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ERIEBANK Opens in Meadville


MEADVILLE, Pa., Sept. 10 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- William F. Falger, President & CEO of CNB Financial Corporation (Nasdaq: CCNE), is pleased to introduce a temporary ERIEBANK office in Meadville to serve as a full service office during the next several months while the new concept banking center is built.

ERIEBANK, a subsidiary of CNB Bank, has opened the doors at 885 Park Avenue to serve the immediate needs of the local community during the interim period of new building construction. The temporary office provides the same full-service capabilities you would come to expect with any bank branch office.

In September, 2008, Steve Cappellino, Senior Vice President of ERIEBANK, established a loan production office in Meadville and began making plans for this much-anticipated full-service office. Over the past year, Mr. Cappellino has been developing and managing new business and consumer relationships in the Meadville area. In addition to introducing the community to ERIEBANK's products and services, he has been actively looking for the perfect site for the full-service branch operations and working diligently with local authorities to make this transpire. The new concept building is expected to be completed by the second quarter of 2010 and will be the fifth in a series of new concept banking centers built for the Erie community.

"There were some unexpected delays in the building approval process and we are excited to provide the full array of banking services that ERIEBANK has to offer," stated Mr. Cappellino. "The community is anxious as well and that's why we decided to bring the temporary office in during the building construction time period."

In addition to Mr. Cappellino, the temporary office will initially be staffed with two experienced professionals to serve the diverse financial needs of the businesses and residents of the Meadville community. Community Office Manager Matthew Feleppa and Universal Associate Kerryann Boozer are trained in all aspects of banking. Each will be able to service all your financial needs from making a regular banking transaction to helping with a loan to discussing options on how to invest.

CNB Financial Corporation is a $1.1 billion bank holding company conducting business primarily through CNB Bank, the Corporation's principal subsidiary. CNB Bank operations include one loan production office, a private banking division, and twenty-six full-service offices in Pennsylvania, including ERIEBANK, a division of CNB Bank.

SOURCE CNB Financial Corporation

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