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Holly Ford


Cannabis 10X

Holly A Ford is the Co-Founder of Cannabis 10X – the first Cannabis/Hemp-only Business Brokerage in the US; and the Founder and CEO of International Business Brokerage, Zarian Firm.

Ford is an award-winning franchise developer; contributor to 13 publications on business acquisitions and franchising; frequent radio & blog guest and the Co-anchor of West420 News. Her 2019 book; Create Your Own Wealth – A Collection of Two-Minute Topics on Franchising – earned the status of 2019 Best Selling new release.

As a Trainer and Keynote Speaker. Ford employs the rich resources and stunning business success of Tony Robbins, and Bert and John Jacobs (Life is Good), to infuse individuals and business owners with the  transformational power that creates real success.

Ford is mission-driven to "Empower Humanity with Creative Force". She is the co-founder of Freedom Flower, a powerful organization that focuses on 'Just Laws' and true freedom for all of humanity. In the business sector, she has ignited an initiative to leverage businesses world-wide as a social entrepreneurial catalyst for global change through her program ‘Impact Franchising.