Verisk Analytics, Inc., Reports Fourth-Quarter 2014 Financial Results

JERSEY CITY, N.J., February 24, 2015 - Verisk Analytics, Inc. VRSK, a leading source of information about risk, today announced results for the fiscal quarter and year ended December 31, 2014:

Financial Highlights

  • Total revenue from continuing operations increased 11.6% in the fourth quarter and 9.5% for fiscal year 2014. Excluding the impact of recent acquisitions, revenue from continuing operations grew 11.4% for fourth-quarter 2014 and 9.4% for fiscal year 2014. Revenue growth from continuing operations in the fourth quarter was driven by a 15.2% increase in Decision Analytics and 5.5% growth in Risk Assessment.
  • EBITDA from continuing operations increased 13.4% to $214.6 million for fourth-quarter 2014, with EBITDA margin, from continuing operations, of 46.2%. For fiscal year 2014, EBITDA from continuing operations increased 7.8% to $803.0 million, with EBITDA margin, from continuing operations, of 46.0%. Excluding professional services fees associated with the regulatory review of the EVT transaction and fourth-quarter Risk Assessment reorganization costs, EBITDA margin, from continuing operations, was 46.6% for fiscal year 2014.
  • Diluted GAAP earnings per share (diluted GAAP EPS) were $0.58 for fourth-quarter 2014. Diluted adjusted EPS from continuing operations were $0.65 for fourth-quarter 2014 versus $0.55 in fourth-quarter 2013, representing growth of 18.2%. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014, diluted GAAP EPS were $2.37 and diluted adjusted EPS from continuing operations were $2.40. Diluted adjusted EPS growth for fiscal year 2014 was 8.6%
  • Free cash flow for fiscal year 2014, adjusted for the sale of our mortgage services business, increased 3.4% to $329.5 million.
  • In fourth-quarter 2014, the company repurchased a total of $90.5 million under its ongoing repurchase program and also entered into an Accelerated Share Repurchase (ASR) of $500.0 million. For fiscal year 2014, in addition to the ASR, total open market repurchases were $275.4 million, and as of December 31, 2014, the company had $189.8 million remaining under its share repurchase authorization.

Scott Stephenson, president and chief executive officer, said, "Our fourth-quarter results were excellent, reflecting solid execution across our businesses. For the full year, all our major verticals delivered very strong growth, in line with our expectations. Our profitability in 2014 was good, even as we continued to invest in new and existing solutions and improved operational processes at Verisk Health."

"We were very pleased to have returned capital to our shareholders in 2014 through share repurchases, including through the special accelerated share repurchase in December. We made several small acquisitions in 2014 related to our insurance, financial and emerging supply chain businesses and have ample capacity and interest in continuing our disciplined M&A agenda in addition to our organic growth opportunities," concluded Stephenson.

Table 1: Summary of Results for 2014

(in thousands, except per share amounts)

  Three Months Ended         Twelve Months Ended      
  December 31,         December 31,      
  2014   2013   Change   2014   2013   Change
Revenues from continuing operations $ 464,864     $ 416,723     11.6 %   $ 1,746,726     $ 1,595,703     9.5 %
EBITDA from continuing operations $ 214,582     $ 189,294     13.4 %   $ 802,980     $ 744,807     7.8 %
Net income $ 97,370     $ 87,223     11.6 %   $ 400,042     $ 348,380     14.8 %
Adjusted net income from continuing operations $ 108,145     $ 95,284     13.5 %   $ 406,124     $ 381,833     6.4 %
Diluted GAAP EPS $ 0.58     $ 0.51     13.7 %   $ 2.37     $ 2.02     17.3 %
Diluted adjusted EPS from continuing operations $ 0.65     $ 0.55     18.2 %   $ 2.40     $ 2.21     8.6 %


Revenue from continuing operations grew 11.6% for the quarter ended December 31, 2014 and 9.5% for fiscal year 2014. Excluding the effect of recent acquisitions, revenue from continuing operations grew 11.4% and 9.4% for fourth-quarter and fiscal year 2014, respectively. For fourth-quarter 2014, Decision Analytics revenue from continuing operations represented approximately 65% of total revenue from continuing operations and 63% for fiscal year 2014.

