

SESAMm strives to make big data easy to ingest. Their NLP engine works through +250 thousand data sources to create a sentiment based leading indicator. Their output is focused on a robust, easy to understand format that allows filtering by financial vs non-financial text, filter by data source (news, social trading, blogs, etc) and by



Stocksnips reads millions of articles using natural language processing and extracts relevant financial news snippets. These are attributed to the right company and then scored by Machine Learning models that have been trained to deliver accuracy. Automated (near) real-time news analysis further expands the universe of quantified data available to security analysts and enables a



Flowtech overcomes the old concept of positive / negative ‘Sentiment’ by providing 10 emotional indices that represent the different emotions that drive the markets. These indices are measured using a scientific model recognized worldwide and used by psychologists to describe emotional states. Data descriptions Timestamp_UTC Timestamp ID Unique ID of the output Platform The abbreviation