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Jamie Blundell

President & COO

Cannabis Growth Opportunity Corporation

CGOC believes the true value of the cannabis industry will be seen through a long-term, actively managed strategy. As president & COO, Jamie leads a team of cannabis industry experts to build and manage a diverse portfolio of private and public investments throughout the emerging cannabis ecosystem. His primary focus is on growing the overall portfolio of the company and delivering long term value creation for its shareholders. In addition, Jamie supports the private investment companies with his business experience and access to the capital markets.

Jamie brings over 25 years of experience in senior leadership roles. He has a broad range of experience and operational expertise in rapidly growing companies, has directly managed teams of over 1,000 employees, and has had extensive dealings with mergers and acquisitions, private equity firms and large corporate divestitures. With his diverse cross functional work experience and knowledge of international markets, he has been an integral part of numerous business transformation, turn around and growth situations. Jamie earned an executive MBA from Queens University in 2000, is currently a director of CGOG, a CSE listed company and sits on several advisory boards for private cannabis companies.