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Doug Mains



Douglas Mains specializes in government relations and regulatory law, with a particular emphasis on providing strategic advice to clients regarding public policy, legislation, and regulatory issues. After serving as a Senior Policy Advisor and Deputy Legal Counsel to two Speakers of the Michigan House of Representatives, Mr. Mains has extensive contacts throughout the Capitol and is particularly adept at helping clients positively interact with state agencies, elected officials, and executive and legislative staff.

Mr. Mains also has extensive experience as a litigation attorney, representing a wide array of clients in state and federal courts, as well as in administrative proceedings. Mr. Mains has been appointed a Special Assistant Attorney General on multiple occasions, representing state agencies, legislators, and executive staff in a number of high-profile lawsuits.

Having helped draft the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act and the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act, Mr. Mains is recognized as being at the forefront of Michigan’s evolving cannabis and hemp laws. In addition to being frequently asked to speak on legislative and legal developments in those industries, Mr. Mains also regularly advises members of the Michigan Legislature and legislative staff on cannabis-related issues.