8 Lessons Executives Can Learn From 'House Of Cards'

27% profits every 20 days?

This is what Nic Chahine averages with his options buys. Not selling covered calls or spreads... BUYING options. Most traders don't even have a winning percentage of 27% buying options. He has an 83% win rate. Here's how he does it.

Frank Underwood, the power hungry, smooth talking Southerner in the record-breaking Netflix original series House Of Cards, demonstrates the tenacity and drive of a man that knows how to get to the top.

Here are eight things that executives could learn from Underwood’s thirst for power:

1. “You can’t purchase loyalty.”



One of the deciding factors of a company’s success is a loyal workforce. If executives cannot convince their employees to believe them, it is near impossible to succeed. When an executive demonstrates a commitment to their company (and their employees), they will gain the most invaluable asset of all - loyalty.

2. “Pay attention to the fine print.”


The smallest details can be the most important, so always see them through. Ignore them, and they might come back to bite you.

3. “Treading water is the same as drowning for people like you and me.”


As an executive, you can never stand still. One moment in idle can cripple even the most powerful business, and executives always need to be taking proactive steps to better their brand.

4. "There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong and useless pain, the sort of pain that’s only suffering. I have no patience for useless things."


Every company has the occasional slip up, and the responsibility of an executive is to take the hit, learn from it, and come out stronger on the other end. Pain only truly hurts when nothing good comes of it.

5. "What a martyr craves more than anything is a sword to fall on, so you sharpen the blade, hold it at just the right angle, and then 3-2-1…"


Executives should strive for their company to be so innovative and efficient that when their competition falls, they don’t get back up. Being one step ahead can make your business succeed, while being one step behind can absolutely ruin you (ask Blackberry’s ex-CEO Thorsten Heins).

6. “Money is the Mc-mansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries."


A quick buck is never better than a lasting legacy. As Frank builds a reputation that will go down in history, a great executive builds a great company that can weather any storm.

7. “If you don’t like how the table is set, turn over the table.”


As an executive, you cannot be afraid to take charge. If you feel like your company is headed in the wrong direction, make the tough decisions to put it back on track.

8. And always remember…


27% profits every 20 days?

This is what Nic Chahine averages with his options buys. Not selling covered calls or spreads... BUYING options. Most traders don't even have a winning percentage of 27% buying options. He has an 83% win rate. Here's how he does it.


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Posted In: PoliticsPsychologyTopicsGeneralexecutivesFrank UnderwoodHouse of Cards