Closing Bell

  • Delivery Frequency/Timezone:

    Intraday API/EST

  • History:

    From 2014

  • Coverage:

    US Equities

  • Format:


Gain insight into how the retail space is ranking and trading stocks through the ClosingBell interactions API. Closing Bell delivers an aggregated feed of social ranking across the US equity universe. Meta-data is also available, including users following a specific equity and views of a specific equity. The dataset includes over 100,000 ratings from 4,000 daily contributors.

User ID

The Unique ID of the user on ClosingBell


Company symbol


The rating:

1 = Strong Sell

2 = Moderate Sell

3 = Hold

4 = Moderate Buy

5 = Strong Buy



The price target as a percentage


The action of the rating:


1 = Initiated

2 = Upgraded

3 = Downgraded

4 = Reiterated



Number of people who agreed with rating


Number of people who disagreed with the rating


Number of comments on the rating


Force Expired

Whether or not the user chose to expire the rating before the expiration date

Created Date

When the rating was created

Expired Date

When the rating expires or expired

Benzinga’s data samples are intended to provide a data sample large enough for testing data quality and application for the financial markets.  These sample files demonstrate a sample of the formats and content that can be delivered