Ford Motor To Trump: 'Our Home Is Here, We Will Be Here Forever'

Republican candidate Donald Trump has often criticized Ford Motor Company F for its plans to invest in production plants in Mexico, and eventually move jobs there.

While it's true that the carmaker will shift some of its cars production abroad in a couple of years, the company has pledged to maintain all of its American workers, only having them produce larger vehicles than they do today.

Interestingly, the first ones to refute Trump’s argument and defend the company were the aforementioned employees. Workers from all ranks took to Facebook Inc FB, Twitter Inc TWTR, and other social media sites to share the correct information and figures.

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Trump has been attacking Ford for months now. A couple of weeks ago, the company finally issued an official response: "Ford has been in the United States for more than 100 years. Our home is here. We will be here forever."

In a Tweet, the company shared some more statistics.


Finally, even the United Auto Workers union decided to point out Trump’s inaccurate statements.


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