

ValuEngine’s models are best used comparatively.Most data points are provided both with the actual data output, as well as the Rank: a scale of 1-100 according to how the stock compares with the rest of the coverage universe. 100 is the top rank (best), 1 is the bottom. VE models are more sophisticated than traditional


Trade Ideas

Every evening and overnight Trade Ideas conducts the ‘Quantitative Combine’ that performs over a million simulated trades. Every morning before the open, Holly’s output displays what trades she made & the reasons why for each trade. The entry & exit prices are also displayed as well as the theoretical hold time. Trade ideas maintains a


Decision Machine

MarketScience identifies structural breaks in financial time-series to indicate favorable risk-adjusted return. MarketScience provides indicators of significant price movement with a six-week future horizon. These feature findings can be collected to produce investment algorithms. Date Date of closing price Symbol Ticker symbol Close Closing Price Pplus Computed, machine learned probability that the value of the