How Sinister is the State?


Just how far have our countries gone in the so-called fight against terrorism that they have been waging every single second since 9/11? When we hear our politicians spouting out reams of reasons why we must have this law or that law to protect us every day, the sheeple sit back and listen with baited breath at the shock and horror that is spread out before them by their leaders. Then, what ensues is that those very same politicians that say that we need protection and state intervention actually destroy our world and our countries. Society was destroyed long ago with the lack of meritocracy that was instilled into people, making part of our countries assisted by the welfare state, living off the backs of those that actually wanted to work.

New Laws

But now, our countries have colluded together in a bid to destroy every last ounce of anything that might have been respectably constructed and compounded over the past centuries. Our countries have destroyed what has been built up over centuries in one foul swoop, in just a few years; a mere blink in the eye of the lifetime it took to get where we were. Terrorism didn’t destroy anything but lives and property on 9/11, and that was already far too much. It left the rest to our own states that have destroyed our freedom in the name of the fight against Bush’s axis of evil and the rogue states. But the very heart of that axis of evil is our own elected governments. For some, it is our own fellow citizens that are to blame. For the ones that never voted them in or didn’t vote for the only other party that existed in the largely two-party systems that we have in western nations, their election on a shoestring number of voters is telling of the fact that democracy has gone down the plug hole and was washed away in a quick flush long ago.

Those elected governments have voted wonderful omnipotent laws that allow them, in the name of democracy and protection of people, to remove our freedoms. That was the biggest result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and all of the others that followed suit in London and Madrid. The politicians just have the face for telling the lies that make some believe that their demands for heightened powers are justified. Like lemmings, some accept. Most condone it. Scaremongering is a powerful tool exploited by the state. Our communications are intercepted, our mails are read, our text messages are logged and our calls are monitored. We are followed by GPS-tracking systems and my whereabouts is known at every single minute of the day, even if my cellphone is off. Hard to make a call with the battery removed and stored in aluminum foil in the fridge, isn’t it?

Sinister States

Sinister State

Sinister State

The state has become sinister. It uses those laws today to instill fear in the populations of the western world. Surprisingly (!), it was announced just a few days ago that there will be a terrorist attack somewhere in Europe on a train. Of course, if someone really wanted to, they could enter almost any pubic building, university, school, bus, train or other area and detonate a bomb somewhere in our world. There would be very little possibility of stopping them, despite the surveillance cameras and the policing and the special heightened restrictions. German newspaper Bild reported yesterday that Al-Qaeda was plotting to kill people throughout Europe on high-speed train systems.

Where did that information come from? The National Security Agency of the United States of America, no less. Now, the Europeans must thank President Obama for the wonderful system of complexity that has been created to eavesdrop on us and others around the world. Obama did not only get the Nobel Peace Prize once (for some unknown reason), but he will get it again. A conference call was intercepted by the NSA providing detailed information about attacks on trains and tunnels, cabling and tracks. Sabotage at its very best. Al-Qaeda’s leader Ayan al-Zawahirihad conversations that were intercepted by the NSA with about 20 agents around the world. But, that was back in July. It has only just been revealed? Seems as if they certainly took a while to concoct the reason why we need to havePrism and the eavesdropping invasion of our privacy every day.

British authorities have also announced two new pieces of information regarding their powers and surveillance. Firstly, the Guardian newspaper in the UK has been ordered to destroy all of the Snowden files that they have. The newspaper stated that they would be threatened with legal action if they did not comply with the request. Although, firstly one might well wonder on what grounds that threatened prosecution would be based. Secondly, it also raises questions as to the advantage of doing so. Snowden will have copies and will have also provided other people with that information. Does this mean that the British government will be forcibly making sure that the Guardian no longer publishes anything related to the Snowden affair? A British official told the editor of the Guardian Alan Rusbridger: “You’ve had your fun. Now we want the stuff back”. It seems that the officialdom of the UK might have just got it all wrong. It’s not a question at all of ‘fun’; it’s something far more important. It won’t stop someone else printing it or Greenwald writing about it again on his own blog.

Greenwald and Miranda

Greenwald and Miranda

That revelation comes in the wake of the detention of the partner of the Guardian journalist Glen Greenwald (a US citizen and journalist for the newspaper in the UK). His partner David Miranda was detained at HeathrowAirport on Sunday while flying in transit from Brazil, via Berlin. He was released after being detained for nine hours under Schedule 7 of the UK Terrorism Act 2000. This law allows the questioning and detention of anyone suspected of terrorism in the UK or suspected of carrying out a terrorist act. The Metropolitan Police Service of the UK stated that the questioning of David Miranda was ‘necessary and proportionate’. Has the Metropolitan Police Service become the latest conscripted branch into a political wing that carries out duties of a policed state? Under what grounds did Miranda actually commit a wrong-doing apart from the fact that his partner has been stirring something up around the world by revealing the Snowden files?

  • The Terrorism Act 2000 states that you may be detained for questioning under this law if you have committed a ‘serious crime against a person

  • or even ‘serious damage to a property’.

  • It may also hold you for questioning if you ‘endanger a person’s life

  • or if you have the intention of ‘interfering with an electronic system’.

What damage to either a person or a property or a life or an electronic system did David Miranda carry out?

  • 97% of those that are detained are kept for only one hour in the UK under this law, however.

  • Only 1 person in 2000 is detained for 6 hours. These are the figures released by the British government itself.

Greenwald had told Miranda that he would send him an electronic copy of the files via a Skype conversation. Need we say more?

In a recent poll 54% of Americans believed that Snowden had done the right thing to reveal the surveillance. Only trouble is they also believe (53%) that he and the likes of him should be prosecuted. Although, it is very doubtful (if he ever gets caught) whether or not that trial will really take place.

  • The White House would have to put up with people camping outside the courthouse and demonstrating against the NSA.

  • The NSA would be in the papers every day and that would cause outcry on the international scene and at home in the US.

  • The US government would be restricted in shaping political discourse and it might be the NSA that ends up on trial.

David Miranda has been just another example of the unfailing powers that our states have enabled themselves to possess and that some amongst us have unyieldingly allowed to be put in place.


1984 and the state

1984 and the state

We were told that their new powers of Big Brother gone wrong were turned into other things that were much more fun for a state that was let loose and allowed to go on a rampant mad moment. It would even have sent a shiver down the spine of George Orwell. But what is often largely overlooked in Orwell’s 1984 is the fact that the television surveillance in the novel is not just to watch the people as they go about their daily business, but, it is to re-write history as it happens and change the course of life. Our state politicians have re-written history before it actually happened where we live. Oceania wasn’t a patch on what we have managed to do. The state has the Ministry of Truth has been invented along with the Ministry of Plenty and the Ministry of Peace. Just like Orwell’s Ministries, our versions have the opposite purpose of their names. Truth has been swept away. Plenty for the select few is the only abundance that exists. Peace is there just as long as it’s under our own rule. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and above all Ignorance is Strength. We have arrived; we have it all, by George!

The Ministry of Love has brainwashed some of the citizens in our states, just like in the fictional piece, into believing that Big Brother is to be loyally loved. Welcome to Oceania!

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