Bryan Passman

Co-Founder & Head Hunter

Hunter + Esquire

Bryan Passman is the Co-Founder of a leading talent acquisition firm, Hunter + Esquire, serving the cannabis and psychedelics industry’s needs for leadership talent and strategic human capital advisement. He is globally renowned in executive search and advisory in the Cannabis, Psychedelics, MedTech/ Pharma/Biotech, and Food & Beverage (FMCG) Consumer Packaged Goods industries. Before co-founding Hunter + Esquire in 2017 with his wife Jessica, Bryan spent 18 years as an SVP Recruitment and Client Leader at two different retained search agencies where he led teams responsible for successfully managing talent searches globally. He has spent his entire career succeeding in retained executive search – with a foundation of classical training by the MRINetwork and Dale Carnegie. Hunter + Esquire’s hiring partners benefit greatly from Bryan’s ability to communicate, train, and execute on the intricacies of the “high-touch” executive search and talent acquisition process as well as from his eye for talent, and “fit”. Bryan’s unwavering commitment to hard work, transparency, candid communication, attention to detail, follow-up, passion for what he does & creative problem-solving are some of the cornerstones to Hunter + Esquire’s success.