Table 2A: Decision Analytics Revenues by Category

(in thousands)

  Three Months Ended         Twelve Months Ended      
  December 31,         December 31,      
  2014   2013   Change   2014   2013   Change
Insurance $ 155,000     $ 138,045     12.3 %   $ 598,757     $ 539,150     11.1 %
Financial services   28,652       22,888     25.2 %     96,763       81,113     19.3 %
Healthcare   94,740       77,790     21.8 %     315,628       271,538     16.2 %
Specialized markets   21,539       21,651     (0.5 )%     84,926       85,626     (0.8 )%
Total Decision Analytics $ 299,931     $ 260,374     15.2 %   $ 1,096,074     $ 977,427     12.1 %

Within the Decision Analytics segment, revenue from continuing operations grew 15.2% for fourth-quarter 2014. Excluding the effect of recent acquisitions, Decision Analytics revenue from continuing operations grew 15.0% for fourth-quarter 2014. Revenue growth in the quarter was driven by strong performances in financial services and healthcare and very good growth in insurance.

Within the insurance category, revenue growth was 12.3% for the fourth quarter of 2014, driven by the increased adoption of existing and new solutions and annual invoice increases for certain solutions. Underwriting solutions led the growth, followed by catastrophe modeling and loss quantification solutions. Insurance fraud claims solutions also contributed to growth.

In the financial services category, revenue from continuing operations increased 25.2% in fourth-quarter 2014. The revenue increase was driven by demand for our analytics services and solutions.

In the healthcare category, revenue in the fourth quarter grew 21.8%, with growth across all divisions, led by payment accuracy solutions.

In the specialized markets category, revenue declined 0.5% in fourth-quarter 2014. Growth in commercial weather and climate analytics and environmental health and safety solutions was offset by lower activity related to government customers.

Table 2B: Risk Assessment Revenues by Category

(in thousands)

  Three Months Ended         Twelve Months Ended      
  December 31,         December 31,      
  2014   2013   Change   2014   2013   Change
Industry-standard insurance programs $ 125,224     $ 119,157     5.1 %   $ 495,065     $ 471,130     5.1 %
Property-specific rating and underwriting information   39,709       37,192     6.8 %     155,587       147,146     5.7 %
Total Risk Assessment $ 164,933     $ 156,349     5.5 %   $ 650,652     $ 618,276     5.2 %

Within the Risk Assessment segment, revenue grew 5.5% for the quarter. Revenue growth of 5.1% in industry-standard insurance programs was primarily due to the continued annual effect of growth in 2014 invoices effective from January 1.

Property-specific rating and underwriting information revenue increased 6.8% in the fourth quarter. Growth was a result of new sales with higher committed volumes.

Cost of Revenue

Cost of revenue from continuing operations increased 13.8% in fourth-quarter 2014 as compared with 2013 and 13.5% excluding recent acquisitions. The year-over-year increase relates primarily to additional investments in data and people, especially in Decision Analytics to support business growth and investments to drive future growth. For fourth-quarter 2014, cost of revenue from continuing operations increased 12.2% for Risk Assessment and increased 14.4% for Decision Analytics. Excluding recent acquisitions, cost of revenue from continuing operations for Decision Analytics increased 14.0% in fourth-quarter 2014.

For fiscal year 2014, cost of revenue from continuing operations increased 15.1%, and 15.0% excluding recent acquisitions. For fiscal year 2014, cost of revenue from continuing operations increased 7.0% for Risk Assessment and 18.8% for Decision Analytics. Excluding recent acquisitions, cost of revenue from continuing operations for Decision Analytics increased 18.7% in fiscal year 2014.

Cost of revenue in fourth-quarter 2014 and fiscal year 2014 included non-recurring $4.8 million severance charges related to reorganization in certain business units in Risk Assessment. Excluding these charges, cost of revenue growth in Risk Assessment was 4.5% in fiscal year 2014.

Selling, General, and Administrative

Selling, general, and administrative expense, or SG&A, from continuing operations decreased 1.3% in fourth-quarter 2014 and decreased 1.5% excluding recent acquisitions. The decrease in the fourth-quarter relates primarily to lower headcount in Decision Analytics. In fourth-quarter 2014, SG&A increased 0.8% for Risk Assessment. SG&A from continuing operations declined 2.3% for Decision Analytics in the fourth-quarter. Excluding recent acquisitions, SG&A from continuing operations for Decision Analytics decreased 2.5% in fourth-quarter 2014.

For fiscal year 2014, SG&A from continuing operations decreased 0.7% and 0.8% excluding recent acquisitions. SG&A from continuing operations decreased 4.6% for Risk Assessment and increased 1.3% for Decision Analytics for fiscal year 2014. Excluding recent acquisitions, SG&A from continuing operations for Decision Analytics increased 1.2% in fiscal year 2014.

