-161-D04  553.0  557.8  4.8  3.0  0.279
K14-0520-161-D04  562.0  563.0  1.0  0.6  0.550
K14-0520-161-D06  92.0  95.0  3.0  3.0  0.195
K14-0520-161-D06  260.0  263.8  3.8  3.8  0.360
K14-0520-161-D06  284.6  285.6  1.0  1.0  0.282
K14-0520-161-D06  325.0  330.0  5.0  5.0  0.235
K14-0520-161-D06  337.0  340.0  6.0  6.0  0.374
K14-0520-164-D01  160.0  161.0  1.0  1.0  2.690
K14-0520-164-D01  279.0  284.0  5.0  4.8  0.168
K14-0520-164-D01  332.0  339.0  7.0  6.7  0.455
K14-0520-164-D02  252.0  255.0  3.0  3.0  0.720
K14-0520-164-D02  279.0  281.0  2.0  2.0  1.250
K14-0520-164-D02  328.0  332.0  4.0  4.0  2.920
K14-0520-164-D05  360.0  363.0  3.0  2.9  0.490
K14-0520-164-D05  372.0  377.0  5.0  4.8  0.173
K14-0520-164-D06  355.0  365.0  10.0  8.8  0.245
K14-0520-164-D06  380.0  395.0  15.0  13.1  0.222
K14-0520-164-D06  403.0  405.4  2.4  2.1  3.280
K14-0520-164-D07  419.0  428.0  9.0  6.5  0.414
K14-0520-164-D07  458.0  463.0  5.0  3.6  0.960
K14-0520-164-D07  467.0  471.0  4.0  2.9  1.670
K14-0520-164-D07  538.0  543.0  5.0  3.6  0.234
Zone 10 / Zone 20          
K14-1170-164-D01  206.0  211.0  5.0  5.0  0.450
K14-1170-164-D01  268.0  275.0  7.0  6.9  0.196
K14-1170-164-D02  201.0  206.0  5.0  4.8  0.166
K14-1170-164-D02  211.0  214.0  3.0  2.9  3.690
K14-1170-164-D02  224.0  229.0  5.0  4.9  0.250
K14-1170-164-D02  310.2  313.2  3.0  2.9  0.600
K14-1170-164-D03  296.0  307.4  11.4  10.5  0.441
K14-1170-164-D03  357.0  360.0  3.0  2.8  0.189
K14-1170-164-D04  224.0  227.0  3.0  2.6  0.410
K14-1170-164-D04  298.0  302.0  4.0  3.4  0.450
K14-1560-216-D01  348.0  354.2  6.2  5.7  1.548
K14-1560-216-D02  231.0  236.0  5.0  4.7  0.217
K14-1560-216-D02  319.0  324.0  5.0  4.7  0.670
K14-1560-216-D02  328.0  332.0  4.0  3.7  0.730
K14-1560-216-D03  228.0  230.5  2.5  2.4  0.300
K14-1560-216-D03  328.8  331.0  2.2  2.1  0.202
K14-1560-216-D03  335.0  338.4  3.4  3.3  0.267
K14-1560-216-D05  239.0  243.0  4.0  3.8  0.540
K14-1560-216-D05  263.0  266.0  3.0  2.9  0.197
K14-1560-216-D05  326.0  331.0  5.0  4.8  0.330
K14-1560-216-D06  233.0  240.0  7.0  6.7  0.600
K14-1560-216-D06  263.0  266.0  3.0  2.9  0.208
K14-1560-216-D06  341.2  344.8  3.6  3.5  0.218
K14-1560-216-D07  330.5  335.0  4.5  4.3  0.254
K14-1560-216-D07  347.0  351.0  4.0  3.8  0.180
K14-1560-216-D08  278.1  279.5  1.4  1.3  0.310
R14-0740-279-D01  105.0  108.2  3.2  1.9  1.034
R14-0740-279-D04  97.9  100.0  2.1  1.5  2.593
R14-0740-279-D05  78.6  83.6  5.0  4.6  2.599
R14-0740-279-D08  83.0  91.0  8.0  6.1  0.196
R14-0740-279-D11  76.0  79.7  3.7  3.6  1.939
R14-0740-279-D11  82.5  85.5  3.0  2.9  0.186
R14-0740-279-D12  72.3  74.1  1.8  1.5  0.234
R14-0740-279-D12  88.5  92.2  3.7  3.2  1.090
R14-0740-305-D02  103.0  104.2  1.2  0.8  1.030
R14-0740-305-D03  107.0  110.0  3.0  1.9  0.850
R14-0740-305-D05A  41.8  43.6  1.8  1.3  0.470
R14-0740-305-D06  27.0  29.0  2.0  1.7  0.370
R14-0820-237-D04  20.0  25.0  5.0  4.9  16.240
R14-0820-237-D04  123.3  126.0  2.7  2.7  0.221
R14-0820-237-D07  168.5  178.5  10.0  7.8  0.241
1. Drill intercepts full and half HQ and NQ core for infill holes, samples prepared at Kensington Mine, Juneau, AK, and at ALS-Chemex Labs, Reno, NV with final sample preparation to pulp and analyses at ALS-Chemex Labs, Reno, NV.
2. Samples were analyzed by 30 gram fire assay with atomic absorption finish for Au <1 ppm or by 1000 gram Metallic Screen.
3. Drill intercepts calculated at 0.05 oz/ton Au. Maximum of 5 feet of internal dilution (less than cutoff) permitted in compositing. "Including" calculated at 0.15 cut-off grade.
4. All assays uncapped.
CONTACT: For Additional Information: Bridget Freas, Director, Investor Relations (312) 489-5819 Donna Mirandola, Director, Corporate Communications (312) 489-5842

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