Microsoft-Published Halo 4 Has New Multiplayer Dimension

Gamers worldwide were able to preview what's in store for Microsoft Corporations'
MSFTHalo 4
months ago. What they were not privy to before is that 343 Industries' newest endeavor will now feature multiplayer gameplay.
guides visitors through an exclusive video that offers up new game stills, maps and insider information, including the beginning of a new trilogy. “Launching worldwide this Holiday, “Halo 4” takes the iconic franchise in a bold new direction with the return of Master Chief, and the beginning of a new saga,”
said when describing Microsoft's list of Xbox 360 releases. “We're working within the constraints of what makes Halo, Halo – but trying to make every aspect of it bigger and better,” Halo 4 art manager, Neill Harrison, said in the four minute “Making Halo 4: First Look”
video. Although the video begins with a disclaimer stating that what will be viewed is a current work-in-progress and is subject to change, it has become evident across the internet today that Halo fans are already thrilled with the bit of information they've been given.
says the Master Chief has never looked so good. “I got my first look at Halo 4 at the Xbox 360 Spring Showcase and as a long-time fan of the series, I was instantly blown away with the visual improvements that 343 made to the franchise,” said Alex Martinet of “The environmental improvements are highly superior to the original games.” With the release of not only Halo 4, but Windows 8 as well, Microsoft is gearing up for one of its biggest years yet. According to
, Nomura Securities upped its PT on Microsoft from $32 to $37 and rated the shares Buy. Could the future be even more lucrative with a year-end Halo 4 release? The odds are in company's favor. After Microsoft put a good five years of torment under the belts of gamers eager to get back in front of the television screen, the wait is almost over. “There's still no official release date - just sometime at the end of this year,”
reported today. Microsoft is currently up 21.96% YTD and trading at $31.66.
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