Frito-Lay Sets Guinness Record for Most Facebook ‘Likes'

PepsiCo brand Frito-Lay has just set a new Guinness World Record for the “Most Fans on Facebook in 24 Hours” with 1,571,161 new ‘Likes' on 11 April. There was no previous holder for the record. Guinness, which announced the new record yesterday, said Frito-Lay managed to break the record due to a campaign that ran in New York. The brand installed a replica of their ‘Flavor Kitchen' in Times Square and streamed live cooking demonstrations on Facebook. Previous contenders Oreo and L'il Wayne attempted a similar feat in February, but theirs was for the number of ‘Likes' on a status update, not a Facbeook Page, reports Mashable. To celebrate its new record, Frito-Lay is giving away 24,000 free bags of chips; more details can be found on their Facebook Page here. Via