SG&A in fourth-quarter and fiscal year 2014 included $1.7 million and $6.9 million, respectively, of professional services costs related to seeking regulatory clearance of the previously announced EVT transaction.


For fourth-quarter 2014, EBITDA from continuing operations grew 13.4% to $214.6 million, with an EBITDA margin, from continuing operations, of 46.2%. For fiscal year 2014, EBITDA from continuing operations grew 7.8% to $803.0 million, with an EBITDA margin, from continuing operations, of 46.0%.

Excluding professional services fees of $1.7 million in fourth-quarter 2014 and $6.9 million for full year 2014 as well as Risk Assessment reorganization costs of $4.8 million in fourth-quarter 2014, EBITDA margin from continuing operations was 47.6% in fourth-quarter and 46.6% for fiscal year 2014.

Table 3: Segment EBITDA from Continuing Operations

(in thousands)

  Three Months Ended         Twelve Months Ended      
  December 31,         December 31,      
  2014   2013   Change   2014   2013   Change
Decision Analytics $ 123,189     $ 100,188     23.0 %   $ 434,210     $ 397,876     9.1 %
EBITDA margin, from continuing operations   41.1 %     38.5 %           39.6 %     40.7 %      
Risk Assessment $ 91,393     $ 89,106     2.6 %   $ 368,770     $ 346,931     6.3 %
EBITDA margin, from continuing operations   55.4 %     57.0 %           56.7 %     56.1 %      
Total EBITDA from continuing operations $ 214,582     $ 189,294     13.4 %   $ 802,980     $ 744,807     7.8 %
Total EBITDA margin, from continuing operations   46.2 %     45.4 %           46.0 %     46.7 %      

Decision Analytics EBITDA from continuing operations grew 23.0% in fourth-quarter 2014, and Risk Assessment EBITDA grew 2.6% versus the same period in the previous year. For fiscal year 2014, Decision Analytics EBITDA from continuing operations grew 9.1%, and Risk Assessment EBITDA grew 6.3%.

The fourth-quarter 2014 EBITDA margin, from continuing operations, for Decision Analytics increased to 41.1% from 38.5% in fourth-quarter 2013. The fiscal year 2014 EBITDA margin from continuing operations in Decision Analytics was 39.6%, versus 40.7% in fiscal year 2013.

The fourth-quarter 2014 EBITDA margin in Risk Assessment decreased to 55.4% from 57.0% in fourth-quarter 2013, but excluding the reorganization costs, EBITDA margin in Risk Assessment was 58.3% and 57.4% in fourth-quarter 2014 and fiscal year 2014, respectively. The fiscal year 2014 EBITDA margin in Risk Assessment was 56.7% versus 56.1% in fiscal year 2013. These decreases related to the reorganization costs discussed previously.

Net Income and Adjusted Net Income

Net income increased 11.6% in fourth-quarter 2014 and grew 14.8% for fiscal year 2014. Adjusted net income from continuing operations increased 13.5% for fourth-quarter 2014 and increased 6.4% for fiscal year 2014.

Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities and Capital Expenditures

For the twelve-month period ended December 31, 2014, free cash flow, defined as cash provided by operating activities less capital expenditures, adjusted for the sale of our mortgage services business, grew 3.4% compared with the prior-year period to $329.5 million and represented 41.0% of EBITDA from continuing operations in the twelve months of 2014.

For the twelve-month period ended December 31, 2014, net cash provided by operating activities was $489.5 million, a decrease of $17.5 million, or 3.4%, compared with the same period in 2013 due to shifts in timing of tax benefits previously discussed as well other timing items. Adjusted for the sale of our mortgage services business, cash provided by operations year-to-date through December 31, 2014 grew 3.1%.

Capital expenditures were $146.8 million in the twelve months ended December 31, 2014, an increase of $0.8 million over the same period in 2013. Capital expenditures were 8.4% of revenue for the twelve months ended December 31, 2014.

Share Repurchases and Financing Activities

The company continued to balance its internal investment and acquisition initiatives with share repurchases. In fourth-quarter 2014, the company executed a $500.0 million Accelerated Share Repurchase and also repurchased an additional $90.5 million in shares prior to the announcement of the ASR.  The company repurchased a total of 7.8 million shares in the quarter, with additional shares under the ASR expected to be delivered to the company upon completion in 2015. For the shares purchased in the quarter, the average price paid was $62.54. At December 31, 2014, the company had $189.8 million remaining under its share repurchase authorization.

Conference Call

Verisk's management team will host a live audio webcast on Wednesday, February 25, 2014, at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time (5:30 a.m. Pacific time) to discuss the financial results and business highlights. All interested parties are invited to listen to the live event via webcast on the Verisk investor website at The discussion is also available through dial-in number 1-877-755-3792 for U.S./Canada participants or 512-961-6560 for international participants.

A replay of the webcast will be available for 30 days on the Verisk investor website and also through the conference call number 1-855-859-2056 for U.S./Canada participants or 404-537-3406 for international participants using Conference ID #66765158.

About Verisk Analytics

Verisk Analytics VRSK is a leading provider of information about risk to professionals in insurance, healthcare, financial services, government, and risk management. Using advanced technologies to collect and analyze billions of records, Verisk Analytics draws on vast industry expertise and unique proprietary data sets to provide predictive analytics and decision support solutions in fraud prevention, actuarial science, insurance coverages, fire protection, catastrophe and weather risk, data management, and many other fields. In the United States and around the world, Verisk Analytics helps customers protect people, property, and financial assets. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains forward-looking statements. These statements relate to future events or to future financial performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the use of words such as "may," "could," "expect," "intend," "plan," "target," "seek," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential," or "continue" or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that are, in some cases, beyond our control and that could materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements.

Other factors that could materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements can be found in Verisk's quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, annual reports on Form 10-K, and current reports on Form 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or if our underlying assumptions prove to be incorrect, actual results may vary significantly from what we projected. Any forward-looking statement in this release reflects our current views with respect to future events and is subject to these and other risks, uncertainties, and assumptions relating to our operations, results of operations, growth strategy, and liquidity. We assume no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Notes Regarding the Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

The company has provided certain non-GAAP financial information as supplemental information regarding its operating results. These measures are not in accordance with, or an alternative for, U.S. GAAP and may be different from non-GAAP measures reported by other companies. The company believes that its presentation of non-GAAP measures, such as EBITDA, EBITDA margin, adjusted net income, and adjusted EPS, provides useful information to management and investors regarding certain financial and business trends relating to its financial condition and results of operations. In addition, the company's management uses these measures for reviewing the financial results of the company and for budgeting and planning purposes.

Table 4 below sets forth a reconciliation of net income to EBITDA from continuing operations based on our historical results:

Table 4: EBITDA from Continuing Operations Reconciliation

(in thousands)

  Three Months Ended         Twelve Months Ended      
  December 31,         December 31,      
  2014   2013   Change   2014   2013   Change
Net income $ 97,370     $ 87,223     11.6 %   $ 400,042     $ 348,380     14.8 %
Depreciation and amortization of fixed and intangible assets   37,301       33,841     10.2 %     142,376       129,931     9.6 %
Interest expense   17,588       17,650     (0.4 )%     69,984       76,136     (8.1 )%
Provision for income taxes   60,383       51,428     17.4 %     219,755       196,426     11.9 %
less: Discontinued operations, net of tax   1,940       (848 )   (328.8 )%     (29,177 )     (6,066 )   381.0 %
EBITDA from continuing operations $ 214,582     $ 189,294     13.4 %   $ 802,980     $ 744,807     7.8 %

EBITDA is a financial measure that management uses to evaluate the performance of our segments. In all periods shown here and going forward, the company defines "EBITDA" as net income before interest expense, income taxes, and depreciation and amortization of fixed and intangible assets.

Although EBITDA is frequently used by securities analysts, lenders, and others in their evaluation of companies, EBITDA has limitations as an analytical tool and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for an analysis of our statement of cash flow reported under U.S. GAAP. Management uses EBITDA in conjunction with traditional U.S. GAAP operating performance measures as part of its overall assessment of company performance. Some of these limitations are as follows:

  • EBITDA does not reflect our cash expenditures or future requirements for capital expenditures or contractual commitments.
  • EBITDA does not reflect changes in, or cash requirement for, our working capital needs.
  • Although depreciation and amortization are noncash charges, the assets being depreciated and amortized often will have to be replaced in the future, and EBITDA does not reflect any cash requirements for such replacements.
  • Other companies in our industry may calculate EBITDA differently than we do, limiting the usefulness of their calculations as comparative measures.

Table 5, below, sets forth a reconciliation of net income from continuing operations to adjusted net income from continuing operations and adjusted EPS from continuing operations:

Table 5: Net Income and Adjusted Net Income from Continuing Operations

(in thousands, except per share amounts)

  Three Months Ended         Twelve Months Ended      
  December 31,         December 31,      
  2014   2013   Change   2014   2013   Change
Net Income $ 97,370     $ 87,223     11.6 %   $ 400,042     $ 348,380     14.8 %
plus:  Amortization of intangibles   14,250       14,370             56,870       63,741        
less:  Income tax effect on amortization of intangibles   (5,415 )     (5,461 )           (21,611 )     (24,222 )      
less:  Discontinued operations, net of tax   1,940       (848 )           (29,177 )     (6,066 )      
Adjusted net income from continuing operations $ 108,145     $ 95,284     13.5 %   $ 406,124     $ 381,833     6.4 %
Basic adjusted EPS from continuing operations $ 0.66     $ 0.57     15.8 %   $ 2.45     $ 2.27     7.9 %
Diluted adjusted EPS from continuing operations $ 0.65     $ 0.55     18.2 %   $ 2.40     $ 2.21     8.6 %
Weighted average shares outstanding (in millions)                                          
Basic   163.8       167.9             165.8       168.0        
Diluted   167.1       171.7             169.1       172.3        


Investor Relations
Eva Huston
Senior Vice President, Treasurer, and Chief Knowledge Officer
Verisk Analytics, Inc.

David Cohen
Director, Investor Relations and Business Analytics
Verisk Analytics, Inc.

Rich Tauberman
MWW Group (for Verisk Analytics)

Attached Financial Statements

Please refer to the full Form 10-K filing for the complete financial statements and related notes.
As of December 31, 2014 and 2013

  2014   2013
  (In thousands, except for
share and per share data)
Current assets:              
Cash and cash equivalents $ 39,359     $ 165,801  
Available-for-sale securities   3,801       3,911  
Accounts receivable, net   220,668       158,547  
Prepaid expenses   31,496       25,657  
Deferred income taxes, net   4,772       5,077  
Income taxes receivable   65,512       67,346  
Other current assets   18,875       34,681  
Current assets held-for-sale   -       13,825  
Total current assets   384,483       474,845  
Noncurrent assets:              
Fixed assets, net   302,273       233,373  
Intangible assets, net   406,476       447,618  
Goodwill   1,207,146       1,181,681  
Pension assets   18,589       60,955  
Other assets   26,363       20,034  
Noncurrent assets held-for-sale   -       85,945  
Total assets $ 2,345,330     $ 2,504,451  
Current liabilities:              
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 180,726     $ 188,264  
Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt   336,058       4,448  
Pension and postretirement benefits, current   1,894       2,437  
Fees received in advance   252,592       226,581  
Current liabilities held-for-sale   -       9,449  
Total current liabilities   771,270       431,179  
Noncurrent liabilities:              
Long-term debt   1,100,874       1,271,439  
Pension benefits   13,805       13,007  
Postretirement benefits   2,410       2,061  
Deferred income taxes, net   202,540       198,604  
Other liabilities   43,388       36,043  
Noncurrent liabilities held-for-sale   -       4,529  
Total liabilities   2,134,287       1,956,862  
Commitments and contingencies              
Stockholders' equity:              
Verisk Class A common stock, $.001 par value; 1,200,000,000 shares authorized; 544,003,038 shares issued and 157,913,227 and 167,457,927 shares outstanding, respectively   137       137  
Unearned KSOP contributions   (161 )     (306 )
Additional paid-in capital   1,171,196       1,202,106  
Treasury stock, at cost, 386,089,811 and 376,545,111 shares, respectively   (2,533,764 )     (1,864,967 )
Retained earnings   1,654,149       1,254,107  
Accumulated other comprehensive losses   (80,514 )     (43,488 )
Total stockholders' equity   211,043       547,589  
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 2,345,330     $ 2,504,451  

For the Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2014 and 2013

(In thousands, except for share and per share data)

  Three Months Ended December 31,   Twelve Months Ended December 31,
  2014   2013   2014   2013
Revenues $ 464,864     $ 416,723     $ 1,746,726     $ 1,595,703  
Cost of revenues (exclusive of items shown separately below)   193,582       170,156       716,598       622,523  
Selling, general and administrative   56,934       57,679       227,306       228,982  
Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets   23,051       19,471       85,506       66,190  
Amortization of intangible assets   14,250       14,370       56,870       63,741  
Total expenses   287,817       261,676       1,086,280       981,436  
Operating income   177,047       155,047       660,446       614,267  
Other income (expense):                              
Investment income and others   234       406       158       609  
Interest expense   (17,588 )     (17,650 )     (69,984 )     (76,136 )
Total other expense, net   (17,354 )     (17,244 )     (69,826 )     (75,527 )
Income before income taxes   159,693       137,803       590,620       538,740  
Provision for income taxes   (60,383 )     (51,428 )     (219,755 )     (196,426 )
Income from continuing operations   99,310       86,375       370,865       342,314  
(Loss) income from discontinued operations, net of tax of $1,940 and $665, and $25,305 and $4,753 respectively   (1,940 )     848       29,177       6,066  
Net income $ 97,370     $ 87,223     $ 400,042     $ 348,380  
Basic net income per share:                              
Income from continuing operations $ 0.60     $ 0.51     $ 2.24     $ 2.04  
Income from discontinued operations   (0.01 )     0.01       0.17       0.03  
Basic net income per share $ 0.59     $ 0.52     $ 2.41     $ 2.07  
Diluted net income per share:                              
Income from continuing operations $ 0.59     $ 0.50     $ 2.20     $ 1.99  
Income from discontinued operations   (0.01 )     0.01       0.17       0.03  
Diluted net income per share $ 0.58     $ 0.51     $ 2.37     $ 2.02  
Weighted average shares outstanding:                              
Basic   163,782,061       167,855,888       165,823,803       168,031,412  
Diluted   167,082,091       171,722,557       169,132,423       172,276,360  

For the Years Ended December 31, 2014 and 2013

    2014       2013    
    (In thousands)  
Cash flows from operating activities:                
Net income $ 400,042     $ 348,380    
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:                
Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets   86,501       70,279    
Amortization of intangible assets   56,982       64,299    
Amortization of debt issuance costs and original issue discount   2,638       2,713    
Allowance for doubtful accounts   1,814       2,482    
KSOP compensation expense   15,351       14,930    
Stock based compensation   20,253       21,087    
Gain on sale of subsidiary   (65,410 )     -    
Realized (gain) loss on securities, net   (257 )     92    
Deferred income taxes   24,491       44,140    
Loss on disposal of fixed assets   1,048       628    
Excess tax benefits from exercised stock options   (22,566 )     (109,946 )  
Other operating activities, net   -       448    
Changes in assets and liabilities, net of effects from acquisitions:                
Accounts receivable   (54,515 )     2,106    
Prepaid expenses and other assets   (9,625 )     (2,386 )  
Income taxes   13,760       39,661    
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   12,675       34,022    
Fees received in advance   22,114       26,970    
Pension and postretirement benefits   (14,802 )     (11,392 )  
Other liabilities   (1,042 )     (41,593 )  
Net cash provided by operating activities   489,452       506,920    
Cash flows from investing activities:                
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired of $304 and $0, respectively   (35,192 )     (983 )  
Purchase of non-controlling interest in non-public companies   (5,000 )     -    
Proceeds from sale of subsidiary   151,170       -    
Proceeds from release of acquisition related escrows   -       280    
Capital expenditures   (146,818 )     (145,976 )  
Purchases of available-for-sale securities   (203 )     (5,870 )  
Proceeds from sales and maturities of available-for-sale securities   513       7,484    
Other investing activities, net   -       (561 )  
Net cash used in investing activities   (35,530 )     (145,626 )  
Cash flows from financing activities:                
Repayments of current portion of long-term debt   -       (180,000 )  
Proceeds (repayments) from short-term debt, net   160,000       (10,000 )  
Payment of debt issuance costs   (465 )     (605 )  
Repurchases of Class A common stock   (778,484 )     (277,411 )  
Net share settlement of taxes from restricted stock awards   (1,625 )     -    
Excess tax benefits from exercised stock options   22,566       109,946    
Proceeds from stock options exercised   24,648       80,368    
Other financing activities, net   (5,718 )     (6,770 )  
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities   (579,078 )     (284,472 )  
Effect of exchange rate changes   (1,286 )     (840 )  
(Decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents   (126,442 )     75,982    
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period   165,801       89,819    
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 39,359     $ 165,801    
Supplemental disclosures:                
Taxes paid $ 205,498     $ 126,846    
Interest paid $ 67,231     $ 75,084    
Non-cash investing and financing activities:                
Repurchases of Class A common stock included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ -     $ 3,038    
Deferred tax liability established on the date of acquisitions $ 2,654     $ 1,187    
Tenant improvement allowance $ 9,134     $ -    
Capital lease obligations $ 6,044     $ 10,512    
Capital expenditures included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 76     $ 5,960    

This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Verisk Analytics Inc. via Globenewswire